
Soxra - Don't MESS with street rats! Talk to me! - Soxxeh 3:55am, January 1, 2011 (UTC)
I don't have the exact background, no. I made my own; the same one I gave you when you made the hooded bubble for me. By the way, this is a Ven sad sprite I made to try and match the others that were already up, if you're interested. If not, that's fine! =)
I actually have to fix the background I made as it gets slightly cut off on the sides. Ughhh, more work. >_<
Soxra - Don't MESS with street rats! Talk to me! - Soxxeh 10:53am, January 1, 2011 (UTC)
I think I sent you the PSD file for the talk bubble. Just change the Hue value of the layer and you can pick any orange-ish thing you want. ;)
RE:Merry Christmas
IceCreamRockz The darkness celebrates Christmas. You know that, right? — 07:22, December 31, 2010 (UTC)
Thanks Roxas!!! Sorry for the late reply, I was busy. Merry Christmas to you too, and happy new year as well! Hopefully your presents didn't have any coal in them :P.
IceCreamRockz The darkness celebrates Christmas. You know that, right? — 11:08, January 1, 2011 (UTC)
Vanitas was a VERY bad boy! XD I got a Mac Pro since my old Powerbook broke. But that's all I got T^T. But it's fine. Yeah, Soxra's a huge help around the wiki. I should make him something too, but I suck at picture editing :'(. Anyways, since Christmas is over, I guess I should stop using my Christmas bubble. And I got around to including a link to my talk page in my talk bubbles too, so you don't need to worry about that. Oh yeah, and happy new yeaer(again)!
RE:Talk Templates
Secret agent clank - The darkness may have my body, but it can't touch my heart. TALK - My friends are my power! — 10:15, December 31, 2010 (UTC)
Thanks Roxas! It worked! You're a great guy.
Secret agent clank - The darkness may have my body, but it can't touch my heart. TALK - My friends are my power! — 20:43, December 31, 2010 (UTC)
Wow Roxas. Thank you very much. Don't know what to say, euhm... XD lol. Friends are very important to me to. Happy new year dude!!!
Secret agent clank - The darkness may have my body, but it can't touch my heart. TALK - My friends are my power! — 21:38, December 31, 2010 (UTC)
Happy to hear it! My year was great. It was a great soccer/football year for me. I made my first high school year, so it was really great. How was your 2010? Oh, and may I ask were you live? Only the country. Can I make you a talk bubble? I saw you make real good looking bubbles.
Secret agent clank - He ain't gonna cut it TALK - Somebody's got to break that loser in
Roxas. I'm really, really, really sorry, but I made the same mistake as I did with myself. Y'know, when you helped me out. I followed everything ok. I don't know what went wrong, but sorry, sorry, sorry. I hope you aren't mad at me.
Soxra - Don't MESS with street rats! Talk to me! - Soxxeh 10:13am, January 1, 2011 (UTC)
I'm gonna' have to butt in and revert your edits, SAC. It's slowed down (to a crawlllll) dozens of pages with Roxas's template on them.
Secret agent clank - He ain't gonna cut it TALK - Somebody's got to break that loser in
Ok thanks Soxra. I'm really ashamed. I'm really sorry.
Soxra - Behold! For my very existence refutes the will of the gods! I am a will unto my own, a power that shakes the very foundation of creation! Talk to me! - Soxxeh 10:51am, January 1, 2011 (UTC)
DTN's revert fixed it. The issue was that you took out about a dozen }s are the end of the block, which caused a massive recursive loop. (AKA: The template included itself several times.)
Secret agent clank - The darkness may have my body, but it can't touch my heart. TALK - My friends are my power! — 11:26, January 1, 2011 (UTC)
Thank you very much Soxra. Do you what I did wrong because I wanted to make a talk bubble for Roxas and it happened.
Sora - My friends are my power! Tell me! - I know now I don't need a Keyblade
Thank you Roxas. You really are a great person. And you were right about the didn't learn in the past, doomed in the future thing. I need to make the talk bubble again. I'll give you the coding when I am finished. BTW, I read why Roxas is your favourite character and you say that people shouldn't judge you, unless they understand really what you've been through. Well, sadly I know what you've been through. I had a period like that myself. Only I didn't have Roxas to pull me through, but Harry Potter, who is also different from others.
Sora - My friends are my power! Tell me! - I know now I don't need a Keyblade
Well here ya go, Roxas. The coding is
|image= Roxas_Days_2.png
|imagesize= 70px
|color= black
|color2= white
|line= grey
|border= white
|border2= black
|fonttype= Trebuchet MS
|textcolor= snow
|textcolor2= black
|name= RoxasXIIILK
|sig=I think I understand
|time=I see myself the way you remember me, and you see yourself the way I remember you.
|text= [[File:Symbol Character - Roxas.png|15px]]{{{text}}}[[File:Symbol Character - Roxas.png|15px]]
To use it, you need to type {{RoxasXIIILK|time=~~~~~|roxas13=YOUR TEXT HERE!!!}}
I don't know if I am just bad with talk bubbles, but it doesn't work. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
On the template page it did work. Here is the link. Do you know what's wrong?
See ya, dude.
Sora - My friends are my power! Tell me! - I know now I don't need a Keyblade
Hey Roxas. Could you please make me a talk bubble? If I look at your bubbles, they're so awesome. Could you please make me an awesome talk bubble as well?
Sora - My friends are my power! Tell me! - I know now I don't need a Keyblade
Well, I don't have to become Legend. It would be fun, but I don't need it nessecarily. Do you know more people who went through that kind periods? It does make you stronger. At first I really was a weakling, not anymore.
About the talk bubble. I'd like an advanced bubble like one of yours. Not your bubble of course, but the same model :D. A picture of Roxas, and if it's okay with you. I'd like to use your Roxas with the Two Become One picture.
I'd like gold and black as the colors. With in the topsection, font color= black and the font type: Times new roman and iif possible the black Roxas pendant, like I gave you in your talk bubble. And if it's okay with you, I'd like to use in the text at the beginning and the end the picture you made with the Roxas text. The one you have in the corner of your screen. You can decide for the qoutes yourself:D.
Well, I hope that were enough guide lines. Oh, and I never told you were I live. I live in Purmerend in the Netherlands. It would be fun to meet you in real person, but, unfortunatly, you live on the other side of the world :(.
Well, that is it for now. Speak ya later Roxas! :-D
Sora - My friends are my power! Tell me! - I know now I don't need a Keyblade
Hey Roxas. Can I please know your real name? It would be fun to know:) I'd still call you Roxas though. Speak ya!!! :D
Dark-EnigmaXIII - Rejoice, and feast on these hearts we offer! Shine your pale light on this empty realm! TALK - Let us all welcome one of the Keyblade's chosen. 21:15, December 31, 2010 (UTC)
Sorry for the late answer, I was in a shopping spree! ^^ Whoa, that was large message you left, lemme see, I hope not to forget anything: An appreciation styicker? Awwwww!!! Im so... so... *blush* You made it again! ¬¬ And I dont make you feel awesome... you ARE awesome ^^ And about the Keyblade... It has to do with the memorys of my character, and the Keyblade is in fact of darkness, yet it tries to be a keyblade of light, thats why It shouldý be so dark-looking... but, I think a little but more of somenthing... "sinister" will do good... Lemme think... I still like the Ends of the Earth handle... And yes, the keychain-less will do good.. What I like about it is the shape of the handle, dont know way... I like it (the silvery part, of course) And, It have to do with "Sylar" back-story. MX Keychain in particular, is what give the idea that this Keyblade is dark, that why (back-story purpose, as well) And the Void gear teeth are somenthing you dont see very often. And yes, your idea about how to use them is exactly what I was thinking! ^^ Yet, still... the shaft is somenthing I cannot think of :/ Hate to put pressure on ya, but could you pick one for me? One you see fit? About colors, I will ask you to try and make it as monochrome as posible (white, black, gray or silver) but, I give you the freedom to changes the colors as you see them fit. So, basically, you are free to modify as you like it, but try to stick to the idea ^^ Your creativity will be well recived! And about Sylar: He is not from the darkness, exactly... but the darkness "want" him, yet he is afraid, and seek refuge in the light, that denies him. Sounds familiar? ^^
Coming around
Sephiroth0812 - "Riku, you've been hanging out in the darkness too long. You gotta think positive!" TALK - "You can never forget your true buddies."20:44, December 31, 2010 (UTC)
Hiya buddy, already around here? Just merely 2 hours and Germany is already sliding into 2011. About this from yesterday, so you haven't finished BBS yet I see. Well, about Vanitas it depends then...do you want to discuss it already (per mail, that is of course) or first play it completely? ;)
Btw: Did I already send you the "Dive into the heart"-wallpaper with the quotes? Or just the blank one for desktops?
