Talk:List of Gummi Ship Blueprints (KH): Difference between revisions

→‎LexisMikaya draft: moving that list to mikaya's draft talk page so we have one spot for all the notes
(→‎LexisMikaya draft: moving that list to mikaya's draft talk page so we have one spot for all the notes)
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Looking through this I can see that a lot of changes were made to some of the blueprints to make them look like they came straight out of the last Final Fantasy game in which they appeared. The ones based on the aeons -- Cindy, Sandy, Mindy and Ifrit -- as well as Golem and Leviathan, all have the same thing done to them. It'd be worth mentioning where their respective appearances come from, as in which games. '''[[User:Troisnyxetienne|<font color="#222222">TRS</font>]][[User talk:Troisnyxetienne|<font color="#444444">NX</font>]]''' 16:48, 24 September 2015 (UTC)
Looking through this I can see that a lot of changes were made to some of the blueprints to make them look like they came straight out of the last Final Fantasy game in which they appeared. The ones based on the aeons -- Cindy, Sandy, Mindy and Ifrit -- as well as Golem and Leviathan, all have the same thing done to them. It'd be worth mentioning where their respective appearances come from, as in which games. '''[[User:Troisnyxetienne|<font color="#222222">TRS</font>]][[User talk:Troisnyxetienne|<font color="#444444">NX</font>]]''' 16:48, 24 September 2015 (UTC)
:For those, we could probably just do with the official FF art or sprites that best matches the design. For the original KH models, we'd have to get more prosaic, describing stuff like how the Siren appears to have megaphones.{{User:KrytenKoro/Sig}} 00:35, 27 November 2015 (UTC)
:For those, we could probably just do with the official FF art or sprites that best matches the design. For the original KH models, we'd have to get more prosaic, describing stuff like how the Siren appears to have megaphones.{{User:KrytenKoro/Sig}} 00:35, 27 November 2015 (UTC)
From LexisMikaya's draft, left here until pages get made for each model:
File:Model Kingdom KH.png|{{nihongo|'''Kingdom Model'''<br>|キングダムモデル<br>|Kingudamu Moderu}}
File:Model Hyperion KH.png|{{nihongo|'''Hyperion'''<br>|ハイペリオン<br>|Haiperion}}
File:Model Geppetto KH.png|{{nihongo|'''Geppeto Model'''<br>|ゼペットモデル<br>|Zepetto Moderu}}
File:Model Cid KH.png|{{nihongo|'''Cid Model'''<br>|シドモデル<br>|Shido Moderu}}
File:Model Leon KH.png|{{nihongo|'''Leon Model'''<br>|レオンモデル<br>|Reon Mderu}}
File:Model Yuffie KH.png|{{nihongo|'''Yuffie Model'''<br>|ユフェモデル<br>|Yufe Moderu}}
File:Model Aerith KH.png|{{nihongo|'''Aerith Model'''<br>|エアリスモデル<br>|Earisu Moderu}}
File:Model Cactuar KH.png|{{nihongo|'''Cactuar'''<br>|サボテンダー<br>|Sabotendā}}
File:Model Chocobo KH.png|{{nihongo|'''Chocobo'''<br>|チョコボ}}
File:Model Cindy KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Cindy'''<br>|マグ<br>|Magu}}
File:Model Shiva KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Shiva'''<br>|シヴァ}}
File:Model Lamia KH.png|{{nihongo|'''Lamia'''<br>|ラミア<br>|Ramia}}
File:Model Sandy KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Sandy'''<br>|ドグ<br>|Dogu}}
File:Model Sylph KH.png|{{nihongo|'''Sylph'''<br>|シルフ<br>|Shirufu}}
File:Model Carbuncle KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Carbuncle'''<br>|カーバンクル<br>|Kābonkuru}}
File:Model Mindy KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Mindy'''<br>|ラグ<br>|Ragu}}
File:Model Goblin KH.png|{{nihongo|'''Goblin'''<br>|ゴブリン<br>|Goburin}}
File:Model Bomb KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Bomb'''<br>|ボム<br>|Bomu}}
File:Model Remora KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Remora'''<br>|レモラ}}
