Template:User Xehanort Q


To use this template, paste the following code into your user page:

{{User Xehanort Q}} (Random)
{{User Xehanort Q|1}}
Lgc8B7O.png Darkness cannot be destroyed. It can only be channeled.
{{User Xehanort Q|2}}
auVPvOF.png Why, you could train with him and still... you'd never be a Master in his eyes.

{{User Xehanort Q|3}}
OhY6vnq.png 'χ'... A most ancient letter. Some say 'kye,' but the meaning is the same.

{{User Xehanort Q|4}}
UbhyeA3.png You and I can do the worlds much greater good, by wielding light and darkness in equal shares.

{{User Xehanort Q|5}}
cOkXI47.png Master Terra, you must hurry back and see to your friend's safety.

{{User Xehanort Q|6}}
cG76RDs.png And now the last vessel shall bear my heart like the rest!

{{User Xehanort Q|7}}
gnzKyvp.png I will be led... wherever it is I am destined to go.

{{User Xehanort Q|8}}

{{User Xehanort Q|9}}
xEwxKtS.png Produce for your master the χ-blade!

{{User Xehanort Q|10}}