MESSAGE FROM THE KINGDOM: I have a new job that keeps me very busy. However, I will contribute to the Kingdom Hearts Wiki whenever I can. Please leave a message in Where Nothing Gathers if you need to contact me. I will respond as soon as possible.
The World That Never Was KHII.png
"If light and darkness are eternal, then surely we nothings must be the same…Eternal!"
The Unknown during the epilogue scene of the 11-3 story mission
Name EternalNothingnessXIII
Katakana 永遠のナッシングネスXIII
Romaji Eien noNasshingunesuXIII
Organization XIII
Residence The World That Never Was Logo KHII.png
Kingdom Hearts Games Owned KHUCHI icon.pngBBS icon.pngKH1 icon.png358 icon.pngCOM icon.pngREC icon.pngKH2 icon.pngKHREC icon.pngKH3D icon.pngKHHD icon.pngKH2HD icon.pngThe icon for Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter PrologueKH3 icon.png

Nobody.pngEternal Nothingness XIIINobody.png I should tell you that I'm in an EXTREMELY foul mood. Thanks to you, all our plans are ruined!
Foudre KHD.png Salutations! My name is Eternal Nothingness XIII, and I am a dedicated Kingdom Hearts fan who hopes to share his passion for the series while making high-quality edits to this Wiki's articles.

Nobody.png Journal Nobody.png

Symbol - Nobody Variation.png Main entry Symbol - Nobody Variation.png

Eternal Nothingness XIII — This user is an experienced editor who wants what is best for the Kingdom Hearts Wiki and seeks perfection for every article. He has high expectations, but he is willing to help newcomers.

This user is loyal to those who show him kindness, but those who cross him had best beware...

Symbol - Nobody Variation.png User of the Month entry Symbol - Nobody Variation.png

Eternal Nothingness XIII

The Kingdom Hearts Wiki (2015)

A former Kingdom Hearts Wiki administrator who has made 15,833 edits. He knows a great deal about the Kingdom Hearts series and is well-versed in spelling and grammar.

This user does his best to ensure the Kingdom Hearts Wiki's articles look their best, sound professional, and are easy to read. He is a voice for consistency, and he has a creative side. In his free time, this user refines his Kingdom Hearts fan-fiction to be on-par with the rest of the series.

Nobody.png Story Nobody.png

Symbol - Nobody Variation.png Kingdom Hearts Symbol - Nobody Variation.png

Nobody.pngEternal Nothingness XIIINobody.png I'm sorry, but...I can't go with you. It's my friends—they need me. And I need them, too.
Kingdom Key KHD.png To be announced...

Symbol - Nobody Variation.png The Kingdom Hearts Wiki Symbol - Nobody Variation.png

Nobody.pngEternal Nothingness XIIINobody.png Why is it that you always have to glare at me like that?
Sharpshooter KHD.png To be announced...

Nobody.png Appearance Nobody.png

Nobody.pngEternal Nothingness XIIINobody.png Oh, we do too have hearts! Don't be mad...
Arpeggio KHD.png I am a caucasian male with brown eyes and brown hair. I am 1.93 meters tall, and I wear glasses. During the warmer parts of the year, I can be found wearing a t-shirt and shorts, as well as white socks and sneakers. When it gets cold outside, my wardrobe changes to consist of long-sleeved shirts and bluejeans. I retain my white socks and sneakers from the spring and summer.

Nobody.png Personality Nobody.png

Nobody.pngEternal Nothingness XIIINobody.png Pity to be so ignorant. As you're only able to see the surface of things, I should not expect you to appreciate my true might.
Frozen Pride KHD.png I am a shy, introverted individual who has a strong sense of humor but sometimes struggles to trust people. I am a fiercely loyal friend to those who show me kindness, but I am also easy to anger and offend. I am very ambitious, and as such, I tend to expect a lot from myself and others. I am very creative.

Nobody.png Abilities Nobody.png

Nobody.pngEternal Nothingness XIIINobody.png You're such an idiot. There is no promise, and there never was! You're just delusional. Must you insist on playing the hero? Whatever. If that's the way you want it... You're going down alone!
Foudre KHD.png I am a gifted singer, and I write original songs in my free time. I have a strong memory, and I am skilled at making puns due to my sharp wit. I am a fairly talented artist, and I am a superb writer. I am both tech-savvy and a fast typist. I excel at doing voices, and I can conceive ideas for prequels and sequels to the media that interests me with great ease.

Nobody.png Trivia Nobody.png

Nobody.pngEternal Nothingness XIIINobody.png Soon the emptiness will shatter your heart—here in this world of nothingness! As lightless oblivion devours you, drown in the ever-blooming darkness!
Graceful Dahlia KHD.png Did you know that…
  • I have been diagnosed with and received treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder?
  • In the summer of 2015, I met Bill Farmer (Goofy); Phil LaMarr (Phoebus); and Kari Wahlgren (The Grid)?
  • In the summer of 2016, I met George Newbern (Sephiroth)?
  • In the fall of 2017, I met Chris Sarandon (Jack Skellington)?
  • In the fall of 2018, I met Tara Strong (Rikku)?