Game:Xion: Difference between revisions

332 bytes added ,  6 years ago
(→‎Mission 92: Updated names to be more consistent with the attack table. Created bolded attack names. Fixed tense to be literary present tense (removed instances of "will"). Minor wording tweaks.)
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===[[Mission 92]]===
===[[Mission 92]]===
Be prepared for a multi-stage boss battle. During the fight, Xion transports Roxas to four different locations, each time assuming a different form.  
Be prepared for a multi-stage boss battle. During the fight, Xion transports Roxas to four different locations, each time assuming a different form.  
Xion possesses two unique abilities during her first three phases.
'''Counter Slash:''' When Roxas parries a combo attack (i.e. using Block), Xion performs an unblockable counterattack. Dodge Xion's attacks instead of Blocking.
'''Barrier:''' When her HP is low, Xion occasionally attempts to restore her HP. She floats into the air, channels for a couple seconds, then raises a dark barrier, becoming temporarily invulnerable and regaining a substantial amount of HP. Interrupt this ability by attacking Xion before she raises her barrier.

Xion's attacks require good timing and careful maneuvering to avoid. Make good use of Dodge Roll and Glide. Equip Cure magic and/or Potions. Attack magic is effective but not essential.  
Xion's attacks require good timing and careful maneuvering to avoid. Make good use of Dodge Roll and Glide. Equip Cure magic and/or Potions. Attack magic is effective but not essential.  
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|0.35 (1st hit)<br>0.45 (2nd hit)<br>1.00 (3rd hit)
|0.35 (1st hit)<br>0.45 (2nd hit)<br>1.00 (3rd hit)
|Xion's basic combo attack. Xion performs an overhead slash, then a forward thrust, then a spinning overhead slash. {{?}}
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Counter Slash'''|カウンター斬り|Kauntā Kiri}}<br>''Attack''
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Counter Slash'''|カウンター斬り|Kauntā Kiri}}<br>''Attack''
Line 204: Line 198:
|When Roxas parries a combo attack (i.e. using Block), Xion performs an unblockable counterattack. Dodge Xion's attacks instead of Blocking.{{?}}
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Tame Slash'''|タメ斬り|Tame Kiri|lit. "Stored Slash"}}<br>''Attack''
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Tame Slash'''|タメ斬り|Tame Kiri|lit. "Stored Slash"}}<br>''Attack''
Line 211: Line 205:
|Xion charges energy, then performs a rapid forward thrust. {{?}}
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Sonic Blade'''|ソニックレイヴ|Sonikku Reivu|lit. "Sonic Rave"}}<br>''Attack''
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Sonic Blade'''|ソニックレイヴ|Sonikku Reivu|lit. "Sonic Rave"}}<br>''Attack''
Line 218: Line 212:
|Xion's aerial attack. Xion enters flight mode by first pushing Roxas away with a nondamaging burst of energy, then floating into the air. Once airborne, she performs Sora's [[Sonic Blade]], attacking with a quick diving thrust. If Sonic Blade connects, Xion repeats the attack until it misses or is parried. Xion returns to the ground after the attack.{{?}}
Line 225: Line 219:
|When her HP is low, Xion occasionally attempts to restore her HP. She floats into the air, channels for a couple seconds, then raises a dark barrier, becoming temporarily invulnerable and regaining a substantial amount of HP. Interrupt this ability by attacking Xion before she raises her barrier. {{?}}
The first battle with Xion takes place in the '''Bizarre Room''' of [[Wonderland]].  
The first battle with Xion takes place in the '''Bizarre Room''' of [[Wonderland]].  
'''Continuous Slash:''' Xion's basic combo attack. Xion performs an overhead slash, then a forward thrust, then a spinning overhead slash.
'''Tame Slash:''' Xion charges energy, then performs a rapid forward thrust.
'''Sonic Blade:''' Xion's aerial attack. Xion enters flight mode by first pushing Roxas away with a nondamaging burst of energy, then floating into the air. Once airborne, she performs Sora's [[Sonic Blade]], attacking with a quick diving thrust.
If Sonic Blade connects, Xion repeats the attack until it misses or is parried. Xion returns to the ground after the attack.

