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|name=Limit Form
{{nihongo|'''Limit Form'''|リミットフォーム|Rimitto Fōmu}} is the exclusive [[Drive Form]] only in ''[[Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix]]''. Sora's clothes change to the colors of his original clothes in ''[[Kingdom Hearts (game)|Kingdom Hearts]]''. The form lets Sora use abilities from ''Kingdom Hearts'' and ''[[Kingdom Hearts Final Mix]]'', such as Dodge Roll and Zantetsuken. It is symbolized by a red crown (similar in appearance to [[Sora]]'s necklace). Similar to Master Form, it consumes four Drive Bars and can be used by Sora without giving up one of your partners.
|romaji=Rimitto Fōmu
|fr=Limit Form
|es=Forma Suma
|ability=Dodge Roll
|desc=A Form specializing in Limit attacks.
|bonus2=Auto Limit (action ability){{!}}Auto Limit
|bonus6=Lucky Lucky
|journalUX=KINGDOM HEARTS II (2005)<br>This form allows Sora to use actions such as Dodge Roll.
'''Limit Form''' is a [[Drive Form]] that appears in ''[[Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix]]''. It uses neither team member and consumes four of Sora's Drive Bars. It represents Sora's past,<ref>'''Yen Sid's mirror''': "An image of you obtaining old powers flows into your mind."</ref> and is obtained along with [[Oathkeeper]] at the end of the second visit to [[Twilight Town]], after Sora learns about Kairi's abduction. Its emblem is a silver crown.

==Obtaining Limit Form==
This form is earned when Sora visits [[Twilight Town]] for a second time and after Sora learns the abduction of [[Kairi]] by [[Axel]]. It is received with the Oathkeeper, but neither can be used until the player visits another world after leaving Twilight Town.
Limit Form changes Sora's clothes into the color scheme of his ''{{c|Kingdom Hearts|game}}'' outfit with the addition of a red crown on his knees. Limit Form changes designs depending on the world he is in:
*In [[Timeless River]], Sora's appearance does not change. However, his HUD sprite gains a violet tint.
*In [[Halloween Town]], Sora's mask is changed into a heart with a black and red checkered pattern.
*In [[Christmas Town]], Sora's hat and the back of his shirt have a white crown.
*In [[Space Paranoids]], Sora's armor and circuitry are patterned after his ''Kingdom Hearts'' outfit. His torso, helmet, and arms are silver, his pants are red, his shoes are yellow, and there is a blue band around his waist and collar. He also has the Limit symbol on the center of both of his gloves.

Limit Form is the only Drive Form in which Sora has no auras of light surrounding him, although whenever he enters a new area, his torso glows red for a short time and a few specks of light fall off of him. Limit Form's version of [[Guard]] uses the ''Kingdom Hearts'' guarding motion, rather than the standard ''Kingdom Hearts II'' motion.
==Leveling Up==
Limit Form gains experience points by executing the final reaction command in Sora's limits (by pressing {{Button|t}}). Upon reaching level 2 in Limit Form, Sora is rewarded with the Auto-Limit ability. At levels 3, 5, and 7, Sora gains Dodge Roll levels 1, 2, and 3, respectively. At Limit Form's level 4, Sora gets Draw, and at level 6, Sora gains another Lucky Lucky ability.

As this form is exclusive to ''Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix'', it is recommended to make use of all the additions that are exclusive to ''Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix'' to level up Limit Form: the best places to level up are in the [[Cavern of Remembrance]], where there is an abundance of Heartless, and in the '''Treasure Room''' in [[Agrabah]], where [[Mushroom XIII#No. 5|Mushroom No. 5]] can be found. The latter is recommended as the player has the benefit of a nearby Save Point, and can always use it to return to the World Map if Sora's Drive Gauge is low.
Limit Form is a unique form that mimics Sora's abilities from the original ''Kingdom Hearts'' game, alongside the additions given to him in ''Kingdom Hearts Final Mix'' (such as having Slide Dash and Slapshot by default and the finishers). In this form, Sora's [[Magic]] commands are replaced with new [[Limit#Limit Form|Limit]] commands, whereby special abilities from ''Kingdom Hearts'' can be accessed for a set [[MP]] cost. Since magic is disabled, Sora cannot use [[Cure]] to heal; to compensate, each physical hit from a Limit recovers some HP, regardless if the targets are vulnerable or not, though hitting them uses up the form's duration per hit.

