Dark-EnigmaXIII's Talk Page
Hi there! Welcome, Bonvenon and Bienvenido! This is my talk page, where you may leave me messages or contact me for anything at all. (Though, please, keep conventional chatting to a minimum!) Any friend requests, complaints, questions, or other discussions pertaining to me can be created below in a new section.
- Please, use talk bubbles. If you dont have, sign your post, please.
- Absolutely no cursing on this page. I wont tolerate it. The same goes about bullying or rude comments, either to me, or other users. I do not like to fight, but... I wont hold back if you force me.
- I do not require perfect grammar. But please, make it legible. You can talk me in either English or Spanish.
Have a wonderful day!
- Dark-EnigmaXIII
Current Report
RoxasXIIILK Talk to Me! — I can't... just look inside. But I figure...if there is something in there—inside us—then we'd feel it, wouldn't we? It's weird. I feel like I'm forgetting something really important
Dude it's like 5:10 here XD what ARE you talking about XD it is dark out XD hahaha. I'm good! I'm extremely glad you're so relaxed today :D And I've been spread that phrase around :D I've gotten several people to start using it :D lol it is SOOO epic XD.
- LOL I'd like that but he'd have a time machice already prepared and have another self comeback from the past XD he is SUCH a history nerd XD lol but yea I mean the 2 page essay I have to write isn't that bad. The topic is relitively easy to elaberate on and it has the be size 12 times new roman double space and the heading takes up like almost half of the page so it's not that bad XD lol but still hes a scrooge and as a scrooge he is I say BAHHUMBUG to his history assignment (crumples up paper and throws it into the trash)...... (looks over at trash) AHHHHH BUT IT'S APPART OF MY TEST !.! (leaps for trash_misses_face-plants in ground) Ouch >.> ok forget that (gets up casualy walks over to barrel and takes paper out) lol
- My real problem with the assignment though is that I'd rather talk to people like you instead of writing a history paper :P BEH.
- And yes I saw it :D I'M SOOOO PROUD :D I feel like a proud father watching his baby become a star :D lol I absolutely LOVE how you put it all!! It is XOWSAMEST :D And thank you for that :D te quiero tambien amigo mio! lets see if I get this right... Estas mi amigo de mejor.... did I kill it >.> lol perhaps dagger bitch was right spanish is not my thing XD
RoxasXIIILK Talk to Me! — I can't... just look inside. But I figure...if there is something in there—inside us—then we'd feel it, wouldn't we? It's weird. I feel like I'm forgetting something really important
I know doesn't he ^^ XD I couldn't resist XD
- HEY WHY DOES YOURS WORK >.> aghh ,_, dumb stupid THINGS always gadda make life fricken difficult(muttermuttermuttermuttermutter) :P lol
- LOL I really do appreciate the genture but really don't worry about it I've learned that crap 2 times already XD I "Got it memorized!" XD XD XD and wait.... why would you be learning about that stuff o.O??? I don't remember Argentina being involved in either wars.... of course last year I tended to drift off into my own little Roxas world and then the teacher would be all HELLO SUNSHINE and I'd b all O.O whatwherehuhwhen??? heh heh heh hi (teacher gives evil stare) pay attention.... (teacher turns back) same to you :P lol she caught me doing that to her once and she was like nice face wanna see mine and I was like no... no I'm good lol XD Ms. Lord was awesome XD
- TRU and believe me the only things I'll keep in my memory are A things I'd need to know so, Yo hablo de tu, mi mejor amigo. (Hopefully that was right... it's supposed to say something like I talk to you, my best friend..... I know I most likely butchered that to all high hell but yea XD I die in that class XD) I know this one's right tho Te quiero amigo mio :D
I'm working on the essay now lol I will take about 10 minutes lol but dont let that stop you from talking to me :D
RoxasXIIILK Talk to Me! — I can't... just look inside. But I figure...if there is something in there—inside us—then we'd feel it, wouldn't we? It's weird. I feel like I'm forgetting something really important
But but but I was a good lil Roxas :( I got all those presents I wasn't naughty Roxas I'm not on the naughty list :( lol XD
- It would appear as though you have to. This is the last template the page will allow for some dumb reason... Idk perhaps maybe asking someone to merely look at to see if it really needs templating. But for what I observed that is what it looks like it needs. again I have no idea why.
- lol forget abouts it dude ;D and WOW just WOW lol XD nice XD
- Ah I see lol see again I dont pay attention lol XD but tambien I knew ;D and yay :D
- Don't worry about it dude I gat dis XD it's easy stuff lol.
- By the way what other bands does you listen to?? I wanna see if we have anyother bands in common :D I'm still so amazed that we both like With Me XD that's SOOO epic XD
RoxasXIIILK Talk to Me! — I can't... just look inside. But I figure...if there is something in there—inside us—then we'd feel it, wouldn't we? It's weird. I feel like I'm forgetting something really important
Ok then he should be able to see what's up... my guess is that perhaps the post are too large. I know there aren't enough templates here to say it has exceeded its template limit :/
- Lol Yay :D lmao tu tambien :D and YAY TRUSTED ^^
- Crossfade's good :D I really like colors, cold, and so far away. You should look them up for me :D All the bands I have a billion songs from are on fb in my info :D thats not all of em tho lol if I put my entire library up I'd be there all day XD
RoxasXIIILK Talk to Me! — I can't... just look inside. But I figure...if there is something in there—inside us—then we'd feel it, wouldn't we? It's weird. I feel like I'm forgetting something really important
True. Alright then. You should go sleep then :) wtf YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE TO WORK >.< GRR YOU'RE ON VACATION FOR CRYING OUT LOUD >.< Beh dumb dumbs :P Yay :D I look forward to seeing them :D Te quiero muy mucho amigo mio!!! :D And dude you serious me to busy with school work to talk to you??? XD you crazy ;D that crap is not important to me at all lol ;D You talk to me whenever where ever got it ;) I'll talk ta ya tomorrow ;D if you arn't busy that is ;)
I Archived the page, and added the photo. It's a little large so feel free to edit the size. If you need anything else feel free to ask. :) --
04:18, January 3, 2011 (UTC)
- Of course we can be friends. I'm always happy to acquaint myself with another user on the wiki. This is my userbox as well: {{User JFHfriend}} --
08:23, January 3, 2011 (UTC)
A True Friend
Roxas -  "It's funny... Suddenly I feel like I don't know myself at all..."  TALK - "Like I asked! Know-it-all." — 00:51, January 4, 2011 (UTC)
lol then I shall make it :D this is the other version it's techniqualy Xemnas's armor but it's the same thing ;D Check out this gallery and see if there's any other pictures you like :D [[1]]. And if ya wanna try out me email just to see if you gats it go right ahead :D
Roxas -  “Hi, I'm Ventus! Call me Ven!”  TALK - "A meteor shower!"— 01:16, January 4, 2011 (UTC)
I sent one back ^^ Low quality? hmmm seems pretty good to me :/ well I'll make it and see whatcha think ;) and hey look at the picture of XemXem used for his infobox up close his face is like huah Im fricken epic XD I could make one of that if ya wants. And how would you want the one of the dragon done?
