
The concept of Assists comes from both Dissidia 012' s Assist System and Birth By Sleep' s D-Link System. Assists are allies that can be summoned in battle, but for that they need their Assist Gauge to be filled. It is filled by inputting various actions (for example, parrying an HP Attack, or dealing a very long combo...) Once the Assist is summoned, he acts as a non-controllable ally that also attacks the enemy. The Assist Gauge progressively disappears as the ally acts. Under specific conditions (similar to FFXII's Esper System) the ally may unleash a powerful attack and disappear afterward. This attack is called a "Finisher".

Assists gain levels as they are used. There are five levels. Each level grants bonuses both to the Assist (giving him a slight stat bonus and new attacks, as well as passive skills) and to the Player (by giving him special Passive Abilities)


Zack's Assist is focused on powerful, offensive physical attacks that crush barriers and assault the enemy. He lacks defensive and magical abilities (Except some weak Fire spells) but he will inflict a lot of damage.


Brave Attacks

Move Type Obtained Description
Fire (Ground) Ground Level 1 Sends a slow-moving fireball towards the enemy. Deals Fire damage.
Blade Beam Ground Level 2 Attacks from afar with a white shockwave.
Dark Hazard (Ground) Ground Level 5 Performs a combo by empowering the Buster Sword with Darkness, before slamming the enemy to the ground. Deals Dark damage.
Dark Braver Aerial Level 1 Slams sword to the ground in a quick yet powerful descending attack. Deals Dark damage.
Fire (Midair) Aerial Level 3 Sends a slow-moving fireball towards the enemy. Deals Fire damage.
Dark Hazard (Midair) Aerial Level 4 Performs a combo by empowering the Buster Sword with Darkness, before slamming the enemy to the ground. Deals Dark damage.

HP Attacks

Move Type Obtained Description
Hero's Entrance (Ground) Ground Level 1 Deals a quick combo before jumping and slamming sword into the ground, dealing HP damage and releasing an impressive shockwave.
Dark Meteor Ground Level 3 Sends a rain of dark meteors to shower on the enemy.
Hero's Entrance (Midair) Aerial Level 1 Deals a quick combo before jumping and slamming sword into the ground, dealing HP damage and releasing an impressive shockwave.
Finishing Touch Aerial Level 5 Sends a dark-powered tornado on the enemy, drawing closer all enemies.


Zack uses Hero's Pride as a Finisher, and only uses it when inflicting Break on the enemy. He will warp before striking the enemy several times from all sides before warping directly above the enemy and dealing the final hit that deals HP damage. The combo before the HP hit deals Dark damage.

Ability List

Ability Type Obtained Description
Ground Evasion Action Level 1 On the ground, push R + X to evade opponent's attack.
Midair Evasion Action Level 1 In the air, push R + X to evade opponent's attack.
Ground Block Action Level 1 On the ground, push R to guard against foe's attack.
Midair Block Action Level 1 In the air, push R to guard against foe's attack.
Aerial Recovery Action Level 1 When tumbling through the air, press R + X to break fall.
Air Dash Action Level 1 While Quickmoving, press Triangle to dash toward opponent. Hold button to extend range.
Reverse Air Dash Action Level 2 While Quickmoving, press Triangle to dash away from opponent. Hold button to extend range.
Omni Air Dash Action Level 5 Press R + Triangle to dash in any direction. Hold button to extend range.
Free Air Dash Action Level 2 Press R + Triangle to dash toward opponent. Hold button to extend range.
Reverse Free Air Dash Action Level 4 Press R + Triangle to dash away from opponent. Hold button to extend range.
Combo + Action Level 2 On the ground, push Circle at the end of a physical combo to add one more hit to the combo.
Combo ++ Action Level 3 On the ground, push Circle at the end of a physical combo to add one more hit to the combo.
Combo +++ Action Level 5 On the ground, push Circle at the end of a physical combo to add one more hit to the combo.
Midair Combo + Action Level 2 In the air, push Circle at the end of a physical combo to add one more hit to the combo.
Midair Combo ++ Action Level 4 In the air, push Circle at the end of a physical combo to add one more hit to the combo.
Jump Boost + Action Level 3 Increases jump strength.
Double Jump + Action Level 4 Increases number of jumps.
Ground Counter Extra Level 3 On the ground, increases attack speed after successfully blocking an attack.
Midair Counter Extra Level 2 In the air, increases attack speed after successfully blocking an attack.
Defender Extra Level 1 Lowers physical damage by 20% when you have low HP.
Bravery Rage Extra Level 2 When hit by a HP attacks, gain Bravery equal to 1/10 of total damage.
Bravery Rage + Extra Level 4 When hit by a HP attacks, gain Bravery equal to 1/5 of total damage.
Critical Break + Extra Level 5 Critical Hit ratio increases while attacking an enemy in Break.

Link Abilities

Ability Type Obtained Description
Combo + Extra Level 1 On the ground, push Circle at the end of a physical combo to add one more hit to the combo.
Fire Booster Extra Level 2 Increases the power of Fire elemental attacks.
Brick Wall + Extra Level 3 Allows to take some Brave Attacks without flinching.
Fire Finish Extra Level 4 May inflict Ignite with normal attacks.
Attack Ex Range + Extra Level 5 Absorbs nearby Ex Force while attacking.