Unlike in ''Kingdom Hearts'', the Limit attacks, except for Sonic Rave, do not have invincibility frames that can be exploited by delaying the followup attacks. In general, Limit Form is a more simplistic Drive Form, as Sora retains much of his normal movement and basic combo attacks, albeit with new finishers and a powerful counter command. However, Limit Form has the advantage of being able to block (without the spin), jump slightly higher than usual (to compensate for the lack of access to [[High Jump]]), and roll across the ground using the form's Growth Ability.
Another good way to level up this form is to go to the '''Altar of Naught''' if the player has unlocked the battle against Xemnas' Final Form. Going below the '''Altar of Naught''' will lead to '''Ruin and Creation's Passage'''. By using Limit Form when the Nobodies, many of whom are [[Berserker|Berserkers]], appear, Limits can be used until all Nobodies in the top area leading to the '''Altar of Naught''' are defeated, or the [[MP]] gauge runs out. Entering the '''Altar of Naught''' will immediately fill up the [[Drive Gauge]], and the player can repeat this for a simple way to level up Limit Form.

Limit Form gains a single point of experience each time the finish command of a Limit is used (Finish, The End, Judgment or Giga Impact), regardless if it hits. Leveling up upgrades the form's Growth Ability, [[Dodge Roll]] for both itself and Sora's standard form. Also, level-ups reward Sora's standard form with the {{c|Auto Limit|action ability}}, [[Draw]], and [[Lucky Lucky]] abilities.
Sora's magic is replaced by four Limits in this form. Unlike the other Limits in ''Kingdom Hearts II'', Limits used in this form do not cost all of Sora's MP. Press {{Button|t}} to complete each respective Reaction Command.
It is impossible to use the Magic command in this form as all of Sora's spells have been replaced by these four limits. If a spell is set in the shortcut menu by Customize, then the Limits are also usable from the Shortcut menu. However, this feature is disabled if an item set to a button with a shortcut: for example, if a potion is set to the {{Button|c}} shortcut, then Sonic Blade can not be used through the shortcut menu.  
Sora gains the Dodge Roll growth ability in this form, the same ability from the original Kingdom Hearts. Similar to ''[[Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories]]'', Sora is invincible while using Dodge Roll.
{|width="100%" class="wikitable"
|width="15%" style="text-align:center"|'''Ability'''
|width="70%" style="text-align:center"|'''Description'''
|'''[[Sonic Blade]]'''
|Limit command ({{Button|c}}) - Quickly dash up to seven times with the Keyblade. Sora is invulnerable during the dashes. (60 MP)
|'''[[Ars Arcanum]]'''
|Limit command ({{Button|t}}) - Perform a massive Keyblade Combo upon the enemy. (75 MP)
|'''[[Strike Raid]]'''
|Limit command ({{Button|s}}) - Throw the Keyblade up to five times. Just as in ''Kingdom Hearts'', this command ends with '''Judgment''', a critical finisher. (65 MP)
|Limit command ({{Button|x}}) - Short aerial combo leading to a reaction command of light laser bursts. Select the third of four reaction commands for maximum damage. (80 MP)
|Finishing move - A powerful thrust, the strongest single-hitting finishing move in the game.
|'''[[Ripple Drive]]'''
|Finishing move - Hits multiple enemies with an aura attack.
|'''Hurricane Period'''
|Aerial finishing move - Sora spins with the Keyblade 1080 degrees vertically.
|'''Zantetsu Counter'''
|After blocking with Guard, press {{Button|c}} to counter with Zantetsuken. With Finishing Plus equipped, multiple combo finishers may be performed.
|'''Reflect Guard'''
|Allows Guarding during a ground Combo.
|Press {{Button|s}} to deflect an enemy attack. Uses the ''Kingdom Hearts'' animation instead of the ''Kingdom Hearts II'' animation.
|Automatic ground combo attack - Very fast diagonal slash.
|'''Slide Dash'''
|Dash toward an enemy with a swift attack.
|'''Aerial Sweep'''
|Performs a spinning air-attack against nearby flying enemies while on the ground.
{|width="100%" class="wikitable"
|width="15%" style="text-align:center"|'''Ability'''
|width="70%" style="text-align:center"|'''Description'''
|'''[[Dodge Roll]]'''
|Sora executes a quick roll in a short distance; all attacks are negated during the period of rolling.
{|width="100%" class="wikitable"
|width="15%" style="text-align:center"|'''Ability'''
|width="70%" style="text-align:center"|'''Description'''
|'''[[HP Gain]]'''
|Every successful hit with a Limit Ability increases HP. Hits do not have to damage enemies to restore HP (i.e. limit attacks landed against invulnerable opponents restore HP).
|Attracts Munny/HP/MP/Drive orbs to this character.
|'''[[Lucky Lucky]]'''
|Increases item drop rate by 50%.
|'''[[MP Rage]]'''
|MP recovers every time this character is hit (inactive while recharging).
|'''[[MP Haste]]'''
|MP recharges 25% faster.
*Requires no ally to access, therefore Sora has a better crowd-controlled gameplay.
*Sora is invincible during the executing period of some limits. However, Sora can be damaged while recovering from some of his combos.
*Sora is invincible when he is Dodge Rolling, thus negating all enemy attacks.
*By combining HP Gain and MP Rage abilities, Sora can restore his HP and MP indefinitely.
*Most limits can be executed completely by button mashing {{Button|t}}.
*Zantetsuken is one of the most powerful combo finishers in the game, if not the most powerful.
*Similar to Valor Form, magic commands are sealed. So Sora relies on Potions and allies to heal him during MP Charge (no MP for limits to restore HP with HP Gain).
*Ragnarok requires precise timing in order to deal maximum damage, which is similar to it's effect in ''Kingdom Hearts''.
Even though both Quick Run and Dodge Roll require the player to use {{Button|s}}, equipping both of the Growth Abilities during Sora's normal state will allow the use of each individual ability by pressing the said button differently: a Dodge Roll can be performed by quickly tapping {{Button|s}}, and a Quick Run requires {{Button|s}} to be held slightly longer than for Dodge Roll.
It should be noted that all Sora's abilities in Limit Form are far stronger than his ''Kingdom Hearts'' incarnation.

