Type Nobody
Alliegance Xemnas
Weapon Keyblade
Reaction Command Dodge Roll, Parry
Fought The World that Never Was
Drops Heartbreaker keychain (rarely)
Followers Here, none yet
Mortal Enemies Here, none yet.

Greetings kiddies. I am Drake Clawfang. Those of you know me, it is good to see you. Those of you who do not...well, don't worry, you will come to know and fear me in time. Well, alright, in all seriousness I'm a staffie over on the Final Fantasy Wiki who has completed Kingdom Hearts I and II and decided to swing in here and say hi. I mostly stick to large scale clean-up here

Feel free to drop me a line or pop in on my FF Wiki userpage, where I've done a lot of work on the pages there.

Also, to my great pride I've completed the Kingdom Hearts II journal on Proud Mode. Woot for me!


"Every time someone says the attack is called "Sin Harvest", a puppy has a heart attack"
—Me on "Heartless Angel"

Save the puppies.


The Sandbox

My original boss

Kingdom Hearts in Dissidia

Kingdom Hearts Review

Kingdom Hearts II Review

Chain of Memories Deck


Category Best Second Best Third Best Worst
World Hollow Bastion The World That Never Was Twilight Town Atlantica (KH2)
KH Keychain Oathkeeper Lionheart Oblivion Metal Chocobo
KH2 Keychain Oblivion Ultima Weapon Oathkeeper Photon Debugger
Nobody Sorcerer Samurai Dragoon Berserker
Heartless Invisible Morning Star Defender Large Body
Boss Xemnas Sephiroth (KH2) Xehanort's Heartless Phantom
Original Character Riku Roxas Sora Demyx
Final Fantasy Character Cloud Aerith Leon Yuffie
Disney Villain Hades MCP Maleficent Ursula
Disney Hero Jack Sparrow Beast Tron Hercules
Overall Villain Xemnas Hades MCP Ursula
Overall Hero Riku Roxas Cloud Hercules
Overall Character Riku Roxas Cloud Ursula