====Second Form====
====Second Form====
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|0.54 (1st hit)<br>0.60 (2nd hit)<br>1.08 (3rd hit)
|0.54 (1st hit)<br>0.60 (2nd hit)<br>1.08 (3rd hit)
|Xion's basic combo attack. Xion performs an overhead slash, then an upward diagonal slash, then a forward thrust. {{?}}
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Counter Slash'''|カウンター斬り|Kauntā Kiri}}<br>''Attack''
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Counter Slash'''|カウンター斬り|Kauntā Kiri}}<br>''Attack''
Line 252: Line 238:
|When Roxas parries a combo attack (i.e. using Block), Xion performs an unblockable counterattack. Dodge Xion's attacks instead of Blocking.{{?}}
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Tame Slash'''|タメ斬り|Tame Kiri|lit. "Stored Slash"}}<br>''Attack''
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Tame Slash'''|タメ斬り|Tame Kiri|lit. "Stored Slash"}}<br>''Attack''
Line 259: Line 245:
|Xion creates a vortex to pull Roxas in, charges energy for a number of seconds, then performs an overhead slash. Escape the vortex by Gliding or Air Sliding. Alternately, Dodge Roll the moment Xion performs her overhead slash.{{?}}
Line 266: Line 252:
|Xion uses Sora's [[Ragnarok]]. She floats into the air, charges energy, then fires a salvo of projectiles which home in on Roxas. Avoid this attack by [[Glide|Gliding]] or running away (with a level 2 [[Haste]] equipped) until the projectiles disappear. If Xion performs Ragnarok repeatedly, land one or two attack combos while she is charging, then immediately move away. If dodging proves difficult, consider equipping a ring with Nil resistance such as [[Nothing to Fear]] to mitigate Ragnarok's damage. Note that although Nothing to Fear fully nullifies Ragnarok's damage, the missiles still stun Roxas if they connect.{{?}}
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|When her HP is low, Xion occasionally attempts to restore her HP. She floats into the air, channels for a couple seconds, then raises a dark barrier, becoming temporarily invulnerable and regaining a substantial amount of HP. Interrupt this ability by attacking Xion before she raises her barrier. {{?}}
The second battle takes place in [[Halloween Town]], at the '''Manor Ruins'''.  
The second battle takes place in [[Halloween Town]], at the '''Manor Ruins'''.  
'''Continuous Slash:''' Xion's basic combo attack. Xion performs an overhead slash, then an upward diagonal slash, then a forward thrust.
'''Tame Slash:''' Xion creates a vortex to pull Roxas in, charges energy for a number of seconds, then performs an overhead slash. Escape the vortex by Gliding or Air Sliding. Alternately, Dodge Roll the moment Xion performs her overhead slash.
'''Ragnarok:''' Xion uses Sora's [[Ragnarok]]. She floats into the air, charges energy, then fires a salvo of projectiles which home in on Roxas. Avoid this attack by [[Glide|Gliding]] or running away (with a level 2 [[Haste]] equipped) until the projectiles disappear.
If Xion performs Ragnarok repeatedly, land one or two attack combos while she is charging, then immediately move away. If dodging proves difficult, consider equipping a ring with Nil resistance such as [[Nothing to Fear]] to mitigate Ragnarok's damage. Note that although Nothing to Fear fully nullifies Ragnarok's damage, the missiles still stun Roxas if they connect.

====Third Form====
====Third Form====
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|0.41 (1st hit)<br>0.42 (2nd hit)<br>1.03 (3rd hit)
|0.41 (1st hit)<br>0.42 (2nd hit)<br>1.03 (3rd hit)
|Xion's basic attack. Xion performs two downward diagonal slashes with her front blades, then a slow overhead slash with all four blades.{{?}}
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Counter Slash'''|カウンター斬り|Kauntā Kiri}}<br>''Attack''
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Counter Slash'''|カウンター斬り|Kauntā Kiri}}<br>''Attack''
Line 300: Line 278:
|When Roxas parries a combo attack (i.e. using Block), Xion performs an unblockable counterattack. Dodge Xion's attacks instead of Blocking.{{?}}
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Tame Slash'''|タメ斬り|Tame Kiri|lit. "Stored Slash"}}<br>''Attack''
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Tame Slash'''|タメ斬り|Tame Kiri|lit. "Stored Slash"}}<br>''Attack''
Line 307: Line 285:
|Xion creates a vortex to pull Roxas in, charges energy for a number of seconds, then slashes with all four blades.{{?}}
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Ars Arcanum'''|ラストアルカナム|Rasuto Arukanamu|lit. "Last Arcanum"}}<br>''Attack''
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Ars Arcanum'''|ラストアルカナム|Rasuto Arukanamu|lit. "Last Arcanum"}}<br>''Attack''
Line 314: Line 292:
|Xion infuses all four blades with light. She performs two downward slashes, a jumping slash and a downward strike, then a leaping flurry of slashes. {{?}}
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Jump Attack'''|ジャンプ攻撃|Jampu Kōgeki}}<br>''Attack''
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Jump Attack'''|ジャンプ攻撃|Jampu Kōgeki}}<br>''Attack''
Line 321: Line 299:
|Xion leaps into the air, plunging downward with multiple slashes and producing a small shockwave.{{?}}
Line 328: Line 306:
|When her HP is low, Xion occasionally attempts to restore her HP. She floats into the air, channels for a couple seconds, then raises a dark barrier, becoming temporarily invulnerable and regaining a substantial amount of HP. Interrupt this ability by attacking Xion before she raises her barrier. {{?}}
Xion's third battle takes place in the '''Lamp Chamber''' area of [[Agrabah]]. In this form, Xion is more graceful and agile, performing flips and spins that make her difficult to hit.  
Xion's third battle takes place in the '''Lamp Chamber''' area of [[Agrabah]]. In this form, Xion is more graceful and agile, performing flips and spins that make her difficult to hit. Xion's third form is difficult to dodge due to limited dodging room combined with Xion's agility and long reach. Land combos immediately after she stops attacking, and move away before she resumes.  
'''Continuous Slash:''' Xion's basic attack. Xion performs two downward diagonal slashes with her front blades, then a slow overhead slash with all four blades.
'''Tame Slash:''' Xion creates a vortex to pull Roxas in, charges energy for a number of seconds, then slashes with all four blades.
'''Jump Attack:''' Xion leaps into the air, plunging downward with multiple slashes and producing a small shockwave.
'''Ars Arcanum:''' Xion infuses all four blades with light. She performs two downward slashes, a jumping slash and a downward strike, then a leaping flurry of slashes.
Xion's third form is arguably the most difficult form to dodge due to limited dodging room combined with Xion's agility and long reach. Land combos immediately after she stops attacking, and move away before she resumes.  