Roxas -  "Maybe... Today we'll finally hit the beach!"  TALK - "Look sharp!" — 01:27, January 4, 2011 (UTC)
BEH please dude these are easy and I'm not doing anything so why not :D besides making things for you is wicked fun and I love doing it :D
The Vanitas-theory
Sephiroth0812 - "Riku, you've been hanging out in the darkness too long. You gotta think positive!" TALK - "You can never forget your true buddies."00:36, January 4, 2011 (UTC)
No need to be sorry, pal. I can send the word-file right away if you want. We're buddies after all, so that's really not an issue. ;)
Sephiroth0812 - What should I be sad about? TALK - To the promised land. - 00:58, January 4, 2011 (UTC)
Alright my friend, you should have mail. Time for some speculation, lol. ;)
The Fallen One - Where is my heart. TALK - {{{time}}}
We may not be well aquainted but hi.If you ever want to talk I am here.
If Light and Darkness are eternal then surely my forgiveness is the same :D
RoxasXIIILK Talk to Me! — I can't... just look inside. But I figure...if there is something in there—inside us—then we'd feel it, wouldn't we? It's weird. I feel like I'm forgetting something really important — 00:58, January 5, 2011 (UTC)
This is the coding <div class="usermessage">'''RoxasXIIILK is <font color=red> <b>Online</b> </font>'''</div> I believe it is call a usermessage box or something like that. You can use it for pretty much anything but I will tell you that you have to change it if you want it to change. Unfortunetly it isn't automatic :/ You can change the color by simply tying in another color where is says red but I'm sure you could have figured that one out :D I replied btw :) And omg TE fricken QUIERO All three of those bands are F***in XOWSAME ^^ lmao but we can discuss that elsewhere :) I see you got it ^^ YAY for XEMMY :D lol is there anything else you would like on your page ya dont know how to do?? I replied :) te quiero amigo mio :D Edit: Well just take a look at me profile and see if theres anything else you'd like :) I replied and seriously thanks for that ^^ I'll put them on for ya! :D Where do ya want em?? Btw if you happen to want to go on FB instead of email just say so ^^ I made those actualy so if you count that as special ;D Edit2: Where would you like them? :) I'll be waiting :D
Hey Dark Enigma.The answer to your last question is no I do not have a userbox,I am not a big fan of userboxes.Anyway if you want to talk just message me and I will get back to you as soon as I can.--The Dark Master 23:22, January 5, 2011 (UTC)
World of Nothingness TBS
Roxas -  "I dunno. Maybe it's destiny."  TALK - "You make a good other." — 23:05, January 6, 2011 (UTC)
Hey Xemmy!! And I believe it's good evening ;) lol the paes are actualy all set Roxas's Request Page and Roxas's Request Talk Page. The first will act as a gallery while the talk page will serve as the place where requests are placed. I'm creating the gallery now but the other page is all set. You just have to put your request below the message. And no I did not forget I have actualy been thinking about how to do it. As it is not a transparent png but a jpg it will be a pain in the butt to work with >.> However in the matter of being "possible" or not really relies on how you want it done. How did you sleep by the way?
The Other Sider - I come from the other side. TALK - {{{time}}}
Hello Enigma is there anything you would like to discuss?
OOOOOoooooo o.o
RoxasXIIILK Talk to Me! — I can't... just look inside. But I figure...if there is something in there—inside us—then we'd feel it, wouldn't we? It's weird. I feel like I'm forgetting something really important — 00:43, January 8, 2011 (UTC)
OOOOoooooooooooooo O.O I like it!!!! That looks really good!!!!! :D *gives Xemmy a cookie* Nice work!! And yes I is lol ;D I am good how are you? I was gunna do some picture creation but photoshop has decided to be a right pain in the @$$ and not work >.> "stupid computer" >.< *wacks and slams computer* XD lol. EDIT: WOAH YOU DID THAT WITH PAINT O.O VERY GOOD :D *gives Xemnas a HUGE cookie* :D and idk but its whatever at this point >.> EDIT2: Thats actualy really good for crappy softwear dude ;) Well I got an archive image request from ma buddy Sac (you should talk to him some time, hes a really nice guy :D) but anyway he asked for a Vanitas Unmasked image with a Black&Red backround. I was also going to make some stuff for my own profile and Soxra's gratitude gift. But I can't cuz the stupid thing keeps shuting down >.> grrrr but whatever it gives me a chance to get the rest of this crap done.
Roxas -  "Maybe... Today we'll finally hit the beach!"  TALK - "Look sharp!" — 03:01, January 8, 2011 (UTC)
XD XD XD XD XD XD LMFAO XD XD OMFG THATS FUNNY LOL XD hhahaha yessssss. And don't worry about it dude :) you still have the list?
Roxas -  "It's funny... Suddenly I feel like I don't know myself at all..."  TALK - "Like I asked! Know-it-all." — 03:46, January 8, 2011 (UTC)
Haha alright :D Done :D EDIT: Lol YAY I'm important XD
Armored King - Why do you loathe those who are nothing? TALK - {{{time}}}
I am in a calm phase as of the moment.I have been recently working on some animation.If you wish to see it I will send you some.
Armored King - Why do you loathe those who are nothing? TALK - {{{time}}}
I will try to sned you a video of it.If not I will send in the form of a slide show or something.
Armored King - Why do you loathe those who are nothing? TALK - {{{time}}}
Something is preventing me from sending you the animation.I will try to solve the problem but it will take time.
