Kingdom Hearts (game)
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix


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A Summon is a special character that can be magically called on to aid Sora in the Kingdom Hearts series. They have been present in Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, and Kingdom Hearts II although the mechanics of using them differ from game to game.

Game differences

File:Fairy Godmother.png
The Fairy Godmother helps Sora unlock four of the Summons in the original Kingdom Hearts.

Kingdom Hearts

In the original Kingdom Hearts, most of the summons are obtained by finding special gems called "Summon Gems" in various worlds. The gems can then be given to the Fairy Godmother, staying at Merlin's House in Traverse Town; she uses her magic to restore their spirit forms and release their powers, thus making the summon creatures available. All of these summons are victims of the Heartless' quest to destroy the worlds. As explained by the Fairy Godmother, the summon gems are the crystallized forms of strong, good-hearted denizens that did not fall victim to the darkness during the destruction of their worlds, and so are able to be called into battle for a limited time.

Two summons, Genie and Tinker Bell, are allies from worlds Sora has visited, and join him of their own free will upon locking the Keyhole of their world. They do not need to be released by the Fairy Godmother before they can be used.

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

Main article: Summon Cards

In Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories there are Summon Cards that Sora obtains during his ascent of Castle Oblivion. Some Magic Cards enable Sora to perform summons. These cards are created from Sora's memories, so the summons are the same ones from Kingdom Hearts, with the addition of Cloud. They also differ in how they play out, as playing or stacking a different number of cards has different results, much like Magic and Friend cards (for example, one Cloud card will use a normal slash, while two make a Cross-slash and three make an Omnislash). However, Sora is unable to activate cards while the summon is active, contrary to Enemy Cards.

Kingdom Hearts II

In Kingdom Hearts II, summons come from special charms found scattered throughout the worlds, which Sora can immediately use without having to unlock them. The charms from Kingdom Hearts II work differently than the summon gems from Kingdom Hearts. While most of the summon spells on the first game gave a temporary body to the soul contained within the gem, the charm actually teleports the summonable character directly from their world.

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Main article: Dimension Link

In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, a new form of summon featured, known as the Dimension Link (shortened "D-Link"). Players can draw power from both non-playable characters or summon one of the three main characters wirelessly from other players to aid them in action. While Cinderella, King Mickey, Zack Fair, Experiment 626, Donald Duck, and others are known as the non-playable D-Link characters, Terra, Ventus, and Aqua are the wireless D-Link characters.

Summon mechanics

Kingdom Hearts

The Summon menu in Kingdom Hearts is located within the Magic menu during battle. Each summon requires a specific amount of MP to be performed, and the summon lasts until its MP bar is fully consumed (or until the player dismissed it manually). In order to perform a summon, the player needs to have two friends in the battle with him, and they both must be conscious. This means that Sora cannot perform summons during battles he is fighting if he is alone or when one or both of his allies are knocked unconscious.

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

In Chain of Memories, once Sora plays that specific summon's card, the summoned character will appear, perform one or more attacks/actions (depending on the amount of cards stocked) and immediately disappear.

Kingdom Hearts II

The Summon menu was given its own area in the Command Menu in Kingdom Hearts II because of the inclusion of a second menu that could be accessed during battle. In addition, Kingdom Hearts II summons no longer require MP to be summoned; they now use the Drive Gauge to count down their time instead, and again the player must have two friends in battle in order to perform a summon.

Leveling Up Summons

Summons in Kingdom Hearts II draw their power from a separate Summon Gauge (similar to the Drive Gauge), which can also be leveled up, allowing the Summon to remain with Sora for a longer period of time. One point of Experience is gained for every gauge expended while the Summon is on the field. A simple way to level up is by finding a safe place, call a Summon, and then wait as time whittles down the gauges before jumping into the Gummi Ship to reset the gauge to MAX.

However, a much faster way to level up the Summon Gauge is to call a Summon to the field, and then find enemies to fight. Closely watch the Summon Gauge, and attack enemies the moment the Gauge drops down a level. Each time you land an attack, the gauge will be boosted a little bit, so by constantly attacking to boost the gauge back up a level, it will drop back down again. Continue this method to boost the gauge back up a level each time you attack so it is then expended, and you'll acquire a point of Experience each time.

List of Summons

Kingdom Hearts

Using Simba / How He Works

Lock-On to an enemy and hold down the X Button to start charging. In the corner where you see the picture of Simba you will start to see a blue meter charge, the further it goes, the more damage it will do to the enemies around you. When you think you have charged enough let go of the X Button and Simba will use his Roar. But you have to be careful because if you get hit by a Heartless while you are charging you will lose it and have to start again.

Using The Genie / How He Works

The Genie’s attack is called Showtime. Lock on to one enemy and you should see little pictures of the Genie on the enemies. So if there is a group of Heartless, he will Lock-On to more than one. Then use Showtime and he will cast a rain of spells onto the enemies around. Spells like Stop and Gravity are used.

Using Bambi / How He Works

Bambi can give different items through charging up his meter, much like an experience bar. Bambi will come onto the field, start jumping around, and items will fly everywhere. When you summon Bambi, he has 2 bars; A yellow and blue one. Every time you defeat a Heartless the blue bar will fill up a little bit, when you fill it up all of the way you will get an item. The items get better and better as you defeat more Heartless while he is summoned. But if you are to lose Bambi, you will have to start collecting from bad to good when you summon him again. The best place to go is a place where there is a lot of Heartless that you can kill quickly, such as the Gizmo Shop.

Using Dumbo / How He Works

When you summon Dumbo you will shrink so you can ride on his back. Then you gain control of Dumbo. Fly around and Lock-On to Heartless and attack them with your water blast.

Using Tinkerbell / How She Works

Tinker Bell will fly around you party and heal you every so often. This is great for those really hard battles.

Using Mushu / How He Works

When Mushu is summoned he will sit on your head and wait for commands. When you Lock-On to an enemy you can pick Fire Breath and he will shoot multiple fireballs at the enemy. Hold down the X Button for a constant attack.

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

Kingdom Hearts II


  • In the series, all summons have been Disney characters, with the exceptions of Cloud in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, and Zack and Vanitas in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.
  • Peter Pan, Genie, Simba, Stitch & Cloud are the only characters to appear as Summons and Party Members in the main games.
  • Mushu and Simba are summons in the first game, but become world-specific party characters in Kingdom Hearts II.
  • The ultimate Summon from the Final Fantasy video game series, Bahamut, was intended to be included Kingdom Hearts, but was cut before the final release. Through hacking, it is possible to gain a "Bahamut" option in the Summon menu; however, it is an incomplete summon, and therefore will freeze the game if selected.
  • The main purpose of the Summons were to add in any extra Disney movies that weren't already represented by a World.
  • Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days is the first game in the series not to incorporate any form of summons.
  • Dumbo, Bambi and Chicken Little are the only summons whose worlds haven't been present in any games yet.

See also