Kingdom Hearts (game)
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX


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This is a list of Sora's forms in the Kingdom Hearts series.

Game clothes

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep version

Sora (Young) KH.png

In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Sora wears a white v-neck T-shirt with blue edging, red shorts with a pocket on each of the sides, and brown sandals with orange-yellow velcro straps.

Kingdom Hearts version


In Kingdom Hearts, Sora wears a red jumpsuit that has a long zipper running through the middle, ending with puffy shorts. He wears a crown-chain on his left side and a loosely worn blue belt. Over his jumpsuit, Sora wears a black hoodie that is blue on the inside, and black on the outside with white sleeves ending in grey edging. He wears white gloves on his hands with blue, black and yellow straps. He wears the crown pendant around his neck. His shoes are mainly yellow and black with belt-straps holding them closed. The lower portions are grey and end with a small triangular patch of blue.

Kingdom Hearts II version

Sora KHII.png

In Kingdom Hearts II, Sora wears a black revision of his Kingdom Hearts clothing. The hoodie is colored black, with silver pauldron-like additions to his sleeves and white lining. His undershirt is a navy blue with a red patch in the center. His pants, similar to chaps, are colored black on the outside, and a navy blue on the inside, lined with silver-white edging. Yellow straps criss-cross around his pants, held together with a black belt. The pants feature red pockets with a black cross over them. His gloves are colored black on the outside and white on the inside with a yellow line running around them. He also wears large black-yellow shoes with silver soles, a zipper running across the top, and black straps holding them together with buckles here and there. Sora's crown pendant is present on this attire.

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance version

Sora KH3D.png

In Dream Drop Distance, Sora's appearance in the Sleeping Worlds is younger with a mainly black and red attire. His hair is also colored a blend of his hairs in the two numbered titles. His hoodie is mainly grey, with black lining with the hood being red. His sleeves are grey with white lines separating them from the red edging. His shirt is also black and bears a Recusant's Sigil, the X on his shirt, placed there without Sora's knowledge by the true Organization XIII. His gloves take a similar approach to those of his Kingdom Hearts II, with them being black and yellow and having a grey shape on the center. Sora's pants are red, with a dark blue belt that is held together by a silver belt buckle. His pockets are red with white edging. His shoes take a similar design to his Kingdom Hearts shoes, but the straps are white and the tongue is colored yellow. Sora's crown pendant is present on this form as well.

Drive Forms

Valor Form

Valor Form turns Sora's clothes red and white with the fleur-de-lis emblem on each sleeve and pant leg. In this form, Sora wields two Keyblades, and is also very dexterous, sometimes even spinning the Keyblade on a single finger during a combo. No matter what world Sora is in, Sora's hands glow light red and flicker with red electricity. When Sora runs in Valor Form, flakes of red energy fly off of his hands in a streak.

Sora (Valor Form) KHII.png


Wisdom Form

Wisdom Form turns Sora's clothing blue and black, with an emblem, resembling blue flames, on the ends of his pants and sleeves. Sora wields only one Keyblade in this form. While in Wisdom Form, specks of light float around Sora's legs. There is also a blue magical mist surrounding Sora's feet that turns into two light blue wisps, one rising from each foot, when Sora slides across landscape. Sora's ability to slide across the ground covers his entire body with him sliding across the ground on his back during some combos. The only time Sora actually stands is when he lands from a jump. These wisps circle Sora in a manner similar to a double helix when Sora is stationary. Sora moves acrobatically in this form, spinning the Keyblade idly behind his back when not moving, and flipping around when shooting magic bullets. He also tosses the Keyblade into the air when he jumps, catching it when he reaches his height. The official artwork shows Sora's sleeves with the blue flames emblems, but in-game the sleeves have the Master Form's saltire emblem. Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix uses the correct emblem.

Sora (Wisdom Form) KHII.png

Limit Form

Limit Form changes Sora's clothes into the same colors and style of the clothes he wore in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. However, a red crown appears on his knees, whereas in the previous games there were none. This is the only Drive Form where Sora has no auras of light surrounding him, although whenever he enters a new area, his torso glows red for a short time and a few specks of light fall off of him.

Sora (Limit Form) KHIIFM.png


Master Form

Master Form bears a yellow and black color scheme. It is the last Drive Form that Sora gains through the story, apart from Final Form, which is obtained through gameplay. The symbols on his pants are three black crosses arranged in a fancy overlapping pattern. When in Master Form on any world, pale yellow sparkles constantly fall off Sora and create somewhat of a streak behind him when running. Also, the floating Keyblade is held in place by a yellow aura surrounding Sora's hand and the Keyblade he is physically holding seems to have deep yellow electricity flowing through it.

