Let's split up gang![edit]
Orpheus of the Lyre Let's Talk ! — Prepare to scream ! Sally, why didn't I listen to you?
I'm going to spread out the info in this article so if everyone's cool don't edit until i'm done (its kind of crowded up atm
Eternal Nothingness XIII - You have to be strong. Strength of heart will carry you through the hardest of trials. TALK - What I do, I do for friendship.
What about me? Am I welcome? I am the page's creator, after all (not to sound like a jerk or full of myself)!
Orpheus of the Lyre Let's Talk ! — Prepare to scream ! Sally, why didn't I listen to you?
no i meant till i was done spreading it out lol because if two people edit at the same time it screws it up feel free to edit now ^^ i just did a little work (and ran around everywhere looking for a picture of the battle XD
Eternal Nothingness XIII - You have to be strong. Strength of heart will carry you through the hardest of trials. TALK - What I do, I do for friendship.
Like I said on my talk page, your work is appreciated. Only a few minor things to do. I never made the connection to Sora's Drive Forms, but I won't change a thing. Mostly add stuff... Great work, my friend.
xNaminéx - 大キライだけど好き! TALK - I am...glad.
Why does this article exist yet? No offence to you guys, but there's way too many things this page needs that haven't been released yet. Strategies, english battle quotes, her HP and exp. Not to mention the fact that This page should probably be split up into four diffrent battles like Marluxia or Xemnas. It's probably gonna stay, but I'm almost possitive it will be completely changed three times over.
Orpheus of the Lyre Let's Talk ! — Prepare to scream ! Sally, why didn't I listen to you?
I was taking it from the context of the Japanese version also Xion stays the same apperance wise she just changes attack strategies so she's not really changing form
xNaminéx - 大キライだけど好き! TALK - I am...glad.
Well... She does change form to some degree. Wings in Wonderland, Kurt Zisa-like appendages in Agrabah, Decisive Pumpkin-looking sword in Halloween Town, and super mega giant form in Twilight Town... I'm still not entirely convinced we should keep four battles in one article. Third party, anyone?
Eternal Nothingness XIII - You have to be strong. Strength of heart will carry you through the hardest of trials. TALK - What I do, I do for friendship.
I am the creator of the Xion (Boss) page. I think it is time I settle this. FOR THE TIME BEING, THE XION (BOSS) PAGE STAYS AS-IS. I will make any changes in September, when English battles are on YouTube.
xNaminéx - 大キライだけど好き! TALK - I am...glad.
Fine, I wasn't going to change anything. I'm just warning you, your not the only person who will be editting this page.
Navigation Box?[edit]
xNaminéx - 大キライだけど好き! TALK - I am...glad.
This has been bugging me, Xion doesn't fit into any boss battle Navigation boxes. She's not a Disney villian, and all the other Organization XIII members are in the Nobody boss battle NavBox. Riku's Boos battle page and and the Riku Replica don't have Navs either. Any solutions?
Eternal Nothingness XIII - I'm not afraid of what the darkness holds now. Even if you do wrest control of my heart from me, even if you cast me into the deepest, darkest abyss, you'll never sway me from the one cause that pushes me to keep on fighting. Whatever the cost, I'm ready to pay it. TALK - There's darkness within me... So what does that matter? I know I'm strong enough to hold it back. — 00:54, 16 July 2009 (UTC)
How about something like Miscellanious Bosses?
xNaminéx - 大キライだけど好き! TALK - I am...glad.
That may work, but are three bosses really enough to make a completely new template for? Maybe if we could find few more misplaced Bosses.
Eternal Nothingness XIII - I'm not afraid of what the darkness holds now. Even if you do wrest control of my heart from me, even if you cast me into the deepest, darkest abyss, you'll never sway me from the one cause that pushes me to keep on fighting. Whatever the cost, I'm ready to pay it. TALK - There's darkness within me... So what does that matter? I know I'm strong enough to hold it back. — 01:03, 16 July 2009 (UTC)
Well, I can't think of any other bosses. Maybe ask KrytenKoro or one of the Admins.
xNaminéx - 大キライだけど好き! TALK - I am...glad.
