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| {{The Dark Master|time=[[User:The Dark Master|The Dark Master]] 20:52, January 28, 2011 (UTC)|text=I have been doing well.It sucks about what happened to your knee.I hate feeling pain myself.I get hurt too often.}} | | {{The Dark Master|time=[[User:The Dark Master|The Dark Master]] 20:52, January 28, 2011 (UTC)|text=I have been doing well.It sucks about what happened to your knee.I hate feeling pain myself.I get hurt too often.}} |
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| {{The Dark Maste|time=[[User:The Dark Master|The Dark Master]] 21:07, January 28, 2011 (UTC)|text=I have been making talk bubbles for newbies but I usually just make them one,If they want more they are free to ask me.}} | | {{The Dark Master|time=[[User:The Dark Master|The Dark Master]] 21:07, January 28, 2011 (UTC)|text=I have been making talk bubbles for newbies but I usually just make them one,If they want more they are free to ask me.}} |
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| {{The Dark Master|time=[[User:The Dark Master|The Dark Master]] 21:18, January 28, 2011 (UTC)|text=I would like to teach newbies how to make a talk bubble but I just don't know how to explain it to them.How do you explain coding?I learned how to make a talk bubble by simply looking at the coding of other talk bubbles.If you can can you send me that tutorial so I can give it to other uses so they can learn.}} | | {{The Dark Master|time=[[User:The Dark Master|The Dark Master]] 21:18, January 28, 2011 (UTC)|text=I would like to teach newbies how to make a talk bubble but I just don't know how to explain it to them.How do you explain coding?I learned how to make a talk bubble by simply looking at the coding of other talk bubbles.If you can can you send me that tutorial so I can give it to other uses so they can learn.}} |
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| {{The Dark Master|time=[[User:The Dark Master|The Dark Master]] 21:34, January 28, 2011 (UTC)|text=I know how to make a talk bubble man,I just don't know how to explain it to people.But thanks for the tutorial I will make sure to give it to newbies and credit you.}} | | {{The Dark Master|time=[[User:The Dark Master|The Dark Master]] 21:34, January 28, 2011 (UTC)|text=I know how to make a talk bubble man,I just don't know how to explain it to people.But thanks for the tutorial I will make sure to give it to newbies and credit you.}} |
Revision as of 21:35, 28 January 2011


Roxas Talk to Me! —  "I see myself the way you remember me, and you see yourself the way I remember you."  "You make a good other..." — 04:31, January 6, 2011 (UTC)
Hello everyone! Welcome to my talk page! Here are some rules:
- No Swearing without at least appropriate censorship.
- No Rude Comments! Comments like, "that's gay" or anything related will not be tolerated!
- No Bullying!! If I see bullying here, you and me will have a VERY big problem so do not bully!
- As long as everything is readable I don't care about grammar.
- I also ask that people use their talk bubbles here. Users without Talk Bubbles MUST sign with ~~~~. I will also be happy to teach you how to make them.
- As space has become an issue requests will now be taken here.
- To preserve space, I must ask that conversations be kept minimal. Long conversations should be held elsewhere. I have a Facebook, Myspace, AIM, Youtube, E-mail, and if need be I will sign onto the IRC. Just ask for one of the sites listed above.
Other than those rules everything is fair game. Please leave a message and I will always get back to you ASAP! Thank you for visiting!!
Image Help
LightRoxas - "My friends are my power! And I'm theirs!" TALK - "Just... put an end to me."
I'm trying to use an external image for my talk bubble, but I can't get it to work - it only shows a redlink for what the name of the page would be. What do I have to do to get the image to show up?
LightRoxas - "My friends are my power! And I'm theirs!" TALK - "Just... put an end to me."
Alright, thanks so much! And good luck on your exams!
LightRoxas - "I'm proud to be a small part of something bigger - the people it did choose. TALK - "I am who I am, because of them."
Well hello, Roxas! How'd your finals go?
Anywho, it's not really working - when I copy down the URL into the template, I still just get a redlink. I'm probably still not doing it right, though.
LightRoxas - "I'm proud to be a small part of something bigger - the people it did choose. TALK - "I am who I am, because of them."
:D yeah, I know what ya mean, today I got out at noon, and tomorrow I don't even have to go to school :D it's awesome.
