File:Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix 2 (Art).png
Meet the others. Unwind, relax.

The Kingdom Hearts Wiki's IRC channel is the wiki's main mode of socializing. It is used for chit-chat and is also a different and quicker way to notify a staff member about a problem with the wiki. It also, if possible, should be used for socialization with other users rather than through the use of users' talk pages.

The topic range for the #KHWiki-social channel is very broad. The channel is not restricted to Kingdom Hearts talk. Discussions can relate to anything from one's favorite character, to a more off-topic subject like how one's day has been. Discussions about the wiki, however, are better suited for #KHWiki-noticeboard, the main IRC channel for this wiki. #KHWiki-noticeboard is only used to discuss official manners, policies, and staff meetings, so please do not act socially in the channel.


  1. Play nice with others - Neither channel will not be used to insult others or put people down, between regular users or staff members. If you continue to insult someone or flame the channel with nonsense, you will be banned. If any user expresses that you are annoying them with an action, message, or joke, you are to respect their wishes and stop.
  2. Caution: spoilers are expected - We will try our best to prevent any users from spoiling the events of future Kingdom Hearts games, but be warned that not all users will be able to be stopped fast enough to prevent you from remaining "unspoiled." You can ignore a user's messages through the ignore command (----- /ignore nick), and clear all messages from your screen by using the clear command (/clear).
  3. The IRC uses the wiki's native tongue - Please use proper English. 133t Sp33k is not something we want to read. Abbrevations such as "YGOTAS", "KH", and "FFWiki" are acceptable, but please try to stay within reason. Repeated use of "text talk", such as "idk", "omg", "bff", and etc. just gets annoying, and the community tends to dislike it.
  4. Be yourself - Do not abuse the /nick function to rapidly change your nick. While it is considered acceptable to change your nick temporarily for a short period of time once the community has identified you, it is not okay to change your nick several times in a short period of time. In addition, sockpuppets will not be tolerated. If you are a suspected sockpuppet, you will be banned. Don't think we're stupid, we've dealt with plenty of socks and flamers; we will identify you, confront you, and ban you. It is preferred that you use your Kingdom Hearts Wiki user name on the IRC, but this is not mandatory. There is a 16 character limit for user names.
  5. The IRC channel is not to be abused for role-play - We are aware that we have many users who are part of the channel's regular community who can be very comedic, but do not abuse the me command (/me) to role-play across entire screens of attacks, actions, and waves. Abusing this command will be counted as spamming the channel, and will get you kicked or banned from the channel.
  6. Do not spam the channel - Nobody wants their chat window to be filled with repeated lines of the same message. Spam is not fun for us to deal with or for anyone to read, nor is it funny. Spamming the channel with any material will get you kicked or banned.


Web client

  • Freenode's webchat (here for the social channel instead) is a convenient web client. Simply type in your nick and "#KHWiki-social" or "#KHWiki-noticeboard" in the channel box.

As of June 19th 2009 Freenode's server is no longer available via Mibbit.


  • mIRC is the classic Windows IRC client. The main drawbacks of mIRC are the fact that it's not free and that the configuration options are more extensive than a lot of users are used to. (Only partial UTF-8 support - see below)
  • Trillian handles IRC. It's a little complicated to set up, but if you don't want to use the very easy CGI:IRC linked by Angela, then Trillian is a handy program to have anyway for the other things it does. (No UTF-8 support - see below)
  • Miranda IM - a multi-client, like Trillian, but rather minimalist and open source. (UTF-8 support requires patching - see below)


  • Pidgin is a multi-client that comes preinstalled with Ubuntu and several other Linux distributions.
  • Kopete is a multi-client, the KDE counterpart of Gaim.
  • Konversation is a KDE application with interface similar to X-Chat; it is an IRC-only client.
  • irssi is an IRC-only client that uses a text-mode user interface.
  • BitchX is an IRC-only console application client.
  • EPiC is an IRC-only client for Unix systems that is descended from the ircII client, it uses a text-mode user interface.


  • Snak handles IRC rather nicely, and is one of the few Mac-only clients that still work flawlessly.
  • X-Chat Aqua is a full featured IRC client for OS X that is easy to setup and use.
  • Colloquy is an open-source IRC, SILC and ICB client for Mac OS X.


  • Opera web browser has a built-in IRC client.
  • ChatZilla is an extension for the Mozilla Firefox web browser.
  • JWChat - had some script errors in Firefox, but clicked "Stop script" and it worked fine after that.
  • X-Chat is perhaps the most well-known IRC client for Linux, included into nearly every distribution, which has recently grown in popularity on Windows as well. Note that the official Windows version (as opposed to Linux) is shareware, but unofficial free Windows builds are available, for example, here.

Setup instructions

To log in, you need to configure your client. After you log in, it is rather straightforward. The parameters are:

  • Server:
  • Channel: #KHWiki-social or #KHWiki-noticeboard (note the correct spelling)

Most IRC clients, in particular mIRC, Miranda and X-Chat, have "Freenode" in the default network list, you only need to select it. After you are connected to the server, type /join #KHWiki-social or /join #KHWiki-noticeboard in the reply box and press Enter.

Custom instructions for specific clients to come.


The #KHWiki-social and #KHWiki-noticeboard channels use the UTF-8 encoding, just like the Wiki proper. This should not pose a problem with English, as UTF-8 is backwards compatible with ASCII-127, but non-Latin scripts (such as Greek or Cyrillic) may be rendered improperly in UTF-8-incapable clients.

Common commands

All commands must be prefixed with a forward slash (/).

  • /nick new-nick-here: changes your nickname. As Rule #4 states, this is not to be abused.
  • /me action-here: Makes the "<" and ">" disappear from your next message to portray an action. For example, "/me defeats Roxas" becomes "*[Nick] defeats Roxas". As Rule #5 states, this is not to be abused.
  • /query nick-here message-here: sends a private message to the specified nick. Starts a "PM", also known as a "Query".
  • /ignore nick-here: ignores any message the specified nick sends. This doesn't work on webclients.
  • /join #channel-here: join another channel. Only works with other channels on the current network.
  • /quit message-here: quits IRC and leaves a message.
  • /part #channel-here message-here: leaves only the current channel.
  • /clear: clears the current log. Useful if your chat window begins to lag.
  • /ns ghost username yourpassword: "ghosts" or logs off a nick. Useful when you suddenly get logged off and see your old nick online when you log back on. You need to register your nick before you can use this.

OP commands

  • /topic new-topic-here: allows the topic to be modified.
  • /kick nick-here message-here: kicks the specified nick out of the channel, displaying for them the message specified.
  • /mode #KHWiki-[extension] +b nick!ident@*: bans a specific user from using a certain nick, ident, or IP address.

This list is by no means exhaustive. Further information can be found by typing /help or on this website.

Channel OPs

The following is a list of Channel OPs, a list of special users who have the ability to kick and ban other users in order to maintain the channel.

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DoorToNothing Neumannz KrytenKoro troisnyxetienne maggosh
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ENX Xion4ever SilverCrono Vestige* Tabbeh Sapharus

Staff members, please report to the channel as soon as possible so you can be given your OP functions. Your nick will need to be registered with NickServ before you can receive these privileges!

* Temporarily deopped.


Main article: KHWiki:Roundtable

The Roundtable is a monthly series of wiki meetings to discuss the fate of the Kingdom Hearts Wiki. The next one is: September 03, 2011, 9:00pm Wiki Time (UTC 0).


Main article: KHWiki:IRC/Record