- Opening - The opening credits show scenes from the Secret Videos "The Gathering" and "Birth by Sleep". "Simple and Clean" is played in background.
- The Boy Who Sought the World - A young man stands on a beach, claiming his "world is too small". Many years later the same man, though much older returns to the island, dressed in a Black Coat carrying the body of a young boy wrapped in a white cover under his arm.
- A Voice Amidst the Waves - The man places the body of Ventus on the Paopu tree. Within his heart the boy wonders where he is when a light flashes.
- Heart to Heart - Ventus falls and lands on his Dive to the Heart though it is blank and fractured. His heart then comes into contact with a new heart which completes his Dive to the Heart pillar.
- Birth by Sleep - As Master Xehanort prepares to leave he notices Ven's arm is raised in the air and a Keyblade appears which glows and shoots a light in the air.
- The Land of Departure/Three Pupils
- The Meteor Shower - Ven is laying on his bed in his room when he notices a meteor shower happening and rushes out to see it.
- Wayfinder - Ven is laying to the ground watching the meteor shower when Aqua surprises him. Aqua presents Terra and Ven the Wayfinders she made, saying that they are good luck charms. Explaining that they represent the unbreakable bond between them.
- The Last Night - The three head back to the castle, Aqua says to herself, they will be "together... always" while looking up at the night sky. That was the last night they were together beneath the same stars.
- The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Mickey Mouse is shown in the middle of an ocean on a book, which is then swallowed up in a whirlpool. He lands in Yen Sid's study and is warned something bad is afoot.
- Mark of Mastery - Terra and Aqua are to begin the Mark of Mastery exam. Ven is looking around and sees Master Xehanort and seems uncomfortable to see him. Master Eraqus explains the exam and what it is for. When the exam begins Master Eraqus creates orbs of light but Master Xehanort tampers with them and they act on their own. Terra and Aqua begin to destroy them when a rogue orb goes after Ven. Ven then helps Terra and Aqua destroy the orbs together.
- Eraqus Announces the Results - Aqua and Terra fight against each other, but Terra has trouble controlling his darkness. The exam ends with only Aqua gaining the title of Master. Terra wishing to be alone leaves and runs into Master Xehanort.
- Another Road - Terra and Master Xehanort converse on darkness. Master comments that darkness cannot be destroyed it can only be channeled. A bell chimes and Terra runs back inside the castle. Meanwhile Master Xehanort smiles wickedly and walks through a Corridor of Darkness.
- The Unversed Threat - Master Eraqus receives a message for his old friend Yen Sid telling him that the Princesses of Heart are in danger by the darkness as well as a new threat that feeds on negativity called the Unversed. He then send Terra and Aqua to stop this new threat and locate Master Xehanort. He also gives Terra the chance to prove that he has what it takes to be a Master. Ven is not present during this.
- Departure - Terra departs on a journey to defeat the Unversed and locate Master Xehanort who disappeared. Leaving a distraught Ventus behind.
- Enchanted Dominion/The Call of Darkness
- Another World - Terra arrives in his first world. Soon after arrival, Terra encounters the Unversed.
- Chasing the Unversed - While fighting the Unversed, a Flood Unversed runs away, prompting Terra to pursue.
- Maleficent - Terra chases the Flood to the Bridge and slays it. He then notices Maleficent and asks her about the Unversed. When she refuses to answer him, Terra inquires about Master Xehanort. Maleficent only says a man was leaving the castle earlier. She also quotes that the man said something about "imprisoning the light". Given this vague information, Terra heads towards the castle, looking for the one named "Aurora".
- Unlocking the Door - A darkness barrier prevents Terra from entering the chamber holding Princess Aurora. Terra summons his Keyblade, and unlocks the door.
- Darkness Within - Terra finds Aurora asleep. Maleficent appears and explains how Aurora's heart is filled only with light. She finishes saying that she has use of such a heart. Maleficent explains further what the gathered seven hearts of light can do. She is sure to add that such hearts can only be obtained by using the Keyblade. Maleficent tells Terra about the darkness sleeping in his heart. She then uses her magic to awaken the darkness sleeping in Terra's heart. Maleficent awakens Terra's darkness, manipulating him to unlock Aurora's heart with his Keyblade. When Terra comes to, he is troubled by the committed action. Maleficent tells Terra that Master Xehanort disappeared into the darkness. She offers Terra to join her, collecting the remaining hearts of pure light, claiming they could rule the world together. Terra refuses, prompting Maleficent to tell Terra that the darkness cannot be stopped. The scene ends with Terra leaving to eliminate the Unversed.
- Off on the Wrong Foot - Terra revisits Aurora to apologize. He promises to return her heart once he has learned how to conquer the darkness. Terra leaves, wondering about Master Xehanort and the seven hearts of light. Maleficent appears shortly after Terra leaves, saying a search for all pure hearts will take time.
- Dwarf Woodlands/The Queen's Scheme
- Who is the Fairest One of All? - The Queen asks the Magic Mirror "who is the fairest one of all?", he answers Snow White angering the queen. Terra, listening on the conversation, wonders if Xehanort is there. He is then tasked to kill Snow White and bring her heart to the Queen.
- Her Heart Is Pure Light - Terra finds Snow White and senses her heart is pure light. He asks about Xehanort, but she doesn't know anything. They are attacked by Unversed and Snow White runs into the woods.
- Back to the Castle - Terra then realizes his only option to find Xehanort is the Magic Mirror back at the castle.
- The Shadows Lengthen - Terra returns to the castle without Snow White's heart angering the Queen, who then throws a potion at the Mirror. Thus turning the Mirror into an Unversed, Terra then engages it in battle.
- A Meager Clue - After Terra defeats the Mirror, he then asks it about Xehanort. The Mirror then says Xehanort is at a place where a war was raged, Terra then leaves.
- To Yen Sid's Tower - Terra decides that it is time he spoke with Yen Sid himself.[2]
- Castle of Dreams/Escort to the Ball
- A Girl in Distress - Terra enters this world to find Cinderella crying. Terra comforts her saying a strong heart will help her through any trial. Suddenly the Unversed appear...
- Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo - The Fairy Godmother appears, redressing Cinderella in a beautiful ballgown, followed by a horse-drawn carriage as an escort. Fairy Godmother reveals such gifts will be gone at the stroke of midnight. As Cinderella leaves, Terra observes Cinderella's heart is full of light. Fairy Godmother asks Terra if he believes in dreams. Terra agrees, but states that it is not enough to just have dreams- you must also work for them. Terra leaves, heading towards the palace.
- Cinderella's Strength - Terra arrives at the palace steps to find Cinderella surrounded by Unversed. After dispatching them, Cinderella asks Terra to escort her safely inside to the ball.
- The Ball of Her Dreams - Terra safely escorts Cinderella to the ball, where he watches on as she and the Prince dance. Terra wonders if believing is really enough. Meanwhile, Lady Tremaine and her daughters discuss the identity of the mysterious girl. Terra spots Unversed in a nearby balcony, heading after them.
- Terra Spots the Unversed - The Symphony Master Unversed appears.
- The Stroke of Twelve - Terra defeats the Unversed, earning thanks from the Grand Duke. When asked about the Unversed, the Duke reveals that they shortly arrived after a masked boy came to their world. The Duke also states that the monsters were seen to obey the masked boy's command, and that the mysterious boy is gone. The clock strikes midnight, forcing Cinderella to leave the ball. She rushes out, followed by the Duke.
- Reunion with Aqua - As Cinderella flees, she passes Aqua. Terra reunites with Aqua only to hear Ven has left home. Terra informs Aqua that he hasn't found Master Xehanort yet, but that Xehanort is searching for pure hearts filled with light. Terra asks Aqua if she still has the same dream. She confirms, leading Terra to explain how Cinderella taught him that a powerful dream will light the darkness. Terra asks Aqua to thank Cinderella for him. While leaving, Terra wonders the connection between Master Xehanort's disappearance and the boy in the mask.[3]
- Secret Meeting - Master Xehanort talks to someone, who smiles wickedly and walks away.
