Talk:Mission 91: Escape the castle
does any body know were the ordeal bagde is on misson 91 (escape the castle
Immediately in the next room from the starting point (I believe the room is Naught's Skyway). Be careful not to overlook it; its high in the air (make sure to have high jump, glide/air slide equipped).--Xion4ever 00:39, January 15, 2010 (UTC)
On Mission Mode differences[edit]
More of a general question, but to what extent should differences between Story and Mission Modes be listed on these articles? In this mission for example, on top of Saix being replaced by Anti-Saix, the Mission begins in the final area, skipping most of the level. Many missions do similar things, such as removing certain enemies, not showing some cutscenes, or skipping certain parts of the level entirely. --JeruTz (talk) 16:01, 22 February 2023 (UTC)