User:TheSilentHero/Werkplaats: Difference between revisions

Flick Rush info
(Flick Rush info)
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==Flick Rush==
Points needed
*S: 30+ points
*A: 23-29 points
*B: 16-22 points
*C: 15 or less points
{| class="wikitable"
|Time (???):
|Remaining HP
|Successful Attacks
|Successful Blocks
*1:59 or less - 10 points
*2:00 - 2:22 - 9 points
*2:23 - 2:44 - 8 points
*2:45 - 3:07 - 7 points
*3:08 - 3:29 - 6 points
*3:30 - 3:52 - 5 points
*3:53 - 4:14 - 4 points
*4:15 - 4:37 - 3 points
*4:38 - 4:59 - 2 points
*5:00 or longer - 1 point
*Defeated - 0 points
*70% or more - 12 points
*60 - 69% - 11 points
*50 - 59% - 10 points
*45 - 49% - 9 points
*39 - 44% - 8 points
*34 - 38% - 7 points
*28 - 33% - 6 points
*23 - 27% - 5 points
*17 - 22% - 4 points
*12 - 16% - 3 points
*6 - 11% - 2 points
*1 - 5% - 1 point
*0% - 0 points
*90% or more - 12 points
*87 - 89% - 11 points
*83 - 86% - 10 points
*80 - 82% - 9 points
*76 - 79% - 8 points
*72 - 75% - 7 points
*69 - 71% - 6 points
*65 - 68% - 5 points
*61 - 64% - 4 points
*58 - 60% - 3 points
*54 - 57% - 2 points
*53% or less - 1 point
*5 or more - 5 points
*4 - 4 points
*3 - 3 points
*2 - 2 points
*1 - 1 point
*0 - 0 points
Each round gives points based on the rank.
*S rank - 4 points
*A rank - 3 points
*B rank - 2 points
*C rank - 1 point
Points needed for trophy:
{| class="wikitable"
|Amount of rounds
|1 ||2 ||3 ||4
|2 ||3 ||6 ||8
|3 ||4 ||8 ||12
|4 ||6 ||11 ||16
|5 ||7 ||14 ||20
{|class="wikitable" width="60%" style="text-align:center"
|colspan="4"|Rank (Victory)
|colspan="2"|Rank (Defeat)
|Training Cup
|Round 1||60||40||30||20||10||6
|rowspan="2"|Beginner's Cup
|Round 1||70||50||40||30||13||10
|Round 2||80||60||50||40||16||13
|rowspan="4"|Rainbow Cup
|Round 1||80||60||50||40||16||13
|Round 2||90||70||60||50||20||16
|Round 3||100||80||70||60||23||20
|Round 4||110||90||80||70||26||23
|rowspan="2"|Digital Cup
|Round 1||100||80||70||60||23||20
|Round 2||110||90||80||70||26||23
|rowspan="4"|Tin Pin Cup
|Round 1||110||90||80||70||26||23
|Round 2||120||100||90||80||30||26
|Round 3||130||110||100||90||33||30
|Round 4||140||120||110||100||36||33
|Speed Cup
|Round 1||140||120||110||100||36||33
|rowspan="3"|Yummy Cup
|Round 1||150||130||120||110||40||36
|Round 2||160||140||130||120||43||40
|Round 3||170||160||140||130||46||43
|rowspan="4"|Final Cup
|Round 1||170||150||140||130||46||43
|Round 2||180||160||150||140||50||46
|Round 3||190||170||160||150||53||50
|Round 4||200||180||170||160||56||53
|Horror Cup
|Round 1||220||200||190||180||63||60
|rowspan="5"|Secret Cup
|Round 1||240||220||210||200||70||66
|Round 2||260||240||230||220||76||73
|Round 3||280||260||250||240||83||80
|Round 4||300||280||270||260||90||86
|Round 5||350||330||320||310||106||103
{| class="wikitable" width="40%" style="text-align:center"
|rowspan="2"|Flick Rush LV
|colspan="4"|Rank (Victory)
|colspan="2"|Rank (Defeat)

==Battle Levels==
==Battle Levels==