- Crossing Paths - Terra sees someone with a Keyblade, who promptly disappears using a strange star-like object.
- An Audience with Yen Sid - Terra converses with Yen Sid about the Unversed, Master Xehanort, and the Masked Boy. After he leaves Yen Sid comments on Xehanort to himself.
- Terra Hears a Voice - Terra is summoned to the Badlands by Master Xehanort.
- The Masked Boy's Identity - Master Xehanort tells Terra the identity and origins of the Masked Boy Vanitas, and how he was accidentally created in a desperate attempt to save Ventus from succumbing to darkness.
- Flashback: The Boy with No Memories - Terra has a flashback about the time he first time he and Aqua met Ventus.
- The Abomination - Master Xehanort begs Terra to help atone for his mistakes by destroying Vanitas, and is instructed to search in the Radiant Garden, where Vanitas will undoubtedly strike next.
- Radiant Garden/The Other Road
- The Unversed Appear - Terra lands in Radiant Garden and is immediately attacked by the Unversed.
- Xehanort Walks Into Town - Terra sees Master Xehanort and wonders what he is doing there.
- Lost and Found - Terra sees an old man drop a book.
- A Curious Book - Terra returns the book that Merlin the Wizard dropped. Merlin explains that the book can awaken a person's innermost abilities. Terra requests to try awakening his own abilities.
- The Giant Unversed Appears - After meeting Merlin, Terra spots a giant Unversed and follows it to the mining area.
- Brought Together - Terra, Aqua, and Ventus reunite, but their reunion is short-lived as they must battle a giant Unversed.
- Walls of the Heart - Terra, Aqua, and Ventus defeat the Unversed, but the ensuing argument forces them to go their separate ways.
- A Shady Character - Terra encounters the mysterious Braig, who claims to have captured Master Xehanort.
- Xehanort the Captive - Terra engages Braig in a tense battle to free Master Xehanort.
- What Darkness Can Do - Terra defeats Braig, scarring the latter's face in a show of anger. Master Xehanort then gives Terra the opportunity to be his pupil, claiming he shows the true Mark of Mastery as he was able to channel the darkness.
- An Eerie Farewell - Terra meets Ventus just as he's about to leave. Ventus asks to go with him, but Terra turns him down, but claims that Ventus will be there when he needs him.
- The Power to Steal Hearts - Angered greatly at the loss of his eye, Braig attempts to attack Master Xehanort, but is threatened to back down. The two then converse about Terra.
- Disney Town/The Dream Festival
- Unversed Mayhem - Terra lands in Disney Town near a racetrack and is almost run over.
- Terra Becomes a Racer - Terra meets Minnie, Chip and Dale who had helped him dodge the racer. Then Captain Dark appears. Terra then joins the race as a racer and promises to play by the rules.
- No More Bending the Rules - The race ends with Terra as the winner, which earns him the votes of both Chip and Dale. Terra states he learned that you don't have to break the rules to reach your goals.
- The Million Dreams Award - Terra, Ventus, and Aqua all win the Million Dreams Award. But, only Terra is there to receive the prize, a special ice cream flavor. Pete rushes on the stage and demands the prize. He is then banished during the ceremony. Terra then tastes the Rockin' Crunch Ice Cream he was given.[4]
- Servant of Darkness - Pete is rescued by Maleficent, who claims to have use for him.[4]
- Olympus Coliseum/Stronger Than Darkness
- A Glimpse of Heroism - Terra enters this world, finding Hercules surrounded by Unversed. Terra intervenes, ensuing a fight.
- The Games - Terra saves Hercules and learns of the games held at the Coliseum. He heads towards the Coliseum, desiring to learn just how strong he is.
- How to Conquer the Darkness - Hades appears, and persuades Terra to enter the games, saying his participation will teach him how to conquer the darkness.
- Registration - After completing the registration forms, Hades tells Terra that he will know how to conquer the darkness once he wins the games.
- Plan Beta - Fearing Terra won't suffice, Hades searches for a second plan: a helmeted soldier.
- Final Match - Terra concludes that once he conquers the darkness, he will never have to worry again. The final match begins.
- Warrior of Darkness - The match is over...or so Terra believes. Suddenly Zack attacks Terra, unleashing a barrage of attacks. Terra acknowledges the difference in strength from before only to find out Hades is controlling Zack with darkness. Terra pushes Zack away, shouting that darkness will never control him.
- The Picture of a Hero - Terra defeats Zack a second time, freeing him from Hades's control. Zack tells Terra he looks like a hero. Terra says otherwise, but is silenced by Zack who claims that other people determine whether or not you are a hero- whether you like it or not. Zack laments that he couldn't fight Terra fairly, to which Terra says they might fight again someday.
- Deep Space/What a Friend is
- Battle in the Lanes Between - While traveling to another world, Terra spots a massive number of Unversed in the Lanes Between.
- Wrong Place, Wrong Time - After defeating the Unversed, Terra finds himself sucked into a giant ship.
- Terra the Prisoner - Gantu and the Grand Councilwoman visit the now imprisoned Terra, puzzled as to what he really is. As they leave, Terra wakes up. Looking out his cell door, Terra sees Gantu feebly fighting Unversed. Gantu flees, prompting Terra to free himself and fight the Unversed.
- Dr. Jumba's Request - Dr. Jumba pleads Terra to free him from his cell. Terra complies, on the promise that Dr. Jumba take him to this creature of mass destruction. Once free, the two leave in search of Experiment 626.
- The Mightiest Creature in the Galaxy - Dr. Jumba and Terra find Experiment 626 held in a small capsule. Jumba explains 626's abilities and powers further. Once free, Experiment 626 pounces on Terra, and steals his Wayfinder. Terra pleads Experiment 626 to give it back. He cries out saying it's from a friend. Hearing this, Experiment 626 gives the Wayfinder back, scurrying away. Terra tells Jumba that Experiment 626 really just wants a friend. Jumba laughs it away, summoning up another evil genius experiment.
- "When you feel it, you'll know it." - Terra defeats Experiment 221. Experiment 626 returns, confusing Dr. Jumba. Meanwhile, Terra introduces himself to Experiment 626, telling him he'll know friendship when he feels it. Jumba criticizes, saying Stitch is only meant to destroy. A security alarm goes off, with all three characters leaving.
- Never Land/The Boy Who Could Fly
- Captain Hook's Predicament - Terra lands in Neverland and runs into Captain Hook, and Mr. Smee getting attacked by Unversed.
- A Boy Who's After the Light? - Captain Hook tells Terra that the chest is full of light and that a boy named Peter Pan is trying to steal it.
- Peter Pan's Big Entrance - Terra takes the chest to Skull Rock and runs into Peter Pan. Terra then challenges Peter to fight.
- Enemies No More - During the fight Terra spots the Lost Boys stealing the treasure. He chases them but Cubby trips and they drop it. All that falls out of the chest is gold and jewels, not light. Terra apologizes to Peter and they becomes friends.
- The Lost Boys in Peril - As Terra leaves the cave he hears the boys' crying out for help.
- A Swarm of Unversed - He returns to the cave and sees the two boys being attacked by a swarm of Unversed.
- Captain Hook Returns - Captain Hook returns with a captured Tinker Bell, Terra then releases her. Captain Hook then flees after he sees the Crocodile.
- Flashback: The Last Night - Terra thinks back to the last night he, Aqua, and Ven spent together.
- Treasures All Their Own - The Lost Boys are sad since they lost the treasure, Terra then suggests that they put what is important to them in the treasure chest. He then wonders what he would put in there.
- The Warmth of Light - Terra, on his Keyblade Glider, comments on the light being warm.
- Legacy - Terra lands on the Destiny Islands where he meets two young boys, Riku and Sora. He then chooses Riku to be his successor and inherit the Keyblade.
