English CardsEdit

A Darkness Awakened

ADA-32: Leon [R]
This card cannot be discarded unless it has participated in a battle or challenge.

I think you might've overdone it, Squall.
That's Leon.
Type Friend
Level 4
Support Value +8
Magic Value 3
ADA-111: Leon [SR]
This card cannot be discarded unless it has participated in a battle or challenge.

I think you might've overdone it, Squall.
That's Leon.
Type Friend
Level 4
Support Value +8
Magic Value 3

Break of Dawn

BoD-59: Leon [SR]
When this card participates in a challenge, you may choose a "Hollow Bastion" card from your discard pile and put it in your hand.
Type Friend
Level 4
Home World Hollow Bastion
Support Value +8
Magic Value 3

Japanese CardsEdit

Piece of Memory

PoM-26: Leon [SR]

Type Friend
Level 3
Home World Hollow Bastion
Support Value +6
Magic Value 3