Sephiroth0812 - "Riku, you've been hanging out in the darkness too long. You gotta think positive!" TALK - "You can never forget your true buddies."21:03, December 31, 2010 (UTC)
Now that's an unambiguous answer...LMAO. XD Yeah, two hours...lemme calculate, so it should be 8 hours for you, right? ;) I actually found that Sora-sprite here under user-images. This talk-bubble is a gift from Darkheart, which also made him a TB Master and by extension very happy me thinks...lol.
Sephiroth0812 - "Riku, you've been hanging out in the darkness too long. You gotta think positive!" TALK - "You can never forget your true buddies."21:38, December 31, 2010 (UTC)
Sure thing, lol. But you got me actually hooked...I will write about it and then send it to you...I just can't promise it'll be ready today or tomorrow, lol. Lemme just rephrase the main questions you had yesterday: 1. How could Vanitas be used again/come back? and 2. Why was he after Ven besides the x-blade? and 3. What was Vanitas relationship to Master Xehanort? Do I got these right? ;)
Yeah, Darkheart's really eager to get those titles...gotta lend him a hand as a friend if necessary ^__^.
Sephiroth0812 - What should I be sad about? TALK - To the promised land. - 22:29, December 31, 2010 (UTC)
Very well then, it's settled. ;) *lurks around corner* Hey, come in. ;) Lol, actually, as I know Roxas has a thing for ice-cream so you sure do too. ;) So I just decided to get an appreciated friend a token in form of a new year's ice-cream, delivered by Edea Kramer from FF VIII. [[1]]. Gotta be careful though, while I have new year in 30 minutes, you and Soxra are due later while Darkheart already should be in 2011. And D-Enigmas Timezone I don't even know...*ggg*.
Sephiroth0812 - What should I be sad about? TALK - To the promised land. - Sephiroth0812 22:57, December 31, 2010 (UTC)
Lol, never knew you're afraid of sexy womans...*ggg*. Let me remind you though she's on our side. A powerful sorceress who likes kids and even runs an orphanage...gotta get some drink, it's almost midnight. I'll get back in 15 Minutes or so...;D
Sephiroth0812 - What should I be sad about? TALK - To the promised land. - 23:42, December 31, 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, she's a good one, and very caring. She was possessed by the real evil one, Artemisia (or Ultimecia in english) during the first half of FF VIII. In reality however she's the surrogate mother of the entire playable cast of FF VIII except Rinoa. ;) Making overneeded bi-time? Sorry, didn't fully get that, LMAO, probably a bit too much wine...*ggg*. If scary looking ones frighten you then behold Ultimecia...she's even "worse" in that regard and on top of it EVIL. :D. Many thanks, gotta get some additional sparkling wine.
Sephiroth0812 - "Riku, you've been hanging out in the darkness too long. You gotta think positive!" TALK - "You can never forget your true buddies."23:59, December 31, 2010 (UTC)
Ah yes, big time for new year, now it makes sense. *ggg* I even had some stupid idea about what you could possibly have to do with Business Intelligence(BI) until I recalled how utterly nonsense this is...*ggg*. There's not much danger of me getting really drunk though...as I have the trait to fall asleep when having to much alcohol before I get drunk...lol.
Sephiroth0812 - What should I be sad about? TALK - To the promised land. - 00:23, January 1, 2011 (UTC)
Seems so...gotta go make a picture for the background of my talk page archive...*ggg*. And then find out how to do it...
Sephiroth0812 - "Riku, you've been hanging out in the darkness too long. You gotta think positive!" TALK - "You can never forget your true buddies."00:41, January 1, 2011 (UTC)
No worries, I'm gonna asking Soxra to teach me how to do it, as I like learning things and it can come in handy later...;)
Sephiroth0812 - "Riku, you've been hanging out in the darkness too long. You gotta think positive!" TALK - "You can never forget your true buddies."02:07, January 1, 2011 (UTC)
Just gotta say bye for today, buddy. I alerted Soxra for archiving and next time I hopefully will be able to do it myself. I'll be back tomorrow...see ya ;).
Sove Talk to Me! — "I dunno. I can't... just look inside. But I figure... If there is something in there - inside us - then we'd feel it, wouldn't we?" "No one would miss me." — 00:39, January 1, 2011 (UTC)
I see this game just decides to throw more crap on my face. That coliseum thing is just stupid. I hate time limits and monsters that shield themselves from one side >.<
"Youre a... beautifull... butterfly!"
Dark-EnigmaXIII - Rejoice, and feast on these hearts we offer! Shine your pale light on this empty realm! TALK - Let us all welcome one of the Keyblade's chosen. 01:03, January 1, 2011 (UTC)
Ok, that doesnt sound right :/
Anyways!! I was talking about "Empty Shine"! It... Its... OMG, I dont know how to describe it! I see you used hyperdrive, and fatal crest, too! ^^ Youre AWESOME! This Keyblade is AWESOME!!^^ I feel so motivated now!!
Dude, I-I dont know hoe to thank you!! (starts trowing cookies, crying of emotion) Thank you!
Am I overracting? WHO CARES?^^ Te quiero, amigo mio!!! ;P
Dark-EnigmaXIII - Rejoice, and feast on these hearts we offer! Shine your pale light on this empty realm! TALK - Let us all welcome one of the Keyblade's chosen. 01:45, January 1, 2011 (UTC)
Hehehe, It sounded good, dont worry ^^ You deserved that and more!! Graaaa!!! I wish I could do somenthing for ya... :/
Anyway, what time it is in your place? Around 9?
Dark-EnigmaXIII - I am what is left... or perhaps all that ever was... TALK - My name is of no importance. 02:06, January 1, 2011 (UTC)
A-A-Awwww.... (blush, and hide himself within is hood) You made it again... Dood... I just... te quiero... Around here? Its 23:05 ^^
Hey, Roxis... I wonder... if you would like to be the first one to read my story, as I work on it? I mean, chapter by chapter... What do you think...?
Dark-EnigmaXIII - Rejoice, and feast on these hearts we offer! Shine your pale light on this empty realm! TALK - Let us all welcome one of the Keyblade's chosen. 02:25, January 1, 2011 (UTC)
THANK YOU!!! I will try to finish the first chapter soon for ya ;P
BUT remember Im not a native english speaker, so It can have mistakes :/
BTW, just curious, but... what are your thinking about the this year, before the new begins?
(Too lazy for a TB XD) Yeah, sure! I´ll be waiting for ya!! ;P--Dark-EnigmaXIII 02:54, January 1, 2011 (UTC)
New years
Saix-Number-VII - True, we don't have hearts, but we remember what it was like. ! TALK - That's what makes us special
Roxas its almost new years you set for the up coming year
Hello Again
FinalRest - "I floop the pig!" TALK - 04:35, January 2, 2011 (UTC)
For xmas I got a PSP and BBS so, needless to say I am a very happy chappy! New Years was a family thing and now its 2011! How time flies...
I saw the lights and they are mega cool, as are the christmas Roxas's! I hope someday I'll be able to add things like that to my page. And stuff like those cool Roxas keyblades that follow you as you scroll down your page. You did that image yourself right?
