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Forum:Wiki Newsletter

From the Kingdom Hearts Wiki, the Kingdom Hearts encyclopedia
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Logo for The Realm of Sleep Forum Archives. I decided to go KH3D and go for a slight magenta/pink accent.
Forums: Index > The Realm of Sleep > Wiki Newsletter

Coldasfire - Eternal Flames KHII.pngHey, I feel like we're friends already.Eternal Flames KHII.png
TALK - Chaos Crystal KHBBS.pngGet it memorized already.22:08, 2 March 2013 (UTC)Chaos Crystal KHBBS.png
Here's the link to the original forum: [1]

Read This First![edit]

Here are some things you should know before you delve deeper into this forum.

  • Anons are not permitted to participate in this forum.
  • Keep discussions civil please!

Voting for user suggestions or putting forward ideas[edit]

  • To vote, simply place #~~~~ under the section that you support.
  • When suggesting name ideas for articles etc, you can submit as many ideas as you wish.
  • If you have an idea, place it in bold in the voting section, next to a bullet point and then sign your name (*TITLE IDEA ~~~~).
  • Everyone can vote ONCE for the idea that they like the best by signing underneath the title they support. If you have suggested an idea, you are still able to vote for one other title, whether it be your own or someone elses. You can also change your vote as many times as you want.


  • To volunteer, simply place *~~~~ under the section that you wish to volunteer for.
  • To volunteer for any project, you must have been a registered user on this site for at least 100 days.
  • Some volunteer jobs have other requirements put in place to ensure that the pages will be executed with the right amount of skill. If you believe that you are perfect for a certain job, but you do not meet the requirements, please contact either LA or FR.
  • Volunteering in general is an important job. Please do not sign up if you do not think that you will be able to follow through with your commitment.
  • There can be more than one volunteer for a section. If a section receives multiple volunteers, they will either have to decide among themselves how they want to work together, or LA and FR will split the section into small parts and delegate jobs that way. It is because of this that you should not be put off volunteering for a job you think you might be good at just because someone else has already signed up to it.
  • All volunteers will be working under the guidance of Editors-in-chief, LA and FR. If you are slightly worried about your skills, don't fret too much, as they will work with you closely to ensure that you do a good job. Alternatively, if you are very confident in your skills, keep in mind that you may be asked to alter your work at times, so stubbornness will not be tolerated.
  • For some pages we have split the job of designing a section and creating the content. This is simply for any cases where someone might be good at writing, but bad at design/coding or vice versa. If you wish to handle the designing aspect of a section you have volunteered for, simply place your sig under both sections. We have also split each page into as many jobs as possible, so no one user has to take on more work than they want. However, if you think you can handle an entire page and all of its content, then don't hesitate to place your name under every volunteer section!
  • If you volunteer to help create a certain section, you are allowed to put your own personal spin on said section. You can write small introductions, create a persona to write the section for you and/or create the presentation of the text however you want.

Important Issues[edit]

How often should the Magazine be released?[edit]

Okay, before we move onto the content of the magazine, there are a few things to sort out first. The first issue is how often we want to release the magazine: every month, bi-monthly, or quarterly? There are pros and cons for each option, the primary ones being that a monthly magazine can be a bit more work, but a bi-monthly/quarterly magazine can make it harder to collect what has happened on the wiki in the past two or three months. Anyway, I'm opening up a voting section under this, so place your sig under whatever option you think we should go with. There's also a discussion section if you want to share any opinions...

Votes for a monthly magazine[edit]

Votes for a bimonthly magazine[edit]

Votes for a quarterly magazine[edit]

  1. I think it would be better to have four really good, detailed magazines then six okay ones. TheFifteenthMember 21:43, March 2, 2013 (UTC)
  1. What 15th said, it's too much effort on the wiki as it is. Erry 21:48, March 2, 2013 (UTC)
  1. You guys are sure that we'll do this thing right? Pea14733 ---- [光] 22:25, 2 March 2013 (UTC)


What should we call it?[edit]

And next is a pretty big question... What is the magazine going to be called? We want to avoid any names that are already being used on this wiki, which means that titles like Jiminy's Journal or The Trinity Archives are out because they're already being used for our wiki's news feeds. We're gonna leave this one up to user ideas, so if you have an idea for a name, place it in the voting section. Anyone else can vote ONCE for the idea that they like the best.

