Template:Sac: Difference between revisions

22,619 bytes removed ,  5 years ago
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|time=Exactly what I said, idiot. - {{{time}}}
|time=Exactly what I said, idiot. - {{{time}}}
|text=[[File:Void Gear (Vanitas) KHBBS.png|20px]]{{{text}}}
|text=[[File:Void Gear (Vanitas) KHBBS.png|20px]]{{{text}}}
}} }}{{#if:{{{christmas|}}}|{{User:Xiggie/TalkTemplate
|image= Jack Skellington (Santa outfit) KHII.png
|image=Jack Skellington (Santa outfit) KHII.png
|imagesize= 80px
|color= green
|color2= red
|textcolor= grey
|textcolor2= white
|line= white
|fonttype= arial
|name= Secret agent clank
|sig= Am I on your list too, Santa?
|time= It's a long story. — {{{time}}}
|text=[[File:Sprite Jack2.png|20px]]{{{christmas}}}
}} }}{{#if:{{{final|}}}|{{User:Xiggie/TalkTemplate
|image=Sora (Final Form) KHII.png
|color= white
|color2= black
|textcolor= black
|textcolor2= white
|line= purple
|fonttype= arial
|name= Secret agent clank
|sig= The darkness may have my body, but it can't touch my heart.
|time= My friends are my power! — {{{time}}}
|text=[[File:Ultima Weapon (Ventus) KHBBS.png|20px]]{{{final}}}
}} }}{{#if:{{{happy|}}}|{{User:Xiggie/TalkTemplate
|image=Donald Duck (Battle) KHII.png
|name=Secret agent clank
|sig=Aw, what do you know you big palooka...?
|time=Aw, Phooey! — {{{time}}}
|text=[[File:Mage's Staff KHII.png|20px]]{{{happy}}}
}} }}{{#if:{{{surprised|}}}|{{User:Xiggie/TalkTemplate
|image=Sora (Talk sprite) 14 KHCOM.png
|name=Secret agent clank
|sig=It's just. They really need me. I have to go.
|time=I am who I am, because of them. - {{{time}}}
|text=[[File:Oathkeeper KH.png|20px]]{{{surprised}}}
}} }}{{#if:{{{angry|}}}|{{User:Xiggie/TalkTemplate
|image=Roxas (Oathkeeper and Oblivion) KHII.png
|name=Secret agent clank
|sig=What are you talking about? I am me! Nobody else!
|time=Sora, Sora, Sora. Enough about Sora! - {{{time}}}
|text=[[File:Oathkeeper & Oblivion KHII.png|20px]]{{{angry}}}
}} }}{{#if:{{{sad|}}}|{{User:Xiggie/TalkTemplate
|image= DaysRoxasSad.png
|color= snow
|color2= darkness
|top-section=[[User:Secret agent clank|<font color="red face="Times new roman" size="3">Secret agent clank]] <sup>[[User talk:Secret agent clank|<font color="blue"> Talk!</font>]] </sup></font><font color="red" face=arial" size="3">— "Why did the Keyblade choose me?" </font><p><font color="blue" face="arial"><sub> I have to know.'' - {{{time}}}</sub></font></p>
|line= grey
|border= black
|border2= snow
|fonttype= Trebuchet MS
|textcolor= Green
|textcolor2= Gold
|text=[[File:Oblivion KHD.png|20px]]{{{sad}}}
}} }}{{#if:{{{ashamed|}}}|{{User:Xiggie/TalkTemplate2
|color= black
|color2= green
|textcolor= white
|textcolor2= black
|line= red
|fonttype= times new roman
|name= Secret agent clank
|sig= He ain't gonna cut it 
|time= Somebody's got to break that loser in
}} }}{{#if:{{{sora|}}}|{{User:Soxra/TalkTemplate
|image=Sora (Talk sprite) 7 KHCOM.png
|namefonttype=Times new roman
|name=Secret agent clank
|talktext=Tell me!