RoxasNobody - I didn't know this before, but as it turns out, Tyrannosaurs can really haul ass. TALK - Wizardry aside, it's tough to beat a gun for discouraging men with baseball bats. -16:28, January 17, 2011 (UTC)
Thanks again for the picture, it looks pretty awesome.
I'm not mad at you.
ANX219 20:24, January 17, 2011 (UTC)
Raxz - Darkness is my weapon. TALK - Al1996 21:42, January 18, 2011 (UTC)
wow whenever it snows where you live it snows where i live edit:CT
Talk Bubble
Roxas - "Let me out of this card!" TALK - "My name is Roxas, not Double Strike." Synchblade 21:55, January 18, 2011 (UTC)
Hey, this is Synchblade testing the talk bubble I made for you! Hope you like it. I haven't put it in your template yet as I am in a bit of a hurry today. Sorry about your hand. Talk to you soon.
Darkheart3 Grant a wish! — "Next time let me add a few swimming pools, 'kay" After all, we're friends right? — 01:11, January 19, 2011 (UTC)
I know! Isn't that just so...goofy? Anyway, back to my question. What sort of image do you need?
Check it Out
Darkheart3 "What's goin' on?" — "What do I know?" Gawrsh, are these the Heartless guys? — 02:12, January 19, 2011 (UTC)
Check it Out! I'm pretty proud of it! Could you tell me why the image is so small though?
Dude, what the hell happened to my template? It's all stuffed up!(No Offense Intended)
Yeah I know. I wasn't blaming you or anything. I'm REALLY confused now
Ok. I'll try JFHavoc or someone
Bubble images
Chitalian8 Say... — Only by allowing strangers in can we find new ways to be ourselves. Life's little crossroads are often as simple as the pull of a trigger. — 02:30, January 19, 2011 (UTC)
Greetings, Roxas! I know your reputation as being a master image editor, and I have a little request for you. As you can see, I am using a Riku bubble. Could you possibly create happy, sad, angry, and talking Riku images. However, they must be in his KH2 clothes. Since Riku isn't in his KH2 clothes for long, I can understand if this is too hard for you to do. However, if you could do it, then that would make me quite a happy man.
Um, would it be alright if you did it? I have no screen capture software on my computer, and I can't seem to find any pictures of him in-cutscene.
Chitalian8 Please don't do this, Master! I'm not strong enough!— 22:18, January 19, 2011 (UTC)
Chitalian8 Goal! — I'm the one and only ace here! I can score even in the dark! — 22:31, January 19, 2011 (UTC)
Thanks! Um, the only specific thing I really want is for the angry sprite, could you use the scene were Riku just took off his Org. Coat? Other than that, I trust your judgement for the other sprites.
Chitalian8 Say... — Only by allowing strangers in can we find new ways to be ourselves. Life's little crossroads are often as simple as the pull of a trigger. — 22:43, January 19, 2011 (UTC)
I think it's the best candidate for an angry one, but if you find one, tell me. Yeah, the email is mcmorisi@aol.com
Chitalian8 Sweet Cosmos! — When you're having the most fun, that's when time always flies. "Light...give me strength!" ...or whatever. — 18:41, January 22, 2011 (UTC)
No, no, feel free to take your time, it's no rush.
Thank you!
Ratchet - Qwark, this thing is trying to eat me! TALK - I should have stopped Nefarious sooner! 06:24, January 20, 2011 (UTC)
Hey Roxas! Good to hear! Math eh? That's not too hard, I think. But I don't live in America and I don't know how hard they make the tests. Art exam? Sheesh, that's really $tupid! Hope you do your midterms okay!
Well, it would be great if you could still make them yeah! Anx makes me the Harry Potter sprites. Indeed, it looks familiar ;) What do you mean exactly? You say it's too hard as his hand is already in that position, wait, stay there, I'm gonna look. Ok, your quite right. Yeah, Dual X-Blades. Wow, you really are a TBO fan aren't you? It looks very nice! But what's that in the Which Org XIII member section? You've added a section box. Wonder what that will be. Oh, and can I have your e-mail adress. That's handy if you're still gonna teach me in photoshopping. Mine is jessezob1@hotmail.com. See ya later Roxas. Success with your midterms!