Sora's finishing moves are also very strong in Limit Form. Equip [[Decisive Pumpkin]], [[Fenrir]], [[Guardian Soul]], [[Oblivion]], [[Ultima Weapon]]&nbsp;or [[Rumbling Rose]] while in this form to use Sora a powerhouse character.
{{frm-atk-m|kh2=*|l=*|Sonic Rave|Sonic Rave|att|Physical|x1.5|1.5|X|O|A Limit Command that unleashes an attack on an enemy as you pass by. Press {{button|t}} at the right tempo for a combo. (60 MP)|Rave|att|Physical|x1.5|1.5|X|O|Finish|att|Physical|x3.0|3.0|X|O}}
{{frm-atk-m|kh2=*|l=*|Last Arcanum|Last Arcanum|att|Physical|x1.0{{note|x1.5 on final hit}}|1.0{{note|1.5 on final hit}}|X|O|A Limit Command that unleashes a powerful combo attack. Press {{Button|t}} for a consecutive combo. (75 MP)|Bash|att|Physical|x1.5|1.5|X|O|The End|att|Physical|x2.5|2.5|X|O}}
{{frm-atk-m|kh2=*|l=*|Strike Raid|Strike Raid|att|Physical|x2.0|2.0|X|O|A Limit Command that allows you to throw the Keyblade at the target. Press {{Button|t}} for a combo. (65 MP)|Raid|att|Physical|x2.0|2.0|X|O|Judgment|att|Physical|x5.0|5.0|X|O}}
{{frm-atk-m|kh2=*|l=*|Ragnarok{{!}}Infinity|Infinity|att|Physical|x1.0{{note|x2.0 on final hit}}|1.0{{note|2.0 on final hit}}|X|O|A Limit Command that can be unleashed by pressing {{Button|t}} after an aerial combo. (80 MP)|Shoot|mag|Neutral|x0.65|0.5|X|O|Impact|mag|Neutral|x0.65|0.5|X|O|Giga Impact|mag|Neutral|x0.65|0.5|X|O}}
{{frm-atk|l=*|Zantetsuken|att|Physical|x6.0|9.0|X|O|11=Unleashes a finishing combo move on a single target. This powerful attack can instantly eliminate weaker enemies.}}
{{frm-atk|l=*|Ripple Drive|mag|Neutral|x2.0|3.0|X|O|11=Unleashes a finishing combo move when surrounded. Damage dealt is relative to magic skill.}}
{{frm-atk-m|kh2=*|l=*|Hurricane Period|1st stage|att|Physical|x1.0{{note|x0.25 from second hit on}}|1.5{{note|0.25 from second hit on}}|△|O|Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move consisting of an aerial barrage.|2nd stage|att|Physical|x1.0|1.5|△|O}}
{{frm-abi|Zantetsu Counter|Unleashes Zantetsuken by selecting Attack while guarding.}}
{{frm-abi|Reflect Combo|Blocks enemy attacks with Guard by pressing Square during a combo.}}
{{frm-abi|Guard|Blocks and shoots back enemy attacks using a parrying action with {{button|s}}.}}
{{frm-atk|l=*|Slapshot|att|Physical|x1.25|1.0|△|X|11=Rapidly attacks a nearby target without getting flung back.}}
{{frm-atk|l=*|Sliding Dash|att|Physical|x1.0{{note|x0.25 from second hit on}}|0.75{{note|0.25 from second hit on}}|O|X|11=Instantly closes in on and attacks a far target.}}
{{frm-atk|l=*|Aerial Sweep|att|Physical|x0.65{{note|x0.25 from second hit on}}|0.75{{note|0.25 from second hit on}}|△|X|11=Unleashes a powerful leaping attack on targets in midair.}}
{{frm-grw|Dodge Roll LV1|1|Dodge enemy attacks by tilting the left stick and pressing {{button|s}}. More efficient at higher levels.}}
{{frm-grw|Dodge Roll LV2|3|Dodge enemy attacks by tilting the left stick and pressing {{button|s}}. More efficient at higher levels.}}
{{frm-grw|Dodge Roll LV3|5|Dodge enemy attacks by tilting the left stick and pressing {{button|s}}. More efficient at higher levels.}}
{{frm-grw|Dodge Roll MAX|7|Dodge enemy attacks by tilting the left stick and pressing {{button|s}}. More efficient at higher levels.}}
{{frm-abi|HP Gain|Restores Sora's HP when a Limit Command lands.}}
{{frm-abi|Draw|Draws in and obtains nearby orbs. Equip 2 to obtain for orbs.}}
{{frm-abi|Lucky Lucky|Will bring luck by increasing the drop rate of items. Equip the whole Party to further increase the drop rate.}}
{{frm-abi|MP Rage|Restores MP relative to the amount of damage taken. Equip more to increase the effect.}}
{{frm-abi|MP Haste|Increase MP restoration speed by 25% after MP is fully consumed. Equip more to increase the effect.}}

