Page history
5 January 2007
→[[:Category:Artificial Heartless]]
4 January 2007
3 January 2007
1 January 2007
30 December 2006
→{{tname|maleficent2}}: formatting corrections
→Overategorization: not the same concept
→{{tname|maleficent2}}: avoid cluttering by merging all
→Stuff to delete
→Stuff to delete: opinions, subheaders
→Administrators: reply
→Administrators: not really the purpose of admins
→Administrators: my opinion
27 December 2006
22 December 2006
formatting - I'd rather not have this heading, but it fits with the revival heading
Huge thanks
12 December 2006
2 December 2006
1 December 2006
remover?? typo
→Images: - updated
less space
hee hee
→<nowiki>{{SITENAME}}</nowiki> change: - never mind
<nowiki>{{SITENAME}}</nowiki> change
30 November 2006
→Titles: - yeah, I think you're right
moving nowiki tag so the link to userpage shows up
→Titles: - smaller pictures, looks less like a part of the page, less confusing
fix link to special page