Hola amigo mio ^^
Roxas -  "What's gonna happen to me now? Just tell me that. Nothing else really matters anymore."  TALK - "Where did I think I could go? What a joke." — 21:50, January 8, 2011 (UTC)
AWwwww :( poor XemXem's sick. I'm sorry. How are you feeling. I'm fine :) whatdya thing of my new template archive???
Roxas -  "I dunno. Maybe it's destiny."  TALK - "You make a good other." — 22:08, January 8, 2011 (UTC)
yes I did :) but still you should go and rest then :) so you can be all better.
Roxas -  "It's funny... Suddenly I feel like I don't know myself at all..."  TALK - "Like I asked! Know-it-all." — 22:20, January 8, 2011 (UTC)
of course I'm worried if you fainted at work :( Now you should go rest :)
Ventus-Vanitas Talk to me! - Just like the legend says! The Keyblade War will begin! - 15:01, January 9, 2011 (UTC)
Hey Dark-Enigma! I'm Sac, nice to meet ya! I saw you're a friend of Roxas. Well, every friend of Roxas is a friend of mine;) Anyway, how are you?
Secret agent clank - It's just. They really need me. I have to go. TALK - I am who I am, because of them. - 18:53, January 10, 2011 (UTC)
Oh, ok. Hope you will get better soon;) I've added the userbox to my list. Do you like my talk bubbles? I love your bubbles and Roxas's bubbles too. Speak ya later, D-E!
Your Request
Roxas -  "Maybe... Today we'll finally hit the beach!"  TALK - "Look sharp!" — 18:30, January 9, 2011 (UTC)
LOL I thought you posted something on my talk page cuz I read the notification wrong XD I was sitting there like wait where is it O.o XD So how are you feeling today?? I see yaou and Sac are talking yay :D lol I'm glad you two are frineds now :D And ok where on the image do you want the writing. And also here's what I'm gunna do for you since you are a special case. I'm gunna email you the font I have so you can choose which letters you want :D (either uppercase or lower case) Reason being is they're quite different from eachother :D You can post a reply to this on my actualy talk page since most of it is not pertaining to the request ;)
Roxas -  "I dunno. Maybe it's destiny."  TALK - "You make a good other." — 19:10, January 9, 2011 (UTC)
I could most certainly see what I can do :) EDIT: Ok So all lower case. And of course you can. Have you listened to any of the sangs yet and its ok if you havnt :)
Roxas -  “Hi, I'm Ventus! Call me Ven!”  TALK - "A meteor shower!"— 20:01, January 9, 2011 (UTC)
Dude that drawing is amazing :D is that you with guardian???? Really nice :D So what exactly am I doing to it??
Roxas -  “Hi, I'm Ventus! Call me Ven!”  TALK - "A meteor shower!"— 20:24, January 9, 2011 (UTC)
Dude that picture is serious XOWESAME :D like seriously :D Ok lets see, I could see if i could cut out the paper background and if you can on another piece of paper continue the fingers and antennea I can fuse it to the image :D
Roxas -  "I dunno. I can't... just look inside. But I figure... If there is something in there - inside us - then we'd feel it, wouldn't we?"  TALK - "I think I understand. I see myself the way you remember me. And you see yourself the way I remember you." — 21:03, January 9, 2011 (UTC)
Ok uhm the antennae is perfect but the hand is a little inconsistant with the other one. I could just instead use the hand you gave me... And since this is now the 8th edit I think we should cut to email... if thats ok :)
Re:Long time no see
Roxas -  “Sorry Aqua...”  TALK - "Get out of my head!"— 23:26, January 12, 2011 (UTC)
Sorry about that dude today has been a f***in wreck >.> How are you? Have you seen all the new sprites I made including this one ;D EDIT: Yes yes I was lol. And today was just shoveling and uhg >.> but yea anyway I'm glad you are doing better today :D and guess what I have no school tomorrow again ^.^ lol jumps up and down
Good Evening Friend :D
Roxas -  “Hi, I'm Ventus! Call me Ven!”  TALK - "A meteor shower!"— 00:24, January 14, 2011 (UTC)
HEY DUDE :D I'm sorry for the late responce I was on the phone ;) Anyway I am good hru? It has been very relaxing :D I have been doing much work today... although I should be studying for my Physics test.... eh screw it :P lol So how was work?? I believe I remember you said you had to go today. As for the weather.... Snow can burn in the deepest darkest pit of the abyss :P lol
Roxas -  "How could you say such a thing... even if it were true?"  TALK - "Why did the Keyblade choose me? I have to know..." — 01:43, January 14, 2011 (UTC)
HOLY CRAP O.O that's_... that's_..... well... that's just.... wrong >.>
Roxas -  "It's funny... Suddenly I feel like I don't know myself at all..."  TALK - "Like I asked! Know-it-all." — 02:51, January 14, 2011 (UTC)
I just took out some user boxed but I don't know how many more userboxes/talk bubbles i can put in >.> This is not good :P also since this is the 10th edit back and forth think it's time to switch gears. Of course actualy I probably should study a lil and such.... beh i dont know.
Regarding theories and health
Sephiroth0812 - "Riku, you've been hanging out in the darkness too long. You gotta think positive!" TALK - "You can never forget your true buddies."22:20, January 14, 2011 (UTC)
Hello Dark-Enigma my friend, sorry that I was so quiet all along, but I was very busy with RL the last few weeks. I hope everything is alright with you again and that cold didn't left some afterward problems. I wonder if you're already read that theory I send you. Roxas said it was too long for him, lol.
Sephiroth0812 - What should I be sad about? TALK - To the promised land. - 20:53, January 19, 2011 (UTC)
Hi Enigma, no need to be sorry. As you can see, I can also not be that much on like I would want to. I'm glad you found my theories reasonable. Like you said, fact is it is all speculation as of now and we have to wait what transpires. However, my mind is currently blown nonetheless because of the new 3D-Trailer (which finally got a official name btw) and especially the secret video of Birth by Sleep Final Mix is an utter mindf**ck...lol
Sephiroth0812 - What should I be sad about? TALK - To the promised land. - 21:13, January 19, 2011 (UTC)
Yea, Dream Drop Distance...lol, it has to do with dreams after all...
