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Important IRC events needed to be recorded.

Memorable IRC moments

<SquareEnixRocks> Justin Bieber broke his foot because he was climbing up the ladder to puberty, but failed.
<SquareEnixRocks> I have a sweet tooth the size of Justin Bieber's brain...-_-"
<maggosh> So, you don't have one?
<SquareEnixRocks> No, not really.
<maggosh> A sweettooth, I mean.
[20:46] == UnknownEnigma [44dab3be@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: I have overstayed my welcome. Good bye. LA, I will be in your sleep. I will be in your dream of a dream of a dream of a dream of a dream of a dream of a dream of a dream of a dream of a dream of a dream of a dream of a dream.]
[20:48] <DoctorReeves> INCEPTION