Yeah, school wasnt to easy for me so I know how you feel. I ended up leaving in my tenth year and homeschooled myself. It was a terrible experience, but it helped me to embrace who I am and taught me not be afraid to express myself. So, it all worked out in the end!
Yep the image is from the wiki- its on the End of the World page. You gave me a tutorial earlier on and I understand it fine, I just don't understand how to resize the image so the box isnt ginormous.
FinalRest - "I floop the pig!" TALK - 00:31, January 3, 2011 (UTC)
Oooooo Bulletpoints. I am all for organising!
- Of course I love Ice cream! So I shall gladly add the box onto my page.
- Haha, My grandfather is exactly the same. He is torturous to work with. I once spent an hour trying to teach him how to book programs so he doesnt miss them and after and hour he thought all he had to do was say he had booked a program and it would work. I learnt to not bother ever again.
- Yeah, i'll probably give it a go sometime. My mums really into photo editing and she was gonna teach me, but then our computer crashed and all the programming got lost. So I'll wait until I have the time to do all the installation.
- Okay, so I went and watched Peter Pan and took the time to come up with an idea. Could you make me one of those screen pics with the Wonderland Card Soldiers? A Heart card for the right side and a Spade card for the left?
- Okay, I did it! I can now offer you my Talk Box! Waddaya think?
This user battled their way through the End of the World to reach FinalRest.
Happy New Year!!
Darkheart3 Grant a wish! — "Next time let me add a few swimming pools, 'kay" After all, we're friends right? — 21:18, January 1, 2011 (UTC)
Happy New Year Roxas! Have an awesome day!
ANX219 - You came for me, TALK - and I'm so...so happy. 00:36, January 2, 2011 (UTC)
Happy New Year!!! *throws confetti*
Dark-EnigmaXIII - Rejoice, and feast on these hearts we offer! Shine your pale light on this empty realm! TALK - Let us all welcome one of the Keyblade's chosen. 22:21, January 1, 2011 (UTC)
Joking, dude! How will I call YOU a creeper? Youre just a wonderful friend who care about me ^^
A few things, Id like to tell you, tho: A. Your life IS constructive... as least for me, everytime you breath, youre doing somenthing "constructive" by being my friends! ^^ (Too much, you say? I dont care!) and B.Im awesome, just because youre so much awesome your awesomenes overflow you anc come to me XD
About your offerings, let me say it this way: PLEAAAAAAASSEEEEE!!! ^^ I would LOVE if you do it! I was thinking the same, about adding the Empty Shine into the hooded Xemnas! ^^ And I fixed the Keyblade in my profile, as it has the "beta name" Empty Void, and now it reads "Empty Shine" as it should! ^^
Once again, that Keyblade... is pure... A-W-E-S-O-M-E... And a Hooded TB sounds good... especially made by you!
Lastly... since you read my profile, may I ask, out of curiosity, did you follow the link in the "Battle Theme" section?
My night was really good, though I could not sleep at all! XD
I already started writting, do not worry! Soon, I shall give it to you to read ;P
And the fact that your using the TB I made ya make me SUPER Happy!! ^^
Yeah, I know... You LOOOOVEEEE Ice-creams... ;P
Dark-EnigmaXIII - Rejoice, and feast on these hearts we offer! Shine your pale light on this empty realm! TALK - Let us all welcome one of the Keyblade's chosen. 23:20, January 1, 2011 (UTC)
Hehehe, well, Ill answer all that in the same order ^^:
- Thanks!! (eating it happily) But... do not forget! What I said, was JUST the truth, amigo mio!
- How do I want the image? Well... I cant think of nothing "fancy"... just the Empty Shine it the right hand (I thin is the right?) going in front of the hooded figure body, and, if you can, has you ever seen closely Xemnas hand when he fight? He has electricity coming from them. You could do that in the other hand? If not, its okay. As always, your creativity will be well received, too, so dont hold back! ;)
- As I said... Is so AWESOME that AWESOME its not enough, so it needed a nobody, an thus, is XOWESAME!!! XD
- Mmmm... Yes, shine! Surprise me with that ;P
- Ok, dont rush it ;P And... uhhmmm, question... It is possible for you to make a sprite out of this, too?[[2]]
- You think so? I picked it up, cause the lyrics make perfect sense with my story... Cant say more, sorry! And I think it fits nobody, too, dontcha think?
- Because some dumb people started trowhing fireworks agains... they never learn... I stayed up with the puppies in my bed, till the fall asleep, and then, I had to go take care of somenthing... man, Im beat :P
- Yeah, I LOVE IT so much...!! XD
Pheww!! that took a while, hehe ^^
Dark-EnigmaXIII - Rejoice, and feast on these hearts we offer! Shine your pale light on this empty realm! TALK - Let us all welcome one of the Keyblade's chosen. 00:22, January 2, 2011 (UTC)
Let see...
- Same to you... Same to you!!^^
- Well, its okay. But, I leave it to you to add affects and all that ;P
- Hehe, COOOKIIIIEEEEEE!!! (jumping for it, tearing it apart with theet)
- Ah, its cool. Didnt catch ya at first! XD
- Hehehe, Sorry! I asked because the pic is kinda cut out a little in the top ^^
- Not mine, either... but It kinda fit a game... and the battle I have in mind... You will see, in due time ;)
- Well, I had to go and take some money from a bank account that my family has, and I have to went to pick up the income of mi family bussines, and save it, too. Gotta take care of family bussines, now that theyre gone
- No doubt... I love every type of "Ice Cream" ;P
In the background? Nothing comes to mind... :S
Perhaps you could pick one that works? I dont know what can be used properly and that would not look outta place :/
Yeah, I know, I suffer from indesicion XD
Thanks again for doing this!
Dark-EnigmaXIII - Rejoice, and feast on these hearts we offer! Shine your pale light on this empty realm! TALK - Let us all welcome one of the Keyblade's chosen. 01:39, January 2, 2011 (UTC)
lol same here ^^
- Yo tambien ^^ You better remember it!
- Good, you work fast! ^^
- She deserved to DIE!!! in my teeths! XD
- Dont worry, you tried and thats what matter for me ;)
- Yeah, but I cant XD at least, not making them so good!
- Errr... Never knew what type it is :S Though, whatever type Linkin Park, Sum 41 and Three Day Grace fits on, if you know them ^^
- I´ve been taking care of my family bussines a for a long time ^^ Each year, they leave in charge when they go on vacations, though its not easy... at least the employes are nice to me, sinces they know me since as I was a baby. BTW, my parents have a small transport corporation
- Yeah... I KNOW! That surely was one tasty Ice-cream... ^^
- XD Same here XD You really have to see me when I draw, Im so indecisivein backgrounds, taht sometimes, I dont even do one out of frustration! :S Still, drawing keep me relaxed, and somentimes, it even help me isolate from stress... You know, this "family bussines thing" is pretty tiring :/
- Yeah, the Dark Margin, uh? I think It will do. On a side note, the Dark Margin has housed some of the most important conversation between charactes, dontya think?
- Oh, youre right! :S But I like yours more! Its more "unique" ^^ Thank for making it! Yeah, for the hooded one the same background as that will work (I think, as always, youre free to change it if you dont see it fit) But about the "No Heart" one... Somenthin gray, like the Realm of Nothigness (Ya know? The Final battle arena from KH II) somenthing similar. you got my point?
- I would rather not :S Not because it would look good, just because I would love a clean one... unless, if it is not much trouble... you could make a clean one, and one with my name (ya know, Sylar ^^) I leave it to you to decide, my amigo ^^ And yeah, youre naugthy! XD
- Well, yeah... but I dont know how to use them :S Thats why I didnt request any from ya.
Pheww, hehe. Even if it no problem, thanks ^^ And you would laugh... but my problem with the button... it... I MISS IT!!