Ideas and Voting[edit]

Layout Editor[edit]

We need people to compile all the pieces together to make a nice looking newsletter. You'd have to be extremely adept in wiki coding and be committed to putting it together.

=Votes/Nominations for Layout Editor[edit]


Page 1: The Cover Page[edit]

Now we can move onto getting the magazine's content organized! The first page is pretty obvious: The Cover Page! This page will have a pretty simple layout. It'll be one simple image, featuring whatever the central topic of the issue is, with a few of the article's headlines and of course the magazine's title, date and issue number. What we need for this page is a volunteer who is up to the task of designing the cover for each month.

Cover Page Artist[edit]

What this job entails:

  • Choosing the feature image of the cover, based on the magazine's theme (eg. If the issue is Riku themed, you choose which image of Riku you want to use)
  • Coming up with "catchy" headlines to feature on the cover to display the inside contents of the issue.
  • Designing the layout of the cover.
  • Designing the title logo for the magazine.

Requirements: You must be able to use a good graphics program. We want the cover to be done digitally, so unfortunately hand drawn covers will not be permitted. You also must have a VERY good eye for design and what looks visually pleasing. The cover sets the feel for the entire issue, so we want it to look nice and clean and as professional as possible. If you are someone who likes to dabble in Photoshop just to see how many layers you can cram into one document, this is not for you. If you are someone who takes pride in their designs and sets high standards for their work, please volunteer!!!



Page 2: The Contents Page[edit]

A pretty self-explanatory page. This page features two sections, the first being an Editor's Letter and the second being the directory of the issue. The Editor's Letter will be a fun letter to the readers, summarizing the current issue and introducing some of its content. This section will be handled by LegendAqua and FinalRest. We are looking for a volunteer who can assemble the rest of this page.

Contents Page Designer[edit]

What this job entails:

  • Corresponding with all the other contributors to gather the names of their articles for you to place on the contents page.
  • Designing the layout for the page. You will decide the fonts, backgrounds and images used. You will also decide how you want everything on the page to look, including where you want the editor's letter to be.

Requirements: Ideally we are looking for someone who is good with a graphics editor, as that could make the page look really great. However, if you believe that you could create this page using wiki coding alone, then that is fine as well.



Page 3: Keyhole Report[edit]

This is the page that will update everyone on the general goings on of the Keyhole. We have a few sections for this page, so sign up for whatever you think you can handle, or even signing up to handle just one section is fine. We are also looking for any ideas for what this page should be called, so place any ideas you have in the correct section, or vote for which one you like best. The sections on this page include:

  • A section outlining some of the current events with our user made arenas.
  • New user section, where some of our newbies are welcomed to the site by giving a bit of information about themselves.
  • A section listing the important log changes on our wiki lately. Updating things like moved pages, deleted pages and protection changes.

Name Ideas[edit]

Keyhole Report Designer[edit]

What this job entails:

  • Collecting all the sections of this page and deciding how to set them out on the page.
  • Designing the title banner of the page.
  • Corresponding with the other editors of this page to ensure that you gather their work and present it in a way that is satisfying for them.

Requirements: This page will be made from wiki coding, so you must be adept in wiki mark up in order to do this job.



Arena Update Editor[edit]

What this job entails:

  • Corresponding with the owners of each currently active arena and helping them write a small blurb about the current happenings of their arenas (current fights, leader boards etc).

Requirements: You must be an avid supporter of the user arenas and be familiar not only with their format, but with their owners and quirks. A talent for writing is also wanted, so you can write this section in a fun and appealing way.



Arena Update Designer[edit]

What this job entails:

  • Collecting all the arena blurbs and presenting them in wiki format.
  • Corresponding with the other editors of this section to ensure that you gather their work and present it in a way that is satisfying for them.

Requirements: This page will be made from wiki coding, so you must be adept in wiki mark up in order to do this job.



