This article is about the Wiki Arena.
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Please read the rules. Violation of the rules will cause your vote to be deleted. It's just easier on us, people.

Hello, and welcome to the Mirage Arena, kupo! I'm the Moogle's Medal Shop Owner, Moogle, and I shall be your host for these glorious battles, kupo! Once a week, fights will be hosted here, the contenders varying from Sora himself, to a Shadow Heartless. After four months of fights, the 16 winners will be pitted against each other in the Joint Struggle! Without further ado, let us begin! Start voting! And don't forget to nominate! Kupo!

And Here are the Rules

Functionally, this is a popularity contest. You may vote for your favorite or who you think would win in an competition between the two combatants that week.

  • You may vote only once.
  • You must be a registered user to vote.
  • You must have at least 125 quality edits before voting. Check your editcount Here, by typing in your username.
    • Please check for: Mainspace, Image, Main Page Template, Walkthrough, Card, Kingdom Hearts Wiki and MediaWiki edits..
  • If you are a user, please include your vote in the user section. If you are not logged in when you vote, your vote will be removed.
  • To vote, type the following "#~~~~", afterward including any reasons for voting you may wish to include. If you do not sign your vote, it will be removed.
  • Add your votes to the bottom of the list. Please do not post anything offensive and/or extraordinarily lengthy or it will be removed.
  • If you wish to comment on the fight, please leave your remarks in the Keyblade Graveyard. You are expected to conduct yourself with courtesy. Comments must relate to the fight at hand. If the comment is flaming a character (Which may or may not start an extremely heated argument or fight), or another editor they shall be removed.
  • Do not alter the format of this page.

Any failure to adhere to these rules will result in your vote(s) being removed or loss of voting privileges . Ties may be called if the victor won by a margin of 10% or less.

Round 1, Week 1: Sora v. Riku

What a way to begin our proceedings! A fight that has been around almost as long as Kingdom Hearts itself. Who will win? The Keyblade Master by "accident" fated to open the Door to Light? Or the Keyblade Master who fell to Darkness and walks the path to Dawn? WINNER!

Votes for Sora

  1. Nuhu, Sora is the best and always will be.User:Redeemer & Destroyer/Sig01:59, July 11, 2010 (UTC)
  2. I have always faved Riku as a protagonist because of his storyline. But where Keyblade wielding is concerned, Sora was meant to be saved in the first Kingdom Hearts. Also, no one else pulls off the silly side better than he does. Sora gets my vote. TROISNYX   AMDG 02:08, July 11, 2010 (UTC)
  3. Sora was a little grating early in the series, but he improved, and he took down nearly the entire Organization, plus Ansem and all the Disney and FF villains. Point, Sora.LapisLazuliScarab03:52, July 11, 2010 (UTC)
  4. Sora's always upbeat and optimistic, and manages to make everyone around him smile. And let's not forget that he's the only person that's managed to survive being turned into a Heartless. Without Sora, Xehanort would have destroyed the Universe ten times over, don't you think?
    Pawprintorange.png Dan - Don't Blink! Pawprintblue2.png 11:07, July 11, 2010 (UTC)
  5. Duel welding vs. dark powers...however, it all comes down to what the series is all about: heart. And Sora's got it in spades. BebopKate 20:25, July 11, 2010 (UTC)
  6. Sora is always optimistic, makes everyone smile, doesn't give in, and doesn't break promises. He's much stronger than Riku in body, mind, heart, and light in general. Sora never let the darkness control him, but Riku let it easily. Plus Sora's destined for great things, and Riku's just there backing him up. User:FuronXXXX/Sig 10:44, July 11, 2010 (UTC)
  7. Sora for the win Riku's story only has the words Darkness in it and Sora pawns Riku every time.   Wolf  
  8. I'm voting for Sora here, I just never really liked Riku. Danjam 03:05, July 15, 2010 (UTC)
  9. I definitely vote for Sora. - LevL 16:35, July 15, 2010 (UTC)
  10. One word: Roxas. Without Sora, there is no Roxas. No Roxas = very bad.--Xion4ever 17:56, July 15, 2010 (UTC)

Votes for Riku

  1. Durr, of course I'm voting for Riku. Riku>Sora, any day. KKDf51ce887-d120-4b89-8cff-afbff03976aa_zps7f114bcc.png
  2. Riku is SUPERIOR -- LegoAlchemist  01:59, July 11, 2010 (UTC)
  3. Hell yeah! Sora, you are the weakest link, goodbye. [Ѧüя◎ґ]
  4. Embrace the Darkness. That's what my mom used to say... Just kidding. One must see that Riku is superior in intellect as well as strength. Plus, he was chosen to be a Keyblade master before Sora. KRCCFNF is tired of being STEPPED ON.
  5. I don't hate Sora, but... it's Riku. --JFH_Sig_zpsfaa1e7d5.jpg 02:24, July 13, 2010 (UTC)
  6. Riku can control darkness but is still light and he can look like Ansem!Org13left.png Organization13 Org13right.png 09:56, July 13, 2010 (UTC)
  7. Riku's been my favorite character in the Kingdom Hearts series since I first played CoM, my first KH game. - EternalNothingnessXIII 14:23, July 13, 2010 (UTC)
  8. Simply because his growth in power and maturity and because donald and goofy aren't here to back sora up --ShadowsTwilight 20:10, July 13, 2010 (UTC)
  9. I vote for Riku.--Samoth 05:51, July 15, 2010 (UTC)
  10. Riku knows how to wield both Darkness and Light, giving him balance. Plus, he has his own personal demon in Ansem the Dark, and he conquered him. Also, it gets a little old playing as Sora all the time.--ShadowXemnas!!! 16:22, July 15, 2010 (UTC)
  11. Sorry Sora but Riku beats you hands down. His traveling the road to the dawn makes him more powerful then Sora ever could be. genesisrocks