Each time im about to hit it, I miss T-T
Dark-EnigmaXIII - Rejoice, and feast on these hearts we offer! Shine your pale light on this empty realm! TALK - Let us all welcome one of the Keyblade's chosen. 02:51, January 2, 2011 (UTC)
Hehehe, onto bussines!
- Awww... Words can no longer describe my feeling... I just... te quiero ^^
- You GOTTA be kidding me!! I love With me too!! Okay, let me said again, then : Te quiero!! ^^
- Oh, stop it ^^ I hafta do it, If a wanna eat when they´re far away, as they leave me no money.
- Same here... I would LOVE to have one with me anytime, especially now that Im all alone to eat it anytime ;P
- Hehe... I can enjoy myself, dont worry (that sounded naughty to me :S) It just that drawing also help me with it... and sometimes it help me sustain the loneliness I feel this time of the year... well, the loneliness I FELT before, in this time of year, cause now... youre with me! ^^
- THANKS!!! And... youre are really naughty... like... REALLY... but I kinda like that ;P
- Well, if you could, then I will actually use a Corridor of Darkness to go to your home a hug you! XD Really... Your awesome! And yeah, I REALLY like the idea you had in mind for it!
Thank you, dont rush it, youre actully doing too much for me :/
Dont over do it, kay? I dont wanna you to get tired!
Dark-EnigmaXIII - I am what is left... or perhaps all that ever was... TALK - My name is of no importance. 03:48, January 2, 2011 (UTC)
Testing this one out! ^^
- My reasoning? Well... I cant belive we like the same!^^
- Yeah, I know its dumb... But that just the way it is :/
- I dont mind sharing some ;)
- Why cover it, then? Te quiero^^
- Check my profile! I LOVE IT!!!! Youre the best, dude! DA BEST!!!!!
- Sure thing. Youre doing it, so do it the easier way for ya, I dont mind. After all, coming from you, I know it will be XOWESAME XD
Awww, youre the best! Me? Tired? Phewww! To be honest, I didnt sleep at all today, not even in the afternoon, but its okay. I have spended a full week without fully sleeping with minimal consecuences to my health, so I can take this. BTW, isnt this turning out to long?
(Again, lazy to use a TB XD) Dude, dont worry if it is hard, okay? I can answer wveruthing you said with this:Te quiero^^ I´ll be waiting for ya with a huge Ice cream ;P
Terra-Darkness - All worlds begin in darkness, and all so end. TALK - The heart is no different.
Hey how are you man whats new i was wandering if you where done with that terranort talk sprite and i want a picture done [[3]] into terranort holding master xehanort's keyblade
Happy 2011!
Happy New Year! :D It's now 2011! (In most countries) By the way, can you make a Talk Bubble Image out of this [4]? Thanks, and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Keyblade0 Victory! — 02:07, January 2, 2011 (UTC)
BlazeCannon15 - As lightless oblivion devours you, drown in the ever-blooming darkness! TALK - Your hopes are doomed to the Darkness!
Should have asked this sooner now that you made me that screen icon can you post it like you post yours on my user and talk page
BlazeCannon15 - As lightless oblivion devours you, drown in the ever-blooming darkness! TALK - Your hopes are doomed to the Darkness!
Keyblade0 - A port is a place where ships park their cars. TALK - You! Stop having a realtionship with that desk! - 03:34, January 2, 2011 (UTC)
Thanks again, Roxas! :D BTW, that was record time!
Talk Bubble sprite Terranort picture
Terra-Darkness - All worlds begin in darkness, and all so end. TALK - The heart is no different.
Thinks for the talk bubble talk sprite its cool you rock roxas. i just want that terranort picture for a to be on my page maybe do it as a project when you have time.
Terra-Darkness - All worlds begin in darkness, and all so end. TALK - The heart is no different.
Hey whats new
Happy New Year!
Dan - My friends are my power! — 10:36, January 2, 2011 (UTC)
Thanks! =D A very Merry belated Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too! =D
Vincent-Valentine - That was my sin, and this...this is my punishment. TALK - Hmph. Guess I have no choice. It's time...to save the world.
You look like someone i know his name is Cloud-Strife
Organization 13 - I'd rather we just skip the formalities. TALK - How I love a game!
Happy New Year, I won €25 for winning a Jenga competition against my family :P. I guess I should archive my page.... Meh, I'll wait until 250 headings :D. What did you do for New Years?
Organization 13 - I'd rather we just skip the formalities. TALK - How I love a game!
I'm from Ireland. Ireland is xowsame.
Wikipedia definition
Jenga is played with 54 wooden blocks. Each block is three times as long as it is wide, and its height is approximately half its width. To set up the game, the included loading tray is used to stack the initial tower which has 18 levels of three blocks placed adjacent to each other along their long side and perpendicular to the previous level (so, for example, if the blocks in the first level lie lengthwise north-south, the second level blocks will lie east-west).
Once the tower is built, the person who built the tower moves first. Moving in Jenga consists of taking one and only one block from any level (except the one below the incomplete top level) of the tower, and placing it on the topmost level in order to complete it. Only one hand at a time may be used to remove a block; either hand can be used, but only one hand may be in contact with the tower at a time. Blocks may be bumped to find a loose block that will not disturb the rest of the tower. Any block that is moved out of place may be left out of place if it is determined that it will knock the tower over if it is removed. The turn ends when the next person to move touches the tower or after ten seconds, whichever occurs first.
The game ends when the tower falls in even a minor way—in other words, any piece falls from the tower, other than the piece being knocked out to move to the top. The loser is the person who made the tower fall (i.e., whose turn it was when the tower fell). However, if one or more blocks fall but all players agree that they can be put back on the tower for play to resume, that is in keeping with the cooperative aspect of the game.
I'll get someone to archive my page soon. That Keyblade is class man, is see you used the head of Fatal Crest for the sides? It looks cool.
Organization 13 - Looks like my summer vacation... TALK - ...Is over.
A challenge, eh? Well lets see,
- Head=Vanitas Remnanats Void Gear.
- Side Head=Fatal Crest.
- Circle thing=Chaos Ripper or Ends of the Earth.
- Keychain=Master Xehanorts Keyblade.
- Twirly thing on stem=Hyperdrive.
I cant see where Im meant to look for other ones. :D
Vincent-Valentine - That was my sin, and this...this is my punishment. TALK - Hmph. Guess I have no choice. It's time...to save the world.
You can pretty much guest what Picture's
That sucks
Sove Talk to Me! — "I dunno. I can't... just look inside. But I figure... If there is something in there - inside us - then we'd feel it, wouldn't we?" "No one would miss me." — 19:48, January 2, 2011 (UTC)
So your school starts tomorrow too. And you are getting a lot of stuff right away :( Well I'm not really going to school but continuing the work training period which ends in February.
Sove Talk to Me! — "I dunno. I can't... just look inside. But I figure... If there is something in there - inside us - then we'd feel it, wouldn't we?" "No one would miss me." — 20:09, January 2, 2011 (UTC)
After this training ends, we are gonna start a big project and we only have a few months to do it. I'm so gonna fail it, I just know it. :( Stupid board of education expects too much from us and it has already been proven that they don't know a shit about education.
Vincent-Valentine - That was my sin, and this...this is my punishment. TALK - Hmph. Guess I have no choice. It's time...to save the world.
Loop pool okay sure
Sove Talk to Me! — "I dunno. I can't... just look inside. But I figure... If there is something in there - inside us - then we'd feel it, wouldn't we?" "No one would miss me." — 21:07, January 2, 2011 (UTC)
And the worst part is, I have to present it to others and well, I just can't do it. :/ I just can't get any words out of my mouth in those situations.
Sove Talk to Me! — "I dunno. I can't... just look inside. But I figure... If there is something in there - inside us - then we'd feel it, wouldn't we?" "No one would miss me." — 03:21, January 3, 2011 (UTC)
Great, I got no sleep at all and I have no idea how tough day this is going to be. Just hoping that I don't fall asleep there, that would be embarassing. Hopefully I even find the place, I had troubles finding the right places last year too. >.<
Soxra - Don't MESS with street rats! Talk to me! - Soxxeh 8:40pm, January 2, 2011 (UTC)
Hey, can you get on AIM for a few minutes?
