KHWiki:Magazine/Journalist Spot/Issue 3
Found something you want to do? Sign-up under the bullet point you wish to do. If you have any questions, feel free to ask the Editor in Chief or the Deputy in Chief! Remember to submit your final work to the wiki's email for review!
Ansem's ReportEdit
- A Kingdom Hearts news summary. Note that this needs to be done towards the end of the quarter so that we can cover recent information.
Unlocking the KeyholeEdit
- A news summary of the happenings at the Keyhole. Note that this is best done towards the end of the quarter so that we can cover recent information. Sections include: Jiminy's Journal (Keyhole news), Log Updates (deletion, move and other), New Users (short blurbs about our newest editors) and Tea Party updates.
The Door to LightEdit
- A news summary of the KHWiki. Note that this needs to be done towards the end of the quarter so that we can cover recent information. Sections include: Trinity Archives (KHWiki news), New Users (short blurbs about our newest editors) and Roundtable updates.
The ColiseumEdit
- A debate battle on a certain topic between two users with conflicting opinions. This section requires two contributors who are able to work together off wiki.
The Keyblade MasterEdit
- A complete article on any topic. This can include theories, analysis, speculation etc. Multiple authors are allowed to collaborate for this page.
Dive to the HeartEdit
- A comprehensive game tutorial
- How to get the three Pilot trophies (KH1.5) RoadToDawn Sent!
- An understandable wiki tutorial.
Round RoomEdit
- A maximum crew of four people willing to take part in recording the podcast and an agenda of things to talk about on the podcast. NOTE: Be sure to read Forum:Podcast Sign-Ups, the forum related to the podcast, and be sure to abide by the rules and guidelines related to it.
- Additional Note: The next podcast will feature the usual crew with Erry, UC, Chain, and Neumannz, the guest will partake in episode five.
Byzantinefire (talk) 17:08, 4 October 2014 (UTC)- RoadToDawn
- add some variety, eh? ColdAsFire
Mark of Mastery ExamEdit
- A review on any subject.
- An interview between an interviewer and another editor. This section requires two contributors who are able to work together off wiki. NOTE: Signing up below is for being the interviewer. Whoever signs up can choose which editor they want to interview.
- Byzantinefire (talk) 17:08, 4 October 2014 (UTC)
- TheFifteenthMember 21:16, 4 October 2014 (UTC) (I'll conduct an interview with someone, so CoF: between me and Byz, pick the more interesting interview and keep the other one for next time.)
Naminé's SketchbookEdit
- A couple pieces of fanart.
The GridEdit
- Riddles. Five riddles are required in total. Feel free to sign up even if you don't have all five riddles.
- A lineart image.
- Blazing Dragon of Light 15:08, 14 October 2014 (UTC)
- Sent Blazing Dragon of Light 20:20, 1 January 2015 (UTC)
- Blazing Dragon of Light 15:08, 14 October 2014 (UTC)
- A puzzle. Both the "answered" copy and the "displayed" copy of the puzzle must be submitted.
- TheFifteenthMember 21:16, 4 October 2014 (UTC) I'll do a word search this time, but I'll need someone's help to make the graphic.
- I might be able to help with the graphic, leave me a message in either wiki and we can discuss about it Blazing Dragon of Light 17:42, 14 October 2014 (UTC)
- TheFifteenthMember 21:16, 4 October 2014 (UTC) I'll do a word search this time, but I'll need someone's help to make the graphic.
Flick RushEdit
- Answers for the mailbox. Up to three different questions can be answered for this section.
- Tasks for KHWiki. Five tasks are required in total.
- Tasks for the games. Five tasks are required in total.
- Tasks for the Keyhole. Five tasks are required in total.
- Poll results. Required is a graph illustrating the results of the poll and a write up explaining the results. Note that this needs to be done towards the end of the quarter so that we can cover recent information.