Sora (Master Form) KHII.png


Final Form

Final Form changes Sora's clothes to silvery white and black, with the symbols on his pants somewhat resembling an eye with a wind pattern. This may be referenced to the fact that while Anti-Form resembles a Heartless, Final Form, which is silvery white and possesses the traits of Nobodies, can be obtained after Roxas comes to terms with Sora. Each Keyblade seems to move with an arm, though when Sora stops moving they hover behind him. Thus, every move is an attack in itself. No matter what world Sora is on, while in Final Form, he never touches the ground unless he lands from a jump. Sora's hair and clothes slowly flow as if he is being held by the wind. His clothes also systematically glow white on and off for the duration of the time he is in the form. There are also two large sparkles of pure white light that move randomly around Sora with a white wisp following them. When Sora is standing still, the position of his Keyblades seem to represent folded angel wings. When he floats (which he does instead of walking and running), they open, as if Sora is flying.

Sora (Final Form) KHII.png



AntiForm is strongly reminiscent of the AntiSora Heartless from Kingdom Hearts, and Nomura has confirmed in an interview with Famitsu that Sora's ability to enter this form is due to his transformation into a Shadow.[1] Specifically, Sora's AntiForm has more feral behavior in which it runs about on all fours, and instead of using the Keyblade in this form, Sora attacks with claws on his hands. Aesthetically, Sora's skin and hair become ink black, his eyes glow yellow like a Heartless, and his clothes become black with blue accents. Furthermore, he constantly emits Darkness from his arms and back in the form of misty black and violet wisps.

Sora (Antiform) KHII.png


World changes

Atlantica version

Sora AT KHII.png

In Atlantica, Sora's lower body is replaced with that of a blue dolphin, including the dorsal fin. He does not wear any clothing in this form, including his crown necklace.

During gameplay, Sora can swim up by pressing Circle, and dive down by pressing Square in Kingdom Hearts. In Kingdom Hearts II, the controls are changed to pushing Up and Down on the right analog stick respectively.

Journal entry

Kingdom Hearts II

Hero of the Keyblade. Sora continues his search for Riku, separated from him in the great battle some time ago.

In his previous travels, Sora defended Atlantica when Ursula tried to take the Trident.

Halloween Town version

Sora HT KHII.png

In Halloween Town, Sora's clothing becomes almost completely black, appearing to be made of faded leather. He wears white gloves and has clawed fingers, the shoulders of his jacket are grey, and he has very small, black, bat wings on his upper back. His normal shoes are replaced with large, black ones with pointed toes and a grey stripe on their midsections. His legs are wrapped in what appear to be black and red bandages. Sora's canines become more pointed and his face, particularly the area around his eyes, becomes more ashen and shadowed in appearance. His hair is a darker shade of brown and he wears an orange mask on the right side of his face, covering his right eye. The mask is circular with small horns on the top, a jagged, jack o' lantern-esque mouth, and triangular eyes. The mask's right eye is green and the left one appears to be closed or scratched out. Sora's Keyblade becomes darker and more ashen in coloration like his clothing while he is in this form.

When entering a Drive Form, Sora's mask changes shape. When he enters Valor Form, the mask takes the form of a demonic, red, Bomb-like creature with a large, fleur-de-lis symbol near its top. Wisdom Form changes the mask to a shape resembling a Black Mage. When Sora enters Limit Form, the mask changes to an elegant, curled heart with white edges and a black and red checkerboard pattern on its center. Master Form’s mask is a splicing of the Wisdom and Valor Form—Valor Form's mask on the right half and Wisdom Form's on the left—with the two masks unevenly stitched together. The mask for Final Form is a bronze crown. AntiForm's mask resembles a Shadow Heartless.

Journal entry

Kingdom Hearts II

The hero of the Keyblade who fights against the Heartless and the Nobodies.

Not long ago, he helped unravel Oogie's scheme to take over Halloween Town.

Christmas Town version

Sora CT KHIIFM.png

In Christmas Town, Sora retains the dark, ashen physical appearance, boots, pants, and legs wrappings from his Halloween Town costume. The rest of his clothing, however, changes radically. His mask is replaced by a large, black hat with a white fur rim and a puff ball on the tip, similar to Santa Claus's, that is pulled over the right half of his face. He wears a black shirt with white fur lining, silver crown buttons lining the front, and a faded, brown belt with a silver buckle around his waist and over the shirt. His arms are shown to be unusually thin and have a slight brown tint to them. His gloves turn black and have white fur lining around the cuffs. Sora's Keyblade is slightly brighter in this form than it is in his Hallowen Town Form.