Just a short message
Sephiroth0812 - "Riku, you've been hanging out in the darkness too long. You gotta think positive!" TALK - "You can never forget your true buddies."21:00, January 19, 2011 (UTC)
Yo Roxas, read you're quite busy...seems to apply to all of us right now *ggg*. I just gonna drop by to ask if you've any shiny new art I can look up. ;)
Actually my mind's quite blown atm because of so much new KH-Info leaking out, and on top of it FF XIII-2, Lightning in armor!? Yuna in Dissidia Duodecim and finally some light on FF Versus XIII. lol
Sephiroth0812 - What should I be sad about? TALK - To the promised land. - 21:29, January 19, 2011 (UTC)
I see. Yet you should not forsake it if it's an important test ;). I actually got some serious learning on hand too, as I'm now starting to delve into MVVM and WPF-Programming (don't be upset if this gibberish confuses you, it's programmer-abbreviations and I don't understand it fully yet). Your profile got very much additional eye-candy I see, many two-become-ones and a bunch of Roxas-stars decorating it. So, you already on par with the newest KH Infos? Dream Drop Distance ring any bells? lol.
BtW don't wonder if answering takes a bit, I got Enigma on the other line...;)
Sephiroth0812 - What should I be sad about? TALK - To the promised land. - 22:15, January 19, 2011 (UTC)
Yep, it looks really like Roxas's page somehow...*ggg*. You'll notice yourself when it becomes too much...as when people start to complain because of loading times, LMAO. You haven't read anything about 3D: Dream Drop Distance...so I assume you also didn't watch the new trailer? I only spoil if ya want. ;) And heck, the new secret ending of BBS FM is making things even more mindf**king. I don't worry about the math but about you...as I don't want ya to get in trouble...;P
Sephiroth0812 - "Riku, you've been hanging out in the darkness too long. You gotta think positive!" TALK - "You can never forget your true buddies."23:16, January 19, 2011 (UTC)
Maybe it's really better not to hype about it too much. I just watched the BBS FM secret ending two hours ago and my brain is already wildly theorizing again, lol. Yet about KH 3D that one was on the Square Enix party that commenced one or two days ago. If ya want to see it I am sure it's on the net now. Very well then...enough of school stuff...;)
Sephiroth0812 - "Riku, you've been hanging out in the darkness too long. You gotta think positive!" TALK - "You can never forget your true buddies."00:22, January 20, 2011 (UTC)
I understand your feelings, buddy, trust me. While I don't mind extra keyblades or gameplay-elements like i.e. Limit Form, mini-games or secret bosses irrelevant to the story I absolutely loathe that they put story-related stuff, important story-related stuff into a FM. For that scene I just that to re-watch it. From the angle it is impossible to see...yet both characters have a reason to cry. Remember while Roxas understands he must return to Sora it doesn't mean he's happy about it. In fact as Re: Coded shows us that deep inside Roxas yearns for an own life, so it could be very well his tear that falls here. As for Axel, as said Sora and Roxas both seemed to have brought out real emotions in him.
Yet still I tend more to it being Roxas's tear, as when Axel would have cried the tear should have fallen in his lap, not on the ground, as they were sitting. Yet Roxas starts to fade...so...
I would be pleased to have good conversations about it. Actually I tend to do much analyzing also subconsciously and I've learned in KH one needs to play close attention. However, as much as I may deduce and bring up plausible explanations in some cases they still remain theories, I can not claim them to be the right thing for sure.
As for the Trailers, here [[1]]is the 3D-one, while the BBS Secret Ending is watchable on http://www.kh13.com/. Yet let me remind you, it's a very dense mindf**k as of now (too little actual info).
Sephiroth0812 - What should I be sad about? TALK - To the promised land. - 01:29, January 20, 2011 (UTC)
Be assured that this was the first reaction for nearly all of us I assume. *ggg* That castle Aqua sees is the Castle of Dreams from Cinderella...sucked into the RoD it seems. That huge pillar of darkness...hmmm...I have an idea about it...it might have to do with Xehanort's experiments. But still I need to grasp that whole thing fully...and sadly I feel now it is too late time-wise to do any more in-depth speculation.