Mornning! (Well, more of "Afternoon")
Dark-EnigmaXIII - Rejoice, and feast on these hearts we offer! Shine your pale light on this empty realm! TALK - Let us all welcome one of the Keyblade's chosen. 21:54, January 2, 2011 (UTC)
How its going, my XOWSAME friend? ^^
I feel SOOOO relaxed today! I just woke up, hehe. Guess I needed a little sleep, but those puppies almost eat me alive, since I didnt feed them till 4:00 AM!! Dont worry, they´re full now! I promised their mother I´ll take good care of them, no matter what!^^ And they follow me everywhere now! Guess Im a little exited about them, ^^ You start school tomorrow?! Not cool, dude :/
Wanna me to "pay a visit" to your teacher? (summoning "Empty Shine" in his hand) Ill make it look like an accident ;P
Anyway, I dont know if you have looked to my userpage, but I putted Empty Shine description, and I thought I should let you know them:
Keyblade: "Empty Shine"
Attack: + 5
Magic: + 8
- A weapon born from corrupted memories, with the only purpose of guiding his user to his fate. Though born from the light, this Keyblade empowers itself in the darkness of the abyss.
Ability: "False Radiance"
- The keyblade absorb the darkness of the enemies it destroys, shining purple as it power growns. But if not feed for a period of time, its power goes down. This is a weapon made for endless fighting.
Whaddaya think? Your opinion is really important to me! And really, thank you for making such a marvelous weapon & user-images for me! You are DA XOWSAME!!
Te quiero, amigo!^^
Dark-EnigmaXIII - Rejoice, and feast on these hearts we offer! Shine your pale light on this empty realm! TALK - Let us all welcome one of the Keyblade's chosen. 22:30, January 2, 2011 (UTC)
Well, to be honest, were I live, it 7:20 PM, and the sun is still shining brightly ^^ Here is not night till 9 Pm, or so XD
- Ouch :/ Well, there is one in every school... 3 in mine ¬¬ But I dont give a $**t, cause it soooo wicked easy for me! The only let down I have, is that, in contrast with people my age, I have lotsa thing to do BESIDES school... That kill me >.> And please, try do not hurt you, kay? ^^
- Yeah, I can sympathize, but you gotta do it. The sooner you finish that crap (no ofense to you, of course) the sooner you will be with your friends! BTW, what do you have to write about? :P
- Well, assuming you wanted to say "Youre my best friend", it would be "Eres mi mejor amigo"... Asuming you wanted to say "you feeling better, my friend" it would be "Te sientes mejor, mi amigo" ^^
In any case, I said it before: Its a matter of practice! I had to learn a lot before being able to talk english (I need for the family bussines, too)
Dark-EnigmaXIII - I am what is left... or perhaps all that ever was... TALK - My name is of no importance. 23:53, January 2, 2011 (UTC)
Agh, archiving...? Again? Ill have to learn to do it >.< Ill see if JFHavoc can do it again for me...
- Haha, Roxas looks so clueless and cute ^^ nice one!!
- Ohhh, Treay of Versailles and WW2? Thats one of the first thing I had to learn in the year! >.< Sorry dude, I thought I could help ya, but I forget all that sh** already :/
- Well, you ACTUALLY dont need to learn spanish, tho ^^
And no worry, better late than never, they say
Dark-EnigmaXIII - Rejoice, and feast on these hearts we offer! Shine your pale light on this empty realm! TALK - Let us all welcome one of the Keyblade's chosen. 00:37, January 3, 2011 (UTC)
You are a naughty boy, no doubts XD
- Wait, wut are we talking about? o.O Im confused XD
- Well, yeah, we didnt even CARE about what happened in the war, but by some strange reason we have to learn it AND U.S.A independence... WHY?! :/ Still, your hystory is easier than ours XD lol yeah, I used to draw in the middle of class, but by some reason, teachers didnt even care! I rememeber... one even asked me to draw her XD
- The first one would be "Te hablo a ti", secon is right, and te quiero tambien! ^^ (tambien= too)
Okay, if your sure you can handle it ^^ And are you sure I need to archive? I dont wanna ask for somenthing I dont need yet :S
Dark-EnigmaXIII - Rejoice, and feast on these hearts we offer! Shine your pale light on this empty realm! TALK - Let us all welcome one of the Keyblade's chosen. 01:53, January 3, 2011 (UTC)
All right, that may be it :/
Anyway, Roxas, I think... Sadly, Ill be going to sleep now... :/ Tomorrow I REALLY have to go to "work" (man, that suck! Im on vacations, dammit...)
Yeah, i love Cold, too ^^ And okay, I look them up JUST for ya, dude ;)
Tomorrow, or someday you are not busy with school (Again, it SUCKS that tomorrow you hafta return there... :/ )
You know, right? Te quiero ^^
Ill miss ya!!
14 feels old
Im serious,I feel like a short old lady... --Riku's Love is bored :/ 15:09, January 3, 2011 (UTC)
Re:Christmas/New Year
JFHavoc Talk to Me! — I once took an IQ test and got a score of over 9000. You're all morons. — 20:24, January 3, 2011 (UTC)
Merry Christmas to you as well, Roxas! :) I don't believe the size of the templates matters at all, only the amount. It is up to each user when they want to archive their talk page, it's usually a good idea when the template limit is exceeded, but it is not a requirement. You can even do it before then, if you'd like. I, personally, think he could've gone quite a bit longer without archiving his page, but if he wanted it to be done I wasn't going to argue with him.
Sove Talk to Me! — "I dunno. I can't... just look inside. But I figure... If there is something in there - inside us - then we'd feel it, wouldn't we?" "No one would miss me." — 20:27, January 3, 2011 (UTC)
This week started so nicely, plans have changed due to unexpected circumstances (apparently layoffs), tomorrow is a day off and in Wednesday we have some random things nearby. :/ Now I have no idea what is coming up. Excellent way to start a week.
How was your school?
tangled in the claws of history?
Sephiroth0812 - What should I be sad about? TALK - To the promised land. - 20:45, January 3, 2011 (UTC)
Hiya Roxas, you doing alright? I noticed your notice about that history-essay a while ago. Hope you got that off your shoulders...;). Aww, history, don't get me started, that's another thing I could blabber for hours (my fourth big interest after book/story-reading, messing with graphics and playing games, lol). But honestly, out of all the Versailles treaty and it's ties to WW2? Gosh, that's a complicated subject I just know too well...*urgh*.
Soxra was so nice to archive my talk page and now I've also a self-made graphic for it. Anyways, I'm just in the process of writing that little Vanitas-essay now...as I was hooked up yesterday with FF XIII. ;P
Sephiroth0812 - "Riku, you've been hanging out in the darkness too long. You gotta think positive!" TALK - "You can never forget your true buddies."22:23, January 3, 2011 (UTC)
Nah, I told you already, before I get really drunk I fall asleep, lol. Pretty much everything alright around here. The entire thing from memory? Wow, so how much pages has it? The only thing one has always to keep in mind about history is that there are always several points of view and that the people at that time often didn't had the knowledge we have nowadays. As I'm a german myself I know pretty well what misery the Versailles treaty caused yet I also understand somehow why it was created that way. After all, the roots of it lay not within WW1. Making Germany the sole country to blame for causing the war was just to have someone who could pay the bills. As most major powers that time had their own share of guilt in letting the conflict escalate. The main reason for the mostly unfair terms however where two reasons: Revenge and Fear respectively. The Americans initially opposed the treaty and the UK was indifferent, yet the country who proposed most of the terms was the one with the highest casualties and a personal vendetta against Germany: France. Germany and France where long known as arch-enemies during the 19th and first half of 20th century. The Revenge-part was that France wished to punish Germany for the humiliating defeat France suffered in the 1870/71-war when the German Empire was founded in Versailles by Emperor Wilhelm I. and Otto von Bismarck. The germans annexed Alsace-Lorraine as a prize, which infuriated the French even more (Bismarck actually was against it, he was a wise guy.) France since then wanted to get back on Germany, reclaim Alsace-Lorraine and ensure they would never have to fear an invasion from Germany again => result was the Versailles treaty, which , like French Marshal Ferdinand Foch spoke prophetically "This is not Peace. It is an Armistice for twenty years" not a piece made for a lasting peace.
