Xabryn - I don't care if you're real!You're not better! TALK - It's nice to have darkness on my side.21:48, February 28, 2010 (UTC)
As we all know there are some thing that weren't explained in BBS like the similarities between Riku and Vanitasi asked the opinion of some users about it most of then said that it was because of the influence of Xehanort's Heartless but there is something that just doesn't fits in this theory, there are also a few users that thnk that it was because of the darkness in their hearts that theory makes more sense to me but what i hink is that Vanitas meets Riku in DI before he and Ventus meet and he or left some of his darkness in Riku's heart or h connected his heart with Riku's like Ventus did with Sora's Terra even said that he feel a strong light coming from Riku when he was little
Xabryn - That really all you got? TALK - Man, you are wothless{{{time}}}
It'll make two months that I created this Forum and still no one answer it, come on guys I was kinda hoping to discuss this
J.Severe - If light and darkness are eternal, Square Enix and Disney should be too. TALK - The only Final Mix I actually want is Kingdom Hearts 3D Final Mix! There NEEDS to be a Final Mix for a game on a Nintendo console!
I always Vanitas was more related to Sora than Riku...
Xabryn - That really all you got? TALK - Man, you are wothless{{{time}}}
He is but there gotta be some connection between Riku and Vanitas the similarities can't be just coincidence
Sleeping LionHeart - "We've been to a million weddings and you know what? We've rocked them all!" TALK - 00:05, April 24, 2010 (UTC) "I award you no cookies and may God have mercy on your soul."
Maybe it's because Terra/Xehanort seen Riku as his sidekick(pupil?), which was kind of like Master Xehanort to Terra. EDIT:So, it's like Riku's Dark Form is in memory of Vanitas, I think. I haven't seen the story of BBS, so I may be very wrong. Just my opinion.
It's nothing more than conscious fashioning from Xehanort himself, I say. Nomura, even though he can't keep his crap together, would have at least elaborated or hinted upon any guessed ties between the two Kaihedgie 00:39, April 24, 2010 (UTC)
Xabryn - Is it that I'm not supposed to exist? TALK - Please don't hold back, Axel. Promise{{{time}}}
Maybe but maybe there are hints we just can't see them but maybe you guys're right and I've just imagined things
I duno, I kinda like SLH's theory, it does make sense. I mean, after all, the Organization Coat came from Xemnas's memories as Master Xehanort's coat, so maybe Riku's Dark Mode as "Ansem's" henchman came from "Ansem's" memories as Master Xehanort with his aprentice Vanitas, which would make sense because "Ansem", The Seeker Of Darkness, came from Master Xehanort's heart, so that just reminded him a bit more of his forgoten past. If nothing else, that makes the most sense, I mean, remember, "Memory of Xehanort"? That part still could be important. AROS 19:51, April 23, 2010 (UTC)
Xabryn - Is it that I'm not supposed to exist? TALK - Please don't hold back, Axel. Promise{{{time}}}
I always thought that the dark mode was a power of Riku that heonl could use with a great darkness in his heart after all maleficent only unlock his true power she said it herself and Ansem only tempered Riku's darkness his words not mines