Kingdom Hearts χ
Kingdom Hearts Union χ

Special Attack Bonus

Japanese ギルト
Rōmaji Giruto

Special Attack Bonus is an item that appears in Kingdom Hearts χ and an attribute found on Medals in Kingdom Hearts Union χ.


In Kingdom Hearts χ, Guilt is an item that adds a damage multiplier to Player's abilities when collected. Guilt can be collected with the Power Bangle after reaching level 20 by defeating specific Heartless called Guilt Targets (ギルトターゲット Giruto Tāgetto?). It comes in five different sizes, and differnet Guilt Targets drop different Guilt prizes. Once Guilt is collected, it will add bonus damage to all attacks, which is four times more effective against Raid Bosses (this special bonus damage does not apply to Chain Bonuses during Raid Bosses). After a certain period of time, the collected Guilt and damage multiplier is reset, and the Guilt Target is updated.

In Kingdom Hearts Union χ, Special Attack Bonus is an attribute found on 6★ Medals which have been strengthened with the Power Bangle more than five times. Special Attack Bonus provides an additional damage increase on top of any multipliers given by strengthening the Medal. There are 10 levels of Special Attack Bonus, determined by a Medal's rarity, each with a set range of possible damage multipliers. When a Special Attack Bonus is first applied, a value in that range is randomly chosen; this value can be re-rolled by strengthening the Medal with Fantasia Mickey B or an additional copy of the same 6★ Medal, with the higher value being kept. By strengthening a Medal with Magic Mirror Medals, the Special Attack Bonus increases by 1%.

Level Icon Damage Increase Medal Rarity
Normal During Campaign
Level 1 10 - 25% 15 - 25% Common
Level 2 20 - 50% 30 - 50% Normal
Level 3 40 - 100% 70 - 100% Rare, Super Rare
Level 4 60 - 130% 90 - 130% Super Rare
Level 5 80 - 150% 100 - 150%
Level 6 100 - 180% 140 - 180%
Level 7 120 - 200% 160 - 200%
Level 8 150 - 230% 190 - 230%
Level 9 200 - 280% 240 - 280%
Level 10 240 - 320% 280 - 320%