Yup, someone seemingly has gotten an early version of KH BBS FM and ripped the secret ending...yet Square really goes nuts and keeps deleting it everywhere it is uploaded. But if you're lucky [KH13.com] might still have it. Beware of huge mindblow and spoilers though...;)
Sephiroth0812 - "Riku, you've been hanging out in the darkness too long. You gotta think positive!" TALK - "You can never forget your true buddies."21:48, January 19, 2011 (UTC)
That's weird...I can still watch it. Try just http://www.kh13.com and it should be right on the main page. Maybe I messed up the link. You import BBS FM? Lucky one, I don't have the money for it...
Sephiroth0812 - "Riku, you've been hanging out in the darkness too long. You gotta think positive!" TALK - "You can never forget your true buddies."22:42, January 19, 2011 (UTC)
This was exactly my reaction, too ^__^. That castle is Castle of Dreams from Cinderella, seemingly sucked into the RoD (when the heartless started destroying worlds in KH 1). It has many different scenes from different games yes, (Casual readers beware: SPOILERS!) like DiZ putting Data into Sora from the time of Days/KH 2, Roxas and Xion being "stalked" by Riku etc. Some bits seemed also entirely new, like Kairi in Twilight Town. "BBS v2" is seemingly the mystery game that was talked about in Nomura-interviews earlier, it rather could also be described as KH 0.5, as BBS itself is KH 0. Fact is it is very confusing standing alone like this...and the last bits just makes one wonder if ya know what I mean.
Sephiroth0812 - What should I be sad about? TALK - To the promised land. - 23:05, January 19, 2011 (UTC)
Yes, I'm still in the process of fully grasping it, yet I already have three possible scenarios for those final scenes...
Oh god, don't get me started...I'm so friggin' sick of Sora's horrible KH 1-"Jumpsuit"-Outfit, it's so damn overused. DDD is supposed to take place directly after Coded, so it just seems weird to have Kiddo-Sora again. Yet Nomura-Sensei claims that Sora and Riku are in this form for a specific, story-related reason, we'll see about that. ;) Lol, to me it seems that Nomura just friggin' loves their KH 1-designs and wants to use them as much as possible, to the annoyance of big parts of the fanbase. Ah, the soundtrack...too bad it won't come out in Germany...but KH music is always soo epic.
Sephiroth0812 - What should I be sad about? TALK - To the promised land. - 23:53, January 19, 2011 (UTC)
Oh yes, Nomura certainly likes to mindf**k the KH-fanbase. And then there are people who say Neon Genesis Evangelion is a total mind**k...as it is progressing KH surely comes near that mark too. Youtube is a friend...also for Japan-exclusive cutscenes in FMs...probably the only thing I really despise about FMs.
Gosh, I'll try to keep it short this time.
1. possibility: These scenes are symbolic like some in Blank Points and indicate a) for Sora leaving for an adventure and b) Ventus being saved and therefore no longer in the chamber.
2. possibility: Sora vanishes from the islands because he's going on his quest to save everyone and finally stop Xehanort and Ven's body vanishes because a) Xehanort somehow got into the chamber despite it being said only Aqua can reach it (or he ripped the knowledge without Aqua noticing) and abducted Ven or b) Vanitas has a hand in this.
3. possibility: It's actually a metaphor for the past, as Sora really did vanish once: When he became a heartless. Most assume that Ven's heart got kicked out and remained with Sora's body which became Roxas. Yet what if through the process of its protector becoming a heartless Ven's heart got even further damaged? So much that the connection with Sora's heart (which is shortly consumed by darkness anyways) is severed and Ven's body faded because of this.
Sephiroth0812 - "Riku, you've been hanging out in the darkness too long. You gotta think positive!" TALK - "You can never forget your true buddies."00:39, January 20, 2011 (UTC)
People who say this misunderstand that while Sora's heart is indeed mostly light (like Ven's was too, before MX cracked it and it became a pure light heart) it still has a small amount of darkness...that what turned Sora into a shadow in KH 1. Yet I don't see Xehanort really taking so much risk to try to possess Sora. After all, inside Sora there are still Roxas and Xion, and Sora, Roxas and Xion together may have enough power to repel an invading MX. Furthermore Sora already saw what happened to Riku...I doubt MX would get Sora to embrace his darkness...he's too much like Ven in that regard. Still MX might go after Sora because of Ven => x-blade. In a forum I also read a somewhat fishy theory on introducing time-travel in KH and alternate time-lines where Sora and Ven get exterminated, based on the Mysterious Figure which seems to be based on time. With the "Riku that flies, a Sora that falls" Nomura was actually talking about the capabilities of the Nintendo 3DS, we already see that in the trailer: Riku zipping around like crazy blasting enemies, bouncing off walls and literally flying, Sora sliding on rooftops and falling down a huge distance from the cathedral of Notre Dame. The other roads Xehanort mentioned to Terra are hinted to have something to do with Braig and Isa...and yet the new secret ending gives way to much more possibilities, yes, also yours in that regard.
Sephiroth0812 - "Riku, you've been hanging out in the darkness too long. You gotta think positive!" TALK - "You can never forget your true buddies."01:21, January 20, 2011 (UTC)
A ending like this would however actually mean Xehanort survives in some form...which is contrary to what has been announced, as it is said that KH III will see the last of Xehanort, but KH itself will go on still with Sora as the main character. Some additional help from Riku, Terra, Aqua and Ven in the new saga not ruled out. Yet, knowing Nomura, he'll probably can also come up with the point that Xehanort's evil heart gets sealed somewhere, then there's a second saga, and the third saga will then be titled "The return of Xehanort", lol. Nah, I think Vanitas is as much as we get to see a evil Sora-look-a-like. While Sora may learn to use more darkness in the future I really can't see him succumb to it...he's too similar to Ventus in that department. As for Roxas and Xion, as well as Naminé, there's still no definite answer what "saving" them really means. Many people tend to believe they all three somehow become their own persons, as while they each have no own heart, body or soul, they definitely have own memories, a mind, a sense of self and a will.
Ah yes. that red eyes thingy...already read much theories about it. Well, it could either be the mother/father of all heartless, the physical manifestation of the Realm of Darkness itself, the original wielder of the Kingdom Key D, the true main villain of Kingdom Hearts or even KH's version of Chaos.