To DoEdit
- Quick
- Two mailbag questions
Have questions or do you require the help of the community? Below, you can ask for advice or help from other editors on writing up or creating your section to the magazine! Or you can help other editors with their ideas! Submit your ideas, drafts, and other work below for other editors to review and give advice on!
Flick RushEdit
How do people feel about answering the mailbox in video format? (If you'd want to do it in video format, you would have to edit your own videos.) Chainoffire 05:52, 8 October 2014 (UTC)
- It would be cool, but is there anyone who has the video-editing and audio-recording capabilities? TheFifteenthMember 20:32, 9 October 2014 (UTC)
Yeah, I like the idea too, but I'd worry about the quality of the videos we'd be getting. What would we do if someone submitted a video with poor audio or video quality?
04:19, 11 October 2014 (UTC)
- We could have the editor-in-chief(s) determine if the video is of good enough quality. A quick google search and it gives me a list with some suggestions for free video editing software with download links. I think that this should have a sooner due date so that in case something fails or if it's not quality enough they could edit the video/answer in text. Chainoffire 05:35, 15 October 2014 (UTC)
Submitting WorkEdit
Ok, first off, congratulations to everyone involved! We've published the second issue of the wiki's magazine! A huge thanks to FinalRest and Chainoffire for their incredible work in this last week, spending late nights to compile the whole thing for us. There are some things I'd like to point out for the next issue, and following issues, that I've learned in the last couple weeks. I would hope we'd implement them for this and upcoming issues, to make the process smoother as we continue this wonderful project.
- Coding: I don't know if anyone else does this, but I submit my written pieces with the appropriate parameters for my pieces included. In addition, I add the links and font colors to make sure it still looks good. I think we should all do this; it helps Chain and FR a lot if they don't have to go and search which parameters our text goes under. In addition, however, and it's something I meant to do and then didn't, we should submit our pieces with the appropriate parameters and links so they can copy and paste our content to both wikis. What I mean is, when I submit it, I only submit a copy with links to KHWiki pages and KHWiki files. We should submit two copies of our work, one that functions in the Kingdom Hearts Wiki, and one that functions on The Keyhole.
- Timing: Let's be honest, we literally waited till the last two weeks to get serious about Issue #2. Let's not do that. I don't mean we should be stressed about it right now, but let's not wait till December 18 to start, either. Perhaps we should begin the serious work starting November 1 or something. I think two months is good and smooth. In addition, while some pages, like Ansem's Report, the Door to Light, and Unlocking the Keyhole, have to wait 'till almost the submission date to cover everything, that those pages can't be worked on as the weeks go by. That way, by the time it's submission time, those pages are already mostly done, and little has to be adjusted to be current.
- Due date: We had this for Issue #1, and we ought to implement it again for Chain, FR, and FM's sake. It should be about a week before the magazine's publishing date. Because this issue's release date is January 1, the due date would be December 25. So, I think it'd be better if for the January issue, we have a due date of December 18 and publishing date of either December 29, or sometime after January 1, for holiday purposes.
I think that's it, for now. Again, guys, this issue is just great, and I hope this changes are for the benefit of our work. KeybladeSpyMaster 18:08, 4 October 2014 (UTC)
Thanks for the write up KSM, I have some additions of my own:
Coding: Articles need to be submitted with every variable for your section filled out in the correct format. For example, if you're writing a riddle, don't just send in the riddle, put the code for the magazine, which, using issue 1's riddles as an example, should look something like this:
|gridriddle1=You first heard me in a trailer<br>Though I was later removed- sent to the abyss<br> Now I am hidden- a part of a layer<br>Don't submit or dismiss, for I still exist<br> Listen closely and you shall hear of the unknown's fate |gridriddle1answer=Fate of the Unknown |gridriddle1author=Xion4ever
You need to include all types of formatting, from bolding to paragraphs to where you want your images to go. And if you don't know what images to use, you can always leaves notes on your submitted work like "Can you add in a picture of so-and-so at the beginning of the article for me, please?" Look at past issues and look at all the information that was needed for past sections, then make sure you include all of that information with your own submission. Also, like KSM said, make sure your coding works on both wikis. This is especially important when including images or templates.
