Forum:Bbs not interesting
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No, I agree with the other guy, I think you've read too much because this game is way deeper than any other Kingdom Hearts game that's come out.Axel's Sentiment 22:17, July 4, 2010 (UTC)
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well if it's so deep what's marluxia's real name or larxene's or demyx's what was the end of the world before it fell into darkness who fought in the keyblade war
bbs just tells about xehanort
I'm about to tear the hell outta this XD
Marluxia and Larxene, as far as the entire KH universe is concerned, aren't important in the slightest. Deep storytelling isn't in correlation to their relevance of their existence. They aren't even part of the founding members of the Organization. Who fought in the Keyblade War is inconsequential to the characters in BBS. There's no one in the war worth mentioning.
Xehanort is the damn proprietor of everything wrong that has ever happened in the entire series, why wouldn't there be a game focused on him? XD Kaihedgie 01:03, July 5, 2010 (UTC)
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Besides, as Kaihedgie said, everything that happens in the Kingdom Hearts series thus far is Xehanort's fault. Frankly, we need to learn more about this person whose heartless is a darkness-loving psycho and whose nobody is not a psychotic, but still melodramatic, before we learn the names of all the Organization members. Because unless there's something in the game that requires the names of those members, they aren't important compared to Xehanort's past. Tamroc7 01:26, July 6, 2010 (UTC)
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My thought's the same as everyone else's, you were exited, you checked updates, you found out what you could, THEN you spoiled your self, you know what happens, and nothing surpizes you any more. That happened to me, too, as well as most of us, but that doesn't mean we're not interested in BbS anymore. Infact, we're even more pumped than ever for it, because we know why it's so awsome, and so we want to have the awsome experiense the Japanese had, maybe even better. I understand how you feel, I kept my self totaly in the dark for Days story-wise, but I just totaly caved when it came to Birth by Sleep. But us Americans might still get some surprises after all. Nomura said some of the scenes are edited, maybe even some new ones, plus there's also new abilities, keyblades, minigames, a new secret boss, and more! We might even get a new secret ending, what more could you want. We are practically getting a Birth by Sleep Final Mix, so even if you spoiled your self, I hardly think that you won't find Birth by Sleep to be interseting when you get it! Only 63 more days left, so hang in there! AROS 20:00, July 6, 2010 (UTC)