Yeah, I was thinking that too, I'll make a forum and see if anyone repsonds.
xNaminéx - 大キライだけど好き! TALK - I am...glad.
After some research, I've come up with a list of Bosses that are not classified as a Disney villian, Final Fantasy character, Heartless, Nobody, or Unversed:
-Xion (Boss)
-Riku Replica (Boss)
-Hostile Program
-The Expirment
-Lingering Sentiment
-Riku (Boss)
-Shadow Roxas
I'll be making the Miscellaneous Bosses NavBox shortly. Just thought you'd like to know this was solved, EO.
KrytenKoro - Click TALK -
Hostile Program and The Experiment, while not appearing in previous Disney films (at least, in whole), are still clearly Disney characters. The same situation goes for Scar's Ghost.
Shadow Roxas is indicated to be a Nobody or a Nobody-caused glitch, as with the other Twilight Town mysteries.
The Lingering Sentiment is the same type of thing as the Absent Silhouettes, and wherever one is put the other should be too. Frankly, they could fit either as Nobody bosses or as original. For that matter, while Riku Replica is not a normal Nobody, the way he is described in the plot is extremely similar to one, and it would almost be a good idea to list them in the Nobody navigation boxes as "Replicas". However, they are technically "not" Nobodies, so it depends on whether you want to group them with the Nobody navbox for similarity, or with the Original navbox for technicality. The same situation goes with the Replica Data.
So, these are pseudo-Nobodies that could fit on either box:
- Lingering Sentiment
- Absent Silhouette
- Replica Data
- Riku Replica
- Xion
- Shadow Roxas
Wherever we decide to put these guys, can I suggest "Original Bosses" as the name, instead of "miscellaneous"?
xNaminéx - 大キライだけど好き! TALK - I am...glad.
Alright, I made the changes, and "Original Bosses" sounds better, anyway. Thanks, Kryten. ^_^
Trivia BS[edit]
"The armor worn by Xion during her various Boss Battles is said to mirror the clothing of either Roxas or Sora in Kingdom Hearts II."
That's retarded. It is a suit of armor made after Sora. That's it.
xNaminéx - 大キライだけど好き! TALK - I am...glad.
Did you look at the armor? It was created as a way to further emphasize her connection to Sora. Yes, it's a suit of armor made atfer Sora, that's what that peice of trvia is saying. Plus, for future references, a sentence or phrase cannot be mentally slow, or "retarded."
Shouldn't they be on Xion's page?Glorious CHAOS! 00:47, October 6, 2009 (UTC)
Journal Entries[edit]
Do you think we should add journal entries of Xion's forms. To me this idea sounds good. It was once put up but someone took it off. --Xsonicdragon 03:13, October 6, 2009 (UTC)
a question[edit]
Firaga44 - Dissidia is awesome! TALK - I'll be playing crisis core over there*points to a corner*.
i have a question?should i add her english battle quotes and videos for the article i found some of the videos for the english version for it i was just wondering that since i didn't wanna do anything like that without permission
Thats totally wrong triva.[edit]
I'm just a simple reader of this helpful wiki but I noticed you have some very wrong information on Xion's triva boss page.
Xion does not take less damage from ragnarok or trinity limit than any other character (minus Xemnas) does. What most likely happened is whoever put that up there had some kinda nil-resistant % item on her like "show no fear".
Trinity limit and ragnarok are both counted as Nil attacks. As such if you have resistance to them they will do less damage, and if you have 100% resistance to it they don't do any damage at all. Thus Xemnas the only character with natural nil-resistance, at a certain level, will take no damage from Xion's ragnarok or trinity limit.
Another thing is anyone with master circle will also get 100% resistance to nil so anyone with master circle on will take no damage from ranarok or trinity limit, the problem with that is the fact master circle gives "risky play" which causes your hp to drop with each missed attack and only Xigbar, who for some reason is utterly immune to "risky play" and it won't even appear on his ability list, can use Master circle against Xion effectivly and without worry.
