Forum:Restoration of my Rights: Difference between revisions

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What I don't agree with is how ENX was deemed unfit for this position. If we have a policy (that we all agreed on) we should follow it, if we make exceptions this kind of a "dictator-like" move, and unfair for the person involved. So if you want to include voting, then the policy should be changed again.<br><br>
What I don't agree with is how ENX was deemed unfit for this position. If we have a policy (that we all agreed on) we should follow it, if we make exceptions this kind of a "dictator-like" move, and unfair for the person involved. So if you want to include voting, then the policy should be changed again.<br><br>
We're all here because we love (or at least like) Kingdom Hearts but our backgrounds and reasons to edit here are different, so we have different opinions on many things and that's perfectly fine, as long as we reach some sort of middle ground. I was never me against them or us against the rest of the internet and I wish ENX had remembered that.}}
We're all here because we love (or at least like) Kingdom Hearts but our backgrounds and reasons to edit here are different, so we have different opinions on many things and that's perfectly fine, as long as we reach some sort of middle ground. I was never me against them or us against the rest of the internet and I wish ENX had remembered that.}}
{{ENX|time=14:26, 11 February 2015 (UTC)|hooded=Why do I feel like you are the only one with any sense right now, Shard? I wish to raise attention to some things I have said in an ongoing conversation with RikuTheBloody on my talk page; key points are '''bolded''':
Do you really need them to edit? It isn't that serious. Is this the person I looked up too? Is KSM work on your TB's meaningless? {{User:Master Riku the Bloody/Sig1}} 17:43, 10 February 2015 (UTC)
::'''I'm not willing to stay here and be attacked or insulted. Administrator powers are not necessary, but it is upsetting to me to have met the policy's requirements, and, just because of who I am, I am being denied them. See ShardofTruth's message on the forum.''' And Kryten's first. '''I don't want to leave the Wiki, but I have no choice. The people here make my life all the more stressful, even though I love editing here. But how can I possibly come back after I let my childish anger get the better of me like that on the forum? I cannot. I don't take criticism well. I accept that. But it is infuriating to me that people refuse to follow a policy that has been in place, apparently, since almost two Decembers ago and finalized on a recent Roundtable. The hypocritical nature of this Wiki's community and the superiority complexes of each of its administrators (are they trying to tell me they are perfect angels who have never misbehaved before?) have forced my hand. I've been hurt too many times by the people on this Wiki to be able to take it anymore.''' Based on the harsh, cruel words of what was stated on the forum, '''I think it is best for everyone that I leave this Wiki behind''', regardless of your looking up to me or the wonderful talk bubbles KSM made. If everyone is against me, how can I even work here anymore? Would you want to stay here if you were in my position? - {{User:EternalNothingnessXIII/Sig}} 13:31, 11 February 2015 (UTC)
:No one is hating. If you still edit here, or even just come to the IRC, I'm sure everyone will be alright. Don't just leave just because of something someone says. Besides, you are a help to this wiki alone, without admin powers, or socializing. Did you even take the time out to read Xion's post? Correct your errors by fixing what people criticize you about. {{User:Master Riku the Bloody/Sig1}} 13:36, 11 February 2015 (UTC)
::Everyone is hating, and '''until they tell me that themselves, that they are not, I will believe they are. They need to apologize for sounding harsh and ask for changes in a polite, nicer way. If I were to come back, I would want my admin powers because I came back and met the policy's requirements; my main point on my last forum post was my rights were taken away because I was inactive, NOT because I misbehaved.''' Now, all of a sudden, people are trying to take everything wrong that I have ever done and use it against me. You cannot correct past mistakes because they have already happened. My issue with Xion's post and everyone's like it is they took months-old issues and then tried to use them against me to prevent the restoration of my "powers." '''I felt more betrayed by so-called "friends" such as you and Xion4ever than anything else, hence my anger and overreaction. Am I proud of how I acted? No. But the thing that they should settle on is "Ok, we'll give you the rights back, as per the policy. But if you misbehave and we receive complaints, as per Operation: Keychain, you're subject to having them taken away again." That would be fair, and I could work with that, monitoring behavior and anger levels as much as possible.''' Like I keep saying, '''I don't want to leave. I don't even want admin powers. I want respect. And I want everyone who ''does'' have admin powers to take a serious chill pill and come down from their pedestals of power on which they have placed themselves. Give someone admin rights, and they go from friendly everyday users to power-flaunting Wiki-dictators who only care what other staff members have to say. I want my opinion to count, and the fact that no one ever says "Yeah, he has a point" because they are too self-absorbed and because I do not have the status that someone like KrytenKoro does does ''not'' make me feel like wasting my time here anymore, no matter how much I enjoyed editing and "socializing" with other ''KH'' fans''' (but when has that ever happened, seriously?)... - {{User:EternalNothingnessXIII/Sig}} 14:19, 11 February 2015 (UTC)
I wish to emphasize everything stated by ShardofTruth in his most recent message, as well as the points that I bolded in my chat with RTB. I am really sorry for overreacting, everyone. I do not expect forgiveness. But I don't want this to be off the table, either. I would like to let bygones be bygones and '''move forward'''. I promise to try to "behave better," but the reasons ShardofTruth stated in his most recent message are the exact ones why I behaved the way I did on this forum. Depending on what goes on, I may decide to come back. Not that I am wanted or that I matter, but I love working here too much. Isn't that why we are all here? The main point about the admin stuff is it makes my job easier. That is all. And again I raise behavior stuff '''on both ends''' as a separate issue. If people fix things and I fix things, then I ''can'' be the positive role-model for the Wiki that people want me to be. I just need the chance to show it.}}
