Votes for Kairi[edit]
- This one was a toughy, but in the end the KH original beats the FF knock-off who isn't even true to the original--ShadowsTwilight
00:27, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
- There's something about Kairi that makes me like her more. Erry
00:29, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
- Not sure why everyone doesn't like Kairi. She was very sweet and an interesting character-Disneyvillainman 01:27, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
- Kairi is awesome. End of story. The Three Friends Will Always Live On 02:39, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
- Because she doesn't talk to walls. --Be a good boy now! 02:47, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
- I desperately want Kairi and Riku to be in the finals of this round. --Never fear ... Superdog is here! Yipee! :D 04:10, December 2, 2010 (UTC)Superdog1123
- Tough decision, but Kairi wins, she is cute. User:PowerOfOblivion 09:51, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
- Go hottie! Danjam 10:32, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
IceCreamRockz 11:54, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
- Ultima 12:15, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
- Keyblade wielding princess of light versus a guy with a gun sword..Keyblade wins every time! Vexilor 15:02, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
- Ximodnic 15:26, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
- Leon is kinda cool! But my vote goes to 'princess' Kairi and her pure heart.--Drace90 15:33, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
- Kairi because of that sweet look shes got and also because i gotta help her out "I am me and nobody else!!"- marXin 16:24, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
- Sorry, Dem, gotta stick with protagonists. ^_^ --LexaIIIV 16:26, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
- ONLY because they changed his VA between the two games. If that hadn't happened, I would love Lion for his EPIC MOMENT OF BACK-TO-BACK BISHIENESS WITH CLOUD IN THE BATTLE OF 1000 HEARTLESS!!!!!!! AAAAAAHH!!!!! User:ToyaLynk/Sig
- Meh. --
17:47, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
- It WOULD be a tough choice, but I'm still peeved at Leon for beating genie. that and Kairi's the first Princess of heart to use the Keyblade. Chaosmage1
Dan - Don't Blink! ♫ 18:31, December 3, 2010 (UTC)
- Kairi vs. Riku would be awesome and a good matchup. Number XIII - LightRoxas - The Key of Destiny 21:29, December 3, 2010 (UTC)
- Kairi's attractive, caring, and more central to the story. Questionman 06:11, December 4, 2010 (UTC)
- LevL 12:51, December 4, 2010 (UTC)
- WaywardOblivion
- Kairi + Sora. Even though I really dislike Sora, i have to admit, they're meant for each other.
Life is 90% mental. The other half is physical 
- For das sexy Hexed 01:25, December 5, 2010 (UTC)
- As much I like Squall, I don't like Leon. I prefer Kairi.User:Redeemer & Destroyer/Sig01:28, December 5, 2010 (UTC)
Votes for Leon[edit]
- HA are you serious? Leon, hands down :P
- Kairi doesn't deserve a Keyblade. Soxxeh 23:53, December 1, 2010 (UTC)
Chitalian8 00:00, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
- KefkaPVI 02:33, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
- When you need someone tall who can make Ultimecia bawl, who you gonna call? Squall. That is all. Now go talk to a wall. Where's Col? [watches Whose Line?]LapisLazuliScarab02:52, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
- Hallow Bastion has a problem. A BIG problem. That. *points to Kairi* And THAT. *points to Aerith* (Sorry coudln't resist the Aerith part) Naminé and Roxas Forever
- Cause he is Squall Leonheart. Nuff said.--Bananaphone1996 07:05, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
- SquallTheBlade 08:10, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
- eeeeewwwww! What's wrong with you people who voted for HER???? did'nt you all notice how much she made poor Sora save her during KHI? Plus Look at Leon, he looks way togher than she does!
Demyx IX 999 16:10, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
- Firearm + Giant blade = Ultimate man weaponLapidothtill
16:14, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
- Lets review: Squall has a gunblade, Kairi has some Aqua keyblade for some reason. Squall kicks ass, Kairi gets kidnap. Yeah thats explanes alot. UnknownChaser
- --Laurxafinal 16:44, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
Organization13 19:33, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
- Kairi vs. Leon, Give me a break Leon would Pwn her without breaking a sweat. RoxasXVenXIII
- Got tired of Kairi, so I'm voting for Squall. Wait, I just voted for a FFVIII character. Hang on, let me go check the astronomical clock to make sure the planets are in alignment or something. --DTN
23:54, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
- Only real men have a mix between a gun and a sword as their weapon. Namohcan 00:16, 3rd December 2010 (GMT)
- This time I'm not going for Kairi, the round needs to get more interesting. And I like Squall more, so he'll get a chance I hope. Sephiroth0812 00:29, December 3, 2010 (UTC)
- He's somewhat captivating as a character. She's not. She's just there. Princess Peach had a lot more development than she likely ever will have. When will Kairi stand on her own? Brettashley 04:05, December 3, 2010 (UTC)
- Because he's the MAN! Hyperwre_2.0 04:13, December 3, 2010 (UTC)
- Gotta go with Leon.Darkheart3 04:46, December 3, 2010 (UTC)
- Leon has a gun and a blade in the same the thing, Kairi on the other hand, has a sea shell star, that answer's easy,
Hangon - All you need is love! ♫ 18:03, December 4, 2010 (UTC)
- Leon. No contest. Why don't they call him Squall though? User:Hariken/Sig 12:07, December 4, 2010
- --Disney28 22:59, December 4, 2010 (UTC)
- Gunblade! SeanWheeler 23:05, December 4, 2010 (UTC)
- Never liked Kairi in KHI. KKD
01:43, December 5, 2010 (UTC)
Battle Observatory[edit]
Technically, Lapis, that's Leon. -- 17:48, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
- I refuse to call him that, and it's confirmed that his real name in KH is Squall Leonhart anyway.LapisLazuliScarab20:03, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
I wish that so many main protagonists didn't get so far in this, it makes it less interesting. Chitalian8 23:24, December 2, 2010 (UTC)
- @Chitalian8: Actually it gets interesting if only main protagonists are left...if one random/support or minor character would be up in the semi-finals or something against a protagonist it would be a cakewalk. Sephiroth0812 00:32, December 3, 2010 (UTC)
- However, if two random/support or minor characters were up against each other, that would be more interesting. Chitalian8 00:51, December 3, 2010 (UTC)
- Granted, that's also why I would want some villains beside Sephiroth to reach the next round...Sephiroth0812 01:16, December 3, 2010 (UTC)
- Well, technically speaking, Hades is going to be in the next round almost definately, several Org.XIII members are gonna get through, and Barbossa stands a decent chance of getting through too so Sephy's not the only villain getting through.-Disneyvillainman 02:38, December 3, 2010 (UTC)
SHOOT'N AND'A STABBIN, SHOOT'N AND'A STABBIN, OH I LIKE TO, OH I LIKE TO, SHOOT AND STAB... KAIRI! Hangon - All you need is love! ♫ 18:07, December 4, 2010 (UTC)
- Thank you, Hangon, for that very random quote from Kingdom Hearts Chronicles.
Life is 90% mental. The other half is physical 