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Magic is both a form of attack and stat parameter from the Kingdom Hearts series.

Magic, denoted commonly as MP ("Magic Points"), is one of the two forms of basic attack Sora can perform. Other friendly characters that excel at magic include Donald Duck, Ariel, and Jack Skellington, not to mention Genie and Mushu. However, these usually tend to not be as powerful when it comes to physical attacks. Magical power seems to possess some connection to a character's intellect, as an increase in Roxas's magic power when choosing the Dream Rod is indicated as his becoming more astute.

Magic is associated with the color blue. It is the blue meter on Sora's and Roxas's status display. In Kingdom Hearts, Magic is also associated with the color yellow. There would be a second meter overlapping the MP Meter, which represented MP Recovery. It counted as extra MP. The meter was removed, however, in Kingdom Hearts II. In Kingdom Hearts II, Magic was instead associated with the color purple. When Sora used up all his MP, the MP Meter would be replaced with the MP Recharge meter, which was purple. Sora would not be able to use anymore Magic until the Recharge meter was empty.

MP may be recovered by dealing damage to enemies, stepping into a Save Point, by using an Ether or Elixir, by using a Tent, and/or by picking up the bubble-like MP Orbs dropped by enemies and by the wisps in the Underworld.

Standard Magic Powers

Influencing Magic Strength

Magic itself is effected by two factors: Strength (Magic Strength in Kingdom Hearts II) and Ability Points. The higher the user's Strength number is, the more powerful and capable the magic was when used offensively. Special magic attacks can be enabled with a high amount of AP.

Additionally, every standard magic power has three ranks. These can be determined by the suffix to the magic power's name. Rank 1 has no special suffix. Rank 2 is ended with either a "-ra" or a "-ara," depending on the ending letter of the Rank 1 name. Rank 3 follows suit, using the endings "-ga", "-aga" and "-ega." By acquiring all Rank 1 magic in Kingdom Hearts, Merlin will give Sora the Spellbinder key chain.

The negative suffixes -gun and -agun that appear in the battle against the Volcanic Lord and Blizzard Lord do not appear to have originated with Final Fantasy titles, but rather to be exclusive to the Kingdom Hearts series.

Another way to increase magic potential is via Abilities. Some abilities influence magic strength, be it positive or negative. This is further looked at in Kingdom Hearts II, in which the Keyblade, Donald's staff, and Goofy's shield held abilities themselves, occasionally affecting magic. Abilities that affect magic include:

Key chains, staffs, and shields that affect magic or are magic-oriented (raising Magic Strength more than Strength) include:

Magic Strong Points

Magic is useful in many situations.

Defeating Multiple Enemies

Some forms of magic, such as Thunder and Reflect, are very powerful. Thundaga may be considered the most powerful form of magic acquired in any game, as at a high level such as 70, characters like Sora can kill multiple Heartless in one attack.

Gravity, Magnet, and Stop effect how an enemy moves. Gravity grounds aerial enemies, making them easier to hit with standard attacks. Magnet brings enemies together at a certain point, making stationary attacks easier to pull off. Stop freezes enemies in suspended animation, allowing for an easy kill.

Attacking at a Distance

Blizzard, Thunder, and Fire (in Kingdom Hearts only) enable one to attack enemies at a safe distance. Blizzard (and Fire in Kingdom Hearts) fires a projectile that homes towards a target, allowing the user to need to worry less about aim and direction.


Cure, possibly the most helpful magic ability out there, may be used to heal the user. As the rank increases, the user may also heal allies. It is invaluable in the battlefield as it works instantly. With a certain ability, the user also becomes invincible while casting Cure.

Aero and Reflect surrounds the user with a protective barrier to shield from harm. Aero stays in effect for a short amount of time, while Reflect works instantaneously. At higher ranks, Aero gets the double effect of harming enemies on contact. At higher ranks, Reflect covers more space and also harms enemies on contact. This gives Aero and Reflect casters the edge in almost any situation. Fire in Kingdom Hearts 2 serves a similar purpose.

Limit Break

Some of the most powerful abilities require the help of a friend. MP is required to use Limit abilities, but they drain all of Sora's MP meter.

Drive Forms

Of Sora's Drive forms, Wisdom Form and Master Form are the best choice for Magic users. Wisdom Form literally relies on magic for its attack, though only the standard magic powers consume MP. Any magic power used in Master Form performs differently than normally or than in any other Drive form. For example, Sora will charge forward when using Fire, and spin his Keyblade around him to protect himself while performing Thunder. Sora in Master Form is the most powerful Magic user in the game, however Wisdom-Form can cast spells much quicker allowing him to deal extreme damage to bosses, especially Armoured Xemnas.


  • In Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Donald has a sleight called Magic in which he casts two spells, either Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, or Cure. The power of the spells depends on how many Donald cards were stocked. If two Donald cards are stocked, then Donald will perform two -ra level spells, either Fira, Blizzara, Thundara, or Cura. If three Donald cards are stocked, then Donald will perform two -ga level spells, either Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, or Curaga.
  • The magic spell Flare is available to Donald, as well as Shadow Flare to Sephiroth.
  • In Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, Sora is able to cast the recurring Final Fantasy spell Holy through one of his sleights, though this only appears as a powerful engine gummi in Kingdom Hearts (game) and Kingdom Hearts II, alongside the other ultimate black magic spells of Final Fantasy titles Flare, Meteor and Ultima in these games.
  • Final Fantasy spells often also have a -ja ending for fourth-level spells, though usually only Curaja is available to playable characters. However, another set of fourth-level spell endings appears in Kingdom Hearts, as evidenced by the reaction commands for Volcanic Lord and Blizzard Lord, as well as synthesized items, end with -gun, which is apparently either a translation error, an attempt to cause the spell tiers to appear more unique between the two franchises, or a newly-created negative-tier ending, as it is never applied to a spell.
  • In order to have a magic strong point in Kingdom Hearts (game), it is advised to choose the Dream Rod in the Awakening stage of the game. This will enable the character to have a large amount of MP by the end of the game.
  • The suffixes -ra and -ga which come with magic upgrades are only available in the English and Japanese versions of Kingdom Hearts games. In other versions, the second form is noted with a plus (+) sign, while the third is noted with an X.

See Also