Or a mix of these above...plenty possibilities here. When I first saw that thing I actually thought: "Ok, if this thing now pulls out a giant mace Aqua has found KH's incarnation of Sauron." lol. Gotta read your next answer tomorrow, already way to late around here...*ggg*
Sephiroth0812 - What should I be sad about? TALK - To the promised land. - 00:03, January 21, 2011 (UTC)
Something around this...probably...I just thought of an own KH-Version of Chaos. Chaos actually has an reputation for being the ultimate enemy in multiple series/franchises. For example the overall main antagonist in Sailor Moon was also Chaos. ;)
I actually saw a bunch of images of that red eyes thingy in a KH forum. Seemingly it is a native beast of the RoD/until now unknown subtype of heartless akin to a lion/dog-hybrid that has some really derp morphing and shape-shifting abilities. One form of it looks similar to the Dark Thorn, the heartless boss in beast's castle in KH 2. An Albino-Sora however would require besides white/silver hair also red eyes and pale/chalk white skin...like i.e. Kaworu Nagisa from Neon Genesis Evangelion has, lol. We'll see about this new saga later, as of now, looking at what Nomura is doing with Dream Drop Distance and BBSv2, it seems the task of rescuing Terra, Aqua, Ven, Roxas, Xion and Naminé won't be such a clear issue anymore and Xehanort seems up to no good...that guy has some friggin' epic mind if he really can plan out all this ahead and also create backups.
Darkheart3 Grant a wish! — "Next time let me add a few swimming pools, 'kay" After all, we're friends right? — 00:12, January 16, 2011 (UTC)
Nice work on the Zack section! If you don't mind, could you do the other party members? I've made the sections ready for you to do. After that I won't bug you anymore. Thanks! EDIT: Yeah, pretty much. Thanks again!
Darkheart3 Grant a wish! — "Next time let me add a few swimming pools, 'kay" After all, we're friends right? — 00:27, January 19, 2011 (UTC)
Mate, you're doing awesome! And when I say awesome, i mean AWESOME!! Don't worry 'bout the grammar, I should be able to fix those easily as (despite only being 11) i have the spelling age of 15, so yeah.
Raxz - Darkness is my weapon. TALK - Al1996 00:59, January 19, 2011 (UTC)
hi im a friend of roxas and i have a request. could you please give me a strategy to beat the dustflier?
Awww I can't think of a quote like that for this XD
Roxas -  “Hi, I'm Ventus! Call me Ven!”  TALK - "A meteor shower!"— 22:52, January 19, 2011 (UTC)
HEEYYYYYY :D That was so frickin clever lmao but I can't think of one >.< lol but anywho I am good but the real question here is how are you doing ;P I'm not the one that was in the hospital :( And yea I have math and CAD tomorrow... I don;t really care that much anymore to be honest >.> but anyway did you see all the new stuff I've done :D EDIT: Are you kidding that was awes_.... *stops and thinks* XOWESAME :D lol. Awwwww :( not cool. Well at least you're all better :) And yes I have lol XD And making sprites here and there :D The coming soon is gunna be where I put my explanations for my answers. I just haven't had the mindset to do it ;)
Roxas -  "It's funny... Suddenly I feel like I don't know myself at all..."  TALK - "Like I asked! Know-it-all." — 23:40, January 19, 2011 (UTC)
If I had a heart this would be the part where I die of laughter. XD lol indeed I am ;D lol I love doing it :D And I found out a way to capture screen images from videos on the computer :D So I can take an image from a video and edit it into a talk bubble sprite :D lol it's awesome :D
Roxas -  "Maybe... Today we'll finally hit the beach!"  TALK - "Look sharp!" — 23:50, January 19, 2011 (UTC)
Indeed. XD lol yeps ;) And other people too ;D EDIT: Nope I was talking about that with Sephy. Heh heh nah it's fine now :) Sorry for the late replay I had to do a few things. I think I might have to go soon aswell. I need to write down the formulas and I would like to get to bed a little early tonight.
My Remedy
Roxas -  “Hi, I'm Ventus! Call me Ven!”  TALK - "A meteor shower!"— 02:34, February 2, 2011 (UTC)
Lol I don't even know :D Well Silver is winning now. As I said in my post I don't expect to even come close to winning just because I don't contribute in the more contrusctive and useful way of mainspace editing and such. I feel they probably deserve it more anyway :)
No no it's fine
Too long
The Fallen One - Where is my heart. TALK - --The Dark Master 01:15, February 6, 2011 (UTC)
I have been doing find.Many users have misunderstood my intentions when I am talking to newbies about the rules.It was all just a big misunderstanding.
Roxas -  "Sora... You're lucky. Looks like my summer vacation is... over."  TALK - "There's nothing left for me here." — 22:44, February 6, 2011 (UTC)
It's XOWESAME dude!!!!!! Uhm yea sure butnot right now in fact I'm not sure when I'm gunna have time to do that since I have so much $**t to do now. I havta do my f***kin homework. I have to size and transfer ALL MY TALK SPRITES to a host site, make my bubbles into XTT2 and hope tey are all the right size. This is so frickin CRAP >.< Not to mention I have a 10pg project due next month. This is not even fair. I am going to like die.
Roxas -  “Hi, I'm Ventus! Call me Ven!”  TALK - "A meteor shower!"— 00:23, February 8, 2011 (UTC)
Yea sure dude let me take a look :D Have you started on that drawing yet? :D
VoidCommanderExdeath - The memory's wiles can be cruel. In its silence, we forget. In its obsession, it binds our hearts. TALK - Your existence is worth nothing !
Well...to tell the truth, I have not been very active lately because of school, so I really cannot tell you. My apologies.
Xelias0 - So...it seems your hearts have led you to obliteration. Perhaps it doesn't pay to be too loyal to one's heart. I will have to be sure and remember that. TALK - My name is of no importance.
Oh... I guess nobody's been really active, but the project's not dead, and you can obviously join !
We lack some soundtracks, and for the quotes, you could help as well. Thanks...
Roxas -  “Hi, I'm Ventus! Call me Ven!”  TALK - "A meteor shower!"— 23:10, February 9, 2011 (UTC)
WOW DUDE THATS AMAZING :D You're wicked good dude!!!!!!!! :D I love it!!!! ^^
Roxas -  "It's funny... Suddenly I feel like I don't know myself at all..."  TALK - "Like I asked! Know-it-all." — 03:18, February 10, 2011 (UTC)
What's there to forgive :)
Happy Birthday!!