Enough history rambling, dammit...
So, expect that essay about Vanitas to hit your email-account later this evening...^___^
Sephiroth0812 - What should I be sad about? TALK - To the promised land. - 22:55, January 3, 2011 (UTC)
I know, but if we think straight when was really complete fairness ever included in post-war-treaties? The Versailles treaty no doubt was a contributing factor in making Germany more susceptible for going nuts later on and laid groundwork for much resentment (the cycle of hatred got intensified not dismantled), but even with the treaty around WW2 could have been prevented with a bit more foresight, as well as it was not the treaty alone which inevitably led to the crazy little Austrian.
Lol, I told you that when I start to theorize it's going to be deep, if I estimate correct it'll be possible it has around 1000 words...
Sephiroth0812 - "Riku, you've been hanging out in the darkness too long. You gotta think positive!" TALK - "You can never forget your true buddies."23:33, January 3, 2011 (UTC)
Haha, yeah, I do...why would I make the effort if not? It's however really interesting me thinks. On that note, which file format is appropriate? Word? Notepad? Pdf would be a tad overkill I guess.
That new confused-bubble...wow, Roxas clearly has an intense stare there, one can clearly see the blue of his eyes. Very nice...just noticed your template must be pretty crowded by now...lol.
BtW: I noticed you also like fan-stories, don't ya? Don't laugh at me but once in November I really had a dream about KH I wrote down, later added a prologue to it and saved it. Yet still up to today I couldn't think of a name nor how to continue it properly...*ggg*.
Sephiroth0812 - What should I be sad about? TALK - To the promised land. - 00:03, January 4, 2011 (UTC)
I actually dream rarely, or when I do more frequently I don't remember a thing when I wake up later, this one however stuck and I just had to write it down. Don't ask me however why I did it in english instead of german...lol.
So this picture was a real pain to crop out I guess...well, for sprites I do assume you have a template for that rectangle, don't ya?
I said don't laugh because some people might it find creepy that one has a dream about a video game series, lol...;) Just send you the stuff...enjoy.
Sephiroth0812 - "Riku, you've been hanging out in the darkness too long. You gotta think positive!" TALK - "You can never forget your true buddies."00:50, January 4, 2011 (UTC)
OMG...I can only imagine what a strenuous task all this little detail work was. My graphic programm isn't really able to blur effectively so I need at least an image of decent quality to work with. To completely draw missing strands of hair by myself I never had the patience yet, as you might notice in my Xion-Sora-Roxas-Ven wallpaper, as crying Ven is missing a top spike of his hair...lol. EDIT: Just have to say bye for the time being, after all, I'm 6 hours ahead and it's in the middle of the week, best greetings also to Enigma. We'll talk again later, and be sure to enjoy reading all that stuff. ;)
Im beat...
Dark-EnigmaXIII - I am what is left... or perhaps all that ever was... TALK - My name is of no importance. 00:10, January 4, 2011 (UTC)
Roxas... sorry for not being able to talk you back earlier. I just recently make the time to relax... And I wanted to tell you: I meant it too. Every single time I tolda ya so, if you know what I mean. Te quiero mucho, mucho Roxas! ^^ To be honest, I didnt have the time to look for those band I promised, but I swear Ill do it tomorrow, as it my free day. And, of course... You should never EVER doubt to contact me, kay? (My mail -kinda long- : Kelthuzad_linchking@hotmail.com) So... Thank you. Cant really say much else... Thank you... for being you
On a side note, I couldnt help to see your talk with Sephiroth about a essay about Vanitas. Would you mind, if I ask him to give it to me, too? Im in need of somenthing to read at "work"...
Dark-EnigmaXIII - Rejoice, and feast on these hearts we offer! Shine your pale light on this empty realm! TALK - Let us all welcome one of the Keyblade's chosen. 00:40, January 4, 2011 (UTC)
Sure I want it! But... 3 versions? o_O
I just found the sitting one, and the full-body "render"... And I think the sitting one have better quality. Dont know, whatever you pick, I know you make it XOWESAME ^^
And dude... are you sure...? If you need to do your homework... I dont wanna to give you problems...
Dark-EnigmaXIII - Rejoice, and feast on these hearts we offer! Shine your pale light on this empty realm! TALK - Let us all welcome one of the Keyblade's chosen. 00:59, January 4, 2011 (UTC)
Well, send ya already one ^^
And, Oh, yeah, forgot about Xemnas armored form ^^ But dont know, is kinda low quality BUT your the boss, Roxas! ^^ And... The only other one that I would love to have, would be of the Dragon Nobody that Xemnas ride, if it possible ^^
Dark-EnigmaXIII - Rejoice, and feast on these hearts we offer! Shine your pale light on this empty realm! TALK - Let us all welcome one of the Keyblade's chosen. 01:23, January 4, 2011 (UTC)
Yeah, I received it!!^^ And as I said: Your DA boss ^^ My opinion about images is kinda... vague XD Yeah, he is like "Im a Fricking Almighty Villain!" XD Yeah, I would LOVE one of that, Roxas! And about the dragon? Well, dont know who it could be :/ Any ideas, Legend? ^^ By the way... please, dont stuff yourself with to much work. If neede, please, drop one for when you have the time
Dark-EnigmaXIII - Rejoice, and feast on these hearts we offer! Shine your pale light on this empty realm! TALK - Let us all welcome one of the Keyblade's chosen. 01:50, January 4, 2011 (UTC)
All rigth, then. If you are sure, go ahead ^^ I LOVE evertything you do, and I promise I will use every little piece you do for me and I thank you with all my heart ^^
PS: Sorry for taking so long:S
Dark-EnigmaXIII - Rejoice, and feast on these hearts we offer! Shine your pale light on this empty realm! TALK - Let us all welcome one of the Keyblade's chosen. 02:08, January 4, 2011 (UTC)
Whow, they XOWESAME!! ^^ But, I wonder, could you make the armor face the other side? ^^ Edit:Who knows? :S
EVA Unit XIII - The beginning and the end share the same moment. TALK - I've been waiting for this moment... 04:25, January 4, 2011 (UTC)
Roxas... Roxis... I-Im sorry. I didnt mean to leave you hanging out... You gotta believe me, I wouldnt do such a thing... not to YOU. Somenthing happened over my place, and I was forced to leave... Please, forgive me. after all you were doing, I wasnt able to answer your last message, and Im feeling awfull... You know... te quiero, Roxas. I didnt mean to leave you hanging out.
Forgive me.
FinalRest - "I floop the pig!" TALK - 23:55, January 3, 2011 (UTC)
I just had a look on my profile and noticed the mega cool cards you added! They look really XOWSAME and I can't thank you enough! I shower you in cookies!
Re:Screen Image
IceCreamRockz Talk to Me! — Call me Raven. In other words, it would be best if you just died. — 02:35, January 4, 2011 (UTC)
Thanks so much, Roxas! You really are a big help, thanks so much! I wish I could repay you somehow... I'll think of something. ^_^
Hey Good Friend
Sora - My friends are my power! Tell me! - I know now I don't need a Keyblade
Hey Roxas. I understand that most people want to keep it a secret for others. I respect that ;) Great to hear!!! If I ever have a problem like that again, I hope I can ask you for advice. Well, I don't know where Massachusetts lies exactly, I don't know how far away it is, but I can tell you that Purmerend lies very near to Amsterdam. About the facebook thing, I have facebook, but still have to figure out how everything works. Please don't touch my page, but I already know you wouldn't do that, because we're good friends :-D No, I don't want to creep people up. About my real name, it's Jesse. Got it memorized?:) I'll send you the talk bubble thing in another message. EDIT: time=14:41, January 4, 2011 (UTC)Ok, about the talk bubble:
- Your opinion is better than mine. So let do what you were suggesting.