Pete's Assist focuses on chaotic and unpredictable attacks that inflict multiple status effects. He is annoying as an opponent, because his attacks are hard to dodge.


Brave Attacks

Move Type Obtained Description
Chaos Sphere (Ground) Ground Level 1 Throws a bouncing sphere towards the opponent. It homes in slightly and may inflict Burn, Freeze, Jolt or Air-Toss randomly. Deals Dark Damage.
Spheric Shield (Ground) Ground Level 2 Creates a small circular shield of light that slightly increases Bravery. It parries most Brave attacks but is helpless while facing HP Attacks and standard Guard-Crushing attacks.
Belly Blaster Ground Level 4 Pete dashes towards the enemy and hits him with his belly. Very quick starting, but long cooldown.
Temper Tantrum Aerial Level 1 Pete slams himself to the ground, dealing Brave Damage and crushing the enemy.
Chaos Sphere (Midair) Aerial Level 3 Throws a bouncing sphere towards the opponent. It homes in slightly and may inflict Burn, Freeze, Jolt or Air-Toss randomly. Deals Dark Damage.
Spheric Shield (Midair) Aerial Level 5 Creates a small circular shield of light that slightly increases Bravery. It parries most Brave attacks but is helpless while facing HP Attacks and standard Guard-Crushing attacks.

HP Attacks

Move Type Obtained Description
Fruit Shot (Ground) Ground Level 1 Pete jumps and kicks in a giant fruit, making it bounce on the enemy and kicking it again twice (dealing Brave damage) before slamming it on the enemy with full power, dealing HP Damage.
Devious Smash Ground Level 5 Pete turns into "Captain Dark" and summons a dark aura with quite a short range, but that is quite quick, and blinds the enemy temporarly upon impact.
Justice Slam Ground Level 1 Pete turns into "Captain Justice" and attacks the enemy several times while imbued with Light.
Fruit Shot (Midair) Aerial Level 3 Pete jumps and kicks in a giant fruit, making it bounce on the enemy and kicking it again twice (dealing Brave damage) before slamming it on the enemy with full power, dealing HP Damage.


Pete of course uses his Rumble Rave as a finisher, as a 50% chance when the opponent is inflicted a status effect. It causes him to get into Captain Dark's cart and dash at the enemy madly, increasing his bravery with each hit before the Rumble Rave explodes, dealing massive HP damage.

Ability List

Ability Type Obtained Description
Ground Evasion Action Level 1 On the ground, push R + X to evade opponent's attack.
Midair Evasion Action Level 1 In the air, push R + X to evade opponent's attack.
Ground Block Action Level 1 On the ground, push R to guard against foe's attack.
Midair Block Action Level 1 In the air, push R to guard against foe's attack.
Aerial Recovery Action Level 1 When tumbling through the air, press R + X to break fall.
Air Dash Action Level 1 While Quickmoving, press Triangle to dash toward opponent. Hold button to extend range.
Reverse Air Dash Action Level 2 While Quickmoving, press Triangle to dash away from opponent. Hold button to extend range.
Omni Air Dash Action Level 5 Press R + Triangle to dash in any direction. Hold button to extend range.
Free Air Dash Action Level 2 Press R + Triangle to dash toward opponent. Hold button to extend range.
Reverse Free Air Dash Action Level 4 Press R + Triangle to dash away from opponent. Hold button to extend range.
Combo + Action Level 2 On the ground, push Circle at the end of a physical combo to add one more hit to the combo.
Midair Combo + Action Level 2 In the air, push Circle at the end of a physical combo to add one more hit to the combo.
Jump Boost + Action Level 3 Increases jump strength.
Double Jump + Action Level 4 Increases number of jumps.
Ground Counter Extra Level 3 On the ground, increases attack speed after successfully blocking an attack.
Midair Counter Extra Level 2 In the air, increases attack speed after successfully blocking an attack.
Defender Extra Level 1 Lowers physical damage by 20% when you have low HP.
Bravery Rage Extra Level 2 When hit by a HP attacks, gain Bravery equal to 1/10 of total damage.
Crisis Half Extra Level 4 Lowers all damage by 50% when at low HP.
Status Boost + Extra Level 3 Increases enemy's Status Effect Duration.
Status Boost ++ Extra Level 5 Increases even more enemy's Status Effect Duration.
Fire Finish Extra Level 4 May inflict Ignite with normal attacks.
Blizzard Finish Extra Level 3 May inflict Freeze with normal attacks.
Aero Finish Extra Level 2 May inflict Air-Toss with normal attacks.
Thunder Finish Extra Level 1 May inflict Jolt with normal attacks.

Link Abilities

Ability Type Obtained Description
Fire Finish Extra Level 1 May inflict Ignite with normal attacks.
Blizzard Finish Extra Level 2 May inflict Freeze with normal attacks.
Aero Finish Extra Level 3 May inflict Air-Toss with normal attacks.
Thunder Finish Extra Level 4 May inflict Jolt with normal attacks.
Status Boost + Extra Level 5 Increases enemy's Status Effect Duration.