KHWiki:Pages for deletion
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This is the page for listing articles, templates, categories, or other pages to discuss deletion. Voice your opinion on the deletion of these items by adding a bulleted comment and signing your name at the end of your comment with ~~~~. Once a discussion has concluded, an administrator will close the discussion. Discussions may be archived a week after being closed.
To add a new heading, click the "+" button at the top of the page or click here. You will be given a box to input a header or topic.
- To list an article, type [[article title]].
- To list a category type [[:Category:Name of category]]. Remember the colon in the beginning or it won't link correctly.
- To list a template, type {{tname|name of template}} to generate a link to the template.
For archived discussions, see /Archives.
It's a subject with nothing useful written there, and it is all covered under "Phil". Also, it's spelled wrong.
- Philoctetes is the correct spelling. Philocetes is not. This should be redirect. Blue。
Kingdom Hearts 3
Surely this is all speculation. Blue。 12:28, 18 December 2007 (UTC)