File:Model Ahriman KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Ahriman'''<br>|アーリマン<br>|Āriman}}
File:Model Imp KH.png|{{nihongo|'''Imp'''<br>|インプ<br>|Inpu}}
File:Model Siren KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Siren'''<br>|セイレーン<br>|Seirēn}}
File:Model Stingray KH.png|{{nihongo|'''Stingray'''<br>|スティングレイ<br>|Sutingurei}}
File:Model Catoblepas KH.png|{{nihongo|'''Catoblepas'''<br>|カトブレパス<br>|Katoburepasu}}
File:Model Adamant KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Adamant'''<br>|アダマンタイマイ<br>|Adamantaimai}}
File:Model Serpent KH.png|{{nihongo|'''Serpent'''<br>|サーパント<br>|Sāpanto}}
File:Model Ifrit KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Ifrit'''<br>|イフリート<br>|Ifurīto}}
File:Model Odin KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Odin'''<br>|オーディン<br>|Ōdin}}
File:Model Atomos KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Atomos'''<br>|アトモス<br>|Atomosu}}
File:Model Golem KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Golem'''<br>|ゴーレム<br>|Gōremu}}
File:Model Diablos KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Diablos'''<br>|ディアボロス<br>|Diaborosu}}
File:Model Deathguise KH.png|{{nihongo|'''Deathguise'''<br>|デスゲイズ<br>|Desugeisu}}
File:Model Typhoon KH.png|{{nihongo|'''Typhoon'''<br>|テュポーン<br>|Tyupōn}}
File:Model Alexander KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Alexander'''<br>|アレクサンダー<br>|Arekusandā}}
File:Model Leviathan KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Leviathan'''<br>|リヴァイアサン<br>|Rivaiasan}}
File:Model Ramuh KH.png|{{nihongo|'''Ramuh'''<br>|ラムウ<br>|Ramuu}}
File:Model Omega KH.png|{{nihongo|'''Omega'''<br>|オメガ}}
File:Model Moogle KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Moogle'''<br>|モーグリ<br>|Mōguri}}
File:Model Valefor KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Valefor'''<br>|ヴァルファレ<br>|Varufare}}
File:Model Pupu KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Pupu'''<br>|コヨコヨ<br>|Koyokoyo}}
File:Model Cerberus KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Cerberus'''<br>|ケルベロス<br>|Keruburosu}}
File:Model Tonberry KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Tonberry'''<br>|トンベリ<br>|Tonberi}}
File:Model Pandaemonium KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Pandaemonium'''<br>|パンデモニウム<br>|Pandemoniumu}}
File:Model Ixion KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Ixion'''<br>|イクシオン<br>|Ikushion}}
File:Model Gilgamesh KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Gilgamesh'''<br>|ギルガメッシュ<br>|Girugamesshu}}
File:Model Phoenix KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Phoenix'''<br>|フェニックス<br>|Fenikkusu}}
File:Model Eden KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Eden'''<br>|エデン}}
File:Model Bahamut KHFM.png|{{nihongo|'''Bahamut'''<br>|バハムート<br>|Bahamōto}}
{|class="wikitable" width="100%"
|- bgcolor="#87CEEB"
|width="20%" style="text-align:center"|'''Name'''
|width="5%" style="text-align:center"|'''Defense'''
|width="5%" style="text-align:center"|'''Speed'''
|width="5%" style="text-align:center"|'''Attack'''
|width="65%" style="text-align:center"|'''Location'''
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Adamant|Adamant]]'''||***||*||*||Found on [[Agrabah]]-[[Halloween Town]], Agrabah-[[Atlantica]], [[Neverland]]-[[Hollow Bastion]] routes.
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Ahriman|Ahriman]]'''||***||**||0||Found on [[Traverse Town]]-[[Wonderland]], Traverse Town-[[Olympus Coliseum]], Purple Warp routes.
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Alexander|Alexander]]'''||***||*||*||Found on Traverse Town-Wonderland, Traverse Town-Olympus Coliseum, Hollow Bastion-[[End of the World]] routes.
