Phantom is an optional boss from Kingdom Hearts.

Phantom was one of the powerful Heartless released by the final Keyhole to wreak destruction.

Phantom haunted the clock tower until Sora was sent by Tinker Bell to stop it. It was able to cast a spell that used the clock tower to count down to remove one of Sora's friends from battle, one by one, until the spell reached Sora. However, Sora was able to stop the spell temporarily by using Stop magic on the clock tower. Phantom had other attacks, including a simple slash and a spell that sent out a puff of darkness to suck on Sora's health. Its main defense was to hide his weak point, a orb with a heart shape in it. Further, when the orb was revealed, it was only able to be damaged by one specific magic or attack at a time, with the orb color-coordinated to the current weakness. Despite this, Sora was able to defeat Phantom, letting him fade into the town and gaining a Stop magic upgrade.