Sephiroth0812 - What should I be sad about? TALK - To the promised land. - 23:47, January 20, 2011 (UTC)
Hey Roxas, I'm just dropping by really shortly, this time I have really no more than 30 minutes, lol. I'm pleased to see you did well in exams. Just out of curiosity, did you made any progress in getting that BBS savefile-transfer done? Today I took on the first secret boss (Vanitas's Lingering Spirit) and after dying 11 times or so I finally beat him with Terra. Now I'm using Void Gear, lol. Yet still, Mysterious Figure killed me in two hits before I could even react...LMAO, epic fail. Anyhow, as tomorrow is friday I'm free to speculate with you all ya want (if you're free, that is.) ;)
Sephiroth0812 - "Riku, you've been hanging out in the darkness too long. You gotta think positive!" TALK - "You can never forget your true buddies."00:19, January 21, 2011 (UTC)
Ah yes, I see. But BBS is worth it to play again. The Terra playthrough I'm now at is in fact my 2nd one, and I plan on playing Aqua and Ven a 2nd time too. But first MF needs to die...however stupid thing is Terra always dies after two hits, lol. That lightsaber-whirling sucker is just too fast...I think I have to overthink my strategy. I first had this issue with Vanitas's spirit as well...but now I know shotlocks are absolutely useless against him...
Doing all TBs all over again? o_0 Why that?
BBS Vol 2...I see, this probably is going to be the mystery game Nomura talked about. Time flows very much slower in the RoD so I assume it would go from when Aqua ended up there all the way up to after KH 2 when she meets Ansem the Wise. That really would cover 11 years and show the events in the RoD all the way from the end of BBS over KH 1, CoM/Days and KH 2...yup, sounds plausible. I'll see if I can look up more Info so we'll have something to talk tomorrow, read ya then. ;)
How long has it been since I abandoned you?
Dark-EnigmaXIII - You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light... TALK - Nothingness... is eternal! 22:41, January 19, 2011 (UTC)
Roxas, how are you...? I missed you :/
Finally, I can return here to the wikia ^^ and I see your busy with exams, yet you really dont want to study. You know my opinion, so I leave it to you ^^ Anyway, whats up dude? EDIT=It was a horrible experience... :/ I was vomiting all over the place, and a lot of things too gross to say, but finally im okay. Still, gotta take some medicine for a few days. And I saw your page, of course. You been redecorating XD Whats with "coming soon" though?:/
And Im glad you liked my altered quote from Xemnas ^^
Dark-EnigmaXIII - Rejoice, and feast on these hearts we offer! Shine your pale light on this empty realm! TALK - Let us all welcome one of the Keyblade's chosen. 23:30, January 19, 2011 (UTC)
Ooohhh, cleaver little sneak! ^^ And you are always making sprites, uh? Yeah, dont worry about me, Ill lived trough worse EDIt= Oh, we do too have heart! Dont be mad XD And since you learned to take pictures from videos, you must be on making sprite of EVERYTHING you liked, uh?^^ EDIT2= Hehe, busy as always. Anyway, have you seen the secret ending of Birth By Sleep FM? EDIT3= Hehehe, so do I, Rox, so do I. Anyway, hows your hand, uh? A bird told me you got hurt :( EDIT4= Sorry for taking so long...:( Anyway, be my guest and go study a little. Sleep, and rest well ^^ Ill talk to you tomorrow... and...
Raxz - Giving up already? I thought you were stronger than that! TALK - dark+light=power
thanks dude that thing is awesome and dont worry 'bout the dust flier because today i beat it!EDIT: just to tell ya ill be using the keyblade on the fanon wiki
Sove Talk to Me! — "I dunno. I can't... just look inside. But I figure... If there is something in there - inside us - then we'd feel it, wouldn't we?" "No one would miss me."
Well, if you didn't already read from youtube, my laptop is broken and I can't use the wiki on my ps3 or phone. If you wanna talk to me, use the message board I set up at http://sovereignweb.heliohost.org/phpbb3 and hope that it works and doesn't show an internal server error (it has a private message system working but then you need an account registered). I need people to talk to so I don't go insane. I miss many of my friends. :(
Soxra - Don't MESS with street rats! Talk to me! - Soxxeh 9:53pm, January 20, 2011 (UTC)
Yeah, it looks rather nice! I like the headers with the Keyblades and all. I notice you also managed to remove some of templates to make some room on your page. Nicely done. :D
Soxra - Don't MESS with street rats! Talk to me! - Soxxeh 10:07pm, January 20, 2011 (UTC)
I use my own custom talk bubble template that lets me choose the text for the "TALK" button. You can't really get the headers in the center, no, not without some weird coding. I'd have to fiddle for a while to figure it out, if it was even possible.
Soxra - This party's getting crazy! Let's rock! It's showtime! - Soxxeh 10:20pm, January 20, 2011 (UTC)
No, you can use it too. Instead of User:Xiggie/TalkTemplate or whatnot, it's just User:Soxra/TalkTemplate. Supports both internal and external images, and if you follow that link it explains the other stuff in it as well. I expect font codes can work in headers also.
