Lesser Charge
(アビリティリカバリ Abiriti Rikabari?, lit. "Ability Recovery")
The Lesser Charge special attack animation.
Attributes Target Gauge Cost Damage
Speed Upright Single 0 7★: x9.53
7★: 1 turn: ↑ U-STR by 3. Fills 4 gauges.
Speed Reversed Single 0 7★: x9.53
7★: Fills 4 gauges.
Greater Charge
(アビリティリカバリホール Abiriti Rikabari Hōru?, lit. "Ability Recovery Whole")
Attributes Target Gauge Cost Damage
Power Upright All 0 7★: x6.67
7★: 1 turn: ↑ U-STR by 3. Fills 4 gauges.
Lesser Charge
(アビリティリカバリランダム Abiriti Rikabari Randamu?, lit. "Ability Recovery Random")
Attributes Target Gauge Cost Damage
Speed Upright Random 0 7★: x9.53
7★: Fills 4 gauges.

Lesser Charge and Greater Charge are a series of techniques introduced in Kingdom Hearts Union χ. They allow the user to restore special attack gauges.


In Kingdom Hearts Union χ, Lesser Charge is a special attack that targets a single enemy. It costs 0 special attack gauges to perform. It fills 4 special attack gauges.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Lesser Charge +4 5★ x1.43 x1.47 x1.51 x1.55 1
Lesser Charge +5 6★ x1.47 x1.51 x1.55 x1.59 x1.63 x1.67 1
Lesser Charge +6 7★ x9.53 1

Greater Charge is a special attack that targets all enemies. It costs 0 special attack gauges to perform. It fills 4 special attack gauges.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Greater Charge +5 6★ x1.31 x1.35 x1.39 x1.43 x1.47 x1.51 1
Greater Charge +6 7★ x6.67 1

A second version of Lesser Charge is a special attack that targets a random enemy. It costs 0 special attack gauges to perform. It fills 4 special attack gauges.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Lesser Charge +4 5★ x1.43 x1.47 x1.51 x1.55 1
Lesser Charge +5 6★ x1.47 x1.51 x1.55 x1.59 x1.63 x1.67 1
Lesser Charge +6 7★ x9.53 1

Learning ChargeEdit

Kingdom Hearts Union χEdit