New User Introductions Editor[edit]

What this job entails:

  • Contacting each member that has joined the Keyhole since the last issue and asking them two random questions. The questions can be wiki based, KH based, or something completely random. The idea is to give the new users a friendly welcome and showcase them to the rest of the community.

Requirements: You must be able to communicate with newbies in a welcoming manner. A talent for writing is also wanted, so you can write this section in a fun and appealing way.



New User Introductions Designer[edit]

What this job entails:

  • Collecting all the new user mini interviews and presenting them in wiki format.
  • Corresponding with the other editors of this section to ensure that you gather their work and present it in a way that is satisfying for them.

Requirements: This page will be made from wiki coding, so you must be adept in wiki mark up in order to do this job.



Logs Editor[edit]

What this job entails:

  • Patrolling all wiki logs and gathering any significant changes that you think other users should be aware of. You can also report log entries that you find interesting, or you think might teach newer users about wiki policies.

Requirements: You must have a mainspace edit of at least 100. You must be familiar with wiki policy, so you are able to make judgement on what is an interesting/relevant log and what is just the everyday goings on of the Keyhole. A talent for writing is also wanted, so you can write this section in an informative way.



Logs Designer[edit]

What this job entails:

  • Collecting all the log information and presenting them in wiki format.
  • Corresponding with the other editors of this section to ensure that you gather their work and present it in a way that is satisfying for them.

Requirements: This page will be made from wiki coding, so you must be adept in wiki mark up in order to do this job.



Page 4: .net Report[edit]

Just like the Keyhole Report page, this page will be dedicated to updating readers on the goings on of Now, LA and I have decided not to plan this page, as we want to leave the design of this page's content up to the users of .net. So if you are an editor at .net and you have an idea for what sections you think should be featured on this page, nominate it under the Content Ideas section. If you like one of the ideas, please vote for it. Once all the sections have been decided, available volunteer spaces will be posted. We are also looking for a name for this page, so if you have an idea for what this page should be called, nominate it in the appropriate section and don't forget to vote for the idea that you like the best!

Name Ideas[edit]


Content Ideas[edit]


Page 5: Special Editor Article[edit]

The creation of this page will be given every issue to a special editor and they will be allowed to create an entire article about anything pertaining to the wiki or Kingdom Hearts.

Special Editor Article Designer[edit]

What this job entails:

  • Supervising the current editor of the page with their design. Your level of work will change depending on the editor's design skills. The chosen editor will do as much design work as possible and you will do whatever they are unable to do themselves.

Requirements: This page will be made from wiki coding, so you must be adept in wiki mark up in order to do this job.



Page 6: Tutorial[edit]

This page will be dedicated to giving the readers a tutorial on a subject that will be chosen by poll each issue. We are also looking for a name for this page, so be sure to nominate any ideas you might have, as well as vote for the one that you like best!

Name Ideas[edit]

Tutorial Designer[edit]

What this job entails:

  • Collecting the content of this page and deciding how to set it out on the page.
  • Designing the title banner of the page.
  • Corresponding with the other editors of this page to ensure that you gather their work and present it in a way that is satisfying for them.

Requirements: This page will be made from wiki coding, so you must be adept in wiki mark up in order to do this job.



Tutorial Editor[edit]

What this job entails:

  • Writing a detailed, interesting tutorial about the topic of the issue. You could be giving tutorials on anything from Talk Bubbles to Proper Categorizing.

Requirements: You must have a wide knowledge of wiki coding, article layout and wiki policy. A talent for writing is also wanted, so you can write this section in a fun and appealing way. Another requirement is patience and the willingness to help anyone that is struggling with something you might address in your tutorials. You must have been a wiki editor for at least four months, with a mainspace edit of at least 100. Finally, you must own a talk bubble template, a userbox, a signature, a navi and an archive box.



Page 7: Feature Article[edit]

The creation of this page will be given every issue to a chosen volunteer and they will write an extensive article on something pertaining to the theme of the issue.

Special Editor Article Designer[edit]

What this job entails:

  • Supervising the current editor of the page with their design. Your level of work will change depending on the editor's design skills. The chosen editor will do as much design work as possible and you will do whatever they are unable to do themselves.