In response to you!!!
Roxas pwns sora47 - Yay I has 2 Keyblades! TALK - I like Keyblades-21:39, January 21, 2011 (UTC)
Hey! I will for sure be friends with you! No problem amigo!
Roxas pwns sora47 - Yay I has 2 Keyblades! TALK - I like Keyblades-5:03, January 2s, 2011 (UTC)
Hey! I don't have a user friend box (I don't know how) But I'm totally gonna add yours!!!!!
Hey there, little problem with the images you are uploading...When you upload images to be used in your talkbubbles, or with any image, it is mandatory that you place the proper licensing and categories for said image(s). Take your talkbubble images for example, the proper licensing and category for them would be:
[[Category:User Images]]
You can even copy/paste the above coding when you upload an image, or after, you're choice. The main point is to categorize and license images! Keeps everything nice and pretty. Thanks! Any questions, just ask!
Xion4ever Promise... — 17:07, January 22, 2011 (UTC)
Riku's Love - "This battle isn't over. And until it is, I still need the power of darkness." TALK - I didn't want to be found.
Heyy. How are ya?
Riku's Love - "This battle isn't over. And until it is, I still need the power of darkness." TALK - I didn't want to be found.
In all honesty, ready to fall apart.Tough week EDIT: I dont wanna say it here. EDIT2: Sent my email.
Hey Buddy!
Hey Roxas. Sorry for not using a talk bubble, but The Inexistent made me a awesome signature, so I had to show it. Ok, well you always make great sprites so why shouldn't this one be great?:) Ok, we had to remove brackets and that kind of things. Talk to you later buddy! --
Sac said you should join the darkness!
08:19, January 23, 2011 (UTC)
Sove Talk to Me! — "I dunno. I can't... just look inside. But I figure... If there is something in there - inside us - then we'd feel it, wouldn't we?" "No one would miss me." — 18:59, January 24, 2011 (UTC)
We haven't had any conv for a long time due to my laptop telling me "F$#k you, I'm tired of you". :/
My last week really was horrible, I felt so lonely. Wednesday, my worst name day ever. >.< Now I have to use my little brother's netbook and this screen is so tiny, the resolution is horrible. I hope I'll get a new computer soon or I'll really go insane. >.< But yeah, how've you been?
Keyblade Gallery
Re:Happy Sprite
Chitalian8 Say... — Only by allowing strangers in can we find new ways to be ourselves. Life's little crossroads are often as simple as the pull of a trigger. — 21:04, January 24, 2011 (UTC)
Looks good! Do you want me to put the BlankBBSStyle thing in, or will you do it?
Chitalian8 Goal! — I'm the one and only ace here! I can score even in the dark! — 21:20, January 24, 2011 (UTC)
I'd be happy if you could put in the thing behind the image. Keep up the good work!
Chitalian8 Say... — Only by allowing strangers in can we find new ways to be ourselves. Life's little crossroads are often as simple as the pull of a trigger. — 21:54, January 24, 2011 (UTC)
Chitalian8 Say... — Only by allowing strangers in can we find new ways to be ourselves. Life's little crossroads are often as simple as the pull of a trigger. — 23:10, January 24, 2011 (UTC)
Looks good, upload away!
Chitalian8 Say... — Mother and Father call me Joshua. I guess you can call me Joshua, too... Since you're my dear, dear partner. I don't see how this is my fault. You're the one who refuses to call me Pink. — 02:19, January 25, 2011 (UTC)
Looks excellent (lol using the new bubble)! Again, for the angry one, I'd suggest his face when he takess off his cloak. It's not exactly angry, but it's pretty intense. :/
Chitalian8 Sweet Cosmos! — When you're having the most fun, that's when time always flies. "Light...give me strength!" ...or whatever. — 02:34, January 25, 2011 (UTC)
Hmm... well, do you have the video where Mickey, Sora, and Riku point their Keyblades at Xemnas? That would also work, Riku looks pretty intense there.
Chitalian8 Say... — Mother and Father call me Joshua. I guess you can call me Joshua, too... Since you're my dear, dear partner. I don't see how this is my fault. You're the one who refuses to call me Pink. — 02:51, January 25, 2011 (UTC)
Thank you, it was kind of you to notice!
