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Name Crono Silverius
IRC Nicks SilverCrono, Crono|Anything, SC
Date of Birth June 3rd
Favorite Animal Cows. They rule.
Weapon Hellish Claws
Accomplishments Admin at ATWiki, 1000 edits
Kingdom Hearts Wiki Character

About Meh

I is Gemini. Read about us.

"Gemini go everywhere together, hand-in-hand, symbolizing your dual nature. Our world comes in pairs: good and evil, male and female, in and out, yin and yang -- and you Geminis are living proof. Some might say Gemini are an entanglement of paradoxes, but the truth is that Gemini have an easy acceptance of opposites. Gemini world is one of duality. Gemini can like this and that, one thing and its opposite. It's like you see your world through a radio and Gemini can tune experiences and points of view in and out as your interests change.

You Geminis are curious, talkative, versatile and mentally active. Your mind can bounce around from one topic to another with great ease, making Gemini the champion of cocktail party chatter and lighthearted social encounters. Others will think that Gemini are fun to be with, but your ability to change with the changing winds can also lead others to see Gemini as shallow.

Gemini motto might be "A rolling stone gathers no moss." You are the eternally youthful child, no matter your chronological age. A razor-sharp wit can have you verbally dueling with the very best of opponents, who moments later are your best of friends. As you fly through life, don't forget to take time to smell the flowers."

...So true. *sniff*


These are users that are my friends! (Obviously) Being my friend has many benefits. You get a portion of my awesomeness (it's infinite, so don't be shy to ask!), irresistible to all women/men (I'm not here to judge), and you automatically get good grades. Oh, and if you also like Pantera/Metallica, you also get a cookie. Yayz! To become my friend, just ask me, or talk to me on the IRC. I might ask you to be friends, and if I do, then I'll add you on here (if you say yes, of course). If you are my friend, please use this userbox. Thanks! signature list idea from Org. XIII. If I didn't sue yours, you either don't have one or I can't find it.

Bubble Guide

UserMale2.png This user is male.
bB42t12.png This user is a fan of Terra.

The character profiles were taken from LA's Archive. Thanks, LegoAlchemist! Okay, now that I'm done showing that off, check out my sig! Ag (Silver) - 47 107.8682 amu ~Crono  

Isn't it awesome? Saix rules. And I even fixed it to include the time! I'm a genius, I know ;) Oh, and here's my auto-sig: テラ、彼はザックに似 ている勝利で作られた。 18:43, June 28, 2010 (UTC)


SC Part 2

Template:User Lucky Charms

ooQPoJr.png This user loves the song Rage Awakened.
Yoruichi_Shihouin_by_soraxP-1.jpg This user is a good friend of OathkeeperKH.
echo.gif This user is a good friend of SquareEnixRocks.
Goat.jpg This user hates goats. With a passion!
mypictr_50x50-3.jpg This user is a crazy happy friend of HikariKH.
LsZ7CQm.png This user is a fan of the Final Fantasy games.
kDErcyR.png This user edits the Final Fantasy Wiki, under the name SilverCrono.

Template:User Pleasestandby

JFHtalk.png This user is a friend of JFHavoc, and assists in the wreaking of havoc.

51jqMJU.png This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.

Template:User Unbirth Template:User Puppy Template:User Tutorial Template:User Singing Template:User Zexion Quote

DobGD0s.png This user is no more eternal than that radiance of yours...
zpt3vzO.png This user is a master of the moon. Now move aside!

Template:User Saix Quote Template:User WikiMercenary

en This user is a native speaker of English.

Template:User smiley

SilverCrono's Subpages
VanitasSymbol_zpsfa25123d.png Main/Contact Pages VanitasSymbol_zpsfa25123d.png
Talk Page - Contribs - User Page+ - FFWiki Page - Chronopedia Page - Talk Bubble Images - IRC
VanitasSymbol_zpsfa25123d.png SC Only Pages VanitasSymbol_zpsfa25123d.png

Sandbox - Talk Bubble - Signature - AutoSig - This Template