====Final Form====
====Final Form====
Line 350: Line 318:
|Xion's basic attack. Xion performs a slash with each of her blades, then a slash with both blades. Executed after Xion raises one blade.{{?}}
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Continuous Rush'''|連続なぎ払い|Renzoku Nagiharai}}<br>''Attack''
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Continuous Rush'''|連続なぎ払い|Renzoku Nagiharai}}<br>''Attack''
Line 357: Line 325:
|Xion slashes four times. Each slash creates a shockwave of blue energy. Executed after Xion raises one blade.{{?}}
Line 364: Line 332:
|Xion fires blasts of light from her shoulder tendrils. Executed after Xion crosses her blades.{{?}}
Line 371: Line 339:
|Xion creates an orb of darkness near her. Executed after Xion crosses her blades.{{?}}
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Laser Rain'''|レーザーレイン|Rēzā Rein}}<br>''Attack''
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Laser Rain'''|レーザーレイン|Rēzā Rein}}<br>''Attack''
Line 378: Line 346:
|Telegraphed by Laser, used once Xion's HP is low. Xion creates a vortex, puts her Keyblades together, and fires a blast of light into the air, causing pillars of light to rain down randomly across the battlefield (Laser Rain is based on dual-wielding Roxas's limit break: [[Magic Hour]]). Avoid by Gliding as close to Xion as possible, where the attacks are less likely to hit.{{?}}
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Final Break'''|ファイナルブレイク|Fainaru Bureiku}}<br>''Magic''
{{Atk|{{nihongo|'''Final Break'''|ファイナルブレイク|Fainaru Bureiku}}<br>''Magic''
Line 385: Line 353:
|Telegraphed by Gravity, used once Xion's HP is low. Xion creates a massive pillar of light which engulfs most of the battlefield. Glide against the corners to the east or west of Xion. (Final Limit is based on Trinity Limit.) Alternately, equip Nil resistance to mitigate or prevent damage.{{?}}
The final battle with Xion takes place in front of the '''Train Station''' in Twilight Town. She becomes massive, but remains stationary at one end of the battlefield throughout the fight. In this form, Xion loses both Counter Slash and Barrier, and her regular attacks are slow and telegraphed. However, her attacks can inflict status effects.
The final battle with Xion takes place in front of the '''Train Station''' in Twilight Town. She becomes massive, but remains stationary at one end of the battlefield throughout the fight. In this form, Xion loses both Counter Slash and Barrier, and her regular attacks are slow and telegraphed. However, her attacks can inflict status effects.
<!--move to table as info on how to counter:
All of Xion's non-desperation attacks can be safely Blocked. Glide to dodge Xion's desperation attacks.-->
When Xion raises one blade, she performs either Continuous Slash or Continuous Rush.
'''Continuous Slash:''' Xion's basic attack. Xion performs a slash with each of her blades, then a slash with both blades.
'''Continuous Rush:''' Xion slashes four times. Each slash creates a shockwave of blue energy.
When Xion crosses her blades, she executes either Gravity or Laser.
'''Gravity:''' Xion creates an orb of darkness near her.
'''Laser:''' Xion fires blasts of light from her shoulder tendrils.
When her HP is low, Xion gains access to two powerful desperation attacks. Which one she uses depends on whether her previous attack was Gravity or Laser.
'''Laser Rain:''' Telegraphed by Laser. Xion creates a vortex, puts her Keyblades together, and fires a blast of light into the air, causing pillars of light to rain down randomly across the battlefield (Laser Rain is based on dual-wielding Roxas's limit break: [[Magic Hour]]). Avoid by Gliding as close to Xion as possible, where the attacks are less likely to hit.
'''Final Limit:''' Telegraphed by Gravity. Xion creates a massive pillar of light which engulfs most of the battlefield. Glide against the corners to the east or west of Xion. (Final Limit is based on Trinity Limit.) Alternately, equip Nil resistance to mitigate or prevent damage.
Memorizing how Xion's telegraphs each attack can be useful, but is not necessary: in this phase, all of Xion's non-desperation attacks can be safely Blocked. Glide to dodge Xion's desperation attacks.

==Mission walkthroughs==
==Mission walkthroughs==