- Xehanort Summons Terra - Master Xehanort calls Terra to the Badlands and tells him that Ventus went to confront Master Eraqus about his past.
- A Friend's Duty - Terra saves Ventus just as Master Eraqus is about to destroy him.
- Master and Pupil Trade Blows - Terra engages Master Eraqus in a decisive battle.
- Eraqus's Demise - Just as Terra and Eraqus begin to feel remorse for their actions, Master Xehanort deals the final blow to Eraqus. He then tells Terra to meet him in the Keyblade Graveyard as he covers the Land of Departure in darkness.
- The World Collapses - Terra watches in horror as the Land of Departure is completely destroyed, and then goes to the Keyblade Graveyard to confront Master Xehanort.
- The Keyblade Graveyard/Never Let Go
- For Friendship - Terra arrives at the Keyblade Graveyard. He then claims that whatever he does, he is doing it for friendship.
- Gathering - Terra, Ventus, and Aqua prepare for the final battle with Xehanort and Vanitas.
- Kingdom Hearts - Terra, Aqua, and Ven engage in battle against Master Xehanort, and Vanitas seemingly outmatched. Master Xehanort summons a blue moon in the sky. Mickey appears shortly after. Terra confronts Master Xehanort and questions him about what he did to Ventus. A fight breaking out shortly after his explanations.
- Darkness Takes Over - While fighting Xehanort, Terra loses control of his anger, and succumbs to the darkness.
- The Last Bastion of Free Will - Terra defeats Master Xehanort, but the elderly Keyblade Master uses his Keyblade to unlock his heart and use it to possess Terra's body, creating a new, younger Xehanort. Xehanort is about to leave, but is forced to face off against Terra's discarded armor, brought to life by the young man's remaining thoughts and emotions.
- Return to Silence - Terra's Lingering Will defeats Xehanort, and kneels down, while a bright light consumes Xehanort. The blue moon shines brightly on the armor before disappearing behind clouds. Terra's voice is then heard stating that "one day he will set this right". The credits then begin to roll.
- The Boy Who Sought the World - A young man stands on a beach, claiming his "world is too small". Many years later the same man, though much older returns to the island, dressed in a Black Coat carrying the body of a young boy wrapped in a white cover under his arm.
- A Voice Amidst the Waves - The man places the body of Ventus on the Paopu tree. Within his heart the boy wonders where he is when a light flashes.
- Heart to Heart - Ventus falls and lands on his Dive to the Heart though it is blank and fractured. His heart then comes into contact with a new heart which completes his Dive to the Heart pillar.
- Birth by Sleep - As Master Xehanort prepares to leave he notices Ven's arm is raised in the air and a Keyblade appears which glows and shoots a light in the air.
- The Land of Departure/Three Pupils
- The Meteor Shower - Ven is laying on his bed in his room, when he notices a meteor shower happening and rushes out to see it.
- Wayfinder - Ven is laying to the ground watching the meteor shower when Aqua surprises him. Aqua presents Terra and Ven the Wayfinders she made, saying that they are good luck charms. Explaining that they represent the unbreakable bond between them.
- The Last Night - The three head back to the castle, Aqua says to herself, they will be "together... always" while looking up at the night sky. That was the last night they were together beneath the same stars.
- The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Mickey Mouse is shown in the middle of an ocean on a book, which is then swallowed up in a whirlpool. He lands in Yen Sid's study and is warned something bad is afoot.
- Mark of Mastery - Terra and Aqua are to begin the Mark of Mastery Exam. Ven is looking around and sees Master Xehanort and seems uncomfortable to see him. Master Eraqus explains the exam and what it is for. When the exam begins Master Eraqus creates orbs of light but Master Xehanort tampers with them and they act on their own. Terra and Aqua begin to destroy them when a rogue orb goes after Ven. Ven then helps Terra and Aqua destroy the orbs together.
- Eraqus Announces the Results - Aqua and Terra fight against each other, but Terra has trouble controlling his darkness. The exam ends with only Aqua gaining the title of Master. Terra wishing to be alone leaves. Master Xehanort is next seen talking to a Masked Boy about Ventus.
- The Masked Boy - The Masked Boy appears in Ventus's room, leaving dark hints about Terra.
- Chasing Terra - Ventus tries to give Terra a warning, but arrives too late, and chases after him.
- Dwarf Woodlands/Ven's First New World
- The Merry Seven - Ven lands in the Dwarf Woodlands and sees the Seven Dwarfs walking into a cave.
- Diamond Thief? - Ven follows the Dwarfs into the cave, but is immediately accused of being a diamond thief. The Dwarfs then scatter and hide. He tries to explain, but they won't listen.
- Unwelcome - Ven continues to explain that is not a diamond thief, but they still don't believe him. They tell him that there is a castle beyond the forest, so he decides to try there.
- The Little Cottage in the Woods - Ven comes across a little cottage in a clearing, when he hears a scream coming from the woods.
- A Frightened Snow White - Ven discovers Snow White in the woods and tells about the cottage, where she should safe.
- Who Attacked the Princess? - Ven takes Snow White to Dwarfs cottage. They shortly return home and discover Snow White in the bedroom. Snow White tells Ven about a stranger that had approached her, with a sword-like key. Ven realizes it was Terra and runs to find him.
- The Wicked Wood Spirit - Ven runs into the woods, but is attacked by an Tree Unversed.
- Where Did Terra Go? - Ven makes it to the Flower Glade, and runs into an old woman (really the Queen in disguise) and unknowingly leads her to Snow White. She tells Ven that Terra had threatened her with the Keyblade.
- Castle of Dreams/The Power of Believing
- A New Friend - Cinderella is seen looking at the castle longingly, sighing. Jaq then rushes in, telling Cinderella she must hurry to help free someone from a trap.
- Cinderella's Kindness - Ven is pacing in a mousetrap, wondering how he got to this predicament. Cinderella opens the trap, exclaiming how she has never seen a mouse like him before. Jaq then comes into the cage to explain things to Ven. Jaq also explains how Cinderella has a dream. Ven asks Jaq if he has seen Terra, to which Jaq replies no. The two then leave, heading towards the mousehole.
- A Dress to Fix - As Ven and Jaq look at the castle, Jaq tells of the ball being held there that night. Cinderella walks in, saying she will be attending the ball. She starts to work on her dress, only forced to stop moments later due to the calls from her sisters and stepmother. Jaq laments Cinderella won't be able to go due to the unfinished dress. He proposes that they fix her dress. Ven agrees, turning to leave. As he does so, Jaq warns him about Lucifer.
- Just Need a Pearl! - Ven returns his gathered materials to Jaq, who says the dress just needs a pearl.
- Lucifer the Menace - Ven finds a pearl being guarded by Lucifer. He quietly grabs it and walks away, all in vain. Lucifer wakes up and prepares to attack Ventus. Jaq warns Ven of this, throwing balls of yarn at Lucifer as a distraction. Lucifer knocks Jaq off the table, preparing to claw him. Ven intervenes, telling Jaq to flee with the pearl.
- That's What Friends Do - Lucifer is defeated. Ven tells Jaq that friends help each other. The two leave, heading to finish the dress.
- Keep On Believing - Cinderella laments how she will not be able to attend the ball. Ven calls for her, revealing the completed dress. Jaq rushes her to leave. With Cinderella gone, Jaq tells Ven he hopes Cinderella's dreams come true. He asks Ven what he dreams of. Ven flashbacks to Terra expressing his dream of becoming a Keyblade Master. Terra goes further, saying himself, Ven, and Aqua all share that dream. Ven summons his Keyblade before Jaq and shares that dream. Jaq hopes Ven's dreams come true as well. To that, Ven says all he has to do is believe.