Requirements: This page will be made from wiki coding, so you must be adept in wiki mark up in order to do this job.



Page 8: Staff Roundtable[edit]

This page will feature a selection of opinions about something to do with the theme of the issue. A forum will be opened asking one question about the topic of the issue and all staff will be invited to voice their answer to the question, as well as discuss the opinions of their fellow staffers. We want to get an idea of whether we'll have enough staff participation for this page, so if you are a staff member of the Keyhole or .net and you believe you will be able to participate in this discussion, please sign your name in the appropriate section below. We are also looking for a name for this page, so be sure to nominate any ideas you might have, as well as vote for the one that you like best!

Name Ideas[edit]

Staff Sign Up[edit]


Page 9: What's New in the KH Realm[edit]

LA and I have intentionally left this page open, so users of both wikis can decide what they'd like to see in the magazine. Do you want a page dedicated to weapons? Or maybe a magazine exclusive fan fiction? If you have an idea, nominate it in the section below and users get voting for whatever ideas you like. For this section you can vote as many times as you want. There is no "winning" idea for this section, as the ideas with a lot of support will be complied and we'll see if they're all able to fit on a page together. Anyway, after we have a definitive plan for this page we'll open up spaces for volunteers.

Content Ideas[edit]


Page 10: Featured Content[edit]

This is the page that will showcase the featured content of both wikis, with a bit of extra information about their nomination and votes. We'll feature the Featured Media, Featured Articles, Featured Users etc. This page will be compiled by LegendAqua and FinalRest, so we are looking for a page designer and, of course, a name for this article.

Name Ideas[edit]

Featured Content Designer[edit]

What this job entails:

  • Collecting all the sections of this page and deciding how to set them out on the page.
  • Designing the title banner of the page.
  • Corresponding with the other editors of this page to ensure that you gather their work and present it in a way that is satisfying for them.

Requirements: This page will be made from wiki coding, so you must be adept in wiki mark up in order to do this job.



Page 11: Community Page[edit]

This is that page that is made by users, for users. All sections on this page will be written by editors that will be chosen each issue by LA and FR. The sections on this page are:

  • A user interview with a special member of our community.
  • A detailed top 5 list about something to do with KH universe.
  • A user review on something from the KH universe. It could be a review on a character, a gameplay feature, music, or anything of the other elements that make up the KH series.

Name Ideas[edit]

  • Dark Corridors or Lanes Between, or something like that. Betwixt an Between maybe.

Community Page Designer[edit]

What this job entails:

  • Collecting all the sections of this page and deciding how to set them out on the page.
  • Designing the title banner of the page.
  • Corresponding with the other editors of this page to ensure that you gather their work and present it in a way that is satisfying for them.

Requirements: This page will be made from wiki coding, so you must be adept in wiki mark up in order to do this job.



Page 12: Fun Page[edit]

This page is for a little bit of fun for the readers. Once again we're looking for names, so get creative and nominate and/or vote! The sections on this page include:

  • A random puzzle to test KH knowledge or just get you thinking.
  • A KH characters skit written by LegendAqua and FinalRest, with guest appearances from other users.
  • A one shot voting arena that pits two aspects of Kingdom Hearts against each other.

Name Ideas[edit]

Fun Page Designer[edit]

What this job entails:

  • Collecting all the sections of this page and deciding how to set them out on the page.
  • Designing the title banner of the page.
  • Corresponding with the other editors of this page to ensure that you gather their work and present it in a way that is satisfying for them.

Requirements: This page will be made from wiki coding, so you must be adept in wiki mark up in order to do this job.



Puzzle Editor[edit]

What this job entails:

  • Creating a different entertaining puzzle for each issue. The format of the puzzle is decided by you and can be anything from a Crossword, to a colouring page, to something of your own design.
  • Designing your section's layout.

Requirements: First, you must have a mainspace edit count of at least 50. You must also own a talk bubble template, just so we are able to tell that you have some creative ability. ^^ You must be able to present a challenging and creative puzzle that will both interest and entertain readers. If you intend to create image based puzzles (Eg. Crosswords, wordfinds, mazes etc) you must be able to create them digitally, so we can ensure that their layout is of a good standard (i.e. no poorly handrawn, messy or crooked work.). All your work must also be original.



