On June 23, 2010, a record was broken on the IRC. An incredible thirty-one users were on the Kingdom Hearts Wiki's IRC Channel at once, attempting to set the record for the most users on the channel at once. This group, having broken the previous record of twenty-nine users online at once, includes many #wikia-kingdomhearts regulars, channel operators, bots, and even some of the kind folk from the Final Fantasy Wiki's IRC channel, #FFWiki. Thank you so much to all of the thirty-one users who were a part of this. As promised, above is a "tapestry" of our thirty-one record-breakers, represented by talk bubble images that they selected.
I apologize if size of the image was slightly shrunk by Wikia's borders, and therefore makes some of the clean-edge sprites raither blurry. The image doesn't lose its magnificence, though. From characters like Demyx and Saix, to fanon characters like Nathaniel and Owen, even to completely diverse characters like Blastoise and Inuyasha, this image shall portray the unity of our large and growing community on #wikia-kingdomhearts.
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