Nano Arms (ナノアームズ Nano Āmuzu?) is a Formchange in Kingdom Hearts III. It allows the user to transform the Keyblade into a variety of nano weapons.


Nano Arms transforms the Keyblade into a nano-bladed broadsword with twin blades sticking out from the sides. The transformation sequence briefly has it take the shape of a Keyblade Glider. It can then transform further into a variety of black-shaded nano weapons, which resemble the Clock Drill, Blizzard Claws, Hyper Hammer, Storm Flag, and Twin Yo-Yos Formchanges as well as a Rocket Fist.


In Kingdom Hearts III, Nano Arms is the Formchange of the Nano Gear Keyblade, associated with Blitz Form. It has a base duration of 30 seconds and a maximum combo length of 6. Its basic attacks are identical to Sora's basic attacks, but its Nano Transform ability allows it to copy various other Formchanges for its ground and air combo finishers, gap closer, ground-to-air, and air-to-ground attacks. Its third and final combo finisher has Sora form a fist out of nano and firing it forwards.

The Finish command has Sora leap into a portal before generating several other portals around himself and firing streams of nano out of them.


Alongside the abilities from Blitz Form, Nano Arms also has access to Nano Transform.

Form Actions
Attack Attribute Power
Guard? Repel LV Status
Keyblade Transformation Attack (キーブレード変形演出中の攻撃
Kīburēdo Henkei Enshutsu-chū no Kōgeki
(shockwave)   Neutral 0.5 0 1 0 O

(hoverboard)   Physical 1.0 0 1 0 O
Sora Formchanges the Keyblade into a Keyblade Glider and rides on it briefly before Formchanging it into a nano broadsword.
Ground Downswing (地上振り下ろし
Chijō Furioroshi
  Physical 0.6 6 0 1 X 1 
First ground combo.
Ground Thrust (地上突き
Chijō Tsuki
  Physical 0.8 7 0 1 X 1 
Second ground combo.
Ground Right Swing (地上右振り
Chijō Migi Furi
  Physical 0.8 7 0 1 X 1 
Third ground combo.
Aerial Downswing (空中振り下ろし
Kūchū Furioroshi
  Physical 0.6 6 0 1 X 1 
First aerial combo.
Aerial Upswing (空中振り上げ
Kūchū Furiage
  Physical 0.8 7 0 1 X 1 
Second aerial combo.
Aerial Right Swing (空中右振り
Kūchū Migi Furi
  Physical 0.8 7 0 1 X 1 
Third aerial combo.
Claw Drill Rush (クローきりもみ突進
Kurō Kirimomi Tosshin
  Physical 0.75(x4) 6(x4) 1(x4) 0.25(x4) O
First ground combo finisher. Resembles Blizzard Claws' Winding Strike.
Hammer Downswing (ハンマー振り下ろし
Hanmā Furioroshi
  Physical 2.0 8 1 0.25 O
Second ground combo finisher. Resembles Hyper Hammer's Ground Wallop.
Rocket Fist   Physical 0.5+1.0 4+8 1+1 0.2+0.25 O
Morph the Nano Arms into a giant fist and send foes reeling. (Combo finisher)
Yo-Yo Forward Throw (ヨーヨー前方投げ
Yōyō Zenpō Nage
  Physical 0.5[+1.0] 4[+8] 1[+1] 0.4[+0.5] O
Used when the target is at mid-to-long range. Resembles Twin Yo-Yos' Anchor Shot.
Flag Rising Left Spin Swing (フラッグ上昇左回転振り
Furaggu Jōshō Hidari Kaiten Furi
  Physical 1.0(x2) 8(x2) 1(x2) 0.5(x2) O
Used when the target is above you. Resembles Storm Flag's Ascending Left Swing.
Drill Drill Rush (ドリルきりもみ突進
Doriru Kirimomi Tosshin
  Physical 0.2(x6)+0.4 1(x6)+3 1(x7) 0.05(x6)+0.15 O
First air combo finisher. Resembles Clock Drill's Dire Drill.
Yo-Yo Vertical Spin Swing (ヨーヨー縦回転振り
Yōyō Tate Kaiten Furi
  Physical 0.3(x6)+0.4+0.4 2(x6)+3+3 1(x8) 0.2(x6)+0.3+0.3 O
Second air combo finisher. Resembles Twin Yo-Yos' Backspin.
Hammer Swoop Swing (ハンマー急降下振り
Hanmā Kyūkōka Furi
  Physical 0.5+1.0 4+8 1+1 0.4+0.5 O
Used when above the target. Resembles Hyper Hammer's Flying Clobber.
Nano Counter   Neutral 1.5 8 5 0 O
Press   after a successful block to send surrounding foes flying. (Reprisal)
Offensive Dodge   Physical 0.75 6 5 0.5 X
Deal damage to enemies while performing evasive maneuvers.
Finish (フィニッシュ
  Physical 0.3(x14)+1.5 0 1(x14)+5.0 0 O
Hides in a dimensional gate that appears overhead and repeatedly lunges out with block pillars.

Learning Nano ArmsEdit

Kingdom Hearts IIIEdit

  • The Nano Gear has Nano Arms as its Formchange.