Drive Gauge

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The Drive Gauge

The Drive Gauge is a new bar in Kingdom Hearts II like that of HP and MP. It is used above the MP gauge. It is used for Drive Forms and Summons in Kingdom Hearts II which will deplete the gauge. You can replenish the Drive Gauge by picking up Drive Orbs or from the Drive Recovery or High Drive Recovery items. In Kingdom Hearts II, you can get your Drive Gauge up to 7. In Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+, you can get it up to 9. When a Drive Form is triggered, the Drive Gauge's function changes. The Drive Gauge becomes gray and the gauge starts depleting, this means it has a time limit. The same thing happens when you use a summon.

Drive Gauge Upgrades

File:Kh2 184.jpg
Drive Gauge while in a Form

Kingdom Hearts II

Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+

  • Defeat Xemnas's Final Battle in the game.
  • Defeat the Enigmatic Soldier.

Abilities that affect the Drive Gauge

File:Kh2 197.jpg
Drive Gauge while using a Summon
  • Damage Drive - Drive Gauge is refilled when damage is taken.
  • Drive Boost - Drive Gauge restoration increased faster during MP Charge
  • Form Boost - Form Gauge depletes at 80% normal speed.
  • Summon Boost - Summon Gauge depletes at 80% normal speed.
  • Auto Summon - Set Summon to Reaction Command when an ally is down.
  • Auto Valor - Set Valor Form to Reaction Command when HP is down.
  • Auto Wisdom - Set Wisdom Form to Reaction Command when HP is down.
  • Auto Master - Set Master Form to Reaction Command when HP is down.
  • Auto Final - Set Final Form to Reaction Command when HP is down.
  • Light & Dark - From Two Across keyblade. Increases the chance of getting Anti-Form which means a higher chance to obtain Final Form for the first time.