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ZCJquqR.png Can't believe it... That stupid peddler let Jafar out of the lamp!
Code: {{user Aladdin Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 3
Code: {{user Aladdin Q|1}}
wtRhWxR.png But if you can, it'd be great if you could go along with them and help Sora find Jasmine.
Code: {{user Aladdin Q|2}}
fxKymYh.png Aw, she could never fall for a guy like me.
Code: {{user Aladdin Q|3}}
7fdWlTs.png Of course! I've done absolutely nothing wrong!
Code: {{user Alice Q}}   (edit, links)
g4NfRG4.png They do seem... a little different. Where are you from?
Code: {{user Ariel Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
ElUPDdo.png Sorry, I don't have time to explain. Just promise you won't tell!
Code: {{user Ariel Q|1}}
g4NfRG4.png They do seem... a little different. Where are you from?
Code: {{user Ariel Q|2}}
5FSl7PE.png I'll always be a beast. So, I should live like a beast.
Code: {{user Beast Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 4
AYJlYRT.png I told you before, I'm not leaving without Belle.
Code: {{user Beast Q|1}}
kgjvNH2.png When our world fell into darkness, Belle was taken from me.
Code: {{user Beast Q|2}}
meNcv8X.png What does he want here?
Code: {{user Beast Q|3}}
5FSl7PE.png I'll always be a beast. So, I should live like a beast.
Code: {{user Beast Q|4}}
wC8yZ4O.png I wish you could start trusting me.
Code: {{user Belle Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
wC8yZ4O.png I wish you could start trusting me.
Code: {{user Belle Q|1}}
L3TCvkH.png Oh, I'm so happy you're here!
Code: {{user Belle Q|2}}
xHsxiq7.png Just remember, this is no pleasure cruise. It won't be a pleasant voyage.
Code: {{user CaptHook Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 3
Code: {{user CaptHook Q|1}}
Code: {{user CaptHook Q|2}}
Code: {{user CaptHook Q|3}}
IsazrXR.png There's gotta be a mistake. Everybody voted for Captain Justice. I made sure!
Code: {{user CaptJustice Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 3
rI7uovr.png Well, if it ain't the last kid Captain Justice saved.
Code: {{user CaptJustice Q|1}}
eKPdX0b.png Tada! Wearing the mask of peace and hope... comes the fearless defender and hero of this town!
Code: {{user CaptJustice Q|2}}
IsazrXR.png There's gotta be a mistake. Everybody voted for Captain Justice. I made sure!
Code: {{user CaptJustice Q|3}}
ydTMuWc.png Disguised in shadows, the rogue racer reigns! I am Captain Dark!
Code: {{user CaptDark Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 4
ydTMuWc.png Disguised in shadows, the rogue racer reigns! I am Captain Dark!
Code: {{user CaptDark Q|1}}
Code: {{user CaptDark Q|2}}
pekGu9x.png You yahoos just wait-- next time, I'll clobber all of you!
Code: {{user CaptDark Q|3}}
ZPlRIje.png And you must be the chump who made me miss a new track record.
Code: {{user CaptDark Q|4}}
n2kFgTT.png I hate fighting, but I have my orders.
Code: {{user Card Soldier Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
G89uPU1.png Are you ready to present evidence before the queen?
Code: {{user Card Soldier Q|1}}
n2kFgTT.png I hate fighting, but I have my orders.
Code: {{user Card Soldier Q|2}}
sFGiIYR.png You'll have a better view from higher up.
Code: {{user Cheshire Q}}   (edit, links)
dgz9Nif.png Oh, well... What's a royal ball?
Code: {{user Cinderella Q}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Clara Q}}   (edit, links)
yk2cyVr.png You can often find Pete at the pier up ahead.
Code: {{user Clarabelle Q}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Clayton Q}}   (edit, links)
r1VEcRY.png I know it's an important mission, but you could at least check in every once in a while.
Code: {{user Daisy Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
r1VEcRY.png I know it's an important mission, but you could at least check in every once in a while.
Code: {{user Daisy Q|1}}
JFBz3y4.png Donald, you forgot about our date again! You'd better have a good excuse this time!