Anyway it be nice if you take off that piece of triva about Xion taking less damage because others who don't know that is false and read it could end up dieing because they think they will take less damage when in reality they don't.-- 20:57, November 27, 2009 (UTC)person
That's probably true, but I thought most of her attacks were light-based attacks, not nil-based. I think her attacks are light based, and people think that when you're Xion you will take less, but actually it's her resistance against light attacks that make it seem like she takes more damage. The resistance is 10% better for every 10 levels, so people were probably high levels and had a high resistance when facing Xion using Xion in mission mode.--Xsonicdragon 03:56, December 15, 2009 (UTC)
Fair enough but the attacks listed in the tip
are nil-based not light based and as such it's misleading.
Especially considering those are some of her more deadly attacks.
It should be changed to at least say Xion does not take less damage
from attacks like ragnarok.
We don't need to say that. All we have to do is remove that false trivia from the page.--Xsonicdragon 23:04, January 9, 2010 (UTC)
When I have time, I'll test out whether her attacks are light based or not. Though probably they are nill-based.--Xsonicdragon 01:36, January 28, 2010 (UTC)
Since the Orcus fought is actually an illusion around Xion, shouldnt it be included here in her boss page.-- 12:51, 21 May 2012 (UTC)
- I want to say no, since for all intents and purposes it's still an Orcus, but this is a reasonable request. What do you guys think?"We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 14:26, 21 May 2012 (UTC)
- It fights like an Orcus, it looks like an Orcus, it has the exact same coding as an Orcus... for all gameplay purposes, it's an Orcus, and this is the Gameplay page. If we really wanted to we could link to it, but since you don't even have to win said battle, I think it's hardly necessary. Light
Roxas 20:47, 21 May 2012 (UTC)
Recovery Barrier[edit]
There's something about Xion's Recovery Barrier that I noticed and think should be noted. She will only attempt to heal herself when her HP reaches a certain point. If she succeeds, she'll do it again when that same point is reached. If she fails, she won't attempt it again. So, in the first two forms you will only have to stop her once. Her third form, however, there are two points of her HP where she'll attempt to heal herself. Meaning in that form, you'll have to stop her twice. Blackchaos27 (talk) 16:48, 27 July 2012 (UTC)
Xion ???? Stats Glitch[edit]
It seems that the not-applicable operator that we use for his HP, EXP, and STR/DEF doesn't work in those fields. When I load the page I get an "Expression Error: Unexpected < operator." This is almost definitely an issue with how the wiki is interpreting the n/a operator for those fields in the "Enemy" structure. This should be addressed by reviewing the "Enemy" structure, but as a quick fix we could set them to 0. I'm not sure how to review the coding for these shorthand structures or if I even have permissions to or if these structures are shared with our partner wiki sites.
TLDR: Should they be changed to 0 or is there some way we can have a review of the structure?
Wavemaster---Tanira (talk) 15:31, 27 July 2014 (UTC)
- Name
- Attribute
- 威力倍率 Power Multiplier
- Guard
- 弾きLV?
- When using weapons like Saix
Repel LV
Berserk Downward Swing (バーサク振り下ろし?)
Berserk Mow Down (バーサクなぎ払い?)
0.5 per hit
Berserk Rush Attack (バーサク突進攻撃, Bāsaku Tosshin Kōgeki?)
(shock wave)
1.0 per hit
Guard/Block: △ = Can be blocked; O = Can be blocked and interrupted (melee) or deflected back (projectile); X = Cannot be blocked.
- When using Keyblade
Repel LV
Combo (コンボ?)
0.5 + 0.5 + 1.0
Berserk Combo (バーサクコンボ?)
1.0 + 0.2 x 7 times + 0.5 + 2.5
Keyblade Throw (キーブレード投げ?)
Guard/Block: △ = Can be blocked; O = Can be blocked and interrupted (melee) or deflected back (projectile); X = Cannot be blocked.