Darkheart3 "Happy Birthday!" — "Guess what? It's your birthday!" Yes, I know I am a skeleton and I should be at Halloween blah blah blah but hey! You've seen me in a Santa suit before, why not this? — 20:54, February 12, 2011 (UTC)
Happy Birthday Dark Enigma! Hope you have a great day!
Sorry I'm late. Long time, no see. Happy Birthday and Happy Valentine's Day to you! ANX219 17:19, 14 February 2011 (EST)
Darkheart3 Grant a wish! — "Next time let me add a few swimming pools, 'kay" After all, we're friends right? — 02:58, February 16, 2011 (UTC)
On your infobox. You put date of birth on there. Just after Roxas's b'day i went and got all everybody's birth dates so I could wish them a Happy Halloween Happy Birthday!
P.S Are you still doing the BBS thing?EDIT:Don't worry, take all the time you need. I've been really slack with it, so yeah.
Re: Too long
Sephiroth0812 - Let's see what this "Light" of yours can do! TALK - I see, so that's a keyblade... - 19:10, 5 March 2011 (EST)
It was indeed too long, Enigma. It seems RL is taking its toll way more than I anticipated. As I have a job now where I need to settle myself in and learn some new stuff my time is surely limited. My last activity on the wiki itself was at 6th February doing some Mainspace edits.
So you play the little helper on the wikia.wiki I see...to be honest I actually was surprised that there seem to quite a bunch of people who stay there. I'm still undecided if I should go parallel or move to the new address completely.
Yeah, Rox needed help...and when I can I gladly help a friend in need.
Oh, so you're skilled in drawing? Lol, I absolutely suck in drawing per hand, but some people said to me I am somewhat talented in story-writing despite being a native german.
Of course I'd like to see your work. ;)
Sephiroth0812 - What should I be sad about? TALK - To the promised land. - 12:28, 6 March 2011 (EST)
Ah yes, so you already have the knowledge. In my case it's a new concept of programming I need to familarize with and a software I never worked with before. Still, when I get enough insight on it with time I'm sure I will get some more free time out of it again while still earning enough money. ;)
New format? Seems I missed out something in my long absence. Have we a new manual of style here at the new address or what?
You can do nothing here? Why that? Aren't there enough articles that need some cleanup? I did some work on the Mirage Arena battle articles in the beginning of February at least to get some Mainspace edits.
Some people claim I'm good at writing, yes, but maybe I really tend to be too self-critical, lol.
Hehe, thanks, I actually do have a started KH-story floating around (Prologue and the first 4 chapters are finished), so if you want it I can send it.
It doesn't have a title yet, lol, because I still couldn't think of a fitting one.
Wow, you sure have a talent for drawing...I could spot a very good Ruby Weapon from FF VII, an interesting new heartless and that monster "The Maker" looks like a mixture of World of Chaos from KH, Kefka Palazzo's final form (the angelic part) and Neo-Exdeath from FFV. The guardian was also drwan right on spot as well as the Unversed in that first pic. About that character I'm not sure...is that supposed to be Terra or an original character?
And that third pic...OMG, is it Roxas in armor? That's absolutely gorgeous. It looks so fitting and it's almost like you could read thoughts, lol, as I was actually contemplating to give Roxas an armor later in my story...
Sephiroth0812 - "Riku, you've been hanging out in the darkness too long. You gotta think positive!" TALK - "You can never forget your true buddies."15:56, 6 March 2011 (EST)
I'm surely making progress...due to me reading some stuff already when I was at home I didn't came totally unprepared. I only have that Job for mere 4 Days now and then it's no wonder I'm still not accustomed to it.
As it's a full time job at least 8 hours a day during week-time it's no wonder my time is limited...but I'll try to be on more frequently on weekends and at least one day during the week at evening, lol.
Thanks, having friends who believe in oneself surely helps...;).
Really? Lol, I didn't even change my skin...I remained with Monobook. The main reason I originally registered at the wikia-wiki was because as an avid reader of the wiki I got offended by the eye cancer that is Oasis...gosh, it's supposed to be a wiki, not facebook. Just you wait once this wiki becomes more popular...then there will be vandals trust me *ggg*. Rox is now in charge of the FU in the wikia-wiki? Lol, didn't knew that.
Alright then...I still have your mail from when I send ya the Vanitas theory, so I'll send it in due time. I actually have many ideas for this story to move on, but lack the time atm.
Chaos-heartless, awesome design...:D. So the Maker is actually based on Emperor Mateus, huh, I contributed the WOC-resemblance to the main monster-head and the "Kefka-look-a-like" taking the place of Ansem from the WOC in KH 1, but of course it lacks the Guardian at the back. I see, so that's your avatar in the KH-Universe. Thanks, I'm really contemplating to use it, as it really does capture Roxas well...his 4-pointed "Roxas-star" at the centter of the chestplate and the overall more sharp elements underlining Rox's more "sharp" personality in comparison to Sora or Ven really stand out.
Sephiroth0812 - What should I be sad about? TALK - To the promised land. - 17:05, 6 March 2011 (EST)
Yup, that's why I don't wonder about why I'm slower, lol. Indeed, friends are meant to help each other...I just edited my talk-bubble template to change the image-links to outside sources before Kryten and the others sweep the sprites from the wiki-imagebase with advice from Roxas.
I actually dunno about the wikia-wiki...I think if wikia would not have forbidden it most of the community would have gladly destroyed the wikia-wiki and eliminated the competition from it. It'll take a while but I think the new address may actually be able to trump the old one someday. We should never be happy about vandals, lol, but the more famous a place is the more likely it is for some to show up.
I'll send the pieces to ya shortly, adding up the Prologue and all four chapters the story now has around 9.500 words, lol. Rushing is a bad thing...I know...;)
Ah yes, Duodecim...can't wait to finally control Tifa and Lightning. Too bad Dysley (Barthandelus) won't be in it, controlling the Superpope would certainly be fun too. Desperado Chaos...has way more "fire" so to say. As for Sylar...well, he does have some resemblance to both Terra and Riku somewhat, but in KH this isn't such an issue. Maybe you should design an additional, own keyblade for him and don't let him use Ends of the Earth or Xehanort's keyblade. Also, his left hand is interesting, like the one of a neo-shadow...does he have some deep touch with darkness ;)?