Code: {{user Daisy Q|2}}
axlIhbc.png Aw phooey. I'm not scared--
Code: {{user Donald Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 7
WK3eeIt.png Don't worry. We'll find the king and this "key."
Code: {{user Donald Q|1}}
12biGot.png You got heroes standing right in front of you.
Code: {{user Donald Q|2}}
axlIhbc.png Aw phooey. I'm not scared--
Code: {{user Donald Q|3}}
G2msm4N.png This boat runs on happy faces.
Code: {{user Donald Q|4}}
wPq22mn.png The question is, will there be enough to satisfy me...?
Code: {{user Donald Q|5}}
Code: {{user Donald Q|6}}
uwMxb9n.png We've got a problem, Goofy! But don't tell anyone...
Code: {{user Donald Q|7}}
Code: {{user Doorknob Q}}   (edit, links)
3C9QbkL.png Thank you, Pooh. Thank you, other you.
Code: {{user Eeyore Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
3C9QbkL.png Thank you, Pooh. Thank you, other you.
Code: {{user Eeyore Q|1}}
Code: {{user Eeyore Q|2}}
OOFsOZG.png He didn't offer his name. He was rather rude.
Code: {{user Emperor Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
OOFsOZG.png He didn't offer his name. He was rather rude.
Code: {{user Emperor Q|1}}
SV5RSzB.png You stole your father's armor, ran away from home, impersonated an Imperial soldier.
Code: {{user Emperor Q|2}}
709uSTn.png There are just some things we need to keep separate from the world at large.
Code: {{user Esmeralda Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
UNGXn5h.png Thank you. You stood up for me.
Code: {{user Esmeralda Q|1}}
709uSTn.png There are just some things we need to keep separate from the world at large.
Code: {{user Esmeralda Q|2}}
JjXYxH8.png Nonsense! If you'd lost all your faith, I couldn't be here, and here I am.
Code: {{user FairyG Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
Code: {{user FairyG Q|1}}
JjXYxH8.png Nonsense! If you'd lost all your faith, I couldn't be here, and here I am.
Code: {{user FairyG Q|2}}
ohTR2Cc.png You do and you'll be sorry! Now bring it over here.
Code: {{user Finkelstein Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
ohTR2Cc.png You do and you'll be sorry! Now bring it over here.
Code: {{user Finkelstein Q|1}}
Code: {{user Finkelstein Q|2}}
wPNsccq.png All right, then. Together now, dears. And no more squabbling!
Code: {{user Flora Q}}   (edit, links)
mZsOUgW.png Such disgusting attire. I know what you are.
Code: {{user Frollo Q}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Gantu Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
Code: {{user Gantu Q|1}}
pZiWM5z.png Sound the alert! Prisoners on the loose!
Code: {{user Gantu Q|2}}
apVkTvm.png Uh, earth to Al. Hello? You still have one wish left.
Code: {{user Genie Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
zXltyXp.png ...and let me tell you, what a doozy that wish was--
Code: {{user Genie Q|1}}
2Mbi0KA.png One wish left! You're making this really easy, you know.
Code: {{user Genie Q|2}}
qOFmbBf.png Oh, really? With this big block? You think so?
Code: {{user Gepetto Q}}   (edit, links)
ClMsLu6.png Is it just me, or did he somehow seem different?
Code: {{user Goofy Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 8
wIQWByX.png Name's Goofy.
Code: {{user Goofy Q|1}}
BWLj8nM.png Gawrsh, I sure hope he's all right.
Code: {{user Goofy Q|2}}
ClMsLu6.png Is it just me, or did he somehow seem different?
Code: {{user Goofy Q|3}}
UfHavmp.png You're pretendin' to be a boy, aren't ya?
Code: {{user Goofy Q|4}}
Code: {{user Goofy Q|5}}
Code: {{user Goofy Q|6}}
ngjO64G.png Yup. He's a real hero chosen by the Keyblade!
Code: {{user Goofy Q|7}}
gRQ1On8.png Gawrsh, the King must be pretty far away by now...
