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This set of quote userboxes covers worlds and places.

hTmaBbe.png Then you should join your heart with mine.
Code: {{user Awakening Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 10
psR7aEL.png Now, step forward. Can you do it?
Code: {{user Awakening Q|1}}
zWld5uU.png The power of the mystic. Inner strength. A staff of wonder and ruin.
Code: {{user Awakening Q|2}}
6XKwOug.png The power of the warrior. Invincible courage. A sword of terrible destruction.
Code: {{user Awakening Q|3}}
KfNeoDb.png You've gained the power to fight.
Code: {{user Awakening Q|4}}
IefyOZG.png The power of the guardian. Kindness to aid friends. A shield to repel all.
Code: {{user Awakening Q|5}}
ln01UNf.png There will be times you have to fight. Keep your light burning strong.
Code: {{user Awakening Q|6}}
Code: {{user Awakening Q|7}}
0UtpMMg.png So much to do, so little time... Take your time. Don't be afraid.
Code: {{user Awakening Q|8}}
ZRK8qk9.png The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes.
Code: {{user Awakening Q|9}}
RwdoDvw.png Power sleeps within you. If you give it form, it will give you strength. Choose well.
Code: {{user Awakening Q|10}}
NyMr2nq.png Agrabah is full of holes for rats to hide in.
Code: {{user Agrabah Q}}   (edit, links)
xIR9THP.png These suits of armor appear impassable.
Code: {{user BeastCastle Q}}   (edit, links)
GTGhNya.png The cards you see will be the key
Code: {{user CastOblivion Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
hshblk9.png ...all who visit this land will be lost to oblivion, none ever able to solve the mystery. None, Aqua, except you.
Code: {{user CastOblivion Q|1}}
GTGhNya.png The cards you see will be the key
Code: {{user CastOblivion Q|2}}
YrX2VNL.png There, you see? An empty world, like a prison.
Code: {{user DestIslands Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 3
vSubzTb.png Wait a minute! What happened to my home? My island? Riku! Kairi...
Code: {{user DestIslands Q|1}}
Ze6sHoe.png I just can't wait. Once we set sail, it'll be great.
Code: {{user DestIslands Q|2}}
zN2eByu.png You know... to the secret place at the base of that tree. There's gotta be something there, ya?
Code: {{user DestIslands Q|3}}
kMG23mC.png This ivy looks climbable.
Code: {{user DeepJungle Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
kMG23mC.png This ivy looks climbable.
Code: {{user DeepJungle Q|1}}
Code: {{user DeepJungle Q|2}}
DF64Cfr.png Navigation failure. Do not engage hyperdrive. Repeat. Do not engage—
Code: {{user DeepSpace Q}}   (edit, links)
Code: {{user DisnCastle Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
Yvci2UD.png As soon as the trouble started, I made sure to seal this room.
Code: {{user DisnCastle Q|1}}
Code: {{user DisnCastle Q|2}}
xDxxm5W.png Everyone in town votes for who we think is the most exemplary citizen.
Code: {{user DisnTown Q}}   (edit, links)
NZVuHpz.png Gawrsh, is that all that's left of the worlds taken by the Heartless?
Code: {{user EndWorld Q}}   (edit, links)
rALGYz5.png Careful. This is the last haven you'll find.
Code: {{user Final Rest}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
rALGYz5.png Careful. This is the last haven you'll find.
Code: {{user Final Rest|1}}
cfLbJ7G.png Remember, you are the one who will open the door to the light.
Code: {{user Final Rest|2}}
E2UTeKf.png This sure is a spooky place.
Code: {{user Halloween Q}}   (edit, links)
tqg51Fo.png So many books, but not one on how to banish the darkness. Maybe it's hopeless...
Code: {{user Hollow Q}}   (edit, links)
r197nKH.png I ask that you take my Keyblade and use it to lock this land away.
Code: {{user LandDepart Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
oSIMruP.png You won't need a home anymore where you're going!
Code: {{user LandDepart Q|1}}
r197nKH.png I ask that you take my Keyblade and use it to lock this land away.
Code: {{user LandDepart Q|2}}
YKaQotx.png What a weird place! Everything's kinda springy and soft.
Code: {{user Monstro Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 3
YKaQotx.png What a weird place! Everything's kinda springy and soft.
Code: {{user Monstro Q|1}}
jW8izfx.png Nice and warm, too. I'm startin' to feel like a nap.
Code: {{user Monstro Q|2}}
Code: {{user Monstro Q|3}}
8KpW3ww.png This must be a pirate ship!
Code: {{user Neverland Q}}   (edit, links)
wRSHZcf.png You can see the town back when it was first built.
Code: {{user Radiant Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
wRSHZcf.png You can see the town back when it was first built.
Code: {{user Radiant Q|1}}
NfxgYp6.png There's still a lot to do, but I'm sure we can handle everything—
Code: {{user Radiant Q|2}}
JRLacdS.png Welcome to the game grid.
Code: {{user SParanoids Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
Code: {{user SParanoids Q|1}}
JRLacdS.png Welcome to the game grid.
Code: {{user SParanoids Q|2}}
U4VbU7N.png What's going on? Everything's black and white.
Code: {{user Timeless Q}}   (edit, links)
ipzyKYs.png Gawrsh, there's nobody here. Sure is spooky!
Code: {{user Traverse Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 3
ibeS2MH.png Send 10 postcards to win something! Good luck!
Code: {{user Traverse Q|1}}
Code: {{user Traverse Q|2}}
FYCbtSD.png The First District is the safest place, kupo.
Code: {{user Traverse Q|3}}
xJPVhuK.png I can't help feeling like we won't see this town again...
Code: {{user TwilightTown Q}}   (edit, links)
Variations: 2
xJPVhuK.png I can't help feeling like we won't see this town again...
Code: {{user TwilightTown Q|1}}
FoHtmKM.png I'm sure I don't know this place, but it's starting to feel like it's familiar to me...
Code: {{user TwilightTown Q|2}}
pUB13Dk.png A very merry unbirthday. Sit down to get your present.
Code: {{user Wonderland Q}}   (edit, links)
LL59XqP.png I don't like the feel of this place. It's almost like... a graveyard.
Code: {{user WorldNeverWas Q}}   (edit, links)