I might actually come back on that offer, once I get to parts of the story where I start to use that armor...and need to find a color scheme for it, as well as some armor designs for Sora, Riku and maybe Xion.
Sephiroth0812 - What should I be sad about? TALK - To the promised land. - 18:10, 6 March 2011 (EST)
This is going to be my last answer for today, as it's nearly midnight around here and I have work tomorrow ;). That policy has it's existence justified if user-related images start to outweight the wiki-related images in a significantly manner. Remember it aren't only the talkbubble-sprites, there are also user-page images and the one's used within user-boxes (although I think those are already sourced out except for the official wiki-boxes relating to KH).
I'll remain on a neutral stance on the old address, but I don't think I'll support it with mainspace edits anymore, that's reserved for the new address.
It's a beginning with that story, lol, and I hope you'll enjoy the build-up I made so far...I tried hard to capture emotions and build up tension. With the worldwide release of Duodecim that close I'll also suspect not that much more (if any) further additions to the cast. Bwahaha, nice spin on Dysley, Fighting style Superpope, with Barthandelus as Ex-Mode. Adding Cid Raines would probably get us another anti-hero, Raines could very well be teamed with Golbez. For FF XII I would actually have preferred Ashe on Cosmos's side, while I not dislike Vaan I think Ashe had a bigger impact on the story of XII. Vincent and Barret would probably have been too similar to Laguna battel-style wise, and Tifa is in essence our first real monk in Dissidia. I would also have found it amusing to have Hope Estheim in it...boomerang wielding brat with enormous magical potential could make for an interesting fighting style...not to mention finally a playmate for Onion Knight more close his age, lol.
Well, for Terra-similarities it was for one the stance on the first pic (I assume you based it off that Terra-artwork) and for second Sylar's body-build...is he supposed to be in Terra's age group (between 18 and 22)? A yes, a natural affinity for Darkness which is unwanted...way potential for some drama here ^___^.
Very nice, let's talk about the art-questions when the time is right...and allow your hand to rest before jumping in on more art ;).
Sephiroth0812 - I admit you're very skilled... TALK - The planet has forsaken me... - 14:41, 8 March 2011 (EST)
I changed my talk-bubble template yesterday, should be all clear now. Seeing as I have not much time now anyway I bet when I finally get more time the new wiki will be more then ready for new edits. I checked on the company during lunch break today, the new KH wiki is already on the second page of Google search, lol.
Whaa...??? Did you read all that already? Wow, you're really fast then. I'm glad I managed to capture the mood well, Roxas's confusion and frustration, Ven's agony and fear, especially considering English is not my native tongue. From your description I deduce you'll want to read the next chapter once I finish it right? ;)
As for Barthandelus they could have done it the same way as with Jecht and Braska's Aeon. As for Raines I doubt who would be his Cosmos-counterpart as I also didn't perceive Raines as a real antagonist in FF XIII. Ashe would have a connection with Gabranth, he killed her daddy, remember? Hope's boomerang would have the additional ability to hit more than once when thrown like shown in FF XIII. Precise timed button presses could actually chain into neat combos...combine that with Hope's vast magical potential and you'll have a potent fighting style, he could also use roles like Lightning, like Ravager, Synergist and Saboteur, letting his boomerang hit with additional status effects. A possible weakness would be of course that if the opponent can reach him while the boomerang is still flying he has no chance to block. Yeah, I also think Hope and Onion Knight would make a good team, but what I saw from Trailers Onion Knight now seems to travel more together with Vaan and Cecil.
Ah, there's a reason for that...somehow that wording reminds me of Nomura, lol. But such nice little tweaks make it all the more interesting...was he a citizen of Radiant Garden who got caught in the experiments? Or has it to do with Xehanort? Lol.
Sephiroth0812 - Let's see what this "Light" of yours can do! TALK - I see, so that's a keyblade... - 16:32, 8 March 2011 (EST)
Sorry, my last edit somehow messed up your talk page..:(. It's starting to go somewhat smoothly, I now at least know how to handle the software...next step is another new issue on how to program ribbons like Office 2007 or 2010 has...gosh, that's some fiddling around. What a nice coincidencee, I made another mainspace edit too this day, adding the BBS-Crystals to the synthesis item-list.
Ah yes, I understand, lol. I'm having chapter V at the workbench but I can't say when it will be ready. As Roxas could feel before, he can also now...he just doesn't know it yet...but that's also a mystery related to the story...as well as Ven claiming Roxas constantly hurt him before. (Now I sound like Nomura, *ggg*) Yup, I tried very hard to dramatize Ven's status without making it too whiny, and seeing you're the third person to praise it I slowly get the feeling I did that right...;) I tell you, while writing chapter IV about that priceless calming of a frantic Ven I was constantly listening to Ven's theme to get the mood for it.
It's always nice to hear that a character is not that much OOC for a writer...and I managed to keep Xemnas in character then. I first contemplated having Vexen give that lecture to Roxas, but then I noticed he had never a mission with Xemnas in Days and so he got one, lol. You said it yourself before, good stories always take time. ;)
Exactly, or just give Barthandelus some legs. I didn't mean Raines wouldn' fit, I meant that I don't really see him as an antagonist at all, heck, even Kain Highwind constantly betraying Cecil is more "antagonistic" than what Raines did in XIII. "Magic Shifter" sounds neat...another possibility would be "Status master" as Hope with the Synergist and Saboteur-roles woud rely much on status effects before working his magic as Ravager. Maybe in the Duodecim-story Onion will get "toughed up" by Lightning like Hope was in XIII, although she seems to be very focused on the WoL and Garland. Basch told Ashe if I remember correctly...or she wouldn't have accepted him as her new knight after Vossler betrayed them. Gabranth also himself admitted it on the top of the Pharos. ALthough Vayne would be neat too...one of the few main baddies who isn't a mage nor a knight. *gg* I know what you mean...I always used Ashe, Basch and Fran, occasionally Balthier, but Vaan and Penelo mostly were on the bench.