Code: {{user Goofy Q|8}}
qlIOjE4.png Why? Because it's Windsday, of course!
Code: {{user Gopher Q}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Hades Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 13
fYyRrYK.png Hey, lemme guess, you're trying to put the kibosh on the darkness inside you. Am I right? Of course I'm right.
Code: {{user Hades Q|1}}
PGsjk1Q.png Holy hydras! It's just a little girl, a little lassie, a little bluebird.
Code: {{user Hades Q|2}}
EUhTQ4c.png You would not believe the bureaucracy involved with these things.
Code: {{user Hades Q|3}}
88qwSd8.png I know it says you're only required to kill Hercules in this tournament.
Code: {{user Hades Q|4}}
oYmASZk.png This is MY Underworld, you idiot! I'll handle this MYSELF!
Code: {{user Hades Q|5}}
Oxc2wR6.png Did you forget who you're talking to? I am the Lord of the Dead!
Code: {{user Hades Q|6}}
NbBo4kl.png Geez. Stiffer than the stiffs back home.
Code: {{user Hades Q|7}}
bAbBtxN.png Dark, moody, powerful. Yes! He's perfect.
Code: {{user Hades Q|8}}
Code: {{user Hades Q|9}}
Code: {{user Hades Q|10}}
Code: {{user Hades Q|11}}
HsC5ORA.png Out of the way! I'll take care of Irk-ules myself!
Code: {{user Hades Q|12}}
JLiTsXo.png Whoa, hold on there, fuzz boy. Wait, let me guess.
Code: {{user Hades Q|13}}
vNtDxF2.png I'd already worn Cerberus down by the time the little guy jumped in.
Code: {{user Hercules Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 3
RU9lAtU.png If I become a true hero, I can rejoin my father and go back to Olympus.
Code: {{user Hercules Q|1}}
vmR074a.png People always do crazy things when they're in love.
Code: {{user Hercules Q|2}}
nsY7Q0M.png I guess he's just another victim of Hades' schemes.
Code: {{user Hercules Q|3}}
37UfR16.png There's a room through that window, but that isn't all.
Code: {{user Horsecollar Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 4
Code: {{user Horsecollar Q|1}}
pP1OHdx.png Well, in my book, Aqua here is number one. You've got my heartfelt vote.
Code: {{user Horsecollar Q|2}}
CYoYb9U.png My, you sure taught those monsters a lesson.
Code: {{user Horsecollar Q|3}}
37UfR16.png There's a room through that window, but that isn't all.
Code: {{user Horsecollar Q|4}}
U9cSo8I.png Now that we got so much business at the shop, maybe we'll be number one!
Code: {{user Huey Q}}   (edit, links)
cWn3cW0.png Jafar! I've looked everywhere for Jasmine. She's disappeared like magic!
Code: {{user Iago Q}}   (edit, links)
0JMXq7J.png Genie! My final wish! I want you to make me an all-powerful genie!
Code: {{user Jafar Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 3
Dy1Uo63.png Back to your hole, street rat. I will not allow you to trouble the princess any more.
Code: {{user Jafar Q|1}}
Code: {{user Jafar Q|2}}
5QLH0lC.png But no matter. At last the lamp is mine to command!
Code: {{user Jafar Q|3}}
mTKhPLy.png Well, the more the merrier. Do make yourselves at home.
Code: {{user Jane Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
Code: {{user Jane Q|1}}
mTKhPLy.png Well, the more the merrier. Do make yourselves at home.
Code: {{user Jane Q|2}}
I2wmUEm.png Come on now. Zugk-zugk.
Code: {{user Jaq Q}}   (edit, links)
crkeqfB.png Who's there? Hello?
Code: {{user Jasmine Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
crkeqfB.png Who's there? Hello?
Code: {{user Jasmine Q|1}}
NGrSveb.png I'm Jasmine. My father is the sultan of Agrabah.
Code: {{user Jasmine Q|2}}
1nEeDwj.png Cricket's the name. Jiminy Cricket, at your service.
