Oh no! The water! I'm in big trouble if I don't fetch it!
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Bosses are common enemies in the Kingdom Hearts series. They are more difficult and often larger enemies the normal monster. Often Bosses will happen to have some kind of significant role in the storyline.
List of Bosses
Kingdom Hearts
- Darkside
- Wakka
- Selphie
- Tidus
- Tidus, Selphie and Wakka
- Riku
- Darkside
- Leon
- Guard Armor
- Queen of Hearts, The Hearts Cards and The Sward Cards
- Trickmaster
- Sabor
- Clayton and Stealth Sneak
- Cloud
- Cerberus
- Guard Armor
- Opposite Armor
- Red Armor (Final Mix)
- Pot Centipede
- Tiger Head
- Jafar and Genie
- Jafar (Genie) and Iago
- Parasite Cage
- Parasite Cage
- Leon and Yuffie
- Shark
- Ursula, Flotsam and Jetsam
- Giant Ursula
- Lock, Shock and Barrel
- Oogie Boogie
- Mega Oogie
- Anti-Sora
- Captain Hook
- Cloud
- Hercules
- Dark-Riku
- Maleficent
- Maleficient (Dragon)
- Dark Riku
- Behemoth
- Yuffie
- Behemoth
- Red Armor (Final Mix)
- Sneak Army (Final Mix)
- Cerberus
- Opposite Armor
- Leon and Cloud
- Hades
- Sneak Army (Final Mix)
- Sneak Army (Final Mix)
- Rock Titan
- Chimera (Final Mix)
- Behemoth
- Behemoth
- Chernabog
- Behemoth
- Ansem and Guardian
- Darkside
- Ansem and Guardian
- Ansem
- Artillery
- Face
- Room Core
- World of Chaos: After he lost in Destiny Islands, Ansem releases all his powers and summons a large ark-typed Heartless. Capable of firing large destructive lasers.
Secret Bosses
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
- Unknown (Tutorial)
- Leon (Tutorial)
- Guard Armor
- Axel
- Jafar (Genie) and Iago
- Cloud
- Hades
- Parasite Cage
- Monstro
- Trickmaster
- Oogie Boogie
- Larxene
- Gigantic Ursula
- Riku Replica
- Hook
- Riku Replica
- Maleficent (Dragon)
- Vexen
- Vexen
- Riku Replica
- Darkside
- Riku Replica
- Larxene
- Axel
- Marluxia
- Marluxia's Spectre
- Marluxia's Angelic (Re:Com)
- Maleficent (Dragon)
- Ansem and Guardian
- Jafar (Genie) and Iago
- Parasite Cage
- Vexen
- Hook
- Guard Armor
- Riku Replica
- Gigantic Ursula
- Hades
- Trickmaster
- Oogie Boogie
- Lexaeus
- Darkside
- Zexion (Re: Com)
- Riku Replica
- Dark-Ansem
Kingdom Hearts II
- Seifer (Struggle)
- Twilight Thorn
- Hayner (Struggle)
- Vivi (Struggle)
- Axel
- Setzer (Struggle)
- Roxas's Shadow
- Axel
- Shan Yu and Hayabusa
- Thresholder and Possessor
- The Beast
- Shadow Stalker
- Dark Thorn
- Cerberus
- Demyx
- Pete
- Hydra
- Pete (?)
- Retro-Pete
- Retro-Pete
- Leon (Squall) and Yuffie Kisaragi
- Undead Pirate-A, Undead Pirate-B and Undead Pirate-C
- Captain Barbossa, Undead Barbossa and Illuminator
- Blizzard Lord and Volcanic Lord
- Prison Keeper
- Oogie Boogie Santa
- Shenzi, Banzai and Ed
- Scar
- Cerberus
- Hostile Program
- Demyx
- Orguil
- Unknown
- Storm Rider
- Xaldin
- Grim Reaper
- Grim Reaper
- Hades
- Jafar (Genie)
- Hercules
- Christmast Lock, Snow Shock and Ren Barrel
- Robot
- Shenzi, Banzai and Ed
- Scar's Ghost
- Groundshaker
- Sark
- Commander Sark and Master Control Program
- Organization XIII (Final Mix+)
- Xigbar
- Luxord
- Saïx
- Xemnas
- Hades
- Leon (Squall) and Yuffie Kisaragi
- Cerberus
- Hercules
- Volcanic Lord
- Yuffie Kisaragi and Tifa
- Blizzard Lord
- Pete
- Cloud Strife and Tifa
- Hades
- Leon (Squall) and Cloud Strife
- Cerberus
- Leon (Squall), Yuffie Kisaragi, Cloud Strife and Tifa
- Hades
- Xemnas (Armor)
- Dragoon's Ship
- Inexistent World
Optional Bosses
- Sephiroth (3 Wing)
- AntiForm and Absent Silhouette (Final Mix+)
- Absent Silhouette (Final Mix+)
- Absent Silhouette (Final Mix+)
- Absent Silhouette (Final Mix+)
- Absent Silhouette (Final Mix+)
- N°4 (Final Mix+)
- N°12 (Final Mix+)
- N°11 (Final Mix+)
- N°5 (Final Mix+)
- N°6 (Final Mix+)
- N°9 (Final Mix+)
- N°3 (Final Mix+)
- N°8 (Final Mix+)
- N°2 (Final Mix+)
- N°10 (Final Mix+)
- N°7 (Final Mix+)
- N°1 (Final Mix+)
- N°1, N°2, N°3, N°4, N°5, N°6, N°7, N°8, N°9, N°10, N°11, N°12 and Organization XIII Mushrooms (Final Mix+)
- AntiForm and Vexen (Final Mix+)
- Larxene (Final Mix+)
- Marluxia (Final Mix+)
- Lexaeus (Final Mix+)
- Zexion (Final Mix+)
- Demyx (Final Mix+)
- Xaldin (Final Mix+)
- Axel (Final Mix+)
- Organization XIII (Final Mix+)
- Xigbar (Final Mix+)
- Luxord (Final Mix+)
- Saïx (Final Mix+)
- Xemnas (Final Mix+)
- "Lingering Sentiment" (Final Mix+)