As Limit Form can be used without either of Sora's party members, it is especially useful in solo fights such as the [[Battle of the 1000 Heartless]] as well as the boss fight against {{ns|Game|Roxas}}. Its Limits can deal considerable damage while also healing Sora. It boasts powerful ground combo finishers, which can be augmented with [[Combo Boost]], making the [[Decisive Pumpkin]] Keyblade an excellent choice to pair with this form.
This form represents Sora's promises to Kairi, including always protecting her and never changing, and his ability to infuse the Keyblade with magic.

To effectively level up Limit Form, equip as many [[Form Boost]]s as possible before engaging in battle, including [[Oathkeeper]], and repeatedly use the [[Sonic Rave]] limit, which costs the least amount of MP to use, until MP runs out. Return to a Save Point to recover MP before returning to battle. Repeat the process until the Form gauge is about to run out, then leave the world and return to refill the Drive Gauge to maximum. Continue in this way until Limit Form reaches the desired level. Using an Ether immediately before a Limit can sometimes cause the MP to be refilled after the Limit completes, increasing the MP efficiency of training.
==Mirror Description==
In [[Yen Sid]]'s tower, Limit Form's mirror in ''Final Mix'' says, "An image of using the Keyblade as you once did flows into your mind."

The best places to train Limit Form are the battle with Mushroom [[No. 5]] in Agrabah, which is near a Save Point (and where Sonic Rave can be spammed without locking onto it so that the form duration doesn't decrease when not hitting any targets), [[Ruin and Creation's Passage]], which contains many Nobodies and is adjacent to the [[Altar of Naught]], allowing Sora to quickly revert and refill his Drive Gauge, and the [[Battle of the 1000 Heartless]], where Sora can unleash an immense amount of Limits due to the huge quantity of Heartless quickly refilling his MP and Drive Gauges.
In this form, Sora's clothes change into the same colors and style of the clothes he wore in ''Kingdom Hearts'' and ''Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories''. This is the only Drive Form where Sora has no auras of lights surrounding him, although whenever he enters a new area, his torso glows red for a short time and a few specks of light fall off of him.

==Notes and references==
*'''[[Halloween Town]]:''' Sora's mask turns into a red, black and silver heart over his right eye.
*'''[[Christmas Town]]:''' A grayish silver crown appears on Sora's santa hat and on the back of his shirt.
*'''[[Space Paranoids]]:''' Sora's circuit lines turn silver above the waist, red below the waist, and yellow on his feet.
*'''[[Timeless River]]:''' Sora's health icon gains a purple tint.

*This Drive Form is the only one that allows Sora to use his [[Guard]] ability while he has to rely on his [[Reflect]] spell in his other forms (except for Valor and Anti) for defense.
* The finisher Ripple Drive greatly resembles the Stun Impact ability from the first ''Final Mix'' game and ''Chain of Memories'', however Sora's animation differs in both.
*Due to the fighting style and nature of the Limit Form, Sora becomes akin to that of a Red Mage as the class uses magic and swordsmanship effectively.
[[fr:Limit Form]]
[[es:Límite Forma]]
[[Category: Drive Forms]]
[[Category:Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix]]
[[Category:Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix]]

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