Looks excellent! Upload it as you please
Chitalian8 Please don't do this, Master! I'm not strong enough!— 12:07, January 25, 2011 (UTC)
The sad bubble looks good! One last request, besides the angry bubble, could you get a sprite of Riku talking?
Chitalian8 Please don't do this, Master! I'm not strong enough!— 17:35, January 25, 2011 (UTC)
Chitalian8 Say... — Only by allowing strangers in can we find new ways to be ourselves. Life's little crossroads are often as simple as the pull of a trigger. — 21:13, January 25, 2011 (UTC)
Yeah, by talking, I mean something with his mouth open. The staff images look fine, there's no reason for them to be taken down. The images in your signature should be a max of 20px high, and they are higher than that, so you should adjust it.
Re:Talking Riku
Chitalian8 Say... — Every Player had to give up something. Everybody makes sacrifices. It was me. All of it. — 01:19, January 26, 2011 (UTC)
Looks great (I'm not really sad, just showing the bubble)! Keep up the excellent work!
Chitalian8 Say... — Only by allowing strangers in can we find new ways to be ourselves. Life's little crossroads are often as simple as the pull of a trigger. — 01:47, January 26, 2011 (UTC)
Looks good, except for that little tuft of hair that sticks out on the left. Can you edit it so that that bit of hair ends at the black border of the TBS background?
Chitalian8 Say... — Mother and Father call me Joshua. I guess you can call me Joshua, too... Since you're my dear, dear partner. I don't see how this is my fault. You're the one who refuses to call me Pink. — 02:03, January 26, 2011 (UTC)
Perfect! Upload it as you please!
Chitalian8 Goal! — I'm the one and only ace here! I can score even in the dark! — 02:09, January 26, 2011 (UTC)
Nope, nothing else besides the angry one. Many thanks for helping me with this, I owe you.
CaelumLucisCaliga Talk! - The only thing sad about Final Fantasy X... Is that it leads to Final Fantasy X-2 — 04:19, January 27, 2011 (UTC)
Really? From what I know, one account on one wiki can be used for ALL wikis on wikia. If you knew their username, you could find someone from Mario wiki just by typing in their username on this one. Isn't that how it works? :P
PS and yes you are famous. You never ever do a contributing edit, but you deh MASTER of deh photoshop! :D come on, you could photoshop a picture of roxas killing xehanort with the x-blade in one hand while painting the mona lisa with the other! XD
Allo, Allo
FinalRest - "I floop the pig!" TALK - 05:41, January 27, 2011 (UTC)
Hello! Saw you're over with your tests (yay!) and was wondering if you could help me with my sprite creating. If you want we can meet on the IRC and I can flick you my email if thats easier.
Re:Hey IceCream :D
IceCreamRockz Talk to Me! — Call me Raven. In other words, it would be best if you just died. — 08:54, January 27, 2011 (UTC)
Roxas... You never cease to amaze me with your talk bubbling skills ;D. Anyway. I meant something like to crop that image with only his head and shoulders, and to put golden lettering at the bottom. As for my archive image, it's the exact same character as in the picture I requested that you edited. Gilbert Nightray, from Pandora Hearts. Lapidothtill did an AMAZING job on my previous archive image, so I left in in my first and second archive, but since I'm sort of into Pandora Hearts now, I'm switching my talk bubble theme as well as everything else to that character. As much as I would LOVE to add that image to my talk bubbles, I'm switching themes D;. But thanks so much! You're great.
Dark Master - You need it memorized. TALK - The Dark Master 20:52, January 28, 2011 (UTC)
I have been doing well.It sucks about what happened to your knee.I hate feeling pain myself.I get hurt too often.
Dark Master - You need it memorized. TALK - The Dark Master 21:07, January 28, 2011 (UTC)
I have been making talk bubbles for newbies but I usually just make them one,If they want more they are free to ask me.
Dark Master - You need it memorized. TALK - The Dark Master 21:18, January 28, 2011 (UTC)
I would like to teach newbies how to make a talk bubble but I just don't know how to explain it to them.How do you explain coding?I learned how to make a talk bubble by simply looking at the coding of other talk bubbles.If you can can you send me that tutorial so I can give it to other uses so they can learn.
Dark Master - You need it memorized. TALK - The Dark Master 21:34, January 28, 2011 (UTC)
I know how to make a talk bubble man,I just don't know how to explain it to people.But thanks for the tutorial I will make sure to give it to newbies and credit you.