|sig=My friends are my power! 
|time=I know now I don't need a Keyblade
}} }}{{#if:{{{ven|}}}|{{User:Xiggie/TalkTemplate2
|name=Secret agent clank
|talktext=Tell me!
|sig=I'm Ventus! Call me Ven!
|time=My friends are my power and I'm theirs!{{{time}}}
}} }}{{#if:{{{riku|}}}|{{User:Soxra/TalkTemplate
|image=Riku-Ansem (Cloaked) KHII.png
|name=Secret agent clank
|sig=Giving up already? C'mon Sora, I thought you were stronger than that.
|talktext=Tell me!
|time=This battle isn't over and until it is, I still need the power of Darkness.{{{time}}}
|text=[[File:Soul Eater KH.png|15px]]{{{riku}}}
}} }}{{#if:{{{venitas|}}}|{{User:Soxra/TalkTemplate
|image=Ventus-Vanitas KHBBS.png
|top-section=[[User:Secret agent clank|<font color=red face=Trebuchet MS size=3>Ventus-Vanitas]] <sup>[[User Talk:Secret agent clank|<font color=red> Talk to me!</font>]] </sup></font><font color=red face=Trebuchet MS size=3>- Just like the legend says! </font><p><font color="red" face=Trebuchet MS><sub> ''The Keyblade War will begin!'' {{#if:{{{time|}}}|- {{{time}}}|}}</sub></font></p>
|fonttype=Trebuchet MS
}} }}{{#if:{{{roxas|}}}|{{User:Xiggie/TalkTemplate2
|image= http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/8955/roxastwobecomeonetbs.png
|top-section=[[User:Secret agent clank|<font color="gold" face="Times New Roman" size="3">Roxas]] <sup>[[User talk:Secret agent clank|<font color="gold"> Talk to me friend!</font>]] </sup></font><font color="white" face="Times New Roman" size="3">— [[File:Roxas's Symbol small.png]] “Maybe...Today we'll finally hit the beach!” [[File:Roxas's Symbol small.png]]</font><p><font color="white" face="Times New Roman"><sub> “Like I asked! Know-it-all.” {{#if:{{{time|}}}|— {{{time}}}|}}</sub></font></p>
|fonttype=Times New Roman
|text=http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/2840/roxaspageicon40px.png {{{roxas}}} http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/2840/roxaspageicon40px.png
}} }}{{#if:{{{lex|}}}|{{User:Soxra/TalkTemplate
|image= DaysLexaeus.png
|color= maroon
|color2= black
|namecolor= gold
|namefonttype= comic sans ms
|textcolor= white
|textcolor2= white
|line= white
|fonttype= comic sans ms
|name= Secret agent clank
|nick= Lexaeus
|talktext= Embrace the darkness!
|sig= Don't mock me! 
|time= {{{time}}}
|text= {{{lex}}}
}} }}{{#if:{{{axel8|}}}|{{TalkTextTest2
|image= DaysAxelSad.png
|color= red
|color2= white
|textcolor= white
|textcolor2= black
|line= red
|fonttype= comic sans ms
|name= Secret agent clank
|nick= Axel
|sig= Think I'll pass. My heart just wouldn't be in it, you know? 
|time= Haven't got one. {{{time}}}
|text= {{{axel8}}}
}} }}{{#if:{{{jack|}}}|{{TalkTextTest2
|image=Jack Sparrow KHII.png
|fonttype=comic sans ms
|name=Secret agent clank
|sig=Zola! Some assistence!