Arena Editor[edit]

What this job entails:

  • Deciding the battles for each issue
  • Writing battle descriptions
  • Choosing appropriate images to represent the two "fighters".
  • Monitoring the arena to ensure that no incorrect votes are placed, nor any offence comments are made.

Requirements: First, you must have a mainspace edit count of at least 100. Experience in Arena editing would also be preferred, but is not a necessity. You must be able to choose intriguing and tough battles with unexpected participants. A talent for writing is also wanted, so you can write the battle blurbs in an entertaining way.



Arena Designer[edit]

What this job entails:

  • Collecting all the arena information and presenting them in wiki format.
  • Corresponding with the other editors of this section to ensure that you gather their work and present it in a way that is satisfying for them.
  • Designing the template for all magazine battles.

Requirements: This page will be made from wiki coding, so you must be adept in wiki mark up in order to do this job.



Page 13: Interactive Page[edit]

This page is for our readers to get involved with both the magazine and both wikis. Once again we're looking for names, so get creative and nominate and/or vote! The sections on this page include:

  • LegendAqua and FinalRest's mailbag. Readers submit questions and they are answered by the Editors in chief of the magazine in a (hopefully) entertaining skit.
  • A User To Do List. This will feature a list of tasks that we challenge our users to complete. The list will feature three tasks related to the Keyhole, three tasks for .net and three more tasks for the Kingdom Hearts games.
  • User submissions section where users can submit anything they are proud of to the magazine, such as a drawing, a piece of fan fiction or whatever else they feel like showing off. Each issue one of those submissions will be chosen and featured on the page, alongside a short blurb from/interview with the submitter.

Name Ideas[edit]

Interactive Page Designer[edit]

What this job entails:

  • Collecting all the sections of this page and deciding how to set them out on the page.
  • Designing the title banner of the page.
  • Corresponding with the other editors of this page to ensure that you gather their work and present it in a way that is satisfying for them.

Requirements: This page will be made from wiki coding, so you must be adept in wiki mark up in order to do this job.



To Do List Editor[edit]

What this job entails:

  • Deciding the nine tasks for each issue.

Requirements: First, you must have a mainspace edit count of at least 150 and you must have been a registered user for at least 4 months. You must be able to choose appropriate tasks for all sections, based on either the theme of the issue or current wiki events. A talent for writing is also wanted, so you can write this section in a fun and appealing way.



To Do List Designer[edit]

What this job entails:

  • Collecting all the to do list tasks and presenting them in wiki format.
  • Corresponding with the other editors of this section to ensure that you gather their work and present it in a way that is satisfying for them.

Requirements: This page will be made from wiki coding, so you must be adept in wiki mark up in order to do this job.



User Submissions Editor[edit]

What this job entails:

  • Contacting the owner of the chosen submission and gathering a bit of information on their work. You will then gather than information into a short, interesting blurb.

Requirements: First, you must have a mainspace edit count of at least 50 and you must have been a registered user for at least 4 months. You must own a userbox and an archive template. A talent for writing is also wanted, so you can write this section in a fun and appealing way.



User Submissions Designer[edit]

What this job entails:

  • Collecting all the sections of this page and deciding how to set them out on the page.
  • Corresponding with the other editors of this section to ensure that you gather their work and present it in a way that is satisfying for them.

Requirements: This page will be made from wiki coding, so you must be adept in wiki mark up in order to do this job.



Other Jobs[edit]

Grammar Police[edit]

What this job entails:

  • Reading over numerous pieces of the magazine and ensuring all work is grammatically perfect.

Requirements: A wide knowledge of the English language!



Design Supervisor[edit]

What this job entails:

  • Supervising the various section designers with their work and ensure that the magazine looks as presentable as possible.

Requirements: A talent for graphic design and/or an eye for what looks visually pleasing and what doesn't. You must also have a good knowledge of wiki coding.



Template Creator[edit]

What this job entails:

  • Helping design the templates that will be needed to create the overall layout of the magazine.

Requirements: A good handle on wiki coding.



Questions, Comments?[edit]