- Enchanted Dominion/A Stolen Heart
- The Sleeping Princess - Ven lands at the castle, searching for Terra. He stumbles upon Aurora, who is asleep. Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather appear, ordering Ven away. Ven asks why Aurora is sleeping, eventually learning that her heart has been stolen. Ven offers to retrieve her heart from Maleficent. Ven and the three fairies leave, heading towards the forbidden mountain.
- Maleficent's Barrier - The group reaches a small, dark barrier blocking the path to Maleficent's castle. Flora steps forward, casting a spell that removes the barrier. The group travels on.
- Sleeping on the Job - The group arrives at Maleficent's castle. Ven spots Maleficent's henchmen, rushing towards them, starting a battle.
- Freeing the Heart of Light - Ven finds Aurora's stolen heart, setting it free with his Keyblade. After he does, he is surrounded in light...
- Princess Aurora's Memory - ...sending him to a flashback. Prince Phillip appears, telling Aurora they met before- once upon a dream. The two walk together, resting under a tree. When asked her name, she leaves, saying she will see him again that evening at the cottage in the glen.
- Her Dream Came True - Ventus awakens from Aurora's flashback. Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather rejoice in that, as it means Aurora has her heart back. They add that dreams are very strong beliefs, and that Ven has some of his own. The three fairies also observe how Ven has a very strong light.
- Terra Stole Her Heart? - While leaving Maleficent's Castle, the group is stopped by Maleficent who asks who released Aurora's heart. Ven retaliates, saying Maleficent originally stole it. Maleficent laughs, explaining how Terra stole Aurora's heart. Ven angrily charges at Maleficent, starting a fight.
- Reunion with Aqua - Ven argues that Terra would never steal hearts. Maleficent says otherwise, claiming Terra did it so willingly. As Ven wonders the truth in Maleficent's words, Aqua appears. She tells Ven that Terra would never do something like that. Aqua also tells Ven he needs to return home. Ven pauses, but, after remembering the Masked Boy's words, refuses. Ven leaves to continue his search for Terra.
- Trust - Ven leaves Maleficent's Castle still searching for Terra.
- An Invitation to Danger - While traveling the Lanes Between, Ventus encounters the Masked Boy and follows him to the Badlands.
- The Masked Boy's Keyblade - Ventus tries to get some answers out of the Masked Boy, but the boy responds by challenging him to a duel, revealing that he is a Keyblade Wielder.
- Another Keyblade Wielder - Despite Ventus's best efforts, the Masked Boy easily outmatches and nearly kills him, but Mickey comes to Ventus's aid.
- Peas in a Pod - Mickey and Ventus defeat the Masked Boy, who then leaves through a Corridor of Darkness.
- Radiant Garden/Meetings and Partings
- To the City of Light - Ven, on his Keyblade Glider, finds himself in front a new world.
- Is That Mickey? - Ven in lands in the Radiant Garden and he sees Mickey.
- The Castle Guards - Ven after following Mickey arrives in front a large Castle. He tries to enter but is stopped the two guards, Dilan and Aeleus. He then sees a large Unversed and gives chase. The guards attempt to follow, but are stopped by Even who states that their Lord wishes to see them. Even then comments about Ven.
- An Invitation to Disney Town - Ven while chasing the Unversed, sees it harassing someone and saves them. He is then approached by Scrooge McDuck who gives him three lifetime passes to Disney Town, one for him and two grown-ups.
- The Wizard and the Book - Still chasing the Unversed, Ven runs into Merlin who knows that Ven is trying awaken his abilities and tells the book is in the house.
- Brought Together - Terra, Aqua, and Ventus reunite, but their reunion is short-lived as they must battle a giant Unversed.
- Walls of the Heart - Ventus, Aqua, and Terra defeat the Unversed, but the ensuing argument forces them to go their separate ways.
- Eyes Without Fear - Ven rescues a young boy from the Unversed.
- First Connection - Ven then meets Even and the young boy, Ienzo. Ven asks about Terra, to which Even says he did see him pass by. Even goes on to say that he and Ven will meet again someday.
- An Eerie Farewell - Ven finds Terra and asks to go with him. Terra says no, but goes on to say that he knows that Ven will be there if he ever needs him soon after Terra leaves. Ven then says that he better tell Aqua.
- Another Farewell - Ven tells Aqua about Terra, who then goes to follow him again. Ven also requests to go with Aqua, but she too says no and to go home. She then leaves him behind as well.
- Flashback: The Wooden Keyblade - Ven remembers the day when Terra gave him the Wooden Keyblade. He and Terra were training together when Terra began talk his dream to be a Keyblade Master. Aqua says that he is not the only one. Terra, Aqua, and Ven all share the same dream.
- Memorized - Ven is playing around with the Wooden Keyblade when he drops it. Someone else picks it up and calls him childish for playing with a toy sword he introduces himself as Lea and his friend as Isa. Lea then challenges Ven to a fight, but loses. They all become friends afterwards.
- Disney Town/The Dream Festival
- Enter Captain Justice - Ventus arrives in Disney Town and meets Captain Justice. They both then hear complaints about something and Captain Justice runs to 'help'.
- Making Ice Cream - Ven then meets Huey, Dewey, and Louie who are complaining about not being able to work their ice cream machine. Captain Justice then hits the machine to make it work. Ven asks if he could try.
- Who's Looking Out for Me? - Ven is able to get the machine to work, earning himself the votes of Huey, Dewey, and Louie. Ven then wishes that he had someone looking out for him.
- The Million Dreams Award - Ventus, Terra, and Aqua all win the Million Dreams Award. But, only Ventus is there to receive the prize, a special ice cream flavor. Pete rushes on the stage and demands the prize. He is then banished during the ceremony. Ven then tastes the Double Crunch Ice Cream he was given.[4]
- Servant of Darkness - Pete is rescued by Maleficent, who claims to have use for him.[4]
- Olympus Coliseum/What Makes a Hero
- Hero Hopefuls - Ven arrives at a Town Near Thebes, finding Phil. Hercules runs in excitedly, having signed up for the games. Zack walks in later, claiming Phil trains heroes. Ven questions whether such a thing is possible. Zack asks Phil to train him. Suddenly, the Unversed appear, starting a fight.
- Who to Train? - Phil watches Hercules and Zack fight the Unversed. He approaches them, saying he will watch both competitors during the games then decide who he will train. Both Zack and Ven rush to sign up, Ven ultimately unable to, due to Zack filling the last spot. Hercules wonders why Phil is doing this. Phil simply says he wants to test Hercules and what training he has received so far. Ven introduces himself to Hercules, offering to help him train.
- Phil Checks Up on Herc - Ven catches Phil watching Hercules train.
- Reasons - Ven asks Hercules why he wants to become a true hero. Hercules explains how his father, Zeus, is king of the gods in Olympus. He also says that he lost his godhood as a child, and that the only way to return to Olympus and his godhood is to become a true hero. Hercules asks Ven why he is here. Ven replies that he just wants to make some friends. Phil then enters, explaining the rules to the Games. Zack, Phil, Hercules, and Ven leave for the start of the Games.
- An Important Match - The final match for the West branch pits Zack and Hercules together. The two shake hands, starting the match. As they fight, Ven watches from a distance, seeing a temporary flashback of Aqua and Terra fighting. Phil rushes in, saying monsters are attacking the town. Ven leaves to hold back the Unversed, telling Hercules and Zack to continue their match.
- To Save a Friend - Ven finds an army of Jellyshades in the town. As he starts feeling overwhelmed, Hercules appears. He tells Ven that he left the match, and that he couldn't let his friend fight alone. The two then prepare to face the Unversed.
- Future Heroes - Hercules and Ven defeat the Unversed. As Ven apologizes to Hercules for costing him the match, an Unversed sneaks behind Hercules. Zack appears, slaying it from behind. Since both Hercules and Zack left the match, Ven wonders who won. Both competitors say they did not. Phil enters, saying in order to be a hero you need to have heart, muscle, and the ability to care about people. Hercules is declared Phil's student. Zack shrugs it off as bad luck, saying he'll keep on training to become a hero. Phil reveals to Ven he never was going to leave Hercules. He just did so in order to push Hercules out of a rut. Ven leaves, saying he'll stop by once Hercules and Zack are heroes.