|time=Ridiculous imitation—and yet, I'm flattered. {{{time}}}
|text= {{{jack}}}
}} }}{{#if:{{{friendhappy|}}}|{{TalkTextTest2
|top-section=[[User:Secret agent clank|<font color="gold" face="comic sans ms" size="3">Sac]] <sup>[[User talk:Secret agent clank|<font color="gold"> Talk to me!</font>]] </sup></font><font color="white" face="comic sans ms" size="3">— "[[File:Nobody.png|20px]]You make a good other.[[File:Nobody.png|20px]]" </font><p><font color="white" face="comic sans ms"><sub> "Look sharp!" {{#if:{{{time|}}}|— {{{time}}}|}}</sub></font></p>
|fonttype=comic sans ms
|text=[[File:Oathkeeper & Oblivion KHII.png|15px]]{{{friendhappy}}}[[File:Oathkeeper & Oblivion KHII.png|15px]]
}} }}{{#if:{{{friendangry|}}}|{{TalkTextTest2
|top-section=[[User:Secret agent clank|<font color="gold" face="comic sans ms" size="3">Sac]] <sup>[[User talk:Secret agent clank|<font color="gold"> Talk to me!</font>]] </sup></font><font color="white" face="comic sans ms" size="3">— "[[File:Nobody.png|20px]]What are you talking about? I am me. Nobody else[[File:Nobody.png|20px]]" </font><p><font color="white" face="comic sans ms"><sub> "How many times do I've beat you?" {{#if:{{{time|}}}|— {{{time}}}|}}</sub></font></p>
|fonttype=comic sans ms
|text=[[File:Oathkeeper & Oblivion KHII.png|15px]]{{{friendangry}}}[[File:Oathkeeper & Oblivion KHII.png|15px]]
}} }}{{#if:{{{friendenraged|}}}|{{TalkTextTest2
|top-section=[[User:Secret agent clank|<font color="gold" face="comic sans ms" size="3">Sac]] <sup>[[User talk:Secret agent clank|<font color="gold"> Talk to me!</font>]] </sup></font><font color="white" face="comic sans ms" size="3">— "[[File:Nobody.png|20px]]Was that... was that supposed to be a joke? 'Cause I'm not laughing![[File:Nobody.png|20px]]" </font><p><font color="white" face="comic sans ms"><sub> "What's WRONG with you?" {{#if:{{{time|}}}|— {{{time}}}|}}</sub></font></p>
|fonttype=comic sans ms
|text=[[File:Oathkeeper & Oblivion KHII.png|15px]]{{{friendenraged}}}[[File:Oathkeeper & Oblivion KHII.png|15px]]
}} }}{{#if:{{{friendexcited|}}}|{{TalkTextTest2
|top-section=[[User:Secret agent clank|<font color="gold" face="comic sans ms" size="3">Sac]] <sup>[[User talk:Secret agent clank|<font color="gold"> Talk to me!</font>]] </sup></font><font color="white" face="comic sans ms" size="3">— "[[File:Nobody.png|20px]]Wait here-I'll get us some ice cream[[File:Nobody.png|20px]]" </font><p><font color="white" face="comic sans ms"><sub> "It's really salt, but sweet too." {{#if:{{{time|}}}|— {{{time}}}|}}</sub></font></p>
|fonttype=comic sans ms
|text=[[File:Oathkeeper & Oblivion KHII.png|15px]]{{{friendexcited}}}[[File:Oathkeeper & Oblivion KHII.png|15px]]
}} }}{{#if:{{{ratchet|}}}|{{User:Xiggie/TalkTemplate2
|fonttype=comic sans ms
|name=Secret agent clank
|sig=Qwark, this thing is trying to eat me!