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Atomos|Atomos]]'''||***||*||*||Found on Agrabah-Halloween Town, Halloween Town-Neverland routes.
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Bomb|Bomb]]'''||**||*||0||Found on Agrabah-Halloween Town, Halloween Town-Neverland routes.
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Carbuncle|Carbuncle]]'''||**||*||0||Found on Agrabah-Halloween Town, Agrabah-Atlantica routes.
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Catoblepas|Catoblepas]]'''||**||*||0||Found on Halloween Town-Neverland, Atlantica-Neverland routes.
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Cindy|Cindy]]'''||**||*||*|| Found on Olympus Coliseum-[[Deep Jungle]], Wonderland-Deep Jungle, Purple Warp, Hollow Bastion-End of the World routes.
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Deathgaze|Deathguise]]'''||***||**||*||Found on Agrabah-Atlantica, Atlantica-Neverland, Neverland-Hollow Bastion, Hollow Bastion-End of the World, Blue Warp routes.
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Diablos|Diablos]]'''||***||***||***||Found on Agrabah-Atlantica, Atlantica-Neverland, Halloween Town-Neverland routes.
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Goblin|Goblin]]'''||***||*||*||Found on Traverse Town-Wonderland, Traverse Town-Olympus Coliseum, Wonderland-Deep Jungle, Olympus Coliseum-Deep Jungle routes.
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Golem|Golem]]'''||***||*||*||Found on Wonderland-Deep Jungle, Agrabah-Halloween Town routes.
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Ifrit|Ifrit]]'''||***||*||*||Found on Purple Warp route.
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Imp|Imp]]'''||**||*||0|| Found on Orange Warp route.
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Lamia|Lamia]]'''||**||*||0||Found on Agrabah-Atlantica, Atlantica-Neverland, Neverland-Hollow Bastion, Hollow Bastion-End of the World routes.
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Leviathan|Leviathan]]'''||***||***||***||Found on Neverland-Hollow Bastion, Blue Warp routes.
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Mindy|Mindy]]'''||***||**||**||Found on Agrabah-Atlantica, Agrabah-Halloween Town, Atlantica-Neverland, Halloween Town-Neverland routes.
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Odin|Odin]]'''||***||*||**||Found on Wonderland-Deep Jungle, Olympus Coliseum-Deep Jungle, Purple Warp routes.
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Omega|Omega]]'''||***||*||0||Found on Hollow Bastion-End of the World route.
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Ramuh|Ramuh]]'''||***||***||*||Found on Traverse Town-Olympus Coliseum, Olympus Coliseum-Deep Jungle routes.
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Remora|Remora]]'''||**||*||*||Found on Orange Warp route.
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Sandy|Sandy]]'''||***||*||0||Found on Agrabah-Halloween Town, Halloween Town-Neverland routes.
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Serpent|Serpent]]'''||***||**||*||Found on Neverland-Hollow Bastion route.
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Shiva|Shiva]]'''||***||*||*||Found on Traverse Town-Olympus Coliseum, Olympus Coliseum-Deep Jungle, Neverland-Hollow Bastion, Hollow Bastion-End of the World routes.
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Siren|Siren]]'''||**||*||0||Found on Orange Warp route.
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Stingray|Stingray]]'''||*||*||0||Found on Atlantica-Neverland, Neverland-Hollow Bastion, Hollow Bastion-End of the World, Blue Warp routes.
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Sylph|Sylph]]'''||***||*||*||Found on Traverse Town-Wonderland, Wonderland-Deep Jungle, Agrabah-Atlantica, Agrabah-Halloween Town routes.
|- bgcolor="#E6E6FA"
|'''[[w:c:finalfantasy:Typhon|Typhoon]]'''||***||**||*||Found on Agrabah-Halloween Town route.

