Donald Thunder
(ドナルドサンダー Donarudo Sandā?)
Call down a bombardment of lightning bolts on your target! MP Cost: 10
Attack Element Power Drive Value Deflect Finishing
Donald Thunder Magic Command Thunder x1.0 X X
Pride Lands Magic Command Thunder x1.25 X X
AP Cost 2 MP Cost 10

Donald Thunder is a technique that appears in Kingdom Hearts II and Kingdom Hearts III. It allows the user to cast Thunder magic, calling down a bombardment of lightning bolts that strike targets, dealing Thunder damage.


In Kingdom Hearts II, Donald Thunder is an action ability exclusive to Donald Duck. It costs 2 AP to equip and 10 MP to use.

In Kingdom Hearts III, Donald Thunder is an action ability exclusive to Donald Duck. It costs 3 AP to equip and 15 MP to use. When underwater, Donald Thunder fires a projectile that releases an electrical discharge when it makes contact with something. It applies the electrified status effect for 5 seconds.

Learning Donald ThunderEdit

Kingdom Hearts IIEdit

  • Donald has Donald Thunder as a default ability.

Kingdom Hearts IIIEdit

  • Donald has Donald Thunder as a default ability.

See alsoEdit