Code: {{user Jiminy Q}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Jumba Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
Code: {{user Jumba Q|1}}
A0JjVkE.png And his only, singular instinct— to destroy everything he touches! See?
Code: {{user Jumba Q|2}}
IiuW3Z4.png Whoa... Watch it, soldier!
Code: {{user LiShang Q}}   (edit, links)
yIAXLgj.png And in time, many more will be drawn to it. Then they will all belong to me!
Code: {{user Maleficent Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 10
2xjVkZq.png See for yourself— all the powers of hell!
Code: {{user Maleficent Q|1}}
lLAiaxo.png Now, think no more of him, and come with me.
Code: {{user Maleficent Q|2}}
2uR3CaH.png Quite the contrary. He fully embraced the darkness within himself.
Code: {{user Maleficent Q|3}}
Code: {{user Maleficent Q|4}}
Ll6fOjn.png In your heart, there is darkness just waiting to be awakened.
Code: {{user Maleficent Q|5}}
Bnq8uVz.png A forest of thorns shall be your tomb... Wound 'round the castle in a bower of doom!
Code: {{user Maleficent Q|6}}
CORrcFC.png I will not be defeated by something as insignificant as love.
Code: {{user Maleficent Q|7}}
Rna92y5.png You mean they have more important affairs to attend to than my return?
Code: {{user Maleficent Q|8}}
mUYP5Bo.png After all, one never knows the secrets of another's heart.
Code: {{user Maleficent Q|9}}
CVIB8nd.png My powers ensure I'd know of the key to bringing me hearts.
Code: {{user Maleficent Q|10}}
2YB9aNP.png Oh no! The memories are coming back! What'll we do!? Oooh— what'll we do!?
Code: {{user Merryweather Q}}   (edit, links)
sfgDntb.png Don't worry. There will always be a door to the light.
Code: {{user Mickey Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 5
alummRF.png Now, Sora! Let's close this door for good!
Code: {{user Mickey Q|1}}
TMd81Pr.png Keyblades are not something you use just to bully somebody around!
Code: {{user Mickey Q|2}}
Code: {{user Mickey Q|3}}
Code: {{user Mickey Q|4}}
dXc7oyL.png Helping others should always come before asking others for help.
Code: {{user Mickey Q|5}}
PYrqGdp.png There's no need to be so formal. Just call me Minnie.
Code: {{user Minnie Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
PYrqGdp.png There's no need to be so formal. Just call me Minnie.
Code: {{user Minnie Q|1}}
5mbBnSu.png Ha! I'm going to let you cool off for a while.
Code: {{user Minnie Q|2}}
rKrOf8B.png It'll be easier to fit in if I'm with guys, like you.
Code: {{user Mulan Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 4
Code: {{user Mulan Q|1}}
rKrOf8B.png It'll be easier to fit in if I'm with guys, like you.
Code: {{user Mulan Q|2}}
wp90LjZ.png Uh... knock it off!
Code: {{user Mulan Q|3}}
v4UMAO0.png This time I'll show you what I'm truly made of!
Code: {{user Mulan Q|4}}
htSqbah.png And that puts you three up to your eyeballs in debt to Ping here.
Code: {{user Mushu Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 4
htSqbah.png And that puts you three up to your eyeballs in debt to Ping here.
Code: {{user Mushu Q|1}}
OkcC8Cc.png Who you callin' a shrimp, panda lips? I'm a bona fide guardian dragon!
Code: {{user Mushu Q|2}}
nRxMOIu.png I don't knowthose two would fall for anything.
Code: {{user Mushu Q|3}}
fMvtFq4.png Man, we used to kick all kinds of bad guy butt together!
Code: {{user Mushu Q|4}}
wVRuKlv.png Heartless? Is that what they're called? I'm not sure if there are any others...
Code: {{user Nala Q}}   (edit, links)
8lEwOgP.png Nobody disrespects me! Nobody!
Code: {{user Oogie Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
8lEwOgP.png Nobody disrespects me! Nobody!
Code: {{user Oogie Q|1}}
KbG9Szo.png Now, let's see if I can get their attention.