Linking: We need to link more, guys! Link articles as much as possible, to encourage readers to look at other wiki pages. Like on articles, don't double link in your section. Thanks to Neumannz we have these totally awesome linking templates that make it so we don't have to change the links for each wiki. Format links to Keyhole pages as such:
To link to KHWiki pages, just replace the Keyhole in the above example with KHWiki. You can also leave out the font color section if you want the link to be the default color. Doing this saves us SO MUCH TIME in assembling the mag for publishing.
Inter-wiki promotion: Please write your sections to include both wikis unless your section exclusively pertains to one wiki. Allude to both wikis as much as possible, please.
On another note, I'm fine with implementing a due date. All we'd need to do is change the countdown on both journalist spots. This concludes my wonderful story!
14:28, 9 October 2014 (UTC)
I agree with everything thus mentioned and I also have an idea to help reduce compiling times. Rather than having CoF and FR frantically having to put all of the magazine together in one night, we could make a public google docs word file and we can pass the link between everyone wishing to take part in compiling (those people will need the email password). On the file, we'll write up the coding for the magazine, but the bonus is it can be saved and stored. Thus, we can add to the magazine bit by bit as people submit their work, hopefully preventing a big heap to do at the end. Another positive is the file can be accessed at any time, meaning people living in opposite time zones can still get a chance to help out whenever it suits their timetable. Thoughts? TheFifteenthMember 20:32, 9 October 2014 (UTC)
- So should we add these rules to the instructions above? TheFifteenthMember 13:12, 19 October 2014 (UTC)
So, we're at December 15. When do we plan on requiring all work, and when do we plan on publishing the magazine? I'm pretty sure Chain and the others don't want to be up New Years Eve publishing, so when can we expect to have the magazine published, and when should all our work be due? KeybladeSpyMaster 06:04, 16 December 2014 (UTC)
Round RoomEdit
It looks like uploading an audio version of the podcasts is a bit of a problem at the moment, so Chain and I were wondering if we should just upload video versions of the podcast. Since we're working with a new template, we can remove the audio section of the round room page without ruining anything. This concludes my wonderful story!
14:37, 9 October 2014 (UTC)
- Sure. The audio is slightly redundant when you have YouTube anyway. TheFifteenthMember 20:32, 9 October 2014 (UTC)
So, we didn't get much leeway with the task section of the last issue (get working on them, guys1 :P), so Chain and I were entertaining the idea of removing the answers of the puzzle and getting people to submit their answers and if they get it right they can get a medal. On a similar note we can also do the same for the riddles and Banish the Beast. It's just the Winner's box hasn't had a chance to debut yet, so maybe we need another reason to debut that box (or scrap it, maybe)? Also, for the game tasks, can people submit having done the task if they've done it in the past or does it have to be done all over again after the issue is out?
14:37, 9 October 2014 (UTC)
- I'm reluctant to do medals with the riddles and puzzles because one person can find out the answer and tell everyone else, spoiling the game. It'd be hard to keep schtum for an entire three months when you just want to discuss the answers with everyone </bias point based on himself>. Although yes, the medals aren't going very well. Perhaps we should choose easier tasks to try to encourage people to participate? We could also give medals out for other contributors too, such as people who submit coloured lineart.
- In terms of tasks, here's a view I have. We should alter the focus of tasks so that they're more about participation than accomplishment. Using that idea, we could give the medals out to people who attempt a task and describe the experience to us. For example, if the task was "Defeat Data-Roxas with 1 HP", someone can submit and say "I gave the task a shot but I never managed to get past his third HP bar. It was difficult dodging his attacks and by the time he brought out Magic Hour, I became toast". Then, it doesn't matter whether they completed the task before the issue or after its release. The idea is more interesting to me than merely knowing if someone's achieved a task or not. Maybe I'm just waffling though. Thoughts? TheFifteenthMember 20:32, 9 October 2014 (UTC)
With the new lineart, we are encouraging people to submit their colored versions for showcasing. Now, where should we showcase them? I was thinking of saving them for the sketchbook, but Chain had the idea of posting finished works in the Winners section of Flick Rush. Thoughts? Other ideas? This concludes my wonderful story!
