KrytenKoro - Most bears were content to live their lives, mauling and eating one, maybe two humans at most. "Mass-murder," as the bears always said, "is for the sharks." But not Barry. Barry was different. He knew that one day, he would kill ALL of the humans. This is the inspiring, tear-jerking story of one bear and the dream he dared to dream. TALK -
The re-released games should not have plot synopsis, unless it's a new scene, so that can go.
They should have an introduction, a section on announcement and development, and a section on major changes (gameplay and matrix system for Re:coded, for example). Next, a comprehensive list of all changes, organized by type, and finally, a screenshot gallery and a packaging gallery. Each re-released game is going to need this.
That's a general overview, and specific sections can be hashed out on those articles' talk pages.