The color of Sora's hat and the back of his shirt gain a slight tint to match the Drive Form he is currently in. His hat and the back of his shirt also gain a symbol to match the appropriate form. When Sora is in Valor Form, his hat gains a red fleur-de-lis and the shirt is adorned with a thorn pattern. Wisdom Form's hat and shirt both sport a blue flame. Limit Form's hat and shirt both sport a white crown. There is a single gold cross on Master Form's hat, and several more on the shirt. Final Form's hat is emblazoned with a silver, N-shaped rune, and the shirt bears a pair of wings. AntiForm's hat and shirt are both adorned by a stylized Heartless emblem.

Journal entry

Kingdom Hearts II


Timeless River version

Sora TR KHII.png

In Timeless River, Sora resembles a stylized version of his earliest incarnation, in the original Kingdom Hearts. His clothing is much simpler in this form than it was in his first appearance, sporting almost none of the straps and zippers it originally had. As with almost all characters in the Timeless River, Sora is colored completely in shades of white, grey, and black. His face, arms, and figure have a much more cartoonish look, and more closely match the rubber hose-style of cartoons.

When using most Drive Forms, Sora's physical appearance does not change. Instead, the icon of his head near the HP Bar tints color slightly to reflect the Form he takes. The tint is red for Valor Form, blue for Wisdom Form, purple for Limit Form, yellow for Master Form, and white for Final Form. When Sora enters AntiForm, he becomes a black silhouette with grey eyes, a change that is also reflected in the icon.

Journal entry

Kingdom Hearts II

A boy who searches for Riku and the King, his Keyblade opening the road before him.

To save Disney Castle from a thorny fate, Sora passed through Merlin's doorway to a world of black-and-white.

Space Paranoids version

Sora SP KHII.png

A boy who carries the Keyblade, opening the world-gates in search of Riku.

Tinkering with Ansem's computer triggered some kind of unique device that warped Sora inside the computer program.

In Space Paranoids, Sora's outfit changes to match the suit of a neutral Program. His clothing is replaced with robotic, grey and dark blue armor covered in glowing, cyan computer circuitry, and he wears a sleek helmet that covers his forehead and wraps over the top of his head to the back of his neck, leaving the sides of his head and two tufts of hair exposed, with two cyan prongs jutting diagonally from the back. His skin also becomes light blue and his hair turns grey. Sora does not wear his crown necklace in this form, while his Keyblades take on glowing blue circuit lines to match the world's aesthetic.

In Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, Sora recalls his Space Paranoids form following his battle with Rinzler.

The circuitry on Sora's armor changes color to match any Drive Form he is in. In Valor Form, the circuits are red, in Wisdom Form, they become a darker shade of blue, and Master Form's circuitry is yellow. Limit Form's armor and circuits are colored to vaguely match with the colors of Sora's original outfit; his torso, helmet, and arms are silver, his pants are red, his shoes are yellow, and there is a blue band around his waist and collar. In Final Form, the armor's color becomes more predominantly grey and the circuits become silver. AntiForm's armor is black and the circuitry is grey.

Pride Lands version

Sora PL KHII.png

In Pride Lands, Sora takes the form of a lion cub. His fur is predominantly an ashy shade of brown, though his toes, belly, and the fur around his mouth are very light grey. His mane is shaped like his normal hairstyle, and is the same light brown color. There is a tuft of light brown fur on the tip of his tail, and he has three whiskers on either side of his nose. His eyes are bright blue and his sclera are yellow. His silver crown necklace still hangs from his neck in this form, and he holds his Keyblade in his mouth, though when he opens the world's Gate or he goes in Limit mode with Simba he holds the Keyblade with his tail.

Journal entry

Kingdom Hearts II

A boy who fights with Keyblade in hand, opening the way before him as he searches for Riku and a way home. Sora has taken a feline form in this world, but he seems to have two left feet...four left paws? Whatever.

TRON: Legacy Version

Sora TG KH3D.png

In The Grid, Sora appears similar to how he does in Space Paranoids, though his armor is now completely black with white circuitry, with the patterns on his chest and back different from before. He lacks his prongs and a visor is now attached to his helmet, which is smaller than it was in Space Paranoids. Sora's crown necklace disappears, now incorporated into his form's design as it appears both on his chest and in the space of his Identity Disk. Sora's Keyblade takes on a similar appearance as well, this time black with white circuitry.

Unlike in Space Paranoids, Sora's skin tone and hair color is the same as in his normal form.

Other Forms

Main articles: Card Form and Die Form

Notes and References

  1. ^ Famitsu Interview; Interviewer: "Is AntiForm originated from when Sora got turned into a Heartless?" / Nomura: "Story-wise, yes. Drives are very strong so AntiForm exists as a side-effect of using too much power. System-wise, I wanted to create something strong but troublesome."