L0jXOBL.png See, I'm immortal!


To use this template, paste the following code into your user page:

{{User Lea Q}} (Random)
{{User Lea Q|1}}
iQFKt3L.png You... had enough? 'Cause I'm willing to... call it a draw if you are.
{{User Lea Q|2}}
7IiU3Sv.png "Dark Rescue" is my middle name.

{{User Lea Q|3}}
Q7zY1aL.png Axel? Please. The name's Lea. Got it memorized?

{{User Lea Q|4}}

{{User Lea Q|5}}
L0jXOBL.png See, I'm immortal!

{{User Lea Q|6}}
88J6xWJ.png No, I told you my name's— Agh, whatever, Axel, fine.