Building up tension by cryptic remarks is often a good thing...I'll wait and read later. ;)
Sephiroth0812 - "Riku, you've been hanging out in the darkness too long. You gotta think positive!" TALK - "You can never forget your true buddies."18:14, 8 March 2011 (EST)
Yeah, I noticed and corrected it. 3D-Models? With some program like Maya? I would love to be able to do that though. Ribbons, meh, have to encase the Ribbon-Control in another Control, then make containers for the categories etc, etc, it's quite a multi-layered mess and getting through that takes time, lol.
Yup, I'm now writing about Roxas trying to turn Ven around to treat the second unintentionally inflicted wound, and then I'll go to satisfy Ven's curiosity from the end of chapter IV...more would be spoiler though. *ggg*
Who knows, who knows? lol, Fact is I'm going to include much of the KH original characters and the first short-term story focus is having Roxas and Ventus forming a close bond (nothing dirty of course!!! *ggg*).
So you used that amazing piece of music too...wow, it really adds to the feeling I think, especially in chapter IV. Hmmm...the keyblade graveyard melody...either a connection with Xehanort or even with the keyblade war? ;).
Thanks, I actually did rewrite some parts several times...the flashback with Xemnas was among them too. I wanted to have Xemnas test Roxas, but also let him give some cryptic "advice". Roxas had quite some issues later on including losing his cherished independence so I think it's forgiveable if he doesn't remember it on the spot...although it would have been better for Ven.
Indeed, Gabranth is also not a true villain, he's just a tragic figure consumed by hatred, and by defending Larsa he did show that he's not a merciless bastard. Kain Highwind...for some strange reason I never got why he has such a big fanbase. I do not dislike him...I'm just, indifferent to him...and Fang, Cid Highwind and Freya are way better spear-wielders in my book. The WoL comes off as arrogant sometimes, maybe that's what irks some people. I would actually root for Lightning or Laguna leading the warriors of Cosmos.
I haven't even beat Zodiarche yet...the only Esper I'm still missing...but the Esper battle music always sends chills down my spine. Gotta go to sleep...as it's still in the middle of the week, ;).
Sephiroth0812 - Let's see what this "Light" of yours can do! TALK - I see, so that's a keyblade... - 19:00, 11 March 2011 (EST)
It seems I finally got some grasp on it...it's time-consuming but when it works it's actually quite useful for our company...and in another task my boss seemed to be satisfied with the things I found out, yay. I plan on using as much characters as reasonably possible, Disney and FF as well, but the KH original characters will actually have the focus most time around. I'm glad ya like it so much, I may even be able to finish chapter V this weekend. Yup, Rox and Ven are indeed cute, and in all honesty, I don't have anything against those "not so innocent" thingys and sometimes even read such stuff, but I won't go that far in my story, it'll go he way how bonds are depicted in KH itself, maybe a bit more intense, but certainly nothing going beyond a hug or a small kiss. Besides, don't ya think that especially Ven is in no shape for something like that at all? *ggg*
Concerning Dissidia I mainly play Sephiroth (what wonder...lol) and Golbez. Yet still I can play reasonably good with every character except Jecht, Exdeath took me whooping long to learn but now I'm at least decent with him, Jecht remains the only Dissidia-character I fail to use properly.
Seems WoL is a relative of Master Eraqus, lol.
I'll get Duodecim for myself anyways...but strangely I managed to remain unspoiled for many more FFs than I did with KH. My XII-save has not been loaded for a long time, as KH BBS and FF XIII took much time away, lol. I have already ended the story of XII once so in essence only Zodiarche, the extra bosses/hunts and minigames remain. Chuculainn (or whatever spelled) was soo ugly...but Zalhera was actually epic...as was Ultima and Chaos.
Sephiroth0812 - What should I be sad about? TALK - To the promised land. - 17:18, 12 March 2011 (EST)
No need to apologize my friend, RL sometimes takes a toll that has to be addressed first. I agree we should move this to mail. I'll go on your last answer there then...hopefully with chapter V attached, lol.
The New Wiki
Yes, DEXIII, I'm quitting the old Wiki and coming here, and if it is possible, I'd like to have the Moderator Position I had on the previous Wiki. EnglishJoker 17:07, 1 May 2011 (EDT)
The new MA banner you requested..
What sort of theme are you looking for?
EDIT 15:10, 8 June 2011 (EDT) : Please see my talkpage.
Helping others always comes before asking others for help. • TroisNyxÉtienne — 17:12, 15 May 2011 (EDT)
Thanks for your vote! I really appreciate it! KRCCFNF is tired of being STEPPED ON. 17:44, 19 May 2011 (EDT)
- Thanks! I will. KRCCFNF is tired of being STEPPED ON. 17:57, 19 May 2011 (EDT)
LightRoxas - "WHAT? I get to wear a COW SUIT?! COOL!" TALK - "Sounds like they were out for steak and eggs!"
Alright, thanks for letting me know. As long as he sees the message eventually, hopefully it'll make him feel better. And any friend of Roxas' is a friend of mine. :D
Darkheart3 "You seem to be struggling." — "My friend, forgive me." I've been such a fool. — Darkheart3 17:59, 5 June 2011 (EDT)
Oh right sorry. I probably should've asked you before uploading it. On another note, why exactly are they getting rid of TBS?EDIT:Oh well. Sorry again for uploading the sprite.
'The fruit of your work'
Why exactly is it a problem to use your images on this wiki? - JTD 14:05, 1 September 2011 (UTC)
- Because he made them explicitly for kingdomhearts.wikia.com, and does not give us permission to his images. Besides, the two wikis are trying to differentiate from each other, and having the same images on both wikis defeat that goal. KRCCFNF is tired of being STEPPED ON. 17:01, 1 September 2011 (UTC)
RE:Last words
I will indeed try my hardest. The revolution will begin again. KRCCFNF is tired of being STEPPED ON. 03:02, 11 September 2011 (UTC)
LapisScarab - You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice?  TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
Sure, I'd love to be friends. 'S rather late, but congrats on being an admin on The Keyhole.
LapisScarab - You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice?  TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
I only really go on for the roundtables, but if you need to talk to me I can go on. The channel on this Wiki right? Social channel or noticeboard?
LapisScarab - You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice?  TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
It's midnight here, so I know what you mean. Feel free to ask me to go on later if you'd like.
I got the image from the old wikia, and I've "reverted" the image so I could credit it to you. I must say, that was a good job in cropping those Dream Eaters. EnglishJoker 08:51, 23 October 2011 (UTC)