- A Giant Unversed Closes In - While in the Lanes Between, Ven spots a giant Unversed.
- The Unversed Stows Away - The giant Unversed flees into a space ship, with Ven in pursuit.
- Experiment 626 Escapes - Experiment 626 is being held captive by Gantu. Gantu explains how Experiment 626 is marked for destruction. A warning signal announces a new intruder. With Gantu gone, Experiment 626 escapes.
- A Friendly Creature - Ven runs into Gantu, who orders Ven to remain still. Another warning signal tells of a monster in the machinery bay area. As Ven leaves, Experiment 626 appears, saying "Aqua" and "Terra". He also reveals a homemade Wayfinder. The warning blasts again, forcing Ven to leave. Ven leaves, telling Experiment 626 to stay put.
- The Broken "Circle" - Experiment 626 looks at his Wayfinder, only to have it destroyed by Gantu. Gantu claims Experiment 626 is an abomination whose sole purpose is to destroy.
- Friendly No More - Ven makes it to the Machinery Bay area, finding the giant Unversed running amok. He prepares to attack, when Experiment 626 appears, wanting to help.
- More Than an Object - Even after the Unversed is destroyed, Experiment 626 still angrily growls and attacks, even knocking Ven over. Once calm, he shows Ven the broken Wayfinder. Ven says it's okay, and that friendships are more than objects. Gantu appears trying to destroy Experiment 626, but is momentarily stopped by Experiment 626. Ven and Experiment 626 rush around Gantu, fleeing.
- Hyperdrive - Experiment 626 escapes via a lone red ship, Ven by riding his own Keyblade. While fleeing, Experiment 626 activates his ship's hyperdrive, separating him and Ven.
- Never Land/In Search of a Shooting Star
- The "Star" Falls - Mickey lands in Never Land using the Star Shard and is seen by Tinker Bell.
- Caught Unawares - While exploring Never Land, Mickey encounters Vanitas.
- The Hunt Begins - Ven awakens to the sight of someone about to kick him and barely rolls out of the way. He hears about a shooting star from the lost boys and asks to join them.
- Pirate Treasure Is Way More Fun - He follows them and meets Peter Pan, who tells them about pirate treasure and the lost boys decide to go with Peter. Ven decides to stay with Tink and find the shooting star.
- Tinker Bell Is Pixie-napped - Ven and Tink find the star in the Indian Camp. He then recognizes the it as the Star Shard that belongs to Mickey. Captain Hook then appears, takes both Tinker Bell and the Star Shard to Mermaid Lagoon. Ven then gets attacked by Unversed
- A Familiar Twinkle - Ven loses them, when he sees a familiar twinkle.
- Flashback: The Last Night - Ven thinks back to the last night he, Terra, and Aqua spent together.
- To Mermaid Lagoon! - Ven runs into Peter and tells that Tinker Bell was pixie-napped by Hook. The two then team up to hunt Captain Hook down.
- The Long Tom - Smee starts shooting cannons at Peter and Ven from the ship. Tink then shows up and tries to explain what happened when they are distracted by more cannon fire. Ven goes after Hook alone.
- The Jaws of Danger? - Ven confronts Hook in battle at Mermaid Lagoon.
- Keepsakes - After Ven defeats Hook Cubby, Slightly, and Peter return with the pirate treasure. The boys decide to put their own treasures in the chest instead, Ven leaves his cherished Wooden Keyblade in the chest. He stops Tink from putting the Star Shard in the chest. He is then teleported out of Never Land by the Star Shard.
- Two Very Worried Friends - Ven lands at the Mysterious Tower with with the Star Shard. Donald and Goofy, who were sitting on the stairs, mistake him for King Mickey. The two then take Ven to Yen Sid.
- Finding Mickey - Ven meets Yen Sid and explains how he ended up with the Star Shard. Yen Sid locates Mickey who is shown to be injured and weak. Ven then volunteers to bring Mickey back safe to the Tower.
- Former Master - Ven lands at the Badlands to find Mickey and rescue, only to run into Master Xehanort. He then has visions of himself and Master Xehanort realizing what he had lost at the hands of Xehanort. Xehanort then commands Ven to fight Vanitas to forge the ultimate key, the χ-blade.
- Seeking the Truth - Ven is floating in the Lanes Between conflicted about what Master Eraqus was hiding from him.
- Homecoming - Ven returns to the Land of Departure to confront Eraqus, who touches the scar on his face. The scene then fades to white.
- Flashback: The Keyblade Masters - Master Eraqus talks with Master Xehanort about his obsession with finding the χ-blade. Master Xehanort then proceeds to tell him about his plans to explore the legend of the Keyblade War. Eraqus tries to stop him but is defeated and has his face scarred by Xehanort.
- Master & Pupil Trade Blows - Eraqus then tries to destroy Ven when Terra appears and saves him. Eraqus then begins to fight Terra, who sends Ven to the Lanes Between in his desperation to keep him safe.
- "I'm not fighting." - Ventus lands on the Destiny Islands, and encounters Vanitas, who commands the boy to join with him to complete the χ-blade.
- Flashback: Vanitas's Making - Ven remembers the day Vanitas was created, and how he lost part of his heart due to Master Xehanort wanting him to create the χ-blade.
- A Reason to Fight - Vanitas then states that he will make Ven fight and tells him to go to the Keyblade Graveyard. There Vanitas says, that Ven will see him choke the lives out of Terra and Aqua. Ven, thinking about his friends, follows Vanitas.
- The Keyblade Graveyard/Hearts Rejoined
- Friends Forever - Ven arrives at the Keyblade Graveyard and grasps his Keyblade saying they will be "friends forever".
- Gathering - Terra, Ventus, and Aqua prepare for the final battle with Xehanort and Vanitas.
- Kingdom Hearts - Terra, Aqua, and Ven engage in battle against Master Xehanort, and Vanitas seemingly outmatched. Master Xehanort summons a blue moon in the sky. Mickey appears shortly after. Braig then appears and tells Aqua and Ven Master Xehanort's plans for Terra. Aqua battles Braig and defeats him, only to be struck down by Vanitas who attempts to destroy her heart. Ven regains his movement after being frozen and fights him to protect Aqua.
- The χ-blade's Forging - After he is defeated the first time, Vanitas reveals not only his face to Ven, but that he is the source of all Unversed. He then transports them both to a Dive to the Heart.
- Unfinished Union - Ven awakens on a Dive to the Heart pillar that features both himself and Vanitas. Vanitas then floats down wielding the incomplete χ-blade stating their union was not complete and that Ven should join with him so that it may be complete. Ven says he will destroy them both but, Vanitas says that he will destroy himself as well. Ven says it doesn't matter as long as he can save his friends.
- The Fractured Heart's Return - Ven finally defeats Vanitas in battle, destroying both him and the χ-blade. He then lands on his finished Dive to the Heart pillar regaining the part of his heart that was lost. His body then bursts into light and his heart floats away.
- Sleep Well, Heart - Ven and Aqua, both in their armor, float in the Lanes Between when Mickey comes and rescues them. The scene changes to Ven falling, reminiscent to the beginning of the game and says that the warmth of the light is from the young heart he had joined with. The credits then begin to roll.
- The Boy Who Sought the World - A young man stands on a beach, claiming his "world is too small". Many years later the same man, though much older returns to the island, dressed in a Black Coat carrying the body of a young boy wrapped in a white cover under his arm.
- A Voice Amidst the Waves - The man places the body of Ventus on the Paopu tree. Within his heart the boy wonders where he is when a light flashes.
- Heart to Heart - Ventus falls and lands on his Dive to the Heart, though it is blank and fractured. His heart then comes into contact with a new heart which completes his Dive to the Heart pillar.