Code: {{user Oogie Q|2}}
F48isiN.png No one can capture Peter Pan!
Code: {{user Pan Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 11
eX38R8l.png Then I'm too late. Tinker Bell must be in danger!
Code: {{user Pan Q|1}}
Code: {{user Pan Q|2}}
1TiKEFX.png Shh! That old codfish... Looks like he's found himself a new flunky.
Code: {{user Pan Q|3}}
HzhjxyC.png Great job! So you found Wendy?
Code: {{user Pan Q|4}}
x6cQWz0.png Grown-ups can be real good at tellin' fibs.
Code: {{user Pan Q|5}}
4nKui7w.png I'm Peter Pan. The jealous one over here is Tinker Bell.
Code: {{user Pan Q|6}}
Pqu1JIm.png Whaddaya mean? I never said girls can't be part of the gang.
Code: {{user Pan Q|7}}
Code: {{user Pan Q|8}}
4uupfN1.png Men, only the bravest of the brave can claim that treasure.
Code: {{user Pan Q|9}}
4j4al0H.png Hey, don't mention it. You didn't think I'd leave you and Tink behind, did you?
Code: {{user Pan Q|10}}
F48isiN.png No one can capture Peter Pan!
Code: {{user Pan Q|11}}
L4He8GG.png You can sign up for a tournament here. You can enter as many times as you want.
Code: {{user Panic Q}}   (edit, links)
1XtjRGb.png You wanna know how, eh?
Code: {{user Pete Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
JOkP49q.png Hey, you! Seen any bad guys around here?
Code: {{user Pete Q|1}}
lqr5CuW.png Secret? What kinda secret? Oh, never mind.
Code: {{user Pete Q|2}}
lac3a18.png Ya gotta have heart and care about people.
Code: {{user Phil Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 3
8MHW1eQ.png Move that pedestal over there for me. I gotta spruce this place up for the games.
Code: {{user Phil Q|1}}
AM48q1e.png Heroes are coming from all over to fight ferocious monsters right here in the Coliseum.
Code: {{user Phil Q|2}}
fMtNyEl.png I got two words for you— student-teacher ratio!
Code: {{user Phil Q|3}}
5ostLmn.png You mean I just have to stay right here?
Code: {{user Pooh Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 9
wHDCTR8.png Yes, I'm Winnie the Pooh. Pooh for short. Who are you?
Code: {{user Pooh Q|1}}
UD3Wlhr.png Nothing. Just thinking.
Code: {{user Pooh Q|2}}
ayy4xsI.png I like it ever so much when you're cheerful, Sora.
Code: {{user Pooh Q|3}}
ntaEwdf.png Hello there, Somebody-I-Don't-Know. It's a beautiful day, don't you think?
Code: {{user Pooh Q|4}}
AoHHm8u.png It is rather funny what I will do for honey.
Code: {{user Pooh Q|5}}
CCrh30j.png I shall hold on to the balloon, and fly like a bee up the Hunny Tree, see.
Code: {{user Pooh Q|6}}
3cet0b2.png But I wonder, how do I say goodbye to myself?
Code: {{user Pooh Q|7}}
5ostLmn.png You mean I just have to stay right here?
Code: {{user Pooh Q|8}}
G176Hxe.png But today I think I shall call you "my friend Piglet who is very brave!"
Code: {{user Pooh Q|9}}
jCbbdhh.png What are we gonna do if that beast comes here?
Code: {{user Pumbaa Q}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Quasi Q}}   (edit, links)
F2hlH6U.png I ordered you to bring me Snow White's heart!
Code: {{user Queen Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 3
MiTrkzs.png What I demand is her life. I have had more than enough of her light.
Code: {{user Queen Q|1}}
Code: {{user Queen Q|2}}
F2hlH6U.png I ordered you to bring me Snow White's heart!
Code: {{user Queen Q|3}}
34jVhIJ.png Hm, checking all five would only be a waste of time.
Code: {{user QofHearts Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
F4F6XoO.png You're not hiding anything from me, are you?
Code: {{user QofHearts Q|1}}
ectWEhs.png Silence! You dare defy me?
