Kingdom Key D

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I haven't quite got the fine points down, like...when, or where... It just kinda kicks in whenever it wants to.
Young King Mickey B 6★ KHUX.png
This article is about a game or product that has yet to be released.

Some of the information might be inaccurate and is likely to change. Please refrain from putting rumors and speculation on this article.

Mickey's Keyblade is a Keyblade used by King Mickey. It is an alternate version of the Kingdom Key, and is a Keyblade of the Realm of Darkness. This Keyblade's title remains unknown so far; some Square-Enix merchandise has called it Darkside or Dark-side, but no official name has been released yet.

It did not always belong to the King. Before Kingdom Hearts, he previously wielded the Keyblade Star Seeker, as shown in Birth By Sleep, most likely when he was still an apprentice of Master Yen Sid. In addition, this Keyblade was shown in the secret ending of Kingdom Hearts II called The Gathering, along with Sora's Kingdom Key and Riku's Way to the Dawn. Notably, these three Keyblades, along with Master Xehanort's keyblade, are the only ones in the movie shown with Keychains.

It was originally seen in the closing video for Kingdom Hearts. It is expected to appear in Kingdom Hearts coded.


Mickey manages to unleash the magic of light while using this Keyblade, speculating that a light shines even within the deepest darkness. He can use it to unleash Pearl to ward off his enemies and use Healing Light to fill up his Drive Gauge. Should he succeed to fill up the gauge, he can fully restore Sora's HP and MP. However, should he fail half-way, he can only revive half of Sora's HP and the MP gauge remains untouched.


Kingdom Hearts II