Keyblade Graveyard

The fight has changed a lot since its first release after Kingdom Hearts. I'm actually not surprised. TROISNYX   AMDG 03:23, July 11, 2010 (UTC)

What do you mean by that, Trois? KKDf51ce887-d120-4b89-8cff-afbff03976aa_zps7f114bcc.png

Given the storyline additions, and how Nomura worked hard to clear Riku's name from post-Kingdom Hearts, I'm actually not surprised at what's gonna be the outcome. I admit that my choice was a difficult one. TROISNYX   AMDG 03:30, July 11, 2010 (UTC)

Having all the KH game to analyse we indeed see that Riku got a lot of Good Boy Stars after the first Kingdom Hearts. And because of that Sora got a little to vanilla.User:Redeemer & Destroyer/Sig03:32, July 11, 2010 (UTC)

The key : always take the road less taken. ;-) They should also take time to see the beta trailer of KH1 before anything. TROISNYX   AMDG 03:34, July 11, 2010 (UTC)

I just like Riku 'cause I can relate to him a lot more than Sora. KKDf51ce887-d120-4b89-8cff-afbff03976aa_zps7f114bcc.png
For me it is the other way around.User:Redeemer & Destroyer/Sig03:37, July 11, 2010 (UTC)

I saw the beta... Riku sure looked evil, more evil them Ansem Seeker of Darkness.User:Redeemer & Destroyer/Sig03:43, July 11, 2010 (UTC)

The beta is scary, eh ? But that's partly owing to the fact that all the renders were crude in the beta stage ; even Sora's and Kairi's. Donald and Goofy looked like they could fit into a DS more than a PS2. Also, it'd have been more natural if there were boxes in the road leading from the 2nd to the 3rd District, like in the beta. TROISNYX   AMDG 09:40, July 11, 2010 (UTC)
Scary is not enough to describe Kairi's Exorcist face. Those eyes were looking inside my soul! An interesting note: the slogan is "You are the one who will open the door." and through the whole game Sora only closes things. Ironic.User:Redeemer & Destroyer/Sig16:48, July 11, 2010 (UTC)
How do you get to the beta? is there still some type of disc or downoad or what? User:Uther sablemane
It's the beta trailer. Not the beta version of the game.User:Redeemer & Destroyer/Sig20:15, July 11, 2010 (UTC)
The slogan still remains ; nevertheless, SoRiKa's faces were scary indeed. TROISNYX   AMDG 00:07, July 12, 2010 (UTC)

Uum, voters for Sora? Could you please give less... well, large explanations? They're huge, and very misleading... we don't need a paragraph as to why you want Sora to win. Don't the rules ban that anyway? -- LegoAlchemist  00:03, July 13, 2010 (UTC)

After this batlle that rule shall be modified to the max of three line per vote.User:Redeemer & Destroyer/Sig00:07, July 13, 2010 (UTC)
How many lines you type isn't exactly easy to moderate. Just saying. Can't we just agree to give brief explanations, or none, and have your parograph in an edit summery? Saves space, if you ask me. -- LegoAlchemist  00:09, July 13, 2010 (UTC)
Indeed, controling the line isn't easy. A vote like Kate's is perfect. Explains the reason you voted in few words. We have the Graveyard especially for the comments.User:Redeemer & Destroyer/Sig00:14, July 13, 2010 (UTC)

I say 1 sentence. anything else gets removed by one of us. KKDf51ce887-d120-4b89-8cff-afbff03976aa_zps7f114bcc.png

Too harsh, KKD.User:Redeemer & Destroyer/Sig00:16, July 13, 2010 (UTC)
No, too frank. I agree. That, or two short ones. If people don't follow the rules, we have to do something. -- LegoAlchemist  00:19, July 13, 2010 (UTC)
no, we don't remove the vote. We take out whatever wasn't in the first sentence. KKDf51ce887-d120-4b89-8cff-afbff03976aa_zps7f114bcc.png

Awesome idea guys! Oh,how the sea calls 15:06, July 13, 2010 (UTC)

Seriously, are the rules not clear enough? Why can't users just read the rules? Does blinking text really not catch anyone's attention? -- LegoAlchemist  19:13, July 13, 2010 (UTC)

Actually Lego, the blinking doesn't work for me ;) But otherwise, I agree, rules need to be read. By everyone. Pawprintorange.png Dan - Don't Blink! Pawprintblue2.png 19:16, July 13, 2010 (UTC)
If you ask me, I say all links to the arena link directly to the Rules. From the rules, there's a link to the voting page. I mean, seriously, this is getting ridiculous. -- LegoAlchemist  19:25, July 13, 2010 (UTC)
I think people refuse to "understand" the rules... EDIT: Lego, people ignore the rules here. In the rules page they would just look for the link without reading the rulesUser:Redeemer & Destroyer/Sig19:27, July 13, 2010 (UTC)

Okay, then by Dan36's suggestion, I'm putting a large and ugly usermessage telling people to read the rules. -- LegoAlchemist  19:52, July 13, 2010 (UTC)