Kingdom Hearts III
Midnight Blue
Midnight Blue
"A Keyblade imbued with wondrous power."
the Keychain of the Midnight Blue Keyblade
Japanese ミッドナイトブルー
Rōmaji Middonaito Burū
Second Form
Second Form M
King of Hearts, Ragnarok
Pre-Order Bonus[1]

Lv Strength Magic Ability

0 +4 +4 Blizzard Boost, Blizzaza
1 +4 +5
2 +5 +5
3 +5 +6
4 +6 +6 Formchange Extender
5 +6 +7
6 +7 +7
7 +7 +8
8 +8 +8
9 +8 +9
10 +9 +9
Lv Materials
1 Fluorite x1 Wellspring Shard x2
2 Fluorite x1 Wellspring Shard x3
3 Fluorite x1 Wellspring Shard x4
4 Damascus x1 Wellspring Stone x1
5 Damascus x1 Wellspring Stone x2
6 Damascus x1 Wellspring Stone x3
7 Adamantite x1 Wellspring Gem x1
8 Adamantite x1 Wellspring Gem x2
9 Adamantite x1 Wellspring Gem x3
10 Electrum x1 Wellspring Crystal x1

Midnight Blue is a Keychain for Sora's Keyblade in Kingdom Hearts III.


Midnight Blue is a PlayStation 4-themed palette swap of Star Seeker. Its handle is black with a blue star near the blade and a silver star near the pommel. The shooting stars that comprise the guard are navy blue, with one displaying a blue   button and another displaying a blue   button, while on the other side displaying a blue   button and another displaying a blue   button. The base of the blade is silver, and the blade is blue with a pattern similar to the night sky. Set along the tip are three blue crystals, and on the teeth are a silver moon and a yellow star. The Keychain's links are silver, and the token is a yellow moon. Its name refers to its dark blue color.

See also

Notes and references

  1. ^ Available to those who pre-order the game through PlayStation Store