- I'll never say that I made the image. Then I would be stealing it from you. The only thing I'll ever steal is a cookie :-D
- Haha "Help me somebody is gonna kill me AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" lol :)
- Ok. I like some friend qoutes from Roxas. And if you're really as indecisive as you say, just think "friend qoutes Roxas" and then the first thing that flows into your mind you take. I just know it will be an awesome qoute :-D.
Well, I'll speak ya later Roxas!!!
Sora - My friends are my power! Tell me! - I know now I don't need a Keyblade
Hey Roxas. Thank you very much:) Wow, good example. I think it's a good way to remember that you can't do everything on your own. Yeah, I already looked Massasuchetts up. It's very close to England and your right. England is straight above The Netherlands. From some points in the north of The Netherlands, you can see England. I removed the link to my hyves page, because I don't want anyone else to see it. Seriously, gay? That's really stupid. It's ridicilous! It doesn't matter how you call me, most thinks are okay with me:-D EDIT: time=12:39, January 5, 2011 (UTC) About the bubble:
- Yes, I'm 13, but I will get 14 31 january. I try to be as respectful as I can be.
- Good idea! Haha!
- "Oh no, help me RoxasXIIILK is gonna knock me down. Help!!!!!"XD
- Okay. The qoutes that I want are: "Maybe... Today we'll finally hit the beach!" and "Like I asked! Know-it-all."
I don't want to be very annoying, but I really love that image and really want it in my talk bubble.
Great name! Good thinking:)
Speak ya later, Roxas!!!
Something is wrong in me
Sove Talk to Me! — "I dunno. I can't... just look inside. But I figure... If there is something in there - inside us - then we'd feel it, wouldn't we?" "No one would miss me." — 20:19, January 4, 2011 (UTC)
First of all, I'm paranoid, I don't like attention, I don't like to be noticed or recognized, I just want to hide in the mass. I don't like to go outside because I think anyone who saw me do something might just come and ask me was it me who did that and that and I don't like being asked, it just feels so disturbing. Talking with people I don't know well is so disturbing too. And later I have to present a big project to others in school. :( How am I supposed to be able to do that? It's like, I fear other people. I have pretty much isolated myself from the outside world. I can talk to people easily in Internet but real life is just a no-go.
My memory keeps failing all the time, I just keep forgetting things more and more easier. This is not caused by lack of sleep because it happens even when I'm not tired at all.
And now I'm also having more and more shocking nightmares. Last night I had so shocking nightmare that it woke me up and my heart rate was probably about 180, it caused pain in my chest. I couldn't really sleep after that and only got like 4 hours of sleep.
And after reading a bit, all these things are referring to schizophrenia. And these things are just going worse. Is my life really going to having to take meds, I don't want to. :(
I have had these paranoia and memory things for a long time but yeah, they are going worse now. Maybe I should go to doc but it just feels too awkward. What is wong in me? :(
User talk conversations
LapisScarab - You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice?  TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
I feel the need to remind you that user talk pages shouldn't be used for idle chit-chat. There are other websites and the IRC for conversations like FinalRest's message above. This may very well change when the Wiki moves, but for the time being I need to ask that you keep off-topic conversations off talk pages. Thank you.
LapisScarab - You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice?  TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
It's alright, I was merely reminding you because you were starting to go off topic. You've actually been doing much better than when you first got here at keeping your conversations pertinant to the Wiki, and have been doing a good job of handling talk bubble and signature requests and the like. I'm not mad at you and you aren't in any danger of getting a real warning. The best way I can describe it is to avoid using the Wiki like you would Facebook; try and avoid having conversations completely unrelated to the Wiki, like I did once. Answering requests and questions is fine, and so is asking to be friends (the community is very important here, it's just that work needs to take precedence). If you want to talk to someone just ask them to come on the IRC or, failing that, try and find a different way of talking to them ([http://www.kh-vids.net/ KH-Vids.net has worked for me).
Dark-EnigmaXIII - You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light... TALK - Nothingness... is eternal! 21:38, January 4, 2011 (UTC)
Hi, Roxas! You seem to have got a warning about... a conversation? :/
Anyway, Im still sorry about yesterday... But I looked up a few of the songs I told ya:
- System of A Down ( "Highway Song", "Ego Brain", "Thetawaves")
- Story of the Year ( "Anthem of our Dying Day", "Until the day I die", "Tell me")
- Yellowcard ( "Way Away", "Only one", "Believe")
- My Chemical Romance ("Famous Last Words")
That´s just a few ones, anyway. Anything similar?
EDIT: Yeah, i got it... That make me smile and now im relieved. Thanks, boy^^
Take your time.
EDIT:Sure, I answered. Just say, you wanna keep it by mail, or bu FB? EDIT3: Sure, I think it will be helpfull, it requiere some coding? EDIT 4: What else could I put?^^ EDIT 5: Well, how about those nobody sigils, and the Roxas pendant you have at the title of your sectiosn? Is there somenthing special about them? ^^ EDIT5: Sure, let go over there, to eat some sweet Ice Cream ;P And I was wondering if you could put these...? [5] EDIT7:Okay, I forgot to tell you were :/ In Apparence, Personality, and Weapon ^^
Dark Master - You need it memorized. TALK - {{{time}}}
Hello I would be glad to be friends with you.Too bad for RL hope she can come back soon.Talk to me when you want.Not right now of course cause I am busy at the moment.
Riku's Love - "This battle isn't over. And until it is, I still need the power of darkness." TALK - I didn't want to be found.
I love it when I can say I TOLD YA SO!!!! I mean it love it. But thats cuz im normally wrong for just about uh everything....
About mails and other stuff
Sephiroth0812 - What should I be sad about? TALK - To the promised land. - 21:16, January 5, 2011 (UTC)
Hey buddy, how is it going? Noticed Lapis got ya a slap on the wrist so I wouldn't go in unnecessary chit-chat. Had you already time to read this monster I sent you, let alone the story? Lol. Btw, Enigma got the theory too. Gotta better talk about this by exchanging mails me thinks, or Lapis probably gives a whack to both of us. About Wiki-work I'll have to re-read and probably re-work my Terra-abilities section since I had a little run-in with Chitalian on how my Ventus-one was written...I'm not gonna repeat a mistake if I can help it. lol. Answering may take a bit as I've running FF XIII parallel to my PC. ;)
Sephiroth0812 - What should I be sad about? TALK - To the promised land. - 21:55, January 5, 2011 (UTC)
Yeah, I did read it. It was rather more joking on my part, as I already had a good stand-in with Lapis about the Keyblade War that time when voting was opened too early. I had the impression he's a very reliable and fair guy. Yeah, I read it and he actually asked me for it then...to be honest I'm anxious about feedback, yet I understand if you've got that bad a disease it'll do no good. I hope it's not interfering too much with everyday life. Although it isn't solely about Vanitas, as Ven also plays a great role in this. Yet about my story it'll interest you even more judging by your preferences, trust me. ;)
So, and what then about Enigma's story (yes I lurked, lol), if it's going over several chapters it'll have even more "walls of text" I'll assume..*ggg*
Picky or not, it may help me getting better accustomed to editing nonetheless, as a non-native english speaker I'll probably never get to be that professional like Soxra or some others, but getting at least something useful in would already be enough.