- Birth by Sleep - As Master Xehanort prepares to leave he notices Ven's arm is raised in the air and a Keyblade appears which glows and shoots a light in the air.
- The Land of Departure/Three Pupils
- The Meteor Shower - Ven is laying on his bed in his room when he notices a meteor shower happening and rushes out to see it.
- Wayfinder - Ven is laying to the ground watching the meteor shower when Aqua surprises him. Aqua presents Terra and Ven the Wayfinders she made, saying that they are good luck charms. Explaining that they represent the unbreakable bond between them.
- The Last Night - The three head back to the castle, Aqua says to herself, they will be "together... always" while looking up at the night sky. That was the last night they were together beneath the same stars.
- The Sorcerer's Apprentice - Mickey Mouse is shown in the middle of an ocean on a book, which is then swallowed up in a whirlpool. He lands in Yen Sid's study and is warned something bad is afoot.
- Mark of Mastery - Terra and Aqua are to begin the Mark of Mastery Exam. Ven is looking around and sees Master Xehanort and seems uncomfortable to see him. Master Eraqus explains the exam and what it is for. When the exam begins Master Eraqus creates orbs of light but Master Xehanort tampers with them and they act on their own. Terra and Aqua begin to destroy them when a rogue orb goes after Ven. Ven then helps Terra and Aqua destroy the orbs together.
- Eraqus Announces the Results - Aqua and Terra fight against each other, but Terra has trouble controlling his darkness. The exam ends with only Aqua gaining the title of Master. Terra wishing to be alone leaves. Aqua stays behind as instructed, until they were interrupted by Master Yen Sid.
- The Unversed Threat - Master Eraqus receives a message for his old friend Yen Sid telling him that the Princesses of Heart are in danger by the darkness as well as a new threat that feeds on negativity called the Unversed. He then send Terra and Aqua to stop this new threat and locate Master Xehanort. He also gives Terra the chance to prove that he has what it takes to be a Master. Eraqus also requests that Aqua keep an eye on Terra and to make sure he does not fall prey to the darkness. Ven is not present during this.
- Departure - Aqua witnesses Terra's departure and unsuccessfully tries to stop Ven from following him. Master Eraqus then orders her to bring Ven back to the Land of Departure.
- Castle of Dreams/The Glass Slipper
- Reunion with Terra - Aqua lands in this new world, walking into a Foyer. As the clock strikes midnight, she sees Cinderella running away, followed by the Grand Duke. Aqua is called after by Terra, who walks to meet her. Aqua explains how Ven ran away from home. She also asks about Master Xehanort's whereabouts. Terra answers saying while he does not know where Xehanort is, he does know that the Master is searching for pure hearts of light. Aqua tells Terra she will stay and look for more clues. Terra leaves, telling Aqua the Prince is in the upcoming Ballroom. He momentarily stops, explaining how Cinderella taught him how powerful it is to believe in dreams. Aqua leaves as well, determined that Terra will not give into the darkness and to thank Cinderella.
- Something Very Wrong - Aqua enters the Ballroom as Lady Tremaine and her daughters leave. As they pass each other, Aqua senses a great disturbance from them. The Prince walks over, mistaking Aqua for Cinderella. The Grand Duke, bearing the lone glass slipper, promises the Prince that he will search everywhere for the fair maiden. The Duke leaves, followed by Aqua, to the Tremaine residence.
- A Lesson from the Fairy Godmother - Upon reaching The Chateau, Aqua senses darkness within the house. She summons her Keyblade, preparing to barge in. A voice calls out, saying "it's dangerous to fight the darkness with light." Aqua stops, confused. Fairy Godmother appears, explaining that light and darkness coexist; one cannot exist without the other, nor can one force be completely destroyed. Aqua asks Fairy Godmother on what she should do. Fairy Godmother answers her, saying she needs to help a friend of Cinderella's, Jaq, to keep Cinderella's light from fading.
- The Magic Words - Fairy Godmother casts a spell on Aqua, sending her inside The Chateau.
- Mouse and Key - Aqua, now much smaller in size, finds a mouse carrying a key. This mouse, Jaq, explains how he is going to save Cinderella. Aqua summons her Keyblade, offering her assistance. Jaq exclaims how her weapon is similar to Ven's. He also explains how the two became friends, and helped fix Cinderella's dress. Aqua asks about Ven's whereabouts, only to find him searching for Terra. The two overhear one of the daughters complain how the slipper does not fit. She is dismissed, the glass slipper being tried on by the next daughter. Jaq rushes towards the mousehole, only to be stopped by the Unversed. Aqua runs forward, preparing to escort Jaq through the waves of enemies.
- Get That Key to Cinderella - With the Unversed defeated, Jaq safely makes it into the mousehole with the key.
- A Perfect Fit - Aqua appears above the Duke, Lady Tremaine, and her daughters. Lady Tremaine urges the Duke to leave, claiming no other ladies live there. As the Duke turns to leave, Aqua cries out, landing on the floor in her normal size. She requests to try the glass slipper on, regardless of whether she lives in the house, or if the Prince is looking for her. Suddenly Cinderella appears, asking to try on the glass slipper. Aqua agrees, whispering her thanks to Cinderella for teaching Terra to keep believing. As the Duke nears with the glass slipper, he is tripped by Lady Tremaine, thus destroying the glass slipper. Cinderella then reveals the other glass slipper in her possession, determining that the glass slippers fit her perfectly. Both the Duke and Cinderella leave, heading towards the palace. Lady Tremaine and her daughters are furious, but promise Cinderella that she will soon be put in her place.
- The Grand Duke Runs for Help - Aqua leaves The Chateau. Suddenly she hears screams coming from the forest. The Duke runs out, explaining how Cinderella was attacked by a monster in the forest.
- Overtaken by Darkness - Aqua rushes into the forest to find Cinderella before Lady Tremaine, her daughters, and a giant Unversed. The Unversed attacks Cinderella, but is saved by Aqua. Lady Tremaine and her daughters are attacked as well, disappearing. Aqua confirms that the darkness in their hearts overtook them. She sends Cinderella away, facing the Unversed by herself.
- A Pure Heart Filled with Light - The Unversed is defeated, allowing Cinderella to continue to the castle. The Prince waits outside, embracing Cinderella upon her arrival. Aqua observes from afar. Fairy Godmother appears next to her, listening to Aqua explain how she was taught to destroy the darkness. Aqua asks Fairy Godmother how she can do so, if not with light. The Godmother laughs, telling Aqua she is too young to know, but will find the answer long as she trusts in her dreams.
- Dwarf Woodlands/The Waking Journey
- The Witch and the Apple - The Queen gives Snow White the poisoned apple and she falls into a deep sleep.
- Seven Sad Dwarfs - When Aqua arrives in the Dwarf Woodlands, she comes across the Seven Dwarfs standing around a glass coffin holding Snow White's body. They tell her what happened to Snow White, Aqua then offers to find a way to help her.
- The Prince's Resolve - Aqua runs into the Prince and tells him what happened to Snow White. He then runs off to where Snow White is, believing that there may be a way for him to help her.
- Presence within the Mirror - Aqua arrives at the castle and approaches the Mirror. Her reflection dissolves and the face of the Mirror appears, to her shock. She is then sucked into the Mirror.
- The Trail Goes Cold - After Aqua defeats the Mirror, he tells that the Queen is gone and disappears.
- Love's First Kiss - The Prince kisses Snow White and she miraculously wakes up to everyone's surprised and joy.
- Flashback: Ventus Wakes Up - Aqua thinks back when Ven was in a deep sleep and would not wake up. Then one day he miraculously awakens. She excitedly calls for Master Eraqus and Terra.
- The Happy Send-off - Snow White kisses all the Dwarfs on the head and leaves with the Prince. Aqua realizes that Ven left because it was his time.
