Welcome to my talk page!
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FinalRest - I move the stars for no one. TALK - 12:27, 3 January 2015 (UTC)
*rubs cheek against the screen* Mmmm, new talk page.
Anyway, could you help me out with uploading the magazine images? The wiki image linking thing has totally crapped out and I can't even outside link as placeholders anymore. >_>
I just wasn't sure if it was decided images could be uploaded here. Even if I could remember the decision, I wouldn't know where to put them category-wise. I'm pretty useless. xP Help is appreciated!
FinalRest - "I floop the pig!" TALK - 01:01, 4 January 2015 (UTC)
Thanks for uploading a bunch of those titles for me because a) it saves me some time and b) it gives me examples of where they should be put.
Question: Is the (Magazine) part in the titles mandatory? Cause if I could omit that part, the mag codes on either wiki would be 95% identical, saving us a lot of time when changes are made, because we can just copy/paste everything.
Also, could you, in all your admin-y powers, get rid of this? I have made changes to the 2.0 template that make 2.2 obsolete.
And congrats on the Design a World contest! *whispers* The Keyblade Master page looks awful nice this issue.
KeybladeSpyMaster - I do it for my family, my home, my friends! I do it for her! TALK - Welcome to Spy Force One. - 07:04 PM Sat, January 3, 2015 MDT
Yeah, of course. How are they titled on The Keyhole? If they're not too different, I'll rename the images. And yes, I can delete the other template when I get to it.
Thanks for the congrats! *goes to see the magazine...*
FinalRest - Told you when we met what you were in for. TALK - 01:09, 4 January 2015 (UTC)
On the Keyhole they're named File:WORDS IN TITLE Title.png. Eg. Dive to the Heart Title/Jiminy's Journal Title etc. Thanks for the assist!
EDIT: Ah crap, I just realised I can't help with moving things here. >_> Sorry for dumping a bunch of extra work on you!
EDIT 2: Man, am I spamming you today, or what? Anywho, if you want I can take over now and upload the rest of the images.
KeybladeSpyMaster - I do it for my family, my home, my friends! I do it for her! TALK - Welcome to Spy Force One. - 07:49 PM Sat, January 3, 2015 MDT
It's fine. I'm almost done with the title images, so if you want to upload all the images of the magazine, that'll be fine. We decided that Issue-exclusive images would go into their own subcategory. If they result to be too few, then I'll move them back to the main Magazine category. The intention is to make it a little more organized.
FinalRest - "How can you fail at this? It isn't even a test!" TALK - "And here I thought this room was dangerously unlethal." – 01:52, 4 January 2015 (UTC)
Noted. I'll move on to setting up Issue 3 now. I also replaced the images links here, so you can see which title images we're still missing/aren't named right.
FinalRest - "You're just another dead bug on my windshield." TALK - "SPLAT!" – 02:39, 4 January 2015 (UTC)
There are some KH screenshots used in the top 5 for Mark of Mastery, which you can see on page 10. Even though they're KH images, should they still be put in the Magazine category? Or should I put them in their respective game categories and then add them to galleries?
FinalRest - Why, you're only a sort of thing in his dream! TALK - You know very well you're not real. – 03:52, 4 January 2015 (UTC)
Last message of the day! So thanks for all the uploading help earlier! Issue 3's images are all done and issues 1 and 2 still need some help, but I feel like the upload log needs a rest, so I'll leave it till tomorrow to fix all those up. Thanks again and enjoy the mag (I swear, each issue is even better than the last. How do we keep one upping ourselves like that?)! *disappears in a puff of smoke*
KeybladeSpyMaster - The light'll never give up on you. You'll always find it, even in the deepest darkness! But you have to believe! TALK - You all did great! - 09:56 PM Sat, January 3, 2015 MDT
Oh, that's great! I'll try and help with Issue's 1 and 2 tomorrow or Monday. I'm definitely gonna go and check out the magazine right now! (Advertise on Twitter time!)
EoYE 2014: Pressie Time
Turns out, monsieur, that you're awarded not just one, but TWO plaques to pretty up your userpage (Also, "These Wikis have been connected" lmao xD)
FIRST, you have your gold award for the design-a-world:
This world is perfect for me.
This Gold Award has been awarded to KeybladeSpyMaster who designed the most popular world, winning the Design-A-World competition of the 2014 End of Year Event. Congratulations!
THEN, I made you a little something for your work as a patroller.
I really can't. I've gotta keep it a secret.
This Wayfinder has been awarded to KeybladeSpyMaster for being a wonderful patroller and email-handler for the user trivia contest of the 2014 End of Year Event. Huge thanks!
CONGRATULATIONS! TheFifteenthMember 21:25, 5 January 2015 (UTC)
New site notice
The new site notice is not showing up on my phone (I am not using the mobile site). --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 21:22, 5 January 2015 (UTC)
Weird, FM and I tried it on phone browsers, and it worked. What kind of phone are you using. KeybladeSpyMaster 04:44, 6 January 2015 (UTC)
Questions and Apologies
EternalNothingnessXIII Am I...the one who did this to you? — 02:23, 9 January 2015 (UTC)
I'd like to apologize for any misconduct on my part that has occurred over the past few days in regards to the music articles and other things. I'd like to think we are friends, and I apologize for being so antagonistic. It was not my intention at all.
KeybladeSpyMaster - I do it for my family, my home, my friends! I do it for her! TALK - Welcome to Spy Force One. - 09:24 PM Thu, January 8, 2015 MDT
It's fine, it's all good. I still think we're friends, so all is well!
EternalNothingnessXIII So, do you hate me for taking your friend away from you? — 03:46, 9 January 2015 (UTC)
Awesome! Glad to call you a friend!
User:KaiLyoko- My apologies for posting my Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded guide in the wrong section in the forums.