KHWiki:Mirage Arena

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This article is about the Wiki Arena.
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Hello, and welcome to the Mirage Arena, kupo! I'm the owner of Moogle's Medal Shop, Moogle, and I shall be your host for these glorious battles, kupo! Once a week, fights will be hosted here, the contenders varying from Sora himself, to a Shadow Heartless. After four months of fights, the 16 winners will be pitted against each other in the Joint Struggle! Without further ado, let us begin! Start voting! And don't forget to nominate! Kupo!


  1. You may vote only once.
  2. You must be a registered user to vote.
  3. You must have at least 145 edits before voting. Check your editcount Here, by typing in your username. Please check for: Mainspace, Image, Main Page, Template, Walkthrough, Card, Kingdom Hearts Wiki, and MediaWiki edits.
  4. If you are not logged in when you vote, your vote will be removed.
  5. To vote, type the following "#", afterward including any reasons for voting you may wish to include. Please don't make long comments along with your vote. Any votes that are particularly long-winded will first be asked to be modified or moved to the Keyblade Graveyard, and will be removed if not followed. Long votes are defined anything over two sentences of reasonable length, give or take a little (Not including sig).
  6. Additional comments go in the Keyblade Graveyard. Conduct yourself with courtesy. Keep in mind that the fights are between the contestants, and not the users. Do note that while there are limits on how much you can say in your vote, Walls-o-Text are fine here.
  7. Do not alter the format of this page.
  8. If a battle ends in a tie, Sudden Death will occur. After one hour, the contender with more votes wins. Keep in mind that Sudden Death matches happen at random times!
  9. If sudden death ends in another tie, 30 minutes will be added onto the clock. This will repeat until a winner is clear.

Any failure to adhere to these rules will result in your vote(s) being removed or loss of voting privileges.

Vote/Nomination Policy:

Please follow these guidelines when removing votes and taking away vote privileges. Leave a message on the Mirage Arena about the aplied Warning

  1. The vote/nomination is removed.
  2. The vote/nomination is removed and 1st warning message is sent to the talk page.
  3. The vote/nomination is removed, 2nd warning message is sent and loss of voting/nomination privilege to the next fight.
  4. 3rd warning message is sent and loss of vote/nomination privileges for one month.
  5. Loss of voting/nomination privileges permanently with a message announcing it.

Round 2, Week 9: Zack VS Cloud

File:Zack BBS Edit.png 30hugjc.png File:KH - ReCoded - Cloud.PNG
Two heroes spread apart in time clash swords in a battle that pits friend against friend, hero of light against dweller of darkness, living legend against living legacy. Your votes will determine their fate. WINNER!

Votes for Zack

  1. Less emo, more awesome. --Ag (Silver) - 47 107.8682 amu ~Crono Vsymbol1.png 21:15, 14 May 2011 (EDT)
  2. The scene where he asks out Aqua was hilarious. --Item_2384.png AS IF! Item_2384.png 21:19, 14 May 2011 (EDT)
  3. Much better character, not just a stereotypical quiet, reserved, reluctant hero archetype. Chitalian8 21:55, 14 May 2011 (EDT)

Votes for Cloud

  1. I have one wing. And you don't. SUCK ON THAT! KRCCFNF is tired of being STEPPED ON. 21:45, 14 May 2011 (EDT)

Keyblade Graveyard

Round 2, Week 8: Pumpkinhead VS Decisive Pumpkin

Pumpkinhead KH.png 30hugjc.png Decisive Pumpkin KHII.png
7 to 5
A battle of the two Halloween Town Keyblades. One, representative of Halloween alone. The other, representative of Christmas, with Jack's iconic Halloween touch. Which will win in the battle of holiday weapons? WINNER!
7 to 5

Votes for Pumpkinhead

  1. I was an epic baws when I used this Keyblade in KH1. Erry uEPKV.png 13:43, 7 May 2011 (EDT)
  2. Looks a lot cooler. KRCCFNF is tired of being STEPPED ON. 13:51, 7 May 2011 (EDT)
  3. Pawprintorange.png Dan - Don't Blink! Pawprintblue2.png 14:12, 7 May 2011 (EDT)
  4. Wut Inexeh said. --Ag (Silver) - 47 107.8682 amu ~Crono Vsymbol1.png 14:27, 7 May 2011 (EDT)
  5. Free candy > free stuff UnknownCheisā —— From Shadows 14,56, 7 May 2011 (EDT)
  6. Classics anyday. TamboursNéant Ensemble ! 18:13, 7 May 2011 (EDT)
  7. Decisive Pumpkin just looks stupid. Or at least not as cool as Pumpkinhead. Heartless Emblem.png I never said most of the things I've said Heartless Emblem.png 00:01, 9 May 2011 (EDT)

Votes for Decisive Pumpkin

  1. Pleh on you all. I like the twisted touch Jack gives to what should be a Christmas-themed Keyblade.LapisLazuliScarab14:59, 7 May 2011 (EDT)
  2. Quite possibly one of the best Keyblades in KHII, and I like the noise when it hits enemies. Chitalian8 18:30, 7 May 2011 (EDT)
  3. Decisive Pumpkin, Decisive Pumpkin, Decisive Pumpkin all the way! --Item_2384.png AS IF! Item_2384.png 18:32, 7 May 2011 (EDT)
  4. Oh come on it jingles people Mobile sprite-shadowdance.pngThe17masterMobile sprite-shadowdizzy.png 02:06, 8 May 2011 (EDT)
  5. "Twinkle Twinkle Holidays" is now playing in your head.--Xion4ever 15:42, 8 May 2011 (EDT)

Keyblade Graveyard