- Enchanted Dominion/Dark Footsteps
- Forbidden Mountain - Aqua appears in front of an ominous castle resting on a dark mountain. She watches as a white ball of light leaves the castle. Concerned, Aqua enters the castle.
- Reunion with Ventus - Aqua hears Ventus argue how Terra would never hurt someone like that. She sees him arguing with Maleficent, who claims Terra has fallen into darkness. Aqua runs forward, telling Ven Terra would never do such a thing. She further tells Ven that she was sent to receive him by Master Eraqus. Ven runs away, saying he must Terra. Maleficent tells Aqua of her interest in the Keyblade. Aqua questions herself whether Terra helped Maleficent or not. Maleficent asks for her assistance, only to be adamantly refused on the spot. Maleficent mentions Master Xehanort, then sends Aqua into a dark corridor.
- The Captive Prince - Aqua lands in a dark dungeon, along with a curse breaking Prince. He explains that he must wake his true love from her slumber. Three fairies appear, freeing Prince Phillip from his restraints. They explain how he has a dangerous journey ahead. Aqua leaves with them, wanting to talk to Maleficent.
- Ambushed - While leaving the dungeon, the group is ambushed by Maleficent's goons, starting a fight.
- A Castle Wrapped in Thorns - Aqua and Prince Phillip make it to the castle in which Aurora sleeps. Maleficent intercepts them, surrounding the castle with many thorns. She ignores Aqua's questions about Master Xehanort, turning herself into a massive dragon.
- The Sword of Truth Finds Its Mark - Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather enchant Prince Phillip's sword. Phillip then throws the sword at Maleficent, still in dragon form, successfully defeating her. The thorns surrounding the castle vanish.
- True Love - Phillip heads into the castle, kissing Aurora and freeing her from her slumber. Meanwhile, Aqua confronts a weakened Maleficent, saying she was defeated by true love. Maleficent laughs, saying she will not be defeated by such a thing. Aqua tells Maleficent that she will never defeat a heart filled with light. Maleficent leaves, saying darkness will exist so long as light does, and that she will eventually rule all. Aqua thinks aloud, telling Terra to stay strong.
- Radiant Garden/A Sign of Light
- In Search of Terra - Aqua, while on her Keyblade Glider, spots Terra. Wondering where he is going she decides to follow him.
- A Well-Mannered Lass - When Aqua lands in the Radiant Garden, she sees someone walking around and questions him about Terra's whereabouts.
- Kairi - Aqua comes across a young girl being attacked by a group of Unversed. Someone then appears to help her get the little girl to safety. After taking the girl away she returns to help fight the Unversed.
- Magic to Keep Kairi Safe - After the Unversed are defeated Aqua is introduced to both Mickey and Kairi. Aqua puts a spell on Kairi's necklace so that she will be safe. Kairi then leaves with her Grandma and asks her to tell her the story of light and darkness. Aqua then sees a Giant Unversed flying by.
- Stop the Giant Unversed - Aqua runs into the courtyard and sees a door that was destroyed, caused by the giant Unversed.
- Brought Together - Terra, Aqua, and Ventus reunite, but their reunion is short-lived as they must battle a giant Unversed.
- Walls of the Heart - - Aqua, Terra, and Ventus defeat the Unversed, but the ensuing argument forces them to go their separate ways.
- A Curious Book - Aqua runs Merlin the Wizard, who mentions the book to unlock her innermost abilities is the house.
- The Boy in the Mask Appears - Aqua sees Vanitas, who questions her about Ventus, a battle ensues shortly after.
- A Reluctant Farewell - Aqua defeats Vanitas, who unleashes a maniacal laugh, then leaves. Ven then appears and tells her Terra is gone. She then leaves to find him and tells Ven to go home.
- Disney Town/The Dream Festival
- Captain Useless - Aqua arrives at Disney Town and immediately encounters Captain Justice, who she promptly ignores. They both then hear a call for help and Aqua choose to help after Captain Justice refuses.
- Aqua is Number One - After Aqua defeats the Unversed, she meets Queen Minnie and receives Horace's vote.
- The Million Dreams Award - Aqua, Terra, and Ventus all win the Million Dreams Award. But, only Aqua is there to receive the prize, a special ice cream flavor. Pete rushes on the stage and demands the prize. He is then banished during the ceremony. Aqua then tastes the Royalberry Ice Cream she was given.[4]
- Servant of Darkness - Pete is rescued by Maleficent, who claims to have use for him.[4]
- Olympus Coliseum/The Road Heroes Tread
- "Herc, they're all yours!" - Aqua lands at the Olympus Coliseum, and is attacked by Unversed. Soon someone attempts to save her, only to run away and call for some help from someone else.
- Terra the Champ - Aqua meets Phil and Hercules and she has a conversation about what it takes to be a hero, when Herc mentions Terra to Aqua's surprise. She is told that he is bound to show up sometime, so she is decides to sign up for the games.
- A Life Terra Saved - Aqua meets Zack, her opponent in the finals. He excitedly states that once he beats her, he will be able to fight against Terra. Phil explains more about the games and how they work. Zack explains that Terra had saved his life when he was possessed by Hades.
- Friendship Between Boys - Zack and Aqua prepared to face each other in the finals. Aqua comments on the friendship between boys and how makes her a little jealous.
- Bluebird - After Aqua defeats Zack, Hades appears and insults Aqua. They argue about Terra, and Hades explains that Terra came to him to learn how to use the darkness. He then offers to help Aqua use the darkness she vehemently refuses. He then states that he gets to destroy her in battle, he disappears afterwards.
- Hades' Backup - As Aqua enters the arena for her final match, a giant Ice Colossus appears along with Hades. Hades smirks that their fight was never restricted to one-on-one battling. Zack rushes forward to assist Aqua, only to be refused. Aqua sends him away, claiming she can take the two by herself.
- The "Snow Cone" Gets Licked - Both the Ice Colossus and Hades are defeated. Hades flees, saying he will be back.
- Advice for a Hero - Zack and Aqua are outside the Coliseum talking. Zack promises to take Hades out next time he shows up. Zack continues, saying he and Aqua should celebrate the victory with one date. Aqua nervously declines, saying she has a lot of training to do. Zack agrees, saying they will go on a date after he becomes a hero. With that, Zack runs on, determined to become a true hero. Hercules soon enters, sad to have missed Aqua's match. Before leaving, Aqua explains to Hercules that strength alone won't make him a hero; strength of heart also plays key.
- Deep Space/Signs of a Heart
- Teeming with Trouble - Aqua lands in this new world on a Federation space ship. Soon after arrival, Aqua spies Flood Unversed running inside the ship. She pursues, summoning her Keyblade.
- A Wayfinder? - After defeating the Unversed, Aqua notices an object resembling a Wayfinder. As she ponders its existence, Experiment 626 appears, stealing the Wayfinder from her possession. Gantu soon enters, asking Aqua if she has seen Experiment 626. Aqua explains how Experiment 626 has fled into the ventilation system. Gantu questions Aqua further, asking what sector she is from. Unable to answer, Aqua is arrested.
- The Grand Councilwoman - Gantu takes Aqua to the Grand Councilwoman, who criticizes him for failing to apprehend Experiment 626 and Dr. Jumba. Once she is finished, Aqua explains how she is the only one who can stop the monsters infesting the ship. The Grand Councilwoman then tasks Aqua with the removal of such monsters, and to capture Experiment 626 and Dr. Jumba. Aqua leaves, wondering if Terra and Ven are on the ship as well.
- Experiment 626's Search - While searching the ship, Aqua finds Experiment 626 in the Turo Prison Block. Shortly later, Experiment 626 is ambushed by Unversed. Aqua quickly dispatches them, only to have more reappear.
- A Friend of Terra's? - Aqua and Experiment 626 successfully defeat the Unversed. Aqua asks Experiment 626 what he is looking for. Experiment 626 scurries away, but not before muttering "Terra".