Sephiroth0812 - "Riku, you've been hanging out in the darkness too long. You gotta think positive!" TALK - "You can never forget your true buddies."22:42, January 5, 2011 (UTC)
To each his/her own when it comes to editing, lol. I don't have that much time on hand anyway, so I'm going to be a sloooow editor...*ggg*. FFXIII? It's really getting me hooked more and more, especially since even story bosses remain somewhat challenging as you can't way overpower your characters due to the crystarium not always expanding that much. I'm up in the Fifth Ark now and Jihl Nabaat already kicked the bucket because of Super-Pope going all nuts. Seriously, that guy can rival Master Xehanort. I also think I have my main party up running now...Lightning is one hella quick fellow, true to her name, while Fang excels really as a Sentinel in taking damage, but also dishes out hell a lot with physicals. And then there's Hope Estheim...the manual says he's a normal boy...WTF? That kid already has over 500 Magic and is blowing everything apart as a Ravager, now for real, what steroids did they feed that guy? o_0.
Ice-Cream? Why wouldn't I? I imagine only people who hate anything sweet or are die-hard vegetable fans don't like Ice-Cream. You mean that bubble where you had to fill out Roxas's hair? I believe we talked about it last time. ^__^
Disease...oh pardon, my bad...I just switched to english wikipedia, there ADHD is classified as a disorder, not a disease...the german wikipedia treats it somewhat as the former...you ill will on my side...;)
Sephiroth0812 - "Riku, you've been hanging out in the darkness too long. You gotta think positive!" TALK - "You can never forget your true buddies."23:13, January 5, 2011 (UTC)
Now you have four people with ice-cream box. You should think of another place to eat it though...I doubt we'll all fit on that clock tower, especially if more people join the fray and more KH-characters want ice-cream too *ggg*. Lol, I'm typing to fast it seems, made an error last time, instead of writing "no ill will on my side" I started with "you" *slaps forehead* Anta Baka?
I didn't quite get that hate part, on which was that? The ADHD or my primary FF XIII party? ^__^
Sephiroth0812 - What should I be sad about? TALK - To the promised land. - 23:39, January 5, 2011 (UTC)
Very understandable...I feel with you. I really wonder, can't anything be done about it? As I can imagine it also causing hard times at school...:(.
LMAO, like I said...that clock tower is becoming to crowded by now.
I just had another OMG-moment in FF XIII, I better shouldn't have upgraded Lightning's, Fang's and Hope's weapons already. I had a battle with two tough looking robots ganging up on Fang. I (as Lightning) "Better make a paradigm shift to a defensive paradigm." Fang: "Screw it!" *Does a triple spiraling spear-attack for overall nearly 6000 damage. Hope casts Thundara, robots crumbling into scrap metal. Me: "o_0 Lolwhut?"
Sephiroth0812 - I admit you're very skilled... TALK - The planet has forsaken me... - 00:19, January 6, 2011 (UTC)
Ugh, that's hard...buddy. Medicine is supposed t help and it may do it's work on the one side, yet makes you lose appetite, damn really detestable indeed...hope this doesn't weaken you.
If magic really would exist the first thing I'll probably would do is to rid the world of such nuisances. ^__^
Yeah it is...I nearly dropped the controller. Either I'm overpowered or the enemies on the first part of the Fifth Ark are too weak. Yet while I like the entire cast I think I'll stick with the constellation Lightning/Fang/Hope because they work well together and all six roles are properly covered.
BtW I had to read your last message in the edit window...dunno why...lol
Sephiroth0812 - I knew ever since I was a child, I was not like the others. I knew mine was a special existence. But not this kind. TALK - What happened...? - 01:30, January 6, 2011 (UTC)
Aww, that really doesn't sound good, only 17 years old and already so much problems. But I know you're a strong one, aren't you? ;) Sadly I've no request right now, as I did the image for my talk-page archives by myself and didn't search for more appropriate Seph-pics...but no fear there will come more...*ggg*. What time-zone is DarkEnigma anyway? I have already past 2am here again...lol. Homework? Err...it may be not fun but could spare you trouble, ne? EDIT: Sorry my friend, it's gotten too late around here...read ya later. ;)
Soxra - Don't MESS with street rats! Talk to me! - Soxxeh 10:02pm, January 5, 2011 (UTC)
...foreign codes...? You mean the external URLs?
Soxra - I have to stop you, even if it means killing you. What's the matter? - Soxxeh 10:11pm, January 5, 2011 (UTC)
Sorry, no, you can't make galleries of external images. You can still put them in a collapsible table, though.
Soxra - Don't MESS with street rats! Talk to me! - Soxxeh 10:18pm, January 5, 2011 (UTC)
Heh, exactly the same way as the other ones.
{|class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" border="0" style="width:100%"
!style="width:16em; text-align:left"|Show Sprites
Your external images all here
Soxra - I can already tell. Looks like this is gonna be one hell of a party! Come on! - Soxxeh 10:23pm, January 5, 2011 (UTC)
The sprite's great; you're getting better at them, for sure! And I'll be on most of the day, I'm just playing the Sims and gnoming around the Wiki, so yeah. Should be for another 4 hours at the very minimum, though it'll probably be more like 8.
Soxra - Behold! For my very existence refutes the will of the gods! I am a will unto my own, a power that shakes the very foundation of creation! Talk to me! - Soxxeh 10:39pm, January 5, 2011 (UTC)
XOWSAME needs another E >_<. Lol.
Anyway, you can collapse anything. As long as you use that same code, just wrap it around the entirety of whatever you want collapsed.
And I'll definitely use that userbox. :D
Dark Master
The Other Sider - I come from the other side. TALK - {{{time}}}
Hey Roxas how are you? EDIT:I am doing fine.I have noticed you are a fan of Roxas.Anyway want to chat about anything. EDIT2:Yeah the time on all of my talk bubbles are not right.I know the wiki has a strict code about chatting so that is why I wish to talk about Kingdom Hearts and the wiki so none of get in trouble.Personally having a rule about cahtting is lame to me. EDIT3:You can leave the talk bubble as it is.I really don't care if it shows the time as long as my talk bubble does its job by giving people my messages.We could talk about some of the Kingdom Hearts like the know one 3D. EDIT4:Who cares about wether the time is shown on the talk bubble.As long as it gives people your messeages its okay in my book that is why it is called a talk bubble. EDIT5:Thanks Roxas. EDIT6:Thanks again for your help my friend.I will talk to you later.Bye.
Re:Talk bubble image
It's probably okay, but it depends slightly on what image you want to use. Would this be the picture you're taling about, or is it not on the Wiki? EDIT: Whoops, didn't read your comment close enough. I think the Wiki prohibits having fan-made images uploaded onto its servers (I don't know how strictly we enforce that though, I've seen some staffers mention it being okay in small doses in the past), but if you have a Photobucket (or other image-sharing website) account, it is possible to link it in from there.LapisLazuliScarab01:04, January 6, 2011 (UTC)
Talk Template
Xiggie/TalkTemplate2 is an alternate Talk Bubble template, which, in my opinion, is superior to TalkTextTest2. It allows you to put external images into your talk bubbles. It is, in fact, the Talk Template I am using right now. Chitalian8 01:20, January 6, 2011 (UTC)
I'm not familiar with using Xiggie/TalkTemplate2, though I know about it, so I'll let Chitalian handle that. Again, I'm relatively sure that using the image for a talk bubble would be okay if you don;t have a Photobucket or something like it and don't go over board. Go ahead and make it, and if it turns out I'm wrong I'll take the fall; I am the one telling you it's okay after all ^.^;--LapisScarab 01:23, January 6, 2011 (UTC)
Yep, XTT2 is pretty much the same as XTT1, except with a "2." Chitalian8 01:41, January 6, 2011 (UTC)
No, you don't have to use one, I just have one to keep my talk page a tad less cluttered. If you do want to make one, create a page called "User:RoxasXIIILK/Whatever you want the page to be called", obviously replacing the bolded part with, well, what you want the page to be called. That way it becomes a sub-page of your user space, not a mainspace article.--LapisScarab 01:45, January 6, 2011 (UTC)