Also, [[User:LexisMikaya/Sandbox|this]] is a really good place to start for each article's content. I think the gummi block bill of material is going to have to be a separate table on the page, similar to how we do the Spirit Boards, but I'll have a mockup of the article infobox up in a jiff.{{User:KrytenKoro/Sig}} 09:37, 16 February 2016 (UTC)
Also, [[User:LexisMikaya/Sandbox|this]] is a really good place to start for each article's content. I think the gummi block bill of material is going to have to be a separate table on the page, similar to how we do the Spirit Boards, but I'll have a mockup of the article infobox up in a jiff.{{User:KrytenKoro/Sig}} 09:37, 16 February 2016 (UTC)
Line 298: Line 177:
:3. Every enemy variant may or may not have a ''Normal'' and ''Fast'' type. These types don't look different but (like every variant) may drop different stuff and can appear on different [[Forum:Notes 37, (KH, Gummi_Routes)|routes]].
:3. Every enemy variant may or may not have a ''Normal'' and ''Fast'' type. These types don't look different but (like every variant) may drop different stuff and can appear on different [[Forum:Notes 37, (KH, Gummi_Routes)|routes]].
:Here is a complete enemy list:
:Here is a complete enemy list:
Adamant A<br>
Adamant B<br>
Ahriman A (Fast)<br>
Ahriman A (Normal)<br>
Ahriman B<br>
Alexander A<br>
Alexander B<br>
Atomos A<br>
Atomos B<br>
Bomb A (Fast)<br>
Bomb A (Normal)<br>
Bomb B (Fast)<br>
Bomb B (Normal)<br>
Carbuncle A (Fast)<br>
Carbuncle A (Normal)<br>
Carbuncle B<br>
Catoblepas A<br>
Catoblepas B<br>
Cindy A (Fast)<br>
Cindy A (Normal)<br>
Cindy B<br>
Deathguise A<br>
Deathguise B (Fast)<br>
Deathguise B (Normal)<br>
Diablos A<br>
Diablos B<br>
Goblin A<br>
Golem A<br>
Golem B<br>
Ifrit A<br>
Ifrit B<br>
Imp A<br>
Lamia A<br>
Lamia B<br>
Lamia C (Fast)<br>
Lamia C (Normal)<br>
Leviathan A<br>
Leviathan B<br>
Mindy A (Fast)<br>
Mindy A (Normal)<br>
Odin A<br>
Odin B<br>
Omega A<br>
Omega B (Fast)<br>
Omega B (Normal)<br>
Omega C<br>
Ramuh A<br>
Ramuh B<br>
Remora A<br>
Sandy A<br>
Serpent A<br>
Shiva A (Fast)<br>
Shiva A (Normal)<br>
Shiva B (Fast)<br>
Shiva B (Normal)<br>
Siren A<br>
Siren B<br>
Stingray A (Fast)<br>
Stingray A (Normal)<br>
Stingray B<br>
Sylph A<br>
Sylph B<br>
Typhoon A<br>
Typhoon B
:Starting with the Final Mix I will crop the enemy renders from the Ultimania now. The Japanese version of KH is underway, I'm not sure what can be done about the International enemy models of Shiva and Ahriman at the moment. --{{User:ShardofTruth/Sig}} 21:27, 16 February 2016 (UTC)
:Starting with the Final Mix I will crop the enemy renders from the Ultimania now. The Japanese version of KH is underway, I'm not sure what can be done about the International enemy models of Shiva and Ahriman at the moment. --{{User:ShardofTruth/Sig}} 21:27, 16 February 2016 (UTC)
::So, basically we need tabs for all variations, split into three levels (1: KH/FM, 2:A/B/C, 3:Normal/Fast), right? Do we want them all in one template or should it be made so you have to use the template twice, once for KH and once for FM? As for the gummi blocks used, I think we should use a separate table like the KHx Keyblade recipes. {{User:TheSilentHero/Sig}} 21:58, 16 February 2016 (UTC)
::So, basically we need tabs for all variations, split into three levels (1: KH/FM, 2:A/B/C, 3:Normal/Fast), right? Do we want them all in one template or should it be made so you have to use the template twice, once for KH and once for FM? As for the gummi blocks used, I think we should use a separate table like the KHx Keyblade recipes. {{User:TheSilentHero/Sig}} 21:58, 16 February 2016 (UTC)