- Space Find - Aqua is exploring outside the Federation ship. While searching, she runs into the Wayfinder-like object from before. Aqua then concludes that such an object belongs to Experiment 626.
- The Final Directive - Aqua regroups at the Grand Councilwoman one final time, learning that Experiment 626 and Jumba have been sighted on the Launch Deck. Aqua inquires if Experiment 626 is really that dangerous. The Grand Councilwoman simply replies that they must assume so. Aqua leaves, off to capture the two fugitives.
- Gantu's Rage - Aqua finds Experiment 626 and Jumba on the Launch Deck. She reveals herself, holding the makeshift Wayfinder in her hand. Experiment 626 notices this, and lunges for the Wayfinder. Holding it passionately, Aqua inquires about Experiment 626's knowledge on Wayfinders. Dr. Jumba explains that Experiment 626 was influenced by Terra, and created his own. Suddenly, Gantu appears, ready to kill the fugitives rather than capture them. Aqua intervenes, preparing to fight Gantu.
- A New Circle - After the battle, the Grand Councilwoman enters, thanking Aqua for her help. She orders Gantu to take Experiment 626 to the asteroid in which he has been banished to. As Experiment 626 and Jumba are lead away, Aqua begs the Grand Councilwoman to spare Experiment 626, claiming he just wants to make friends. The Grand Councilwoman compromises, saying Experiment 626's sentence may be shortened if he behaves. Before Aqua leaves, she approaches Experiment 626, and asks if she can join his circle of friends.
- Never Land/The Expatition
- The Treasure Map - Once Aqua lands in Never Land she comes across a treasure and unknowingly becomes the leader of a treasure hunt. She meets Peter Pan, Cubby, and Slightly. She refuses at first but, then accepts after hearing that the hunt would be cancelled.
- Enter Captain Hook - While on the treasure hunt, Aqua and co. are confronted by Captain Hook, who orders his partner Mr. Smee to fire cannons at them.
- A Tricky Ascent - Aqua and co. follow the map and get to a point they couldn't normally reach. Tinker Bell then uses her pixie dust to allow them to fly. Aqua questions Peter's leadership of the two boys.
- Hook's Ambush - Aqua, Peter, and the lost boys end up back where they started, but didn't find any treasure. Peter says they had to conquer many obstacles and that it wasn't for nothing. Hook appears with the treasure, but finds only toy weapons. Aqua finds Ven's wooden Keyblade, but then senses someone else around and goes to find them.
- Vanitas Returns - Aqua runs into Vanitas at the Indian Camp. He says that Ven has outgrown the wooden Keyblade and snaps it in half, to Aqua's horror. She then challenges him to a fight.
- A Hard-Won Victory - After Aqua defeats Vanitas, she believes she defeated him for good. She then passes out from exhaustion.
- Flashback: The Last Night - Aqua remembers the last time she, Terra, and Ven were together at the Land of Departure.
- Some Things Can't Be Broken - She awakens to the voice of Peter Pan. Aqua says that whatever it is that binds them together won't break so easily, and that is their treasure.
- The Warmth of Light - Aqua, on her Keyblade Glider, follows the light.
- Sora and Riku - Aqua sees the tree with Paopu fruit and looks at her Wayfinder, thinking about Terra and Ven. She then meets two boys, named Sora and Riku. She then asks Sora to stay with and keep Riku safe if he ever walks down a dark path alone.
- Mickey in the Lanes Between - While traveling through the Lanes Between Aqua comes across Mickey. He says the name Master Yen Sid and Aqua promises to take Mickey to him.
- Grave News - Aqua arrives at the Mysterious Tower, only to learn that Master Eraqus has been struck down. He then says that Master Xehanort and Terra are the ones responsible. Yen Sid tells her Terra is at the Keyblade Graveyard and to be careful.
- Unwavering Friendship - Aqua leaves the Tower and hopes that Ven and Terra are safe, also that she will find a way to "get them out of this".
- The Keyblade Graveyard/Unbreakable Ties
- Always One - Aqua arrives at the Keyblade Graveyard and grasps her Keyblade saying that the three of them "will always be one".
- Gathering - Terra, Ventus, and Aqua prepare for the final battle with Xehanort and Vanitas.
- Kingdom Hearts - Terra, Aqua, and Ven engage in battle against Master Xehanort, and Vanitas seemingly outmatched. Master Xehanort summons a blue moon in the sky. Mickey appears shortly after. Ven and Aqua are confronted by Braig. Braig stating that Master Xehanort's plans are to make Terra succumb to the darkness, angering Aqua who rushes towards him.
- Ventus-Vanitas - After Aqua defeats Braig, Vanitas strikes Aqua down. She then wakes with Mickey standing next to her and no sign of Ven. She rushes to Ven but his heart was taken over by Vanitas and he attack her with the completed χ-blade. She and Mickey then engage in battle against Vanitas.
- The χ-blade Goes Berserk - Aqua takes out her Wayfinder and wishes Terra and Ven to lend her their power. Her Keyblade then glows and she rushes at Ventus-Vanitas and destroys the χ-blade which then goes berserk. Aqua, Ven, and Mickey disappear in a flash of light released by the χ-blade.
- Three Lights - Aqua awakens at the Mysterious Tower, in Yen Sid's study. He proceeds to tell her how she and Ven got there and how there was no sign of Terra. She finds out that Ven's heart is sleeping and will not wake until it returns. Yen Sid tells her Ven does not need protection, but a friend that believes in him. Aqua says she knows how to find Terra. The credits then begin to roll.
- Ventus's Guidance - Aqua states that Ven needs a safe place to stay. She is surprised when Ven summons his Keyblade and opens a corridor.
- Home Is Where the Hurt Is - The corridor leads to the Land of Departure. Aqua is shocked and saddened to see her home is destroyed. She then finds Master Eraqus's Keyblade.
- Castle Oblivion - Aqua remembers what Eraqus told her if anything were to happen to him to lock the world away. Using his Keyblade she begins the process of changing the world into one that only she knows.
- The Chamber of Waking - When Aqua finishes the world is transformed and Ven is sitting in a chamber. She apologizes, for it will be lonely for Ven, but safe.
- Terra's Guidance - Aqua then leaves the Castle to find Terra.
- "Return my friend's heart!" - Aqua is led to the Radiant Garden where she finds a man that looks like Terra, who then tries to strangle her. The man then says that Terra's heart was extinguished by the darkness within him and strikes at her. Aqua, for the first time refers to herself as Master Aqua, commands the man to give back her friend's heart.
- The Heart That Fought Back - Aqua defeats Terra-Xehanort, when Terra's heart begins to fight back. Terra then stabs himself with his Keyblade and sinks in to the darkness, Aqua jumps in after him.
- With You - Aqua, trying to save Terra, sacrifices her armor and Keyblade and traps her in the Realm of Darkness. She promises Ven she will be there to wake him up.
- Where the Heart Goes - Sora and Riku are shown looking up at the stars when they begin to go home, Riku notices something wrong with Sora. He's crying and feels very sad, but doesn't know why. Riku says that someone must be very sad and is waiting for Sora to reach out and help them. Sora doesn't understand, but tries anyway. Sora's heart then calls out to Ven's. The scene changes to Radiant Garden where Braig is leading Ansem the Wise and Dilan to a young man that remembers nothing, save for his name... Xehanort. Aqua's armor and Keyblade are brought as well. The scene changes again, to Aqua who is shown wandering through the Realm of Darkness wielding Master Eraqus's Keyblade. She is soon surrounded by Darkside Heartless and almost gives up, when she is saved by Ven and Terra's Keyblades. She remembers all the friends she made on her journey and with her resolve strengthened, she says there is always a way. The end credits begin to roll and "Simple and Clean" plays. After the credits end, Sora appears on his own Dive to the Heart pillar and reaches out to Ven's heart, allowing Ven to stay within his heart until he is ready.
- Realm of Darkness
- Where the Darkness Storms
- A World Fallen Into Darkness