Kingdom Hearts Union χ

DEF Sap UR & Charge

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DEF Sap UR & Charge
Status Attack KHUX.gif
Attributes Target Gauge Cost Damage
Magic Upright All 0 7★: x6.67
7★: 1 turn: ↓ targets' U-DEF & R-DEF by 1. Fills 3 gauges.

DEF Sap UR & Charge is a technique that appears in Kingdom Hearts Union χ.


In Kingdom Hearts Union χ, DEF Sap UR & Charge is a special attack that targets all enmeies. It costs 0 special attack gauge to perform, and fills 3 special attack gauges.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
DEF Sap UR & Charge +5 6★ x1.31 x1.35 x1.39 x1.43 x1.47 x1.51 1
DEF Sap UR & Charge +6 7★ x6.67 1

Special attack Player Buff Target Debuff Duration
+5-6 +5-6
DEF Sap UR & Charge Upright-based defense -1
Reversed-based defense -1
1 turn

Learning DEF Sap UR & Charge[edit]

Kingdom Hearts Union χ[edit]

  • DEF Sap UR & Charge +5 is the special attack for medal 1475: Jessie.
  • DEF Sap UR & Charge +6 is the special attack for medal 1476: Jessie.

See also[edit]