14:37, 9 October 2014 (UTC)
- I think we should post the coloured versions in the sketchbook page to flesh it out, but also award medals to the users that contributed and display their names in the Winner section. TheFifteenthMember 20:32, 9 October 2014 (UTC)
Hey guys look who made it here! Anyway, I think that we should showcase the colored versions in the sketchbook so that others have the chance to see them there as well as to motivate people to think that the sketchbook doesn't always mean something drawn from scratch. In the due case we don't have enough images to put in then we could go in and fill it with some fan made images. Draaek (talk) 00:13, 13 October 2014 (UTC)
Guys last time I was given an image to do the lineart of, will we repeat this or should I go find one and work on it? Blazing Dragon of Light 21:23, 16 November 2014 (UTC)
Light CycleEdit
My original plan was to try to do a new type of puzzle each issue to keep things fresh but I can only think of a couple more ideas: wordsearch and mazes are the only two puzzles we haven't done so far. However, the "Spot the Difference" was the best puzzle so far (to make and to do) and I don't think word searches, crosswords, and mazes beat the Spot the Difference. Should we stick to making Spot the Difference puzzles for now, or should we continue to alternate and do different types of puzzles? TheFifteenthMember 20:32, 9 October 2014 (UTC)
- How about a sudoku, but with symbols like these: replacing the numbers? TheSilentHero 06:18, 10 October 2014 (UTC)
- That sounds like it'd be annoying. Normal sudoku is bad enough. Replacing the numbers with icons makes it more fiddly. TheFifteenthMember 15:38, 10 October 2014 (UTC)
Round RoomEdit
Since there's no place to host the audio, I'm thinking we should ditch the audio portion and just stick with the video, since it's pretty much just audio anyways. Any objections? Chainoffire 06:40, 16 October 2014 (UTC)
Banish the BeastEdit
I was thinking about trying something a little different this issue, maybe by pixelating an image or blurring it or something like that. Thoughts? Should I just stick to the silhouette idea we've been using?
09:54, 16 October 2014 (UTC)
Can we tweak the template to allow users to have their sigs rather than plain text for the "author" parameters? TheFifteenthMember 00:04, 16 November 2014 (UTC)
- I don't know. I'm sure that could be possible, if everyone's signatures were in the relatively same place, but it isn't so (Yours is in User:TheFifteenthMember/Sig1, mine is in Template:KeybladeSpyMaster/Sig, others are in other places). The people putting it together would have to search for the individual sigs. Unless we want to require the location with the submission. KeybladeSpyMaster 05:48, 16 December 2014 (UTC)
Wouldn't it be more Kingdom Hearts-like if you used Roman numerals for the page numbers? TheSilentHero 07:58, 16 December 2014 (UTC)
So I figured out the issue with the images on the previous versions of the magazine. At some point between October 5, 2014 (the publication date of the last magazine issue) and today (December 22, 2014, for the record), Wikia changed the location of all images. Compare with this revision - The question now is, do we go back and fix all the images on the previous issues. This really only applies to the version of the magazine on the Kingdom Hearts Wiki, as The Keyhole should be unaffected. KeybladeSpyMaster 05:38, 23 December 2014 (UTC)
- If fixing them just means updating the links, then sure. TheFifteenthMember 17:52, 23 December 2014 (UTC)
Page FourteenEdit
Can I have the assistance of a wonderful image wizard? For the special page fourteen, I need titles for "End of Year 2014", "User Trivia" and "Design-a-World". I have no idea what design/colours they should be. I haven't even coded the template for pg 14 yet because I'm not sure what scheme to follow. My only thought is purple/gold and that's completely arbitrary. TheFifteenthMember 17:52, 23 December 2014 (UTC)