Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix

Valor Form

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Valor Form

"A Form specializing in physical attacks."
Japanese ブレイヴフォーム Sora Valor Sprite KHII.png
Valor Form Orb KHII.png
Rōmaji Bureivu Fōmu

Growth Ability High Jump
Drive Gauges 3
Allies Required Goofy

Valor Form is a Drive Form specializing in physical attacks which appears in Kingdom Hearts II. It uses Goofy, and consumes three of Sora's Drive Bars. It represents Sora's strength[1], and is obtained along with Sora's new clothes at Mysterious Tower. Its emblem is a red fleur-de-lis.


Main article: Form:Sora


Valor Form allows Sora to wield two Keyblades, but takes away his ability to perform magic spells. It is a weapon-oriented Drive Form that gains an experience point every time Sora strikes an enemy. Leveling up Valor Form will give Sora the ability to use High Jump while in Standard Form, and will grant him two Combo Plus and one Auto Valor abilities.


Attack Attribute Description
Vertical Swing Weapon
Horizontal Swing Weapon
Thrust Weapon
H-V Swing Weapon
Aerial U-D Swing Weapon
Brave Shot Weapon
Brave Beat Weapon
Sonic Strike Weapon
Sonic End Weapon
Over the Horizon Weapon
Retaliating Slash Weapon
Action Ability
Ability Description
Brave Shot
Brave Beat
Sonic Strike
Sonic End
Over the Horizon
Omega Finale
Retaliating Slash
Growth Ability
Ability Description
High Jump LV1
High Jump LV2
High Jump LV3
High Jump MAX
Support Ability
Ability Description
Synch Blade
Combo Plus
Air Combo Plus


A common Valor Form combo

Valor Form is a powerful damage-dealer, and is very useful against tough enemies and bosses. While in Valor Form, Sora moves at twice his normal speed[citation needed], and becomes able to perform finishers at any time using the "Omega Finale" attack. His rapid slashes can block enemy attacks, and can sometimes stun the enemies as well. However, Sora also becomes unable to cast Cure, so the player should equip Potions and set Donald's behavior to healing whenever he plans to use Valor Form.

Since Valor Form levels by dealing hits, and not by defeating enemies, the player should try to keep enemies alive while training Valor Form. The best Keyblades for training Valor Form are the Sweet Memories and Oathkeeper; the Star Seeker and its Air Combo Plus are a good substitute for the Oathkeeper if the player doesn't have it yet. The Morning Stars and Crimson Jazzes, which appear together at Hollow Bastion and Beast's Castle are the best enemies to train against, as they have high stamina, but are also easy to disrupt with Valor Form's attacks, and drop a large amount of Drive Form Orbs when defeated. It's also a good idea to use Valor Form against bosses whenever possible.

Notes and references

  1. ^ Yen Sid's mirror: "An image of you utilizing your strength to its fullest flows into your mind."