Code: {{user QofHearts Q|2}}
GkPLvnV.png Oh ho ho! He ran away!
Code: {{user Rafiki Q}}   (edit, links)
0elMPmk.png Remember, if you believe in Riku, you will find him. Just as you found me.
Code: {{user Santa Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
BtkFNTP.png Well, according to my list, Sora, seven years ago you told everyone you did not believe in Santa Claus.
Code: {{user Santa Q|1}}
CCTzyIy.png Yes, and I've got lots of names to check and preparations to finish!
Code: {{user Santa Q|2}}
KTX2Nf2.png Go on. Tell them who's responsible for Mufasa's death!
Code: {{user Scar Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 3
E0DKo7V.png This is just the way your father looked... before he died.
Code: {{user Scar Q|1}}
Code: {{user Scar Q|2}}
TFRDEe6.png But what about your faithful subjects? Have they?
Code: {{user Scar Q|3}}
Code: {{user Scrooge Q}}   (edit, links)
bbnuU4j.png We could just put what we treasure in there instead --- if ya wanna?
Code: {{user Slightly Q}}   (edit, links)
gWd3tJc.png Peter Pan ahoy! Man the Long Tom, and... Fire!
Code: {{user Smee Q}}   (edit, links)
lg0etyu.png You see, he helped me when I was lost, and oh, so very frightened.
Code: {{user SnowWhite Q}}   (edit, links)
YvDnNPv.png Stay here... and try not to do anything stupid.
Code: {{user Sparrow Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 3
LrKmSWw.png Captain Jack Sparrow, if you please.
Code: {{user Sparrow Q|1}}
Code: {{user Sparrow Q|2}}
YvDnNPv.png Stay here... and try not to do anything stupid.
Code: {{user Sparrow Q|3}}
5MI2iW7.png I know the nesting grounds are secret, but I trust them.
Code: {{user Tarzan Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
GlivoJ3.png *&&X%. *&&X%. Friends here.
Code: {{user Tarzan Q|1}}
5MI2iW7.png I know the nesting grounds are secret, but I trust them.
Code: {{user Tarzan Q|2}}
og1YJB2.png Hey there! Name's Tigger! T-I-double-guh-RR. That spells Tigger!
Code: {{user Tigger Q}}   (edit, links)
t8dcimU.png I see exile from the palace has taught her nothing.
Code: {{user Triton Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 4
jjiINoc.png Perhaps I'm being too strict...
Code: {{user Triton Q|1}}
9k7iVyq.png The trident... We must get it back.
Code: {{user Triton Q|2}}
t8dcimU.png I see exile from the palace has taught her nothing.
Code: {{user Triton Q|3}}
hWnjIaO.png A busy rehearsal schedule might be just the thing she needs to stop thinking about life up on the surface.
Code: {{user Triton Q|4}}
teLw2HP.png Isn't this what Users do when they're sorry to say goodbye?
Code: {{user Tron Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 4
mZJiPTu.png You've got to keep a lookout. The MCP isn't just going to let us waltz in.
Code: {{user Tron Q|1}}
5eyc43S.png Any data you need from the DTD can be accessed directly through my User's terminal.
Code: {{user Tron Q|2}}
teLw2HP.png Isn't this what Users do when they're sorry to say goodbye?
Code: {{user Tron Q|3}}
GgTRSRt.png Greetings, friends. System is up, and ready for user input.
Code: {{user Tron Q|4}}
HXVPNsx.png The trident is mine at last!
Code: {{user Ursula Q}}   (edit, links)
FaKoyPS.png Court is now in session!
Code: {{user WhiteRabbit Q}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user Yao Q}}   (edit, links)
hteLFA2.png I had hoped, Xehanort, your heart would no longer lead you astray.
Code: {{user YenSid Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 3
hteLFA2.png I had hoped, Xehanort, your heart would no longer lead you astray.
Code: {{user YenSid Q|1}}
KX3WX6U.png Now it is time to speak of the enemies that you will encounter.
Code: {{user YenSid Q|2}}
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