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{{Asif|shosad=Well, seeing as how I can't make the meeting, make sure you get things done!}}
{{Asif|shosad=Well, seeing as how I can't make the meeting, make sure you get things done!}}
{{EO|time=02:25, 24 December 2011 (UTC)|thinking=I tried stating my opinion on this whole matter a few days ago, only to lose everything I wrote when my computer freaked out... I'm sure most of this has already been touched upon, but I'm going to say it anyways. I ''am'' the Wall-o'-Text King, after all....
I'm rather split in terms of this decision. The idea of remerging makes me ask "What was the point of us separating from Wikia in the first place?" I mean, is it really so hard to use Oasis? Sure it's not Monaco, but...
Truth be told, I never wanted to leave the old KH Wiki. As many of you know, I disagreed with many of this site's stricter policies and actions, and when I heard the old Wiki would become more loosey-goosey (which would have normally affirmed my loyalties on the spot), only one thing brought me here: the few true friends I had made on the old Wiki that were coming to this one. While I probably would have been more willing to contribute on The Keyhole and would have enjoyed doing so more, I still tried to do the best work possible here as an administrator dedicated to doing something he loves.
Before I rant about all the issues called into dispute in this forum, I'd like to say the following: Separating from Wikia in the first place was a bad idea, and it did bad things to both sites, at least in my opinion:
*Time to face facts, everyone! This Wiki is as dead as a doornail. There is hardly any day-to-day activity, even with the new ''KH3D'' info being announced. SEIWA never grew into what we wanted it to, and we never received any traffic like we originally hoped to have. We work here as shadows of our former selves while The Keyhole has flourished, and I personally have started to see our existence here as irrelevant. What's the point of having staff if the staffers never need to do their job? I hate to use a pun in a time like this, but we really have become...''Nobodies''...
*The Keyhole, now that it has been purged of this Wiki's strict policies that made it unpopular while we worked there, has been completely overrun by newbies, speculation, and userspace edits. That is not to say it hasn't retained some of its original qualities thanks to the few regulars and staffers who actually use the site for its intended purpose, but when I see what The Keyhole has become in comparison to when we ran it on the few occasions that I check in there, I start to feel a tad bit ashamed.
*The split from Wikia created an unnecessary hostility between this site and that of our origins. We initially agreed to inter-link so that article traffic and edits would be directed to us. As far as I know, that hasn't happened. We've had a few instances where an image was deleted or a small dispute was started simply because it belonged to the other site and was "stolen"... Really, guys? The Keyhole gets to keep all of this Wiki's original text and basic template coding, and we can't even use a bloody cut-out of an official render without being harped on like we just robbed a bank because they uploaded it first and this Wiki doesn't have such an image yet? That hardly seems fair in my opinion. If we were to merge again, I would want this hostility to stop. Both sites should be able to benefit from the other. If The Keyhole has a cut-out render of the latest Dream Eater, we should be able to use it. If we complete an article first, The Keyhole should be able to use it as a basis for their own.
Now the fun begins:
*'''Staff''' - Like I said in an earlier forum posted by DTN, a lack of staff activity is '''''NOT''''' the problem on this site! A lack of trusted regulars '''''IS'''''! Thus simply replacing this site's current staff with those form the same crowd of inactive users is completely unnecessary. What we ''need'' is the traffic The Keyhole gets, which I feel would be a plus for merging. I heard from other users we'd be combining the Wiki's two staff lists, though... That doesn't exactly fly with me. If an administrator or moderator of this website has not made a single mainspace contribution in two months or more, by all means, put them on the inactive or retired list. The Keyhole's admins can then fill the open slots (that does not mean the moved staffers cannot come back to the active list if/when they return). For moderators and dealing with elections for new ones, I see no harm in promoting a couple of this Wiki's current list of mods to admin status and then replacing them with a few promoted regulars (again, The Keyhole will make our arsenal of moderators nice and strong). While several administrators and moderators is a good thing in terms of supporting this site in my opinion, there is no possible reason in my mind that I can find for it to be necessary to have more than two b-crats. I personally would like to see one b-crat from each site. Neumannz has done quite well maintaining his activity level and his position, so I'd say leave him on the active list of b-crats. After we choose '''ONE''' b-crat from The Keyhole, he or she can replace Kryten once he has been demoted as requested. Again, our current list of active staff should not be effected unless they truly have become inactive (I, of course, am one to talk >_> Don't worry though; the recent ''KH3D'' info has inspired me to start editing again like I used to).
*'''Walkthroughs''' - We were so hyped about this...and then it died (though it ''has'' made quite a stunning revival in the past week or so). The Keyhole's wonderfully sensitive-to-aesthetics community will be a great asset to us as we make these walkthroughs as visually appealing and factually accurate/useful as possible. I believe I said this already, but I am entirely '''AGAINST''' purging user walkthroughs from this site. Even if we were to use the content contained in them in our official Wiki-walkthroughs, we shouldn't do this without the user's permission (if the user in question cannot be reached, then I guess it's just "tough toenails"). User walkthroughs should then be hosted off-Wiki so at least they're there in their original forms to refer to. I know I swore to finish a ''BBS'' walkhrough, and I worked quite hard on it for a few days or so. The reason I stopped? We made the walkthroughspace, and too much happened too fast. I was up to my eyeballs in new formatting rules, etc., and the levels kept rising and changing until the point to my working on my own walkthrough was completely removed (I still want to help with walkthroughspace; this doesn't mean I can't start working on the ''BBS'' guide again).
*'''The Keyhole-exclusive Material''' - The "Quotes" sub-pages are brilliant, and they FINALLY give us a spot to put those stupid battle quotes (I'd like to ask this, though: Wouldn't such pages violate our copyright policy? Basically copying down the entire script of a game and posting it is the same thing as using an entire piece of music in an article, isn't it?)! In terms of the Mirage Arena vs. Lanes Between and the templates we use that were altered for use on The Keyhole, I feel we should keep the original versions this Wiki is using simply because they were "there first." However, we should re-examine the policies for both arenas, as well as the templates and how they are used, to create something both users from The Keyhole and this Wiki can agree with. In terms of images such as fan-posed renders, we should have them just to have them, but they should '''never''' be used in an article unless the main image used in one is crappy (as was the case with the Grand Councilwoman and Lady Tremaine, just to name a couple). In the end, this all goes back to making sure both websites benefit from each other.   
*'''The Merge''' - Let me be one of the first to say that I'd ''love'' it if we could just loosen up and relax a little on our policies as The Keyhole has (maybe remove a few bans/restrictions so we can possibly relive the old Wiki's glory days :D)! That would certainly make us more welcoming and user-friendly. This is '''not''' to say, however, that we should become like KHInsider (though keeping our news section updated would be nice). We should never become a site that favors community over content. Instead, we should try to keep the two areas of this site in perfect balance. Thus I'd like to point out the Final Fantasy Wiki (where I've been spending a majority of my computer time lately), which functions normally and just as effectively as we do even with the dozens of fan-projects and edits to fan articles (such as Dead Fantasy) appearing in the Recent Changes list along with mainspace edits. We should study their policies and try to adapt them to suit our own needs. This Wiki should always be a place for both mutual information-sharing about an epic video game series AND providing a place to cool down with "friends." It should NEVER become a job or a place of dread.
Shockingly enough, I believe that ends this massive wall-o'-text from yours truly. I hope people actually take the time to put my words and opinions into consideration. I guess when you get right down to it, I'm for the merge. I just hope that once this is all over, we can make ourselves all the better for it.}}