|time=I should have stopped Nefarious sooner! {{{time}}}
}} }}{{#if:{{{vanitas|}}}|{{User:Xiggie/TalkTemplate2
|top-section=[[User:Secret agent clank|<font color="gold" face="comic sans ms" size="3">Vanitas]] <sup>[[User talk:Secret agent clank|<font color="gold"> Talk to me!</font>]] </sup></font><font color="Black" face="comic sans ms" size="3">— http://i925.photobucket.com/albums/ad99/Xion4ever/b6758105-d0b8-4f9c-9df2-5726afbdaece_zpsbdc080ce.png"The X-Blade shouldn't stay broken like this."http://i925.photobucket.com/albums/ad99/Xion4ever/b6758105-d0b8-4f9c-9df2-5726afbdaece_zpsbdc080ce.png </font><p><font color="black" face="comic sans ms"><sub> "Join me now-and we can complete the X-Blade." {{#if:{{{time|}}}|— {{{time}}}|}}</sub></font></p>
|fonttype=comic sans ms
}} }}{{#if:{{{van|}}}|{{User:Soxra/TalkTemplate
|name=Secret agent clank
|name=Secret agent clank
|sig=Am I on your list too, Santa?
|talktext=Too broken to talk back?
|time=It's a long story. {{{time}}}
|sig=http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/5162/voidgearleftsmaller.png http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/8733/vanitasabsentsilhouette.png "You've done it, Ventus. Now that my body's about to perish, you and I will have to join together!"http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/8733/vanitasabsentsilhouette.png http://img842.imageshack.us/img842/4586/voidgearrightsmaller.png
|text=[[File:Sprite Jack2.png|20px]]{{{christmas}}}
|time={{{time|"The ?-blade will be forged!"}}}
|text=http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/2211/duelxblades40px.png {{{van}}} http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/2211/duelxblades40px.png
}} }}{{#if:{{{aqua|}}}|{{User:Xiggie/TalkTemplate2
|namefonttype=times new roman
|name=Secret agent clank
|talktext=Tell me!
|sig=No... no, I really can't.
|time=Besides I have so much training to do.{{{time}}}
}} }}{{#if:{{{zack|}}}|{{User:Xiggie/TalkTemplate2
|namefonttype=times new roman
|name=Secret agent clank
|talktext=Tell me!
|sig=You don't decide if you're a hero. They do.
|time=And man, they have already made up their mind{{{time}}}
}} }}{{#if:{{{hades|}}}|{{User:Soxra/TalkTemplate
|namefonttype=times new roman
|name=Secret agent clank
|talktext=Tell me!
|sig=Yo, hey, how're ya doin' everybody, yeah, got a minute? Hades, Lord of the Dead. Nice to see ya. Hey, guess what? I've got a place for you down under!
|time=Laugh, laugh, laugh all you want! Ha, ha, ha, ha! Because the laughing is about to stop. Wanna know why? Because now we're gonna play by MY rules...{{{time}}}
}} }}{{#if:{{{marluxia|}}}|{{User:Soxra/TalkTemplate
|namefonttype=times new roman
|name=Secret agent clank
|talktext=Tell me!
|sig=[[File:Marluxia (card).png|20px]] Along the road ahead lies something you need. However, in order to claim it you must lose something that is dear to you. [[File:Marluxia (card).png|20px]]
|time=Your hopes are doomed to the darkness.{{{time}}}
}} }}{{#if:{{{saix|}}}|{{User:Soxra/TalkTemplate
|namefonttype=times new roman
|name=Secret agent clank
|talktext=Tell me!
|sig=[[File:Saïx (card).png|20px]] Look there. Our Kingdom Hearts...Thanks to you, we've collected countless hearts...Can you hear their euphoria? [[File:Saïx (card).png|20px]]
|time=Different name, same fate.{{{time}}}
}} }}{{#if:{{{xigbar|}}}|{{User:Soxra/TalkTemplate
|namefonttype=times new roman
|name=Secret agent clank
|talktext=Tell me!
|sig=[[File:Xigbar (card).png|20px]] Of all the faces... Why do I look at her and see yours? Do you always have to stare at me like I just drowned your goldfish? [[File:Xigbar (card).png|20px]]
|time=Be a good boy now!{{{time}}}
}} }}{{#if:{{{demyx|}}}|{{User:Soxra/TalkTemplate
|namefonttype=times new roman
|name=Secret agent clank
|talktext=Tell me!
|sig=[[File:Demyx (card).png|20px]] Let's see, here... 'If the subject fails to respond, use aggression to liberate his true disposition.' ...Right. Did they ever pick the wrong guy for this one... [[File:Demyx (card).png|20px]]
|time=Now that's just plain rude!{{{time}}}
}} }}{{#if:{{{xemnas|}}}|{{User:Soxra/TalkTemplate
|namefonttype=times new roman
|name=Secret agent clank
|talktext=Tell me!
|sig=[[File:Xemnas (card).png|20px]] You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark—never given a choice? [[File:Xemnas (card).png|20px]]
|time=Very good. You don't miss a thing. I cannot feel... sorrow... No matter what misery befalls the worlds. No matter what you think, what you feel, or how you exist.{{{time}}}
}} }}{{#if:{{{xaldin|}}}|{{User:Soxra/TalkTemplate
|namefonttype=times new roman
|name=Secret agent clank
|talktext=Tell me!
|sig=[[File:Xaldin (card).png|20px]] When Kingdom Hearts is ours, we can exist fully and completely. So you see, Beast—that's why we need your Heartless AND your Nobody. [[File:Xaldin (card).png|20px]]
|time=I've come to take something you hold very dear.{{{time}}}
}} }}{{#if:{{{roxas13|}}}|{{User:Soxra/TalkTemplate
|namefonttype=times new roman
|name=Secret agent clank
|talktext=Tell me!
|sig=[[File:Roxas (card).png|20px]] I can't... just look inside. But I figure...if there is something in there—inside us—then we'd feel it, wouldn't we? [[File:Roxas (card).png|20px]]
|time=No! My heart belongs to me!{{{time}}}
}} }}{{#if:{{{vexen|}}}|{{User:Soxra/TalkTemplate
|namefonttype=times new roman
|name=Secret agent clank
|talktext=Tell me!
|sig=[[File:Vexen (card).png|20px]] I told you—This place was created solely from another side of your memory. It is on the other side of your heart that the memory of this place exists. It is your heart that remembers. [[File:Vexen (card).png|20px]]
|time=Pity to be so ignorant. As you're only able to see the surface of things, I should not expect you to appreciate my true might.{{{time}}}
}} }}{{#if:{{{lexaeus|}}}|{{User:Soxra/TalkTemplate
|namefonttype=times new roman
|name=Secret agent clank
|talktext=Tell me!
|sig=[[File:Lexaeus (card).png|20px]] Then you lose both light and darkness and disappear! I, Lexaeus, will not yield to the frail heart of an infantile coward! Now, stop resisting, and let the darkness in! [[File:Lexaeus (card).png|20px]]
|time=You are the Superior's... Forgive me... Zexion. {{{time}}}
}} }}{{#if:{{{axel|}}}|{{User:Soxra/TalkTemplate
|namefonttype=times new roman
|name=Secret agent clank
|talktext=Tell me!
|sig=[[File:Axel (card).png|20px]] Man, I miss the old times. Still got it memorized? The day we met, when you got your new name, you and I sat here just like this and watched the sunset. [[File:Axel (card).png|20px]]
|time=I wanted to see Roxas. He was the only one I liked. He made me feel like I had a heart. {{{time}}}
}} }}{{#if:{{{luxord|}}}|{{User:Soxra/TalkTemplate
|namefonttype=times new roman
|name=Secret agent clank
|talktext=Tell me!
|sig=[[File:Luxord (card).png|20px]] The Darkness in men's hearts, drawn to these cursed medallions; and this Heartless, a veritable maelstrom of avarice: I wonder, are they worthy to serve Organization XIII? [[File:Luxord (card).png|20px]]
|time=How could you... Roxas... {{{time}}}
}} }}</includeonly><